Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 39: Break everything and start over!

Chapter 39: Break everything and start over!
After seeing off master and apprentice Yuan Tiangang, Yun Tianqing returned to the seventh floor of Qimeng Pavilion and began to re-plan his future arrangements.

The words of the old Taoist Yuan Tiangang reminded Yun Tianqing that he still knew too little about the ancient world.And judging from the information currently available, although we don’t know what the specific destiny of heaven and earth is.

But at least one thing is certain, if it is known and accepted by all living beings, it may affect the increase of their luck.

If this is the case, the Journey to the West of the Tang Dynasty will be such a big deal, all the way from the Tang Dynasty in the East to the Leiyin Temple in the West, it will be difficult and difficult, and it will require documents from various countries.

The deep reason may not be determined yet, but at least the superficial reason can be determined, which is that through these things, sentient beings know Buddhism and recognize Buddhism, so as to get the luck they want.

And if I continue to publish novels, unless I no longer publish novels about Eastern fantasy and only publish Western fantasy or future science fiction novels, other Eastern novels, as long as they are published, will definitely be related to immortals, demons, or Buddhas. Wait until it has something to do with it.

Once the reader becomes involved, he or she will have a view of approval or disgust towards the sects or characters that appear in the novel.It's okay if the number of people is small, but once the number of people is large, it may cause the luck of each Tao or sect to increase or decrease.

When those powerful people find that the luck of their own orthodoxy or sect has declined, which affects the progress of their own cultivation, they will definitely come to their door.A Taoist priest who was only famous in unofficial history could calculate something. He didn't think that other great powers in mythology would not have this ability.

At that time, everyone may be shouting about the Demonic Way, and the Demonic Way monks who can appear in the Chang'an Imperial Capital will not be too advanced; what about the Immortal Way?What about Buddhism?This is not necessarily the case!
Even if you give up Eastern fantasy/Xianxia works and only make other types of works, such as Western fantasy and the like, this type of work has never appeared in prehistoric times. Once it appears, are you sure it will not arouse the interest of Da Nang?
Once the Almighty's interest is aroused, he returns to the problem just above. Once it arises, can he stop it?
So now the path before Yun Tianqing is obvious:

First, either abandon Xianxia and pursue other Western fantasy works, and then hope not to attract the attention of some powerful powerful people with malicious intentions, and see if you can survive until you have the ability to compete with powerful powerful people to protect yourself.

Secondly, not only should we not give up, but we must continue to make overall plans and continue to expand and develop, striving to earn enough original value and quickly become stronger before attracting the attention of some malicious powers.

Thinking of this, Yun Tianqing felt melancholy. The former might lead to a slower death, while the latter might lead to a faster death if not handled well.

Sure enough, the prehistoric world is not easy to mess around with. In a world like the prehistoric world with the reincarnation of cause and effect, and the calculation of heavenly secrets, it is impossible for people to quietly be the mastermind behind the scenes. If there is no thing or ability to hide the secrets of heaven, they may just be secreted by themselves. After thinking about a big conspiracy, he turned around and figured it out with his fingers.

For example, those people who use blackmail and other cold sticks take advantage of the great catastrophe of the world. At that time, the world will be in chaos and nothing can be figured out. That's why there are so many things about you cheating me and I cheating you.

Yun Tianqing sighed silently, life is so difficult.But thinking so much is nothing more than self-comfort and determination to keep going. Ever since I came to this primitive world, I have no choice.

"Uncle Meng, please come up here."

Soon, Uncle Meng came up to the seventh floor.

"Pavilion Master, what's the matter?" Meng Bo bowed his hands and said.

"Uncle Meng doesn't need to be so polite." Yun Tianqing was a little helpless. This was not the first time he had said this to Uncle Meng.

"The etiquette cannot be abolished!" Meng Bo still insisted.

Seeing this, Yun Tianqing said no more. With a wave of his hand, a bunch of reproductions of biographical novels suddenly appeared on the table.

"Uncle Meng, this is the update for the next three months. You should put it away first. I will be in seclusion for a period of time after today. The length of time is uncertain. If it is fast, it may take about seven days to come out. If it is slow, it may take about a month. In the meantime, I will ask Uncle Meng to send the subsequent updates to the shopkeepers of each bookshop. If, I mean, if I still don’t show up after three months, then Uncle Meng can use the money to make a living again."

"Yes, Pavilion Master." After Meng Bo accepted it, he looked at Yun Tianqing and hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter, Uncle Meng? If you have anything to say in front of me, you can say it directly." Yun Tianqing said with a faint smile.

"I wonder if there is a place where I can help the Pavilion Master in retreat, or do I need to contact Baigong Sect to arrange some defensive formations for the Pavilion Master or prepare some spiritual objects for cultivation in advance?"

"No need. Although this retreat is related to cultivation, it does not rely on external objects. You can only spend it by yourself."

Seeing this, Meng Bo didn't say much.

"Then I would like to wish the Pavilion Master a smooth retreat. During the Pavilion Master's retreat, I will take care of the daily affairs of the Curious Dream Pavilion and wait for the Pavilion Master's return."

"Well, thanks to Meng Boji's words, let's go down."

After arranging the rest of the matter, when he was the only one left on the seventh floor, Yun Tianqing looked around, then waved his hand and stepped into the half-real, half-false world that he had previously spent tens of millions of yuan to create.

This time Yun Tianqing wants to smash everything and start over again!
Now Yun Tianqing is a very strange existence. He is a human but not a human!

He is a human being because he instinctively spent his origin points based on his memory to manifest a physical body when he traveled to the prehistoric times and was not yet fully awake. His daily actions and five senses are no different from those of ordinary people.

He is inhuman because his body was completely shattered at the beginning of time travel. Only his self-awareness and the cultural communication system merged into one and were entangled with each other. It can be said that the cultural communication system is him, and he is the cultural communication system.

But there is a big problem with this, that is, although he can exercise the three core powers of the cultural communication system, he is also restricted by the cultural communication system.Rather than saying that he is the master of the cultural communication system, it is better to say that he is the spirit of the cultural communication system.

This is not good. If he wants to grow, he needs to constantly feed the cultural communication system with origin points, so that he can grow in a mutually beneficial way. For example, the same is true for the strength of Sun Wukong in "Westward Journey" that he obtained.

But now he wants to break the body, soul, and will into pieces bit by bit, and separate the soul in the body, the will in the soul, and the self in the will from the cultural communication system again.

In the end, use all of this as fuel and use your own will as the absolute core to give birth to a Yun Tianqing who truly has unlimited possibilities!

The system should become its own capabilities, not its own limitations!

If the system becomes my own limitation, then I will destroy the system!
In the past, Yun Tianqing might have considered other things, but now he was competing for time with the Great Power. If he failed to obtain the ability to protect himself before the Great Power became interested in him, he might not be able to do so in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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