Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 43 Heaven begins to hear about the Great Demon God

Chapter 43 Heaven begins to hear about the Great Demon God

This scene was quickly uploaded by the Chang'an County Magistrate to Li Shimin's desk in the Tai Chi Hall of the Imperial Palace. The Chang'an County Magistrate couldn't help but be nervous. The turbulent crowd was probably no less than tens of thousands. If something happened, Things, then he, the Chang'an County Magistrate, is almost done.

Li Shimin also had a headache when he read the description in the memorial. Although last night when he saw the sword god's persistent life, he was also moved by it, even shed tears, and even made Guanyin laugh for a while.

But he was not someone he could mess with at will behind Qimeng Pavilion.According to Master and Disciple Yuan Shoucheng and Li Chunfeng of Si Tianjian, there is at least one hidden Da Luo giant standing behind Qimeng Pavilion!

Finally, Li Shimin pondered slightly and said, "Let the Xuanjia Army assist the Chang'an County Magistrate in dispersing the crowd. Also, publicly announce that I am also curious about what the Sword God will do next."

Although I can't provoke him, I directly stated that I also like the follow-up of Curious Sword God, so this is okay.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Soon, the black armor army arrived.

"Your Majesty has issued an order not to gather people in front of Qimeng Pavilion."

Seeing the Xuanjia Army approaching, Uncle Meng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but then he heard the leading general saying:
"Pass, your Majesty has spoken. I am also curious about what the Sword God will do next."

Uncle Meng couldn't help but look even more bitter.

With the participation of the Xuanjia Army, everyone had to disperse.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, someone suddenly said: "You said, what if we pray to the Emperor of Heaven and ask him to reduce the punishment of the Sword God? Is that okay?"

"I think this is okay. Let's go and try it."

"Go together, go together."

The crowd that had not completely dispersed was followed by a series of echoes,

"Hey, this is a novel, it's all false."

Occasionally someone would remind me calmly, but I would soon be lost in the crowd.

I have to say that the power of the people is powerful.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, a nine-story small sacrificial platform was built outside Chang'an City in less than half an hour.There were some urgently purchased animals and other items placed on it.

Then everyone started praying loudly around the sacrificial platform:

"Praise God Haotian, and pray that you will forgive the Sword God's behavior.

Merciful Emperor of Heaven, please reduce the punishment of the Sword God.

Supreme Emperor of Heaven, please forgive the Sword God for his offense. "

As the saying goes, sincerity leads to success. There are more than tens of thousands of people gathered outside Chang'an City at this moment, and as they tell each other, the number of people is still increasing, and it is about to exceed one hundred thousand people.

The cigarette smoke is faint and humane prayers are made. The so-called people's heart is the heart of heaven. Although it is not completely accurate, the prayer that condenses the pious hearts of all people is enough for the voice to reach the nine heavens and into the heaven.

In the Lingxiao Hall of the Heavenly Court, standing above it is: "Haotian Golden Tower, Supreme Supreme Nature, Miracle, Miraculous, True Jade Emperor God", and above the phoenix seat on its right is: "Taihua West True Wanqi Grandmother Yuanjun".

Under it, the four great heavenly masters stand on the left and right, and the four great heavenly kings guard the four directions.

In the main hall, there are many righteous gods of various ministries, their power is like a prison, and their grace is like the sea.

This is the real heaven. Hundreds of years ago, when Monkey King made trouble in the heaven, all the gods disappeared, and even the Jade Emperor only left behind an incarnation.

In this way, Sun Wukong in the Golden Immortal Realm made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace like a child's play, but in the final analysis, it was just a deal between the two sages of the West behind the Jade Emperor Haotian and the Buddhist World Honored Tathagata.

As the people prayed, the Jade Emperor above the main hall opened his eyes slightly: "Where are the clairvoyant eyes and the gentle ears?"

"I'm here!" Following the Jade Emperor's call, Generals Qianli and Shunfeng stepped forward immediately.

"I heard the prayers of all people in the lower realms. Where is the difference?"

Immediately he looked at the lower world with clairvoyance and listened to the world, and then reported:

"Your Majesty, I am going down to the south to pray for all the people of Tang Dynasty and Chang'an in Buzhou."

"What are you praying for?" The Jade Emperor opened his eyes and looked down at the two generals.

The second general immediately bent down and said with a slight trembling: "All the people pray to your majesty to relieve the sword god from the tens of millions of years of light and dark punishment."

"Sword God?" The Jade Emperor was slightly confused, "Taibai Jinxing, among the gods in heaven, is there a sword god?"

Taibai Jinxing immediately came out: "Your Majesty, among the 360 ​​five righteous gods in heaven and the [-] secondary gods, there is no one sword god."

The Jade Emperor waved his hand, and the Haotian Mirror immediately appeared, reflecting Chang'an in the lower world. It was seen that all the people gathered together to pray. From the prayers, words such as "Sword God, Emperor of Heaven, and Lin Huang" could be heard.

"My lords, does anyone know who the Sword God is? Who is Lin Huang?"

Following the Jade Emperor's question, the gods below were whispering, but after a while, no immortal god recognized the person named the Sword God.

(End of this chapter)

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