Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 44 The emperor’s memorial reaches Lingxiao

Chapter 44 The emperor’s memorial reaches Lingxiao

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor stopped asking. With a flick of his finger, a brilliant stream of light sank into the Haotian Mirror in the void.

After the incense burning time passed, the Haotian Mirror was still flashing various scenes in a chaotic manner, but it did not reveal who the so-called Sword God and Lin Huang were.

"Hey", the Jade Emperor was slightly surprised.

The Haotian Mirror was given by the Taoist Ancestor and has the ability to monitor the three realms. Generally speaking, as long as you are not a saint or a top power like Zhen Yuanzi, almost nothing can be hidden from the detection of the Haotian Mirror.

So when he saw that the Haotian Mirror didn't respond for a long time, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but guess which top power was hiding the secret.

The journey to the west is approaching, and there are many people who want to play chess in it.

The Jade Emperor was thinking about whether to join forces with the Queen Mother to activate the Haotian Mirror to investigate carefully. If he and the Queen Mother join forces, they are the top powers to hide the secrets of the heavens, and they can also detect a little bit.

However, in this case, it is very likely to offend the powerful man to death. In addition, the journey to the west is just for the Jade Emperor to get what he needs, and what he needs has been obtained when he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace.

So if there is a chance, he would also like to see the joy of Buddhism.

While the Jade Emperor was thinking secretly, Fairy Haitang stood up at the back of the outer hall, almost in the last position.

Yes, the Twelve Flower Fairy has a formal establishment in Heaven, and even the Lingxiao Palace has its own position, although this position can be said to be at the back.Moreover, although the Lingxiao Palace is said to be a palace, it is actually a top-level Zhongqian World, divided into two halls: the inner hall and the inner hall. Standing in the inner hall of the Lingxiao Palace are the Five Righteous Gods of Heaven and other great powers, and standing in the outer hall of the Lingxiao Palace. There are 360 assistant gods such as Fairy Haitang.

While the Jade Emperor was thinking about it, Haitang below and his sisters had a flurry of spiritual consciousness transmissions, and they finally confirmed that the Lin Huang just mentioned by the Jade Emperor was probably the one he and his sisters were watching. Lin Huang in "The Greatest Demon God in History".

Therefore, although Fairy Haitang had a big head, she had to muster the courage to stand up.

"Your Majesty, I may know who Lin Huang is."

In an instant, the entire Lingxiao Palace's eyes were focused on Haitang. Even though it was just a hint of Qi leaked from the gods in heaven, the concentration made Haitang very uncomfortable.

When Peony and the other flower fairies saw this, they immediately stood beside Haitang. The twelve flower fairies' qi were connected and they were able to resist the oppressive qi.

The Jade Emperor waved his left hand lightly to eliminate all the breath, and then asked: "Oh, who is Lin Huang? Tell me." At the same time, when Fairy Haitang explained to the Jade Emperor who Lin Huang was, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin also already knew what the people outside Chang'an were doing.

At this moment, Li Shimin had a headache, really a headache, even though Li Shimin had sent people to disperse the people gathered outside Chang'an City.However, according to the reply from Qintian Supervisor Yuan Tiangang, the content of the previous prayers of all people is estimated to have reached the heaven.

"You bastard! If you have the ability, stay out of seclusion for the rest of your life!"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth secretly and cursed, then took out the memorial and started writing.

He quickly finished writing, stamped it with the Tang Jade Seal, and said in a deep voice:
"Li Shimin, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the lower world, is reporting to the Heavenly Court, Haotian Golden Tower, the Supreme and Supreme Natural God, Milo, the True Jade Emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant dragon of the Tang Dynasty appeared out of thin air behind Li Shimin. It looked up to the sky and roared. It swooped down and bit the memorial on the desk, and then it soared up to nine heavens!

Praying to a god by mistake, especially the Jade Emperor, who is the Lord of the Three Realms, is a big or small matter. If it goes wrong, even if the Jade Emperor will not take action against the Tang Dynasty for the sake of the three emperors and ancestors of the human race, it is still necessary. Let the national movement shake things up.

"Are you saying that Lin Huang is just a character in a biographical novel written by a mortal from the lower world?"

The Jade Emperor's words are full of doubts. Can a character in a biographical novel inspire people to pray sincerely?And it’s the kind of prayer you pray to yourself!

Just kidding!

Not to mention that the Jade Emperor didn't believe it, the other gods in the temple didn't believe it either.

At this moment, the great dragon of the Tang Dynasty was circling and flying outside the Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand, and the Dragon of National Destiny of the Tang Dynasty flew in outside the Lingxiao Palace as if it had received permission. When it came to the Jade Emperor, it automatically dissipated, leaving only the memorial written by Li Shimin floating in the air.

Soon the Jade Emperor understood the cause and effect, and his face was a little dumbfounded. It turned out to be exactly what Haitang said - Lin Huang was just a character written in a biography.I was a little interested in it. If what was said in the book was not as good as what it said, then even if the human race had the Three Emperors and Three Ancestors to rely on, then I would have to let the Tang Dynasty movement go wild.

After all, praying to God by mistake is not a big or small matter. If it is small, it is just a joke on my part. If it is big, Datang should know what it means to be the Supreme Being of the Three Realms and not to be insulted!
(End of this chapter)

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