Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 71 The Devil Boy of Nezha is born.

Chapter 71 The Devil Boy of Nezha is born.
And when Ao Bing used his strength again and lowered Nezha's head, he said:
"Stop struggling, you were born a magic pill, it's destiny!"

Young Nezha gritted his teeth, looked up to the sky and roared: "Fuck you!"

"I control my own life!!"

“Whether it’s a demon or a fairy, it’s up to me to decide!!!”

Boom, the back of young Nezha seemed to be like when it was still in the form of the Hunyuan Pearl. Four arms grew out of his back again, with six arms supporting the sky! ! !
With a roar, endless flames erupted from the young Nezha's body, turning into a huge blooming fire lotus and suddenly wrapping up the ten thousand-foot glacier hanging on Chentang Pass and Ao Bing!

The rain fell all over the sky and the clouds disappeared.

Ao Bing, who had the body of a real dragon, was trapped by Hun Tianling. The young man Nezha held a fire-tipped spear and pointed it at Ao Bing's dragon pupil, but he barely missed piercing it.

Looking at Nezha and saying, "You are my only friend," everyone felt sad and moved.

Just when everyone thought the story was coming to an end, Nezha, who had just saved Chentangguan from being destroyed, raised his hand and tied up Li Jing and his wife with a Hun Tianling, and even used the life-changing talisman in front of Li Jing. When he tore it up and burned it, he said stubbornly: "I will take my own life, and I will not harm others."

Li Jing even shouted in despair: "No, Zha'er, don't!"

The audience then remembered that Nezha's curse had not yet been lifted.And I saw Nezha crying and saying with tears: "Today is my birthday party, so don't cry!"

Everyone who had started to burst into tears burst into tears and couldn't stop it!

The three brothers of the Cheng family, the three brothers of the Fang family, Chang Sun Chong, Qin Huaiyu, Li Chengqian, Li Tai and other "manly men" could no longer bear it any longer and also joined the crying army.

Thunder struck, and Nezha was pulled into the sky by the calamity. When he suffered the thunder calamity, Ao Bing rushed forward and faced the calamity with Nezha!
However, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Curse exceeded everyone's expectations. Even the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, which was said to be extremely strong, was shattered under the Heavenly Tribulation!
Even if the magic pills and spiritual beads of Nezha and Ao Bing are combined, they can swallow spiritual energy and even heavenly tribulations, but they are still limited after all, and they still cannot stop the seemingly endless heavenly tribulations.

Looking at Nezha and Ao Bing struggling to support themselves under the catastrophe, Master Taiyi took out the Seven-Colored Lotus from his storage bag and murmured: "I didn't expect them to be able to survive to this level, and I didn't know they could even add me." Can you hold on?"

After saying that, he took the seven-color treasure lotus and rushed forward without any feedback in the face of the thunder and calamity in the sky!
Although they failed to save Nezha and Ao Bing's lives in the end, they at least saved their souls, preventing them from being destroyed by the calamity and leaving them with a glimmer of hope of rebirth.

The audience just started laughing again, watching the people of Chentangguan kneeling down one after another around Nezha in the pit at the end of the picture.All the viewers had mixed emotions. They wanted to say something, but they felt that saying anything at this moment was redundant.

"I had a light step
Step by step with firmness and ease
innocent and fearless cheeks

I wish I could hold the whole world in my arms

I imagine how to grow up ordinary and happy
More complicated than it sounds
Scattered around the world

Let go of those you love deeply


The gentle but firm and powerful ending song played slowly, and now everyone realized that they had spent an hour crying and laughing.What's embarrassing is that most of the audience, who had not followed Yun Tianqing's suggestion to buy tissues before, now have their collars soaked through, with runny noses and tears, making everyone feel that it's okay to wipe them, and it's okay not to wipe them.

The top Tang Dynasty nobles and prehistoric immortals in the boxes on the second and third floors also had a similar situation. However, as the top Tang Dynasty nobles and prehistoric immortals encountered this problem, it was simple. A spell fell on them and they were instantly clean.Of course, after returning home, due to psychological problems, I will probably change my clothes again.

On the third floor, there is a private room for Nezha and Yang Jian. "Second brother, you said it would be great if I were a magic pill!"

After looking at the photos, Nezha suddenly spoke with some trembling.

Yang Jian heard that Nezha's voice was trembling. He turned around and found that Nezha had burst into tears at some point.Yang Jian sighed softly, pulled Nezha into his arms and comforted him: "Second brother is here!"

Nezha couldn't bear it any longer, and the grievances he had accumulated in his heart completely burst out at this moment, crying loudly.

Why? ! !
Why doesn't he have parents who love and protect him like this? ! !

Why didn't he have a master who sincerely taught him and educated him? ! !
Why did his parents abandon him from birth, leaving him fatherless and motherless? ! !

Why did his master accept him as his disciple just to use him to overcome the calamity? ! !

Silent questions echoed in my heart, but I couldn't ask anything.

Yang Jian sighed softly, flicked his fingertips, and a stream of mana completely isolated the entire box.He allowed Nezha, whom he regarded as his biological brother, to cry and vent in his arms.

In box No. 45, in the game world, the magical person who looked like a bad old man could not help but let out a long sigh of relief after watching "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World".This kind of ups and downs of mood has not been felt for a long time after he was promoted to the realm of Da Luo.

"The old man didn't take advantage of you in vain."

After saying that, the old man flipped his wrist, and a stream of light flashing with three colors floated in the air.If a practitioner sees this, he will definitely exclaim, because what is floating in the air is the crystal formed by the condensation of the three lights of the sun, moon and stars!It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to collect a drop of the Three Lights Divine Water, and it is even more difficult to condense the Three Lights Divine Water into crystals.

But for a great magical person like Old Man Zao, it is not a treasure. At most, it is just a little troublesome to collect.But for practitioners who have not yet reached the realm of Daluo, it is also very precious.

After leaving such a piece of the Three Light Divine Water crystal behind, the bad old man disappeared into the box, as if he had never been there.

Except for a few immortals in the boxes who left without saying goodbye, most of the immortals in the other boxes greeted Yun Tianqing in a kind manner and praised Yun Tianqing's new photos for being very nice before disappearing and leaving.

In the Tianwa Palace Dojo outside the Chaos World, Nuwa let out a long sigh after watching "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" and Nezha who was crying in the box.Yang Jian's magic could block the sight of others, but it could not block the sight of her, a saint.

"That's all, that's all. Since you don't want to come back, then don't come back."

After saying that, Nuwa flicked her fingers, and a particle of dust was flicked down into the wilderness.But it has arranged a period of blessing for Nezha. After a while, Nezha will find the origin of soil and can reverse the innate soil.At that time, as long as you use the innate breath soil to re-cultivate your lotus body, it will naturally turn into innate spiritual roots and resume your path.

The Yuanshi Tianzun in the Jade Void Palace Dojo outside the Chaos Heaven did not say a word after reading "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World", as if nothing happened, he closed his eyes again and continued to wander in the chaotic void.

On the side, Guang Chengzi's face was tangled, and he looked at Yuanshi Tianzun who had no expression, let alone any other comments.Finally, with a sigh, he condensed the "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" he had just finished watching, and with a wave of his hand, he knocked down the memory stream recording "The Devil Boy of Nezha: The Coming into the World" and gave it to his junior brother Taiyi. Send it to real people.

As for how Taiyi Zhenren would react after seeing "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World", he didn't care.Then Guangchengzi closed his eyes and wandered in the chaotic void like his master Yuanshi Tianzun.

(End of this chapter)

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