Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 72 The hot discussion brought about by the birth of Nezha’s devil boy

Chapter 72 The hot discussion brought about by the birth of Nezha’s devil boy
The premiere of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" ended like this, but the impact it brought was huge.The [-] spectators on the first floor, while queuing up to get ready to go out, started chatting and discussing with each other eagerly, regardless of whether they knew the people next to them:
"Actually, Shen Gongbao just wasn't reused. Although he stole the spirit beads, his original intention was to prove to Tianzun that he was better than Taiyi. If he really had bad character, then he wouldn't have taught such an outstanding disciple as Ao Bing. , he told Ao Bing to repay his kindness and have kind thoughts. Even if he had hatred in his heart, he would not teach it to his disciples. He did not choose to tell Ao Bing the truth unless he had no choice."

"Alas, Eunuch Shen said, 'The prejudices in people's hearts are like a big mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't move it.' I don't know how many cold looks he suffered before he came to this conclusion."

"When everyone heard that Ao Bing was the spirit bead, they all accused the dragon clan of not being able to change their bad habits. The first sentence Shen Gongbao opened his mouth to explain was, 'I got this spirit bead,' and the second sentence was, 'Ao Bing, my apprentice.' Although he wanted to be successful and famous, he never meant to throw dirty water or shirk responsibility. He had a difficult life, but he still had a kind heart."

"Actually, when Shen Gongbao introduced Ao Bing and said the words 'my apprentice', he was really proud. When Master Taiyi gave Nezha the three-piece set of artifacts, I was thinking that Shen Gongbao also wanted to give it to Ao Bing. Well. But he didn’t have anything, and his master didn’t give him anything.”

"You all feel sorry for Nezha and Shen Gongbao. Don't you feel sorry for Ao Bing as much as I do? Don't forget, Ao Bing and Nezha were born on the same day. But no one remembers that Nezha's third birthday was also Ao Bing's. On his birthday, no one said happy birthday to Ao Bing, only Dragon Palace put a heavy Ten Thousand Scales Armor on him!!!"

The audience on the first floor had a lively discussion. In the private rooms on the second floor, since Cheng Chubi accidentally turned on the microphone in the conference room and expressed his views on the microphone, the audience in other boxes suddenly heard He also joined in and started arguing with Cheng Chubi and others.Well, the focus of the debate is who is worse, Nezha or Ao Bing!
"If you think about it carefully, Ao Bing and Nezha are almost two completely different opposites: one is a spiritual pearl and the other is a magic pill; one is as gentle as jade, and the other is lively and active; one is the only one in the family who cannot leave the house, and the other is The only one in the family who can leave home; the only thing they have in common is that they are both so kind-hearted, alas."

"I really feel sorry for Ao Bing. Even though Nezha was born with a magic pill, he has always been accompanied and supported by his parents and teachers. He can be ignorant and get into trouble, but Ao Bing has always been a sensible child that makes people feel sad. And I feel that There are no so-called evil people in this photo, and I don’t even find Shen Gongbao annoying. But those people who are always on the sidelines just think they are ignorant and sad.”

"Yes, Ao Bing is the most distressed! Even though the people in Chentangguan regard him as a monster, he has parents who truly love him and a master who helps him practice magic and follow the right path. But Ao C, he is the hope of the entire dragon clan to escape from the prison. He has such a heavy responsibility. He does things he doesn’t want to do and hurts his friends. No one asks him if he is willing, and he has no shelter. I feel so sorry for him. I’m Ao Bing!”

"The Wanlong Armor is both Ao Bing's armor and his shackles!"

"You are the magic pill that is caused by a combination of circumstances, and I am the spiritual bead that is not justified; you are the hero of Chentangguan, but I am the sinner who betrayed the entire clan."

"It is said that Nezha is lonely, and Ao Bing is not the same. The young master of the dragon tribe who came out on the ice and was as gentle as jade, the lonely figure finally became a pair under the sunset. Loneliness and loneliness collided, and they became the bond of each other. 'Silly Bu Bu If you are stupid, you will lose your life.' 'Who will be friends with you if you are not stupid?', thunder from the sky comes to the world, move forward fearlessly."

"When the people in Chentangguan kowtowed, Nezha's eyes were full of joy and pride. Ao Bing's eyes were full of hesitation. He had nothing left. He finally had the courage to choose himself and did something he would not regret. ——Enter Tianlei and live and die together with his only friend. His master has left, and Wanlongjia, which holds the hope of the entire dragon clan, seems so fragile in front of Tianlei. The moment he makes up his mind, what awaits him is betrayal and separation from relatives. Nothing.”

Seeing that Ao Bing's worst party had the upper hand, Nezha's worst party immediately launched its force:

"Nezha is miserable, okay?! Nezha has parents and masters who love him, and Ao Bing does the same, but Ao Bing has never been looked at with strange eyes like Nezha! Watching Nezha stretch out his hand to want it over and over again I hugged that little girl, only to be disappointed over and over again and take it back, with eyes full of fear, which really made me feel sad. He was just a child who wanted to be understood and loved!!!"

"My heartache for Nezha probably lies in his doubts and unconcealed excitement when my mother played shuttlecock with him at the beginning, and his loss and vulnerability when my mother exorcised the demon; it lies in his stealing when he was deceived that he was a spiritual bead. Happiness lies in his anger and sadness when he was misunderstood, in his caution and excitement when he became friends with Ao Bing, and in his anxiety and care when inviting Ao Bing to his birthday.
He is lonely and has low self-esteem, longing for love and companionship, but he shows his indifference by playing tricks on others. Sometimes his pranks are too much, but in the end it is the malice in the world that has hurt this ignorant child who is only three years old too much. , except for Li Jing and his wife, everyone only taught him fear and disgust, no one taught him love. After watching it, I felt sorry for Nezha, and when I saw Nezha’s smile after the people kowtowed to thank Nezha at the end, I felt mixed emotions in my heart. "

In addition to Nezha's most miserable party and Ao Bing's most miserable party, there is also a purely neutral discussion party: "After watching Nezha, I was only shocked. Nezha was wrong, he should not have become a demon and started killing; Ao Bing was It was wrong, he should not have buried Chentangguan alive; Shen Gongbao was wrong, he should not have stolen the spirit bead; Li Jing was wrong, he should not have deceived Nezha into being the spirit bead...

However, they were right: behind Nezha's killing spree was the despair of not being accepted by others and being fooled; behind Ao Bing's burial alive in Chentangguan was the hope of the entire Dragon Clan to ascend to heaven and be liberated; Behind Shen Gongbao's stealing of the Lingzhu was his last attempt to change Yuanshi Tianzun's mind; behind Li Jing's deception of Nezha being the Lingzhu was a white lie full of fatherly love."

"I don't know if you have noticed two details. One is that Li Jing had no white hair at first, but when he went to see Yuanshi Tianzun, he started to have some white hair, and at the end of Nezha's birthday party, his hair became even whiter. There are more. Secondly, it can be seen from the opening paragraphs of Taiyi Zhenren that this person is addicted to alcohol, and he can be said to be addicted to alcohol, but after screwing up the task of bringing the spiritual pearl into the world, he has not touched a drop of alcohol."

"Mrs. Yin said that she would take Nezha to visit mountains and rivers in the last two years, and that the last days should be happy. But Li Jing said that I didn't want Nezha to be regarded as a monster until his death. At that time, I thought this might be because of the differences between parents. concept, but when I saw the life-changing talisman, I realized that it was not Nezha who only had two years left, but Li Jing who only had two years left. When I saw this scene, I just cried to death!"

"Those people have really lost their minds. They never know how many people's futures their actions have buried. As for Nezha, attacking him when he was innocent, if Nezha had not been led by good parents and a good master, Nezha would have They will definitely be destroyed step by step under their extreme actions. As for Ao Bing and the entire Dragon Clan, they are equally arrogant and stupid. They keep saying that generations and demons are at odds with each other, but who is suppressing the demons? It is the entire Dragon Clan!"

"The prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain. The dragon clan is a clan of monsters, but when the monsters in the sea make trouble, who will subdue them to benefit the people? The magic pill is evil, but when the ten thousand-foot-long glacier hangs over the Chentang Pass, who will transform into a fire lotus to save everyone? Human life? Shen Gongbao is a monster, but if all evil is unforgivable, how can we teach a disciple like Ao Bing who knows the book and is polite? I hope people can let go of their prejudices and judge good and evil based on character rather than race. "

Audiences who had watched the film "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" one after another started heated discussions throughout Chang'an, and this discussion aroused the curiosity of more people in Chang'an, who wanted to take a look.But the queue at Twelve Bookstores was too long, and some impatient people who couldn't wait flocked to Qimeng Pavilion.

"You said that there are a large number of users who want us to open Qimengliu Cinema?"

Yun Tianqing was surprised when he received the report from Uncle Meng. The popularity of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" did not surprise him. In fact, the jade slips of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" were also sold. Very hot.But what Yun Tianqing didn't expect was that even though it was clear that he could watch the film by purchasing jade slips, there were still viewers who couldn't wait to see it in theaters.Some users simply like the feeling of tens of thousands of people crying and laughing together.

Although Yun Tianqing didn't understand it, thinking about the situation in the previous life when computers were almost universally available to young people, there were still many young people who liked to go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, probably because of the atmosphere.

"If this is the case, can the movie theater model of the previous life be implemented in the prehistoric world? When a new movie comes out, the movie theaters go first, and after the movie theaters play it for a week, they start selling jade slips with pictures? You can think about it carefully later and see how to do it."

Yun Tianqing touched his chin and thought to himself, and then asked Uncle Meng to open the movie theater, which runs every hour. Just after watching the previous batch of movies, there is still some time to clean up, and then arrange for the next batch of users.

(End of this chapter)

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