Chapter 88 Qimeng Network
"Finally, the use of Qimeng handheld devices needs to be within the coverage of Qimeng Network. It is a bit troublesome to explain exactly what Qimeng Network is. You know, you only need to use it within a hundred miles of the vitality tree. For example, if you are now within the scope of the Vitality Tree behind Qimeng Pavilion, then you can go back to your residence and plant a Vitality Tree anywhere and it can be used normally."

Yun Tianqing pointed at the thirty-meter-high vitality tree behind Qimeng Pavilion and indicated.

"Then if we leave our residence and leave the range of the vitality tree, won't we be able to use it?"

Fairy Haitang played with the Qimeng handheld device enthusiastically, raised her head and asked.

"Yes, so Qimeng Pavilion's main task for a long time in the future is to plant vitality trees everywhere. These vitality trees have a certain function of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, regulating the earth's veins independently, and purifying and transforming various turbid and waste gases. .When it was born, it received heavenly merits, indicating that the prehistoric heaven also supported the planting of this tree."

Hearing the words "Tiandao Merit", both Fairy Haitang and Nezha knew more about the Vitality Tree.

"Then if I plant it in a small space with me, can I go anywhere and play with it?"

Nezha suddenly asked.

Yun Tianqing was stunned for a moment, stunned by Nezha's thoughts.Only the Taiyi Golden Immortal can open up a small world, but the Golden Immortal can open up a small personal space.Of course, it is a small space for the prehistoric gods, but in fact it should be said to be a small world.

The Small World and the Small Thousand World are not the same. The simplest point is that the Small Thousand World has the cycle of life and death, but the Small World does not.However, it is okay to use it to plant some spiritual roots and store some personal miscellaneous things, so the small world is also called a portable small space by the Golden Immortal monks.

If according to what Nezha said, if you plant such a vitality tree in your own small space, as long as you don't go out of the Three Realms, the signal will really be covered wherever you go. This is equivalent to a personal mobile signal base station!It's a pity that only practitioners of Jinxian and above can open up a small space in their pockets. It has no effect on the entire prehistoric world.

Yun Tianqing removed the trace of regret from his heart, looked at Nezha and said with a smile:

"You're right, it can indeed be like this."

After hearing this, Nezha opened his own little world without saying a word, and then threw a seed of the vitality tree into it.After Nezha gathered the spiritual water from the spiritual spring for irrigation, the seeds of the vitality tree quickly broke out of the ground and soon grew into a strong tree more than ten meters high.

"Give me one too."

Fairy Haitang stretched out her hand towards Yun Tianqing and asked.

Yun Tianqing looked at Fairy Haitang in surprise. If he remembered correctly, Fairy Haitang's cultivation level should still be the realm of Xuanxian, and she had not made a breakthrough.

Perhaps Fairy Haitang saw the doubt in Yun Tianqing's eyes and explained:
"If you just need to plant this tree alive, you don't necessarily need a small space with you. All you need is an ordinary spiritual garden space magic weapon that can plant spiritual roots."

As she spoke, a blooming Begonia flower appeared in Fairy Begonia's hand. In the center of the Begonia flower, there seemed to be a tiny inner space filled with a sea of ​​Begonia flowers.Then he threw the vitality tree seeds into the center of the sea of ​​​​begonia flowers, and dropped a few magic tricks to gather spiritual energy and turn it into water. Soon, a vitality tree over ten feet high broke out of the ground again, standing in the center of the sea of ​​​​begonia flowers and fluttering in the wind.

Yun Tianqing was stunned again. He suddenly found that his perspective of thinking about the problem was obviously different from that of the traditional prehistoric immortals.When I faced the signal problem, I thought of planting vitality trees throughout the three realms to solve the signal problem.What the Primordial Immortal God thought of was to plant the Vitality Tree in his own small space or in his portable spiritual plant magic weapon space, and build a mobile signal base station for himself.However, this method gave Yun Tianqing some inspiration. In the short term, or even for a long time in the future, he would not be able to plant all the vitality trees in the three realms of the prehistoric times. Even if he wanted to plant all the vitality trees in a densely populated place with living beings, it would be impossible for him to do so. Difficult to do.Because the three realms of the prehistoric world are really too big, and there are really too many creatures in the prehistoric world.Most creatures will immediately lose signal coverage if they go a little further.

But if a mobile signal base station is launched, of course it can be said to be a special version of the spiritual plant space ring with a vitality tree planted inside. As long as it is worn on the body, this signal problem can be solved.

"We can use a two-pronged approach. The vitality tree needs to be planted, and the special edition spiritual plant space ring needs to be made. We will start making arrangements later."

While Yun Tianqing was thinking about what was going to happen next, he demonstrated to Fairy Haitang and Nezha the use of each specific function of Qimeng Handheld.Seeing that they were both familiar with each other, Yun Tianqing took out three second-generation vitality tree seeds, looked at them and asked:

"Do you know which places in heaven are suitable for planting vitality trees? It would be best if it is a spiritual garden and is relatively safe."

Just now, Yun Tianqing had explained to the two the relationship between the mother vitality tree, the second generation vitality tree and the third generation vitality tree. Naturally, he knew that what Yun Tianqing was asking at this moment was whether there was any place in heaven suitable for planting a second generation vitality tree.

"In that case, Mr. Laojun's Liangyi Garden, the Queen Mother's Peach Garden, and Lord Qingdi's Immortality Garden all meet your requirements."

Haitang replied without hesitation, looking at Yun Tianqing and Nezha with "I didn't expect Fairy Haitang to be so powerful" in their eyes, she couldn't help but said in embarrassment:

"Again, you said that if it is a spiritual plant garden, it must be safe enough. Don't these three places meet the requirements?"

Yun Tianqing and Nezha nodded in unison, could this not be consistent?Except for their permission, who can destroy the gardens of Taishang Laojun, Queen Mother, and Dongfang Qingdi? ! !

The reason why Sun Wukong was able to steal the peach garden back then was because of the Queen Mother's indulgence.Moreover, most of the peaches that were stolen were those that ripened in 3000 years. There were only a few peaches that ripened in 6000 years. The peaches that ripened in 9000 years had long been hidden by the Queen Mother. Sun Wukong never even smelled them. Ding Dian!

"I can't do anything about the first two, but I should be able to help you plant it in Lord Qingdi's."

Fairy Begonia did not exaggerate this point. The Qing Emperor lives in the east and captures the green dragon. He is the god of spring and the god of flowers, and has the authority to revive all things in the world.Moreover, the Twelve Flower Immortals themselves are one of the Qing Emperor's subordinates. On weekdays, the Twelve Flower Immortals are also responsible for taking care of the Qing Emperor's Garden of Eternal Life.Fairy Haitang reported to Qingdi that she had found a new spiritual root and wanted to plant it in the Garden of Immortality. This was no problem.Emperor Qing basically agreed to such small things.

"Okay, thank you then. I will give you a gift as a thank you another day!"

Yun Tianqing looked at Fairy Haitang and smiled.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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