Chapter 89 Balance and Compromise

Fairy Haitang and Nezha saw that Yun Tianqing was fine, chatted for a while and left.Anyway, now that we have the Qimeng handheld device, it is much easier to send messages and chat with each other.But before leaving, Fairy Haitang and Nezha asked for a hundred or so Qimeng handheld consoles, saying they wanted to give them to friends to play and test together, which Yun Tianqing naturally wanted.

In the inner room on the seventh floor of Qimeng Pavilion, Yun Tianqing waved his hand, and a huge void light curtain appeared in front of him, which displayed a rough map of the five state capitals of the Tang Dynasty 360 and the [-] counties below them.

Currently, there is a conspicuous red light spot in the capital of the 360 ​​five state capitals on this map, indicating that there is a bookshop of the Qimeng Book League in the capital of that state.And among the [-] counties under each state capital, almost one-third of the area was lit up with red lights.

After this period of development, Qimeng Book Alliance’s dealer channel has been officially established.Among them, the twelve major bookstores in Chang'an jointly formed the first-level dealer channel of Qimeng Book Alliance, covering the capitals of the five states in the 360 ​​states of the Tang Dynasty. The bookstore business in the five state capitals of the Tang Dynasty has been completely destroyed by ten The second bookstore is divided and occupied!

The original local bookstores in the capitals of various states have basically been absorbed by Chang'an Twelve Bookstores and become their own secondary dealers. These secondary dealers obtain goods from their respective primary dealers, and then these secondary dealers develop and develop books. Occupying the market of one hundred and eight counties under the jurisdiction of the state capital.

The quality of the classic biographical novels and brand-new photographic stories published by Qimeng Pavilion can be regarded as a dimensionality reduction blow to the local bookstores in the lower county and city, not to mention that there are Chang'an Twelve Bookstores as backing support.Judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before those second-level dealers absorb local bookstores in counties and cities as their own third-level dealers.

However, the extent of expansion to third-level dealers is already the limit. Biographical novels say huge profits are really huge profits, but if all kinds of costs are deducted, and then the first, second, and third-level dealers are exploited, and then go down The dealers will not make much money, and may even lose money.

Now what Yun Tianqing is thinking about is how to promote Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network without damaging the interests of the existing Qimeng Book Alliance.Because once Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network are promoted, the first, second and third level physical bookstore dealers in Qimeng Book Alliance will be the first to be hit.He might even personally destroy the Qimeng Book Alliance that Yun Tianqing finally built!
This is something we can learn from history in previous generations. Before online novels took off, physical novels represented by traditional martial arts novels and mystery novels, as well as various publishing houses, were blooming all over the place.But after the rise of online novels, traditional paper novels simply seemed to have suffered a dimensionality reduction blow.

Compared with traditional paper novels, online novels have the advantages of wide audience, low threshold, fast updates, and diversified themes. They have almost instantly wiped out traditional literature.

In the era of the rise of online novels, almost everyone can choose to be an online novel author or reader as long as they can surf the Internet and type.In addition to personal energy and time costs, other costs are close to zero!
Although 90.00% of them choose to be online novel authors, and even more authors are jumping on the bandwagon.However, given the huge base of online novel authors, even if 1000% of the 90.00 million online novel authors were eliminated, there would still be about [-] outstanding online novel authors.

But what about traditional literary writers?In the era of online novels, I don’t even know if there are 1 real traditional literature writers registered nationwide!Among these 1 people, writers who are elegant, have high self-esteem, and are just trying to gain fame and reputation under the guise of such a banner. In fact, they have never published a book, or they have published books at their own expense and cannot sell them. Nine of them are writers. Nine!One hundred thousand versus one hundred. In actual terms, the number of the former is more than one hundred thousand, and the number of the latter is less than one hundred. The readership market is almost occupied by online novels for more than 80.00%!
Of course, it is undeniable that those who win domestic and foreign literary awards are basically selected from the remaining one percent of traditional literary writers.

But it is still undeniable that the works written by the remaining one percent of traditional literary writers are too elegant, rarely grounded, or can arouse the interest of contemporary young people.If it cannot arouse the interest of a wide range of readers, then naturally no readers will buy it.If there are no readers to buy in, one publishing house after another will basically go bankrupt!

Once Yun Tianqing's Qimeng handheld devices and Qimeng Network are promoted, it will inevitably seriously affect the sales of physical books in Qimeng Bookstores.Because it can be read through the Qimeng handheld device, even if it is not as immersive as reading a physical book, I am afraid that many readers will still choose to read online novels instead of buying physical novels in order to save trouble.

Although Qimeng Book Alliance is headed by Qimeng Pavilion Yun Tianqing, it is only because Qimeng Pavilion Yun Tianqing can bring them huge benefits, so they pushed Qimeng Pavilion Yun Tianqing to its current position.Once Qimeng Pavilion Yun Tianqing harms their interests, you don't need to think too much to know that they will immediately put Qimeng Pavilion Yun Tianqing aside!Even if this move will bring them a heavy setback, they will bear the pain and make a decision!
Because in business, it’s nothing more than this!

Similarly for Yun Tianqing, the future promotion of Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network is imperative, and no one or any bookstore can stop it!

But the Three Realms of Prehistoric Times are so big that Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network cannot be promoted overnight.It may not even be possible to promote it to Yun Tianqing's satisfaction within hundreds or even thousands of years.Before that, Yun Tianqing's main sources of origin still need to be obtained through the interest group Qimeng Book Alliance, and even the early promotion of Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network must rely on Qimeng Book Alliance. !

This is the disadvantage of giving up one's own sales channels, and it is also a compromise and balance between Qimeng Pavilion and Twelve Bookstores.

Qimeng Pavilion does not have the time and energy to cultivate its own sales channels, so it relies on the sales channels of Twelve Bookstores. Once Twelve Bookstores are gone, there will be no channel to sell its own books; similarly, Twelve Bookstores are gone without Qimeng Ge, no readers want to buy their books.It is precisely because of mutual need that an interest group like the Qimeng Book Alliance was established.

(End of this chapter)

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