Journey to the West: Play Westward Journey at the beginning

Chapter 91 Industrial Transformation and Upgrading

Chapter 91 Industrial Transformation and Upgrading
When Yun Tianqing returned to the conference room again, he suddenly found that all the shopkeepers had a different attitude. Their attentive and eager eyes made Yun Tianqing a little unbearable.After all, he had not eavesdropped on the conversations of those shopkeepers before, so there was no need for him to be so mean.

However, these bookshop shopkeepers can actively cooperate. He, Yun Tianqing, is not a big devil, so he will not force others to do anything. Originally, he was prepared to exchange greater benefits for the full support of other bookshop shopkeepers.

"Since all the shopkeepers are willing to support, I will not let you suffer any loss. Next, I will talk to you about the industrial transformation and upgrading, as well as the time difference between online and offline serial updates."

Yun Tianqing sat down again, took a sip of tea, waved his hand, and a huge light screen appeared in front of everyone, with a three-dimensional rectangle displayed on the light screen.

"First of all, the industry is undergoing transformation and upgrading. There is no future for simply selling poetry and novels! There is no future for simply opening a bookstore! What we want to do is build a floating mall on the cloud that integrates photography, novel bookstores, snacks, entertainment, and clothing sales!

There are various game projects on the first and second floors. As children's entertainment projects, we charge admission fees.

The third and fourth floors accommodate Chang'an's famous restaurant branches, street snacks, and even famous delicacies from other parts of the Tang Dynasty. If there is an opportunity, all the delicacies of the Tang Dynasty will be attracted here in the future, so that everyone can Everyone can eat whatever they want here!And we charge rent from these stores.

The fifth floor is used for clothing sales. It also attracts famous tailors from Chang'an and even Datang to open a branch inside; it also charges rent.

The sixth floor serves as a bookstore for poetry and novels, which is our specialty.Of course, this does not mean giving up everyone's bookstore in Chang'an City, this is just for decoration.In fact, the daily book sales are still dominated by Twelve Bookstores.

The seventh floor is used as a movie theater to play various movies and sell various movie peripherals.

I plan to jointly invest in this mall with myself and all the shopkeepers here, and we will distribute the income according to the investment shares. "

With Yun Tianqing's explanation and the ever-changing three-dimensional light screen, the eyes of the shopkeepers present became brighter and brighter.This kind of floating mall model on the cloud that integrates eating, drinking and entertainment has never been thought of by anyone before. Even if someone really thought of it, they would laugh at themselves as it is no less whimsical.

Because if you want to build such a shopping mall in Chang'an City, even if Chang'an City is vast, it will be difficult to squeeze out such a large area of ​​construction space.And even if you think of building a floating mall that is not in Chang'an City, firstly, you don't know if this technology exists, and secondly, even if you have the technology, the initial investment is sky-high, and even if you really have the financial resources, you want to fly outside Chang'an City. Whether the establishment of such a floating mall can be approved by the person in the palace is still a matter of debate.

But are these problems for them and Yun Tianqing?

If you want skills, the shopkeeper of Chang'an Baigongmen is here!Not to mention the innate spiritual treasures that need to be refined, they are not even the acquired spiritual treasures. At most, they are more complex and larger high-level magic weapons.

If they want money, the shop owner of Twelve Bookstores will not say that they are as rich as a country, but at least there is no problem in investing in the early stage to build such a huge floating mall.

As for permission, don't forget that Yun Tianqing, the peerless evildoer Golden Immortal, is here. Even if Li Shimin doesn't sell Yun Tianqing's face, Li Shimin has to consider the face of the great magical power behind Yun Tianqing.

"I think building such a floating mall is not a problem for Baigongmen."

Yun Tianqing looked at the shopkeeper of Baigongmen and smiled. "Of course not. Let alone a floating city. If the pavilion master needs a floating island, Baigongmen can refine it for the pavilion master!"

When it came to technical issues, the shopkeeper of Baigongmen couldn't continue eating melon seeds. He immediately stood up and patted his chest.

"Using Chang'an City as a pilot project, the floating cloud mall in Chang'an City will be jointly funded by us and refined by Baigongmen. In other state capitals of the Tang Dynasty, it is up to their respective bookshop owners to decide whether to build such a floating cloud mall. If necessary, the mall will be built under the supervision of Baigongmen."

Yun Tianqing nodded towards the shopkeeper of Baigongmen, motioned for him to sit down, looked at the other shopkeepers again and said:
"As for the problem that all shopkeepers are concerned about, online screenings will affect offline sales. This is inevitable, but I will try to minimize the impact of this problem. Shopkeeper Chen, do you think Qimengliu Cinema will exclude curfew hours at other times? How many viewers can watch it without interruption for seven consecutive days?”

"One show lasts an hour, and if the number of people watching at the same time is full, six shows can be played in one day excluding curfew time. The total number of six shows is 42, and the total number is [-] in seven days."

After hearing Yun Tianqing's words, shopkeeper Chen said the answer without thinking.

"42 people, is that much for the overall number of people who want to watch? Not much. Even if this number is doubled, it will not have an impact, and it will even play a very good publicity role. And staying in a theater is different from The jade slips will be gone after you watch them. If Mr. Huang, you go to Liu Cinema and watch such an exciting photo slip, will you buy another jade slip so that you can come back when the mood strikes? Read it again?”

"It's inevitable!"

Upon hearing Yun Tianqing's question, shopkeeper Huang answered directly without any hesitation. At the same time, he already understood Yun Tianqing's plan.

"So based on past sales, whenever we have a new biographical novel or photo, it takes about seven days to sell it, and the market is basically saturated, right?"

Yun Tianqing smiled, and the eyes of the other shopkeepers also shone.

"This is natural. In this way, although offline physical book sales will still be affected, it is not important anymore. We may even make a small profit."

Shopkeeper Chen said sincerely.

"So regarding the issue of the Jade Slips of Photos, all the photos produced by Qimeng Pavilion will be released in the Liu Cinema first. Offline sales will begin one week after the Liu Cinema is released. After one week of offline sales, the Qimeng Handheld will finally be released. Online screening. The same is true for biographical novels. Online serial updates are one update cycle slower than physical books, which is seven days. When the second issue of biographical novels starts to be sold offline, the first issue will be updated online simultaneously."

Yun Tianqing finally concluded, and all the shopkeepers looked at Yun Tianqing with sincerity.

Although they originally realized that Yun Tianqing was not just the master of Qimeng Pavilion, but also a peerless golden immortal with the blessing of someone with great supernatural powers, they were already prepared to lose money and earn favors.But now after listening to what Yun Tianqing said, although the implementation of Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network will still affect their physical sales interests, it can be said to have been reduced to a minimum.And if you add the plan of the floating mall on the cloud, you will definitely make more money in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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