Chapter 92 Action
"Advertisement launch date."

Yun Tianqing tapped the desk gently, thinking about how long it would take to officially launch Qimeng Handheld and Qimeng Network.

"If the Pavilion Master hasn't decided on a time yet, how about putting it on the day of worshiping the stove? When the New Year is approaching, the people will prepare New Year's goods, sweep dust, and worship the stove. Presumably everyone, old and young, has a lot of spare money in their hands, and they all If you are willing to spend the money, even if the Qimeng handheld console is a little more expensive, you will definitely be willing to buy it if you grit your teeth."

Shopkeeper Huang suggested that no matter how cheap the Qimeng handheld device is, it is still a magic weapon, and its price is hundreds of times higher than ordinary biographies.Under normal circumstances, most ordinary people are not willing to spend so much money at one time to purchase such a magical weapon that does not seem to be very useful.But it's different when the New Year is approaching. When buying new year's goods, the children will cry and participate in the lottery, and they will naturally buy.

Hearing Shopkeeper Huang's suggestion, Yun Tianqing was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and realized that the Kitchen Sacrifice Day was the New Year's Eve in the previous life, usually on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth lunar month.Indeed, if there is a time when people are the richest and most willing to spend money, it is undoubtedly the Chinese New Year.

"There are only eighteen days until the Stove Ceremony Day. Can you arrange the time?"

Yun Tianqing looked at all the shopkeepers, especially the shopkeeper of Baigongmen.If you want to promote Qimeng Handheld, Qimeng Network must take the lead.Yun Tianqing believed in the ability of Twelve Bookstores to plant Vitality Trees all over the capitals of the five states in Datang 360, regardless of the cost.But after planting the Vitality Tree in Twelve Books, whether Qimeng Handheld can supply it will test the strength of Baigongmen.

Even if it is only for the five state capitals of Datang 360 and the other counties under the state capitals are not considered for the time being, it will still require hundreds of millions of Qimeng handheld devices!In less than 20 days, Yun Tianqing doubted whether Baigongmen had such ability.

Seeing the gazes of Yun Tianqing and the Twelve Shopkeepers, even the Baigongmen Shopkeeper felt a lot of pressure.But he still stood up and said seriously:

"Of course our Baigongmen branch in Chang'an alone cannot supply such a huge quantity, but after the talks are over later, I will immediately report it to the sect leader and mobilize the entire Baigongmen branch to do our best to create the Qimeng Palm. machine!"

"One hundred million!"

Yun Tianqing raised a finger, looked at the shopkeeper of Baigongmen and said seriously:

"On the eve of the Stove Ceremony Day, Baigongmen must be able to provide at least 360 million Qimeng handheld consoles! And [-] Vitality Tree Rings! If not, there will no longer be Baigongmen's space in this conference room. I will re-build a Qiangong Sect with Twelve Bookstores!"

"I will live up to my trust!"

The Baigongmen shopkeeper's face was extremely solemn, and he naturally knew what Yun Tianqing meant.If it can be done, Baigongmen will naturally be qualified to continue to monopolize the manufacturing of all Qimeng Book Alliance products.If they can't do it, Baigong Sect will naturally not be qualified to continue to tie with them.It’s not that I have an opinion on Baigongmen, just discuss the matter as it stands. If I don’t have the ability, I just don’t have the ability.

"In this case, time is running out. Each shopkeeper will go to Meng Bona to pick up the seeds of the Vitality Tree later. I will ask for a letter to allow Datang to plant the Vitality Tree, and strive to promote Qimeng Network to Datang within half a month. 360 The capital of the five states!" "Okay, I'll get ready soon."

The twelve shopkeepers walked hurriedly to their respective bookstores, preparing to arrange the next matters.

After the Twelve Shopkeepers left Qimeng Pavilion, Yun Tianqing also submitted an invitation to Li Shimin in a serious manner to communicate and promote Qimeng Network and jointly launch online payment issues with Datang Treasury Bank.

The former is not bad, after all, it is just planting trees, and planting vitality trees, spiritual roots that can slightly gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, regulate and transform the turbid energy and exhaust gas of the earth, is a good thing for the country and the people, and Li Shimin will naturally not disagree.

But online payment is very troublesome. This is the first time that the Minister of Revenue has heard of the concept of online payment.Even after hearing what Yun Tianqing said, only after recharging through the offline physical Datang Bank, the online personal Qimeng Network account will have corresponding Qimeng coins. Qimeng coins will not increase out of thin air, let alone decrease out of thin air. All Users' Qimeng Coin transfers can be traced in their accounts, and they can only be withdrawn through offline Datang Bank.

The Minister of Revenue is still worried. After all, when faced with a field that he is not familiar with, something that is beyond his control and understanding, it is normal for a person's first reaction not to accept it, but to reject it.

However, under the bribes of a 9000-year-old flat peach and three 6000-year-old flat peaches that Yun Tianqing smashed, Li Shimin's heart moved.After convening many important officials in the court to carefully examine the online payment concept model proposed by Yun Tianqing, and after repeated discussions, it was finally determined that no visible loopholes could be found so far, and the decision-making power of the value of the exchanged items rested with the Ministry of Household Affairs of the Tang Dynasty. Afterwards, Li Shimin agreed to Qimeng Network’s request to access Datang Bank.

After all, the 9000-year-old flat peach is so fragrant. It is the fruit of one of the ten innate spiritual roots.In the prehistoric times, only Daluo Jinxian and his like could taste it, and other immortals couldn't even think about it.

After Yun Tianqing settled the tie between Qimeng Pay and Datang Bank, and obtained the order from the various states in Datang to cooperate in planting the Vitality Tree.The other shopkeepers of Twelve Bookstores and Baigong are also taking action with all their strength.

Needless to say, Chang'an is the headquarters of the Qimeng Book Alliance. The Twelve Bookstores employ more than 4000 temporary workers. From the four city gates in the east, west, north and south of the Tang Dynasty, there are other public buildings on both sides of the road such as Zhuque Street. All areas are planted with green trees such as vitality trees.

Other state capitals also cooperated with the Twelve Bookstore Branch to launch lively urban greening activities under the decree of "Improving the Livability of Datang City and Expanding the Urban Green Planting Area" issued by Li Shimin. Anyway, all tree species The expenses, labor costs, etc. are all paid by Twelve Bookstores. They only need to prevent people from deliberately destroying these vitality trees during subsequent inspections.

After the meeting, the manager of the Baigongmen branch in Chang'an rushed back to the Baigongmen headquarters in person to explain to the Baigongmen owner the importance of this tens of billions of business.After the manager of the Chang'an branch of Baigong Sect explained the reason, the head of Baigong Sect immediately ordered to call back all the disciples of Baigong Sect who were outside, and went all out to start manufacturing the Qimeng handheld machine that Yun Tianqing wanted.

In order to complete the task as quickly as possible, even the Thousand Machines and Hundreds of Refinements Cauldron passed down by the founder Baigongzi was used. Every time the furnace was opened, it was able to produce hundreds of thousands of Qimeng handheld consoles. It can be said that it was not without hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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