In an instant, Mutern felt his arms go cold.

Looking down, he saw a ball of blood bursting out from his right arm. Through the wound, the white bone stubble was clearly visible, and the blood was gurgling.

Mutern endured the severe pain, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and shouted loudly.



"Continue on, no one is allowed to retreat. If you kill the Ming thief prince, everyone will be rewarded. The Qing Dynasty will not treat everyone's family badly!"



On the not-so-wide street, gunfire rang out constantly.

boom!Boom!bang bang bang!

The Ming army's response was very methodical. The musketeers were divided into waves and fired alternately in order to form an uninterrupted fire strike.

After three or four rounds of volleys, the spies at the sticky pole were suppressed and did not dare to show up at all.

Under the suppressed firepower of the Ming army, the muskets in the windows of the buildings on both sides of the street also misfired one after another.

The assassins fled in panic!


After suppressing the spies at the sticky pole, the Ming army also launched a counterattack.

Following the commander's order, the Ming soldiers holding muskets began to line up and move forward.

The sharp bayonets formed a forest of bayonets. The cold moonlight splashed down, and the tips of the swords were frighteningly bright.

On the street, corpses were lying one after another, including those of the Ming army and those of the spies at Sticky Post.

Blood was flowing all over the floor, and people's feet would even feel sticky if they stepped on it.

Seeing this, Mutern could only lead his people to retreat into a two-story building on the street and stand firm as a final resistance.

At this moment, a rumble of horse hooves came from the end of the street.

In the dark night, tall and majestic soldiers flew over.

Horseshoes stepped on the stone road, making a roar.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! Where is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Pan Dazhu took the lead and led his men into the battlefield, shouting loudly and caring about Zhu Jing'an's safety.

Because Zhu Jing'an is now too important to Ming Dynasty.

Even to a certain extent, His Royal Highness Zhu Jing'an is the real core of the Ming Dynasty.

If something happened to Zhu Jing'an, the consequences would be disastrous.

It even had a greater impact on the Manchu Qing Dynasty than the death of Qianlong!
  After Pan Dazhu saw the signal for help, without any hesitation, he led his cavalry to rush for help.

In the crowd, Zhu Jing'an heard the sound of horse hooves and heard Pan Dazhu's shout. He knew that reinforcements from his side were coming, and the expression on his face was obviously relieved.

Although at present, the personal guards around Zhu Jing'an have suppressed the assassins, which can completely guarantee Zhu Jing'an's safety.

What just happened really frightened Zhu Jing'an.

Not long after, Pan Dazhu came to Zhu Jing'an and knelt down on one knee to plead guilty.

"The general's rescue came too late, causing His Highness the Crown Prince to be frightened. Please forgive me!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just shook his head and said.

"Gu Wuyi!"

"Pan Shen's future is very timely. He has merit but not guilt."

"Pass the order to Gu Jun. Pan Shen will arrange your manpower immediately to cooperate with Gu's personal guards to seal off the battlefield."

"If an assassin is asked to escape, you are the only one asking!"

When Pan Dazhu heard this, he cupped his fists and said.

"The last general takes orders!"

After saying this, he turned around and left, preparing to arrange manpower, deploy troops, and seal off the battlefield.


Muten led his men to retreat to a two-story building. Zhu Jing'an's personal guards and the reinforcements that arrived later were not polite and directly surrounded the building.

And prepare to launch an offensive!
  Zhu Jing'an stood in the crowd, wiping the blood on his face with a handkerchief, his eyes full of murderous intent, and said with a cold face.

"Send the order and launch an attack immediately!"

"I just want to see who is so bold as to assassinate Yu Gu in Nanjing."

Upon hearing this, Pan Dazhu immediately responded with clasped fists, and then directed his troops to attack the two-story building.

"Damn it, these stupid assassins dare to assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince, and none of them can be allowed to escape!"

"Kill! Kill all these damn dog Tatars!"


Looking at the Ming army attacking the small building outside, Muten's eyes were full of unwillingness.

These people have been planning and preparing for so long.

It was not easy to find such an opportunity to carry out the assassination. It was unexpected that so many people were involved, but it failed to succeed.

The Ming thief prince is still alive and well!
  Not willing to give in, he is really willing!

"If we fail today, there will be no way for us to survive!"

"Instead of being captured by the Ming thieves and suffering torture and humiliation, why not fight to the death and let the Ming thieves know that there are no cowards in our Qing Dynasty."

"Brothers, follow me!"

After saying this, Mutern held a knife and faced a Ming soldier who was coming to kill him with a bayonet.

The two sides were in close combat again.

At the same time, the sound of musket shooting also continued.

As the fighting continued, the number of people around Mutern continued to decrease.

Seeing that the situation was over, Muten knelt on the ground with a bang, faced the north and kowtowed several times, with tears in his eyes, and his words were full of despair.

"Your Majesty, the mission has not been completed. I have let you down..."

"If there is an afterlife, I will still be willing to serve the Qing Dynasty!"

After saying this, he took the knife and wiped it from his own neck.

There was only a pop sound, the sharp blade cut through the skin, blood gushed out like a fountain, and Muttern's body fell limply to the ground.

Warm blood dripped all over the floor...

After Muten committed suicide, all the spies under him completely lost their fighting spirit.

Many people chose to throw away their weapons and kneel on the ground to surrender in order to survive.

Soon, all the agents from Stickang Department who were stubbornly resisting in the small building were wiped out by the Ming army.

"Reporting to His Highness the Crown Prince, all the assassins who attempted to assassinate His Highness this time have been annihilated by our soldiers. A total of forty-two assassins were killed, seventeen were captured, and the bandit leader committed suicide."

Pan Dazhu strode to Zhu Jing'an's side and opened his mouth to report.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly, his face still solemn, and he gave instructions.

"Arrange manpower immediately to interrogate the prisoners."

"If you continue to send the order, I will order people to immediately blockade Nanjing City and strictly investigate the details of Nanjing City. I can't believe that in this huge Nanjing City, there are only these dozens of spies at Sticky Post."

Pan Dazhu nodded when he heard this.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the general will understand!"

When Zhu Jing'an was first assassinated, he was indeed angry.

However, he soon realized that his assassination was actually an opportunity to alert the enemy and cleanse the Qing court's secrets in Nanjing.

As long as he could interrogate some clues from the prisoners, Zhu Jing'an would be sure to follow the clues and give Nanjing a bright and sunny day. Also, he, Zhu Jing'an, was invited to a banquet by the Nanjing gentry. At the banquet, he rejected the Nanjing gentry's request to switch to Jiangnan.

As a result, he was assassinated on the way back.

Regardless of whether they did it or not, the Nanjing gentry must have had something to do with it.

Isn't this the handle that comes to your door?

Zhu Jing'an took this opportunity to clean up the Nanjing gentry and get rid of some of their thorns...

After Pan Dazhu finished speaking, Zhang Jin took a few steps forward and said.

"Your Highness, do you want to return home now?"

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then spoke.

"Go back!"

"I'm tired of being alone."

"By the way, the funeral arrangements for the brothers who died in the battle must be arranged..."

Zhang Jin clasped his fists to express his understanding, and then went to arrange the guards.


After the banquet was over, Mr. Wang and the other gentry did not disperse, but went to Mr. Wang's mansion in Nanjing together.

Prepare to discuss the Jiangnan switch again!

The group returned to the Wang family's mansion and sat down in the flower hall. Mr. Wang ordered tea to be served.

Sun Shizong picked up the tea cup and took a sip, feeling the fragrance in his mouth. The feeling of wine subsided a little, and then he spoke.

"The switch is a good thing, but the tariff of eight million taels a year is really too much. The gentry and common people in Jiangnan may not be able to afford it!"

Sun Shizong was also a prominent gentry in Nanjing. His third brother Sun Shiyao was once the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty. The Sun family also contributed to the change of Songjiang Prefecture to the Ming Dynasty.

However, his heart is dedicated to the Ming Dynasty, but this does not prevent him from wanting to pay taxes!
  After all, it's all just money.

How many people would be willing to give it to the court for nothing?

When Mr. Wang heard this, he slowly exhaled a breath, and then spoke.

"Eight million, that was before!"

"Now, eight million a year is probably not enough!"

Zhu Jing'an's attitude just now was very clear, he had to pay more.

Another gentleman on the side also spoke.

"Eight million is not enough? It seems that we need [-] million or [-] million!"

"Oh, there is nothing we can do about it. Who told me that Jiangnan has no one in the court now?"

"If there is a minister from the south of the Yangtze River who can speak for us, I think we can save a lot of money on customs duties every year."

Nowadays, most of the senior officials in the Ming Dynasty are from Guangdong and Guangxi.

Who said that Ming Dynasty started in Guangdong and Guangxi?

These ministers from Guangdong and Guangxi will not speak for the gentry in Jiangnan!
  Besides, Guangzhou Customs still pays more than [-] million taels of customs duties a year.

When Sun Shizong heard this, he chuckled.

"No need to worry, no need to worry, Jiangnan has always been a place where people gather together and there are many talented people."

"Although now the DPRK and Central Government are dominated by people from Guangdong and Guangxi, in the future, when the Ming Dynasty takes over the world and selects officials through imperial examinations instead of merit-based officials, there will only be more and more officials from my Jiangnan origin."

In Jiangnan, the imperial examinations are famous for their excellent results, and there are really many talented people.

Regarding this, Sun Shizong, a native of Jiangnan, is quite confident.

The most typical example is Donglin Fushe, the two most famous parties in the late Ming Dynasty, both of which came from Jiangnan.

Most of the members are from Jiangnan.

In fact, when Lao Zhu started the imperial examination at the beginning of that year, the reason why he wanted to create a north-south list was most likely not only to win over the northern gentry, but also to stabilize the hearts of the people in the north, which had fallen into the hands of the barbarians for hundreds of years.

It is estimated that there is also the idea of ​​​​balancing the power of the Jiangnan gentry to prevent the Jiangnan gentry group from becoming too strong!

It's just a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of man. Even if Lao Zhu created a North-South list to balance the situation, by the end of the Ming Dynasty, the power of Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty had still expanded to the point where it was difficult for the court to contain it.

So much so that party strife became one of the main reasons for the demise of the Ming Dynasty!

When Mr. Wang heard this, he just smiled and then spoke.

"Brother Sun makes sense, but that has to be a matter of the future."

"As of now, unless we don't want to switch off the switch, the [-] million yuan in tariffs every year will definitely not go away."

Jiangnan has also heard how much money the gentry businessmen in Guangdong and Guangxi made after the opening of Guangzhou.

Therefore, they really can't refuse the switch!
  However, at this moment, there was a noise outside.

A servant of the Wang family ran into the flower hall with an anxious face, then pointed outside and spoke with a slightly frightened tone.

"Old... Master, something happened!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was assassinated..."

When Mr. Wang heard this, his eyes widened in shock.

With a bang, the tea cup he was holding fell to the ground. There was surprise in his voice as he asked.

"How is His Royal Highness doing now?"

"What the hell! What's going on?"

The servant swallowed and then said.

"Replying to the Master, after His Highness left Yanyu Tower, he was ambushed and assassinated by Tatar spies at Huaide Street on his way back."

"Fortunately, the personal guards around His Highness the Crown Prince are effective, and the Nanjing garrison's reinforcements were timely, so His Highness is fine..."

When Mr. Wang and other Nanjing gentry heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they did not want to pay taxes to the court, their interests were closely related to that of Ming Dynasty.

You know, the reason why the Manchu Qing Dynasty lost the city of Nanjing so easily was due to the large gentry families in Nanjing who contributed a lot to it.

If Zhu Jing'an was assassinated, the Ming Dynasty's war situation in Jiangnan would be [-]% ruined.

Because, among the Ming army in the south of the Yangtze River, except for Zhu Jing'an, no one can take charge of the overall situation.

Once the Manchus took the opportunity to counterattack, if no one in the Ming army took charge of the overall situation, the result could be imagined.

If the Manchus and the Qing Dynasty fight back, then all of them, the gentry who sold out to the Qing Dynasties, will probably die!
  Fortunately, Zhu Jing'an is fine!
  However, before everyone could relax, they saw Sun Shizong on the side speaking.

"not good!"

"It's troublesome and we can't explain it."

"His Royal Highness just attended a banquet with us, and was assassinated on the way back. Who is the most suspect?"

"Isn't it just us?!"

"Now the yellow mud falls off my crotch!"

When everyone heard this, they all raised their voices again.

There was very obvious fear and uneasiness on all of their faces!

"This...what can we do? How can we do this!"

"We are really unlucky to be involved in the murder."

“It’s hard to explain this matter clearly!”


At this moment, a servant of the Wang family ran in from outside again and opened his mouth to report.

"Sir, the latest news is that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has ordered the city of Nanjing to be sealed off. No one is allowed to enter or leave. The entire city is under martial law and we are looking for assassins and spies!"

"..." (end of this chapter)

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