Hearing this, everyone's faces were inevitably filled with fear and confusion.

Nanjing City was blocked. Although it was not aimed at them, they were still inevitably afraid.

Because this is really not a good thing!
  Once Zhu Jing'an wanted to expand the matter of his assassination, they didn't even have a place to run.

Sun Shizong asked.

"Brother Wang, why don't you ask General Zuo to find out more?"

The Commander-in-Chief Zuo mentioned by Sun Shizong was Mr. Wang's son-in-law Zuo Guoliang, the general of the city defense battalion who dedicated Nanjing to the Ming Dynasty.

After surrendering to the Ming Dynasty, Zuo Guoliang was promoted one level and his official position became chief soldier.

Now he can be regarded as one of the important generals in the Ming army!

He was able to speak in front of Zhu Jing'an.

If Zhu Jing'an had the intention to expand on his assassination, Zuo Guoliang would definitely have heard about it.

When Mr. Wang heard this, the expression on his face changed slightly, and then he spoke.

"That's true!"

"I'll send someone to ask Guoliang later!"


Zhu Jing'an returned to the Prince's Mansion, but did not go to rest immediately.

Instead, he immediately ordered the generals to be summoned for discussion.

The reason why he was so anxious to summon the generals for discussion.

The first is to implement the blockade of Nanjing City and strict investigation of spies as soon as possible.

The second is to meet with the generals and appease the morale of the soldiers.

Zhu Jing'an was assassinated. If he didn't show his face publicly, he would be afraid that people below him would think something happened to him and do something irrational.

Today’s Ming Dynasty cannot withstand civil strife!
  As for pretending to be assassinated to test the loyalty of the people below?
  Only a mentally retarded person would do such a thing.

The human heart is the least able to withstand temptation.

Once the temptation goes too far, there's no telling what will happen.

Zhu Jing'an didn't have to wait long. After receiving the order, the generals in Nanjing arrived at the Prince's Mansion one after another.

In the lobby of the Prince's Mansion, waiting for Zhu Jing'an to receive him.

Zhu Jing'an hadn't shown up yet, so the generals gathered together and couldn't help but whisper among themselves.

"I heard that His Highness was assassinated. Is it true?"

"Damn assassin, I hope your highness is fine."

"It should be fine. Didn't His Highness summon me to wait? What big thing could happen? As long as His Highness is fine, this day will never be overturned."


Many people couldn't help but look worried.

Because they all realize how big the impact will be once Zhu Jing'an is really assassinated.

Liu Mingyou's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

You know, Zhu Jing'an is his nephew!

It is the greatest guarantee for the wealth and prosperity of his Liu family!
  As long as Prince Zhu Jing'an can successfully ascend the throne in the future, then the Liu family, as the maternal relatives of His Highness the Prince, will naturally enjoy endless wealth and splendor.

But if Zhu Jing'an was assassinated and several other princes came to power, the Liu family would be in a bad situation.

It is estimated that the first thing to do as soon as he takes office is to suppress the Liu family.

Besides, Zhu Jing'an is his nephew, a real uncle-nephew relationship, blood is thicker than water!

How could he not care about Zhu Jing'an's safety!
  Just as everyone was whispering worriedly, an announcement sounded outside the lobby.

"His Royal Highness is here!"

Immediately, Zhu Jing'an was seen striding into the lobby surrounded by several personal guards.

When the generals heard this, they all cheered up, stood up from their seats, then knelt on one knee and said.

"The last general will see His Royal Highness the Prince!"

"Your Highness Jin An!" After everyone knelt down, Zhu Jing'an strode in from the outside, surrounded by several personal guards.

Zhu Jing'an strode to the main seat and sat down. He looked around and saw everyone was here before he spoke.

"No gift, flat!"

"Sit everyone!"

Zhu Jing'an's tone was very cold when he spoke, and the expression on his face was as cold as a piece of ice that has not melted for thousands of years.

But when the generals saw this scene, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At the very least, they could now conclude that His Highness the Crown Prince was really fine, and was not just summoning them to stabilize the morale of the army.

All eyes were focused on Zhu Jing'an, looking at the cold expression on Zhu Jing'an's face and the very conspicuous blood stain.

Everyone knows that His Highness's assassination is really dangerous.

Otherwise, why would His Royal Highness be injured?

Fortunately, His Highness the Crown Prince only suffered superficial injuries!
  It's okay!

Seeing this, Liu Mingyou was obviously relieved and stood up and said.

"General Mo is really worried when he heard that His Highness was assassinated."

"Now that I can see His Highness, I hope it's fine!"

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and said.

"Uncle, I'm relieved, I'm fine!"

After comforting Liu Mingyou, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"Although Gu was fine, Gu's personal guards suffered many casualties in order to protect Gu's safety!"

On Huaide Street, the team was suddenly attacked. In order to protect his safety, the personal guards around Zhu Jing'an almost used their flesh and blood to block the bullets.

How could the casualties not be heavy!
  "These soldiers died fighting for Gu, Gu cannot let them die in vain!"

"I want to make a detailed investigation of the Tatars lurking in Nanjing City, pick them out one by one, kill them all, and bury them with the soldiers who died in the battle!"

When Zhu Jing'an said this, the murderous aura in his words almost burst out.

When the generals heard the words, they all responded in unison.


Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then began to assign tasks to the generals.

The generals were ordered to send troops to blockade the gates of Nanjing City and the traffic arteries inside and outside Nanjing City, and then prepare to conduct a large-scale inspection of Nanjing City.

After giving these instructions, Zhu Jing'an added.

"By the way, when conducting inspections, all ministries must pay attention to maintaining military discipline!"

"This is Nanjing, the old capital of the Ming Dynasty, and it cannot be violated!"

Upon hearing this, all the generals responded with fists clasped together again.


Zuo Guoliang came out of the Prince's Mansion and went straight to the military camp.

After arriving at the military camp, he immediately ordered the troops to leave the camp and led the troops to block the Jubao Gate.

He had just brought people to Jubao Gate when he saw a servant of Mr. Wang running from a distance.

The servant was brought to Zuo Guoliang and said.

"Uncle, I would like to ask you to come over and have a talk."

Hearing this, Zuo Guoliang lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said carefully after considering his words.

"Go back and tell your father-in-law that I, my son-in-law, still have military duties to attend to, and I really can't get away."

"When I have time later, I will come to apologize in person!"

The meaning in Zuo Guoliang's words is very clear. This matter is very big. I don't dare to see you now!
  The reason why he said he would visit in person when he had time was because Zuo Guoliang felt that this incident would only affect the Wang family a little, and would not kill Mr. Wang.

Otherwise, how could we turn back? (End of chapter)

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