The breastplates on the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and the flying saucer helmets on their heads are not decorations.

At a distance of a hundred meters, it still has quite good protection against the projectiles fired by the Qing army's shotguns.

Unless one is really unlucky and is hit by a projectile in an unobstructed vital part, the death rate on the Ming army's side is not high.

Seeing the Qing army's counterattack, the Ming army did not panic.

Just continue to deal with it in an orderly manner according to the training on the training ground.

The musketeers in the first row stood still and loaded their muskets after firing.

The second row passed through the gap in the middle of the first row, took a few steps forward, then stood still and pulled the trigger.

Another burst of gunfire rang out, and immediately, another large section of the front row of the Qing army fell down on the opposite side.

Immediately afterwards, the second row of musketeers stood still and loaded their muskets. The third row of musketeers stepped forward and fired a third volley.

Snapped!clap clap!

clap clap clap!

The crisp sound of gunfire resounded across the battlefield.

The Ming army used the stacking method to alternately advance and shoot, causing continuous firepower attacks on the Qing army.

Facing the firepower delivered by the Ming army, the Qing army on the opposite side also began to fight back.

But unfortunately, the Qing army's bird gunners usually lacked training and were unable to respond correctly when they were in panic on the battlefield.

Facing the Ming army's volleys, almost everyone in the Qing army fired indiscriminately.

Although from a distance, the Qing army's bird gunners were shooting lively.

The battlefield was filled with smoke and gunfire.

However, one look at the casualties of the Ming army on the opposite side and knew that the Qing army was making useless efforts.

It is difficult for the shotguns to fire indiscriminately from a distance of a hundred meters or so to cause effective damage to the Ming army.

With a bang, a Qing soldier pulled the trigger, and at the same time, the shotgun in his hand exploded.

In an instant, the Qing soldier's face was darkened, blood flowed across his face, and he let out shrill screams.

When the other Qing soldiers around saw this, they couldn't help showing expressions of fear on their faces.

Looking at the shotgun in his hand, he gradually became panicked, and his reloading movements also subconsciously slowed down.

When the supervising team saw this scene, in order to prevent the soldier's screams from disturbing the morale of the army, they slashed him with a knife without mercy.

There was a pop and blood spurted out!

A human head was thrown away.

However, killing people could not restore the low morale of the Qing army.

Watching helplessly some people were injured due to the shotgun blast, and the remaining people couldn't help but murmur in their hearts when they were in the shotgun state.

However, although the shooting speed of the Qing army has slowed down, the Ming army will not slow down.

The reliability of the Type 14 flintlock guns used by the Ming army is still guaranteed!

Although there is no guarantee that the explosion will never happen.

But Zhu Jing'an can guarantee that if any of the muskets explodes, the relevant craftsmen and inspectors who handle the muskets will all have to eat royal food.

Well, prison food is also royal food to a certain extent, isn't it?

Under this strict accountability system, the reliability of the Ming Army's Type 14 flintlock rifles is still guaranteed.

Therefore, the Ming army's musket shooting did not stop.

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, the killing effect of the Ming army's volley became more and more obvious.

The number of casualties among the frontline soldiers of the Qing army is constantly increasing!

As the Ming army continued to press forward, the Qing army, which clearly had the advantage in strength, began to slowly retreat.

The Qing army's array, which was not a strict one at first, began to become more and more loose.

Suddenly, at this moment, the rumble of horse hooves sounded again on the battlefield.

Pan Dazhu led the Ming cavalry. After destroying the Qing cavalry, he turned back and entered the battlefield again.

The cavalry galloped and the horses' hooves rumbled.

The cavalry of the Ming army formed a sharp arrow and headed straight towards the flank of the Qing army.

The artillery opened fire to provide fire cover, and the infantry pressed forward. The cavalry relied on its excellent mobility to harass the enemy's flanks, and cooperated with the infantry to complete a breakthrough on the frontal battlefield.

The Ming army's infantry, cavalry and artillery coordinated operations were quite good!

At the very least, the Qing army in Hangzhou could not keep up with the Ming army's combat rhythm.

The cavalry of the Ming army rushed to the flank of the Qing army despite a hail of bullets and bullets.

However, they did not immediately charge the Qing army's array. Instead, they took out grenades from the saddles.

After lighting the grenade, he threw it towards the Qing army's array.

One grenade after another pierced the air and fell into the Qing army's array.

Immediately, an explosion sounded, and the Qing army's array was blown up into balls of fire.

Broken limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere!

The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke combined, quite pungent.

After being hit by a grenade, the morale of the Qing army's flanks completely collapsed.

The whole array is a mess!

However, before the Qing army could respond, they chose to escape or fight.

The Ming army's cavalry roared and rushed over!

However, the ones who rushed over this time were not light cavalry with excellent mobility.

It's about people and horses equipped with equipment and heavy riding!

The heavy cavalry's horses' hooves made the ground rumble.

The Ming army cavalry formed a standard wall-type charge array, with three rows in front and back, one row pressed against the other, charging towards the Qing army array layer by layer.

The carbines in the hands of the Ming army cavalry were leveled, and the spear heads flashed with cold light, forming a dense forest of spears.

Seeing this scene, the Qing army's formations all had expressions on their faces that were instantly distorted with horror.

"Cavalry! The Ming thief cavalry is coming!"

"Run, run quickly, or you will be trampled to death by the Ming thief's cavalry if you don't run!"


The morale of countless Qing soldiers collapsed, and they turned around and ran away, abandoning their helmets and armor.

The array on the flanks of the Qing army turned into a complete mess.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the heavy cavalry of the Ming army penetrated the chaotic enemy formation.

He began to chase the Qing army's defeat and continued to expand its results.

The sharp carbine and scimitar attacked from behind, causing huge casualties to the fleeing Qing army.


"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


While the Ming army's cavalry crushed the Qing army's flanks, the Ming army's infantry also launched a bayonet charge on the frontal battlefield.

The piercing sound of the charge horn resounded throughout the battlefield!

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty held bayonets and launched a bayonet charge while shouting to kill.

Before the two sides fought, grenades were thrown out and landed in the Qing army's array.

The moment the explosion sounded, the Qing army was blown to pieces.

Grenade blasts opened gaps in the originally loose array. Without waiting for the Qing army to increase its troops to fill the gap, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty carried their bayonet-mounted muskets and poured directly into the enemy formation through the gaps opened by grenades.

As soon as the front lines of the two sides met, the Qing army began to collapse and retreat.

Facing the bright bayonet forest of the Ming army, no one in the Qing army dared to fight back.

The supervising team wanted to supervise the battle and save the situation, but in an instant they were overwhelmed by the wave of defeated troops.

He was trampled by countless people and turned into a pulp!

The war supervisory team is fine when the battle is stalemate. However, if the army is defeated like a mountain, the warlord team will have no way to change the situation.

Because there were too many defeated troops!

Although these defeated soldiers did not dare to face the Ming army's attack directly, if anyone dared to prevent them from escaping, they would definitely fight with each other.

The countless broken troops were fighting for their lives, and it was not something that a war team of dozens or hundreds of people could stop.

Seth'a was riding on horseback, looking at the situation on the battlefield that could be described as a crushing defeat, with a look of despair on his face.

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

"Thirty thousand versus seventy thousand, the advantage is mine!"

"How could I, the Qing Dynasty, lose quickly?!"

It wasn't that Seth didn't expect that the Qing Dynasty would lose, he didn't expect that the Qing Dynasty would lose this battle so quickly.

In his opinion, no matter how capable the Ming thieves are, the Qing Dynasty still has a military advantage.

The number of troops is more than twice that of the Ming thieves.

No matter how unfavorable the war situation is, it should not be a problem to barely maintain the situation in Hangzhou!

After all, even if there were 70,000 pigs, it would be impossible for the Ming army to kill them all so quickly!

But what Seth doesn't understand is that humans are not pigs.

If a person cannot be beaten, he will run away; if he cannot escape, he will surrender, and even surrender in an organized manner.

It is really much easier to kill 70,000 people than to kill 70,000 pigs.

"General, if the war situation is ruined, it is irreversible. The green hills are still there, so we don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Please give the order to withdraw your troops quickly!"

"As long as our army can withdraw into Hangzhou and keep Hangzhou intact, there will still be a chance..."

Wu Changshi grabbed Seth's horse's rein and wanted to drag Seth'a away to Hangzhou City.

After hearing this, Seth A turned his head to look at the defeated battle situation, covered his face in pain, and said.

"After the green camp is broken, the Eight Banners will withdraw first and return to Hangzhou in an orderly manner as soon as possible..."

In order to ensure the safety of the Eight Banners in Hangzhou, Seth'a ordered the Green Camp soldiers to be responsible for breaking up the rear.

But the problem is that the Green Camp soldiers have been defeated. With their morale collapsed, they don't even have the courage to face the Ming army directly. How can they stop the fight?

Facing the Ming army that surged up like a tide, the green battalion soldiers who received the order simply didn't even run away. They knelt down on the ground and chose to surrender.

Didn't Seth'a let them cut off the queen?

By surrendering, they forced the Ming army to stop their pursuit and instead spend time taking in prisoners of war. It was also considered a different kind of break, wasn't it?

Whether they fought or not is another matter, just say whether they blocked the Ming army's pursuit, then it will be over!

Seth'a withdrew the Eight Banners of Hangzhou into the city of Hangzhou. In order to prevent the Ming army from pursuing the defeated Qing army, they went straight into the city of Hangzhou.

After Seth's Eight Banners returned to the city in Hangzhou, he ordered the gates of Hangzhou to be closed, regardless of the fact that there were still broken troops of the Green Camp outside the city who had not entered the city.

With a bang, the thousand-jin gate at the Hangzhou city gate fell, and people crowded near the city gate. Several Qing army green battalion soldiers who tried to enter the city were directly smashed to death.

A Qing soldier was hit on the waist by the Qianjin Zha, which weighed several thousand kilograms, and was cut into two pieces by the Qianjin Zha.

Where he was hit in the waist and abdomen, even the skin, flesh and bones were turned into pulp.

However, although he was cut in half by Qian Jin Zha, he was not dead for a while.

It emits screams and wails one after another, which makes people feel sad and sad.

This move caused the Qing troops outside Hangzhou who had not yet entered the city to break up and curse.

"Damn it, what bastard ordered the Qianjin Gate to be lowered!"

"I haven't entered the city yet, I haven't entered the city yet! Niang Xipi!"

"Damn it, you almost killed me, you know? Open the city gate, open the city gate quickly, let me wait to enter the city!"


However, listening to the abuse of the defeated soldiers outside the city, everything was quiet at the top of the city of Hangzhou.

No one responded at all!

As for the thousand-pound gate, naturally no one will open it.

Seeing themselves and others being locked up outside the city, these Green Camp soldiers from Zhejiang Green Camp exploded in an instant.

"Nang Xipi, I went through life and death for the Qing Dynasty on the battlefield. Is this what the Qing Dynasty did to us? We haven't even finished the battle yet, and they locked us up outside the city?"

"Open the door, open the damn door! What bastard of a prostitute ordered the city gate to be closed? I will definitely kill you!"

"Go to hell, since the Qing Dynasty doesn't want me to wait anymore, then I will rebel, rebel! Go to the Ming Dynasty!"


In anger, some people even wielded their swords and chopped down the thousand-jin gate at the gate of Hangzhou.

Trying to break into the city!

Under the attack of the green soldiers outside the city, the Thousand Jin Gate of Hangzhou City became shaky at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The gate even made a creaking and twisting sound.

Wu Changshi at the top of the city saw this scene and spoke to persuade.

"General, the pursuers of the Ming Dynasty were blocked by our army's rear-cut troops. They are still far away from the gate of Hangzhou. Please order the opening of the Thousand Jin Gate and let our soldiers enter the city!"

Wu Changshi is the admiral of Zhejiang Green Camp, and the people locked up outside the city are all his soldiers. There is no way he can't help but care about them.

When Seth A heard this, he said with a cold face.

"Admiral Wu, watch your words!"

"Listen to what these rebels outside the city are saying? They are all going to surrender to the traitors. How can I, the general, let them into the city?"

Seeing this, Wu Changshi couldn't help but explain.

"Sir General, these words were just made out of anger by the soldiers who were locked up outside the city. They were just complaining and they were definitely not sincere."

"General, please think twice and let the soldiers enter the city!"

After hearing this, Seth couldn't help frowning.

"You mean, you blame me?"

After saying this, Seth A no longer paid attention to Wu Changshi, but turned to his own soldiers and said.

"Shout to the outside of the city and ask the rebels outside the city to immediately stop attacking the gates of Hangzhou and turn around to confront the Ming thieves."

"Otherwise, we will kill you without mercy!"

After instructing his own soldiers to shout, Seth'a continued his instructions.

"Send an order to the city defenders and ask them to be prepared to kill the enemy. If the rebels outside the city dare to attack Hangzhou City again, they will use arrows and guns to kill all the rebels."

Seth's order showed his cold nature.

They didn't even care that the green soldiers outside the city were also members of the Qing army, and they had just fought to the death for the Qing Dynasty!

After Seth's order was issued, there was a burst of shouting from the top of Hangzhou city.

"Your Majesty the General has given an order. All the troops outside the city must immediately stop attacking the gates of Hangzhou and turn around to attack the Ming thieves. Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Your Majesty the General has given an order. All the troops outside the city must immediately stop attacking the gates of Hangzhou and turn around to attack the Ming thieves. Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

"..." (end of this chapter)

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