Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 258 Internal strife in the Qing army

The shouting was loud and clear, and all the Qing army units outside the city heard it clearly.

However, the various departments of the Qing army who heard the shouting soon felt angry.

"Damn it, the bastard Tatars are nothing!"

"Niang Xipi, Niang Xipi, even if you don't let me enter the city, you still want me to continue to die and be cannon fodder for you? Do you think I am a fool?"

"Fuck you dog Tatars, I'm not going to do it anymore, I'm going against it! I'm going against it!!"


The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty roared angrily, with angry looks on their faces.

Chang Kang, a general in the Qing army outside the city of Hangzhou, saw this scene, summoned his subordinates, and said.

"Today we were abandoned by the Qing Dynasty and left as cannon fodder outside Hangzhou!"

"This can be considered as driving us to a dead end!"

"Since the Qing Dynasty has done well in the first year of junior high school, don't blame me for doing it in the fifteenth year!"

When one of his subordinates saw this, he looked suspicious and asked.

"Mr. Chang, what do you mean?"

After hearing this, everyone around them also looked at the superior officer Chang Kang.

Seeing this, Chang Kang took a deep breath and said.

"Since the Qing Dynasty won't give me a way to survive!"

"Then I will rebel and join the Ming Dynasty!"

After hearing this, everyone expressed their agreement.

How should I put it, that was the Ming Dynasty, the old employer of the Green Camp soldiers.

They really had no psychological pressure at all about surrendering to the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Chang Kang added.

"Since we have made up our minds to vote for the Ming Dynasty, we cannot do without a certificate of voting!"

"If we don't have a certificate of nomination, even if we vote for the Ming Dynasty, the most we can do is save our lives. We can't even think about glory and wealth."

"But if we can make a pledge of surrender before surrendering, we will definitely be able to continue to be reused by Ming Dynasty after we surrender!"

After saying this, he pointed his finger at Hangzhou City and spoke with a serious expression.

"And this city of Hangzhou is the certificate of submission before us!"

"Brothers, do it or not!"

Hearing this, everyone around nodded and said.


The expressions on all their faces were firm.

Seeing this, Chang Kang spoke.

"Now that you have made up your mind, everyone will go and talk to their subordinates..."


Seeing the rioters gathering outside the city gate, not only did they show no intention of dispersing, but more and more of them gathered.

Seth'a also made up his mind and gritted his teeth and said.

"Go down with the order, let me shoot arrows at my general, and shoot those damn rebels with random arrows..."

Seth's order was issued, and the next moment, there was a sound of bowstrings trembling from the top of Hangzhou City.

There was the sound of bursts of arrows piercing the air!

Arrows were shot at the Qing soldiers gathered outside the city.


For a time, arrows falling from the sky kept hitting the Qing soldiers who were crowded outside the city gate.

The sound of arrows piercing flesh continued to sound.



"Run, run, there are arrows on the city!"

"Fuck you bitch, you don't want me to enter the city, just force me to be cannon fodder, why don't you shoot me with an arrow, I'll fight you all!"


Many Qing soldiers were dominated by anger and began to fight back against the Hangzhou Eight Banners soldiers who fired arrows at the top of the city.

Some people bent their bows and nocked arrows at the top of the city, and some people raised their guns and fired. They aimed at the Qing soldiers who poked their heads out of the city and pulled the trigger.

For a time, before Ming Dynasty took action, there was a lively fight both above and below the city of Hangzhou.

There was the sound of trembling bowstrings, shot of shotguns, screams and wails.


In the distance, on the Ming army's position.

Liu Mingyou and Zhang Hu also noticed the movement in Hangzhou City.

Seeing the scene of internal strife between the Qing troops outside Hangzhou, the expressions on their faces were visibly confused.

"This...this Qing army is so good, why is it that there is internal strife?"

Zhang Hu touched his chin with a thoughtful expression.

Liu Mingyou on the side also had the same expression, but he still spoke.

"Send an order to the front line and ask our soldiers to slow down their offensive and wait for internal strife in the Qing army!"

He was a little curious about what the Qing army's internal strife would look like.


Although the Ming army's offensive slowed down, the Qing army's internal strife showed no sign of slowing down.

The fighting continues and is getting more intense.

Accompanied by bursts of shouts of killing, Chang Kang led the Qing troops who were locked up outside the city to stand up, raised their arms and shouted.

"The current situation!"

"If you advance, you will die, if you retreat, you will die. Why not rebel?!"

Seeing this, the caretakers he arranged in advance started to respond.



"Resist the Qing Dynasty, restore the Ming Dynasty, drive out the Tartars, and restore China!"    "..."

Soon, the atmosphere was heated up by them.

The selected part of the Zhejiang Green Camp began to attack Hangzhou City.

Although they did not have siege equipment, they had countless soldiers who came one after another.

Not long after, the Qianjin Gate in the outer city of Hangzhou was demolished.

Everyone follows the herd, and as time goes by, more and more Green Camp soldiers choose to follow the herd anyway.

Gradually, those Green Camp soldiers who were locked up outside the city basically chose to do whatever they wanted.

Countless Green Camp soldiers sacrificed their lives and crashed into the city gate behind the Thousand Jin Gate.

The muffled sound of "dong-dong" kept ringing, and the iron-clad gate of Hangzhou's outer city creaked from the impact.

The latch was bent and almost broken!



"Capture the city of Hangzhou! Give the Ming Dynasty a certificate of surrender!"


Seeing this, the Eight Banners of Hangzhou at the top of the city could only fight to the death, constantly fighting back with bows and arrows at the bottom of the city.

However, the number of people in the Eight Banners in Hangzhou was really too small compared to the huge Lvying in Zhejiang outside the city.

Coupled with the fact that the Zhejiang Green Camp was on the offensive and fought desperately regardless of life and death, for a while, the city of Hangzhou was on the verge of falling.

Arrows, projectiles, rolling wood and rocks rained down from the top of the city of Hangzhou.

The internal strife of the Qing army became more and more intense, and the casualties became more and more obvious.

Cries of death and screams continued.

The Eight Banners in Hangzhou even began to use artillery to aim at the Zhejiang Green Camp outside Hangzhou, light match ropes, and open fire.

Amidst the roaring shelling, the number of casualties in Zhejiang Green Camp continued to rise.

Finally, the Zhejiang Green Camp could no longer bear the casualties and began to withdraw.

After retreating to a safe distance, the generals in the Zhejiang Green Camp who were locked up outside the city chose to send envoys to contact the Ming army in an attempt to get a good treatment for their surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

For a time, the battle outside Hangzhou came to an end, and both the Ming and Qing Dynasties chose to cease fire.


Hangzhou City Head!

Looking at the Zhejiang Green Camp with Wuyang Wuyang fighting to surrender to the Ming thieves outside the city, Seth felt quite uncomfortable.

He felt that both Qing Dynasty and himself had been betrayed!

Is this the result that the Qing Dynasty achieved after cultivating scholars for one hundred and forty years?

Anger, frustration, and aggrieved emotions were constantly brewing in his heart.

In the end, it all turned into resentment!

Seth'a can't help but resent the generals below. The war situation is ruined. Can't you die loyally for the Qing Dynasty?

I can’t help but resent those Zhejiang Green Camps who were excluded from Hangzhou by him. Although you were abandoned, couldn’t you fight to the last moment for the Qing Dynasty?

Obviously, even if the battle situation in Hangzhou reaches the current situation, Seth'a still does not think that he has done anything wrong.

In his opinion, how could he be wrong?

If you are wrong, it is also someone else’s fault!

Wu Changshi and Su Mingsheng looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

They are really powerless to complain about Seth now!

Although after the decisive battle in Jiangning, for the Qing Dynasty, it was a certainty that the situation in Zhejiang would be ruined.

However, it would not be easy for the Ming army to take over such a large territory in Zhejiang.

If the local officials in Zhejiang can coordinate properly and resist every step of the way, there is hope that Zhejiang will continue to fight for more than half a year.

Now, the situation in Zhejiang has collapsed so quickly, and Seth A, the Hangzhou general, is definitely indispensable.

If Seth and Asao were to operate less, the situation in Zhejiang would definitely be much better than it is now.

"General, if the battle situation deteriorates, Hangzhou will no longer be defendable!"

"Please give the general the order to evacuate Hangzhou City and retreat to Jinhua, or simply prepare to join forces with Fujian and retreat to Fujian!"

Wu Changshi suggested.

In his opinion, Zhejiang Green Camp surrendered to the enemy in large numbers, and Hangzhou was in danger. The current war situation in Zhejiang could be considered completely collapsed and there was no way to recover.

In the entire southeastern region, the only place that has any hope of being able to withstand the Ming rebels' front is Fujian, which is known to have eight mountains, one water, and one farmland, and the terrain is relatively complex.

For the current Qing army in Hangzhou, the wisest choice is to evacuate Hangzhou city now, preserve the Qing's effective forces in the southeast, and retreat to Fujian.

So that Fujian can persist longer!

But when Seth A heard this, he waved his hand and refused.


"Hangzhou City is the capital of Zhejiang Province. If we abandon Hangzhou, wouldn't we hand over Zhejiang Province to Ming thieves?"

"Don't mention this matter again!"

After saying this, Seth's evil spirit awakened again and spoke.

"Hangzhou's defense has been managed by this general for a long time. It can be said to be impregnable. We have all the money and food. Even if we are besieged, it will not be a problem to hold on for a year and a half."

"And the art of war has it that when faced with a fortified city, attack it ten times!"

"In other words, the enemy must have ten times the strength to attack the fortified city!"

"And now the Ming thieves' strength is definitely not ten times that of our Hangzhou defenders. Hangzhou city can still be defended!"

Wu Changshi opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

But he soon gave up.

Because he realized that the guy in front of him was a tough guy.

Even if you try to persuade him, he won't listen.

If that's the case, then why are you wasting your time?

Su Mingsheng on the side couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, his eyes full of despair.

Based on the current situation in Zhejiang, if he didn't want to bear the reputation of being a traitor, he would have surrendered to the Ming Dynasty long ago!

Seth heard Su Mingsheng sigh and looked at him the next moment, as if he was asking.

Is there something wrong with what I said? do you have any opinion? !

Seeing this, Su Mingsheng could only say something against his will.

"The general is wise! I admire you!"

Seeing this, Seth nodded with satisfaction.

He just said, how could he be wrong?

Look, doesn’t Su Mingsheng, the governor of Zhejiang, agree with what he said? (End of chapter)

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