Chapter 277 Night Raid and Trap

"Hurry up!"

"Move faster!"

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty held engineering shovels in their hands and quickly dug trenches and carried out construction operations.

Beside them, junior officers shouted at the soldiers of Ming Dynasty to speed up.

A large-scale camp is being built bit by bit!

Soon, the civilian men recruited by the Ming army from around Fuzhou City and the Green Camp prisoners of war who surrendered to the Ming army were also put into construction operations.

The Ming army carried out soil work outside Fuzhou City, dug trenches, and built camps.

The Qing army was blocked by the Ming army's naval guns and could not leave the city at all.

The battle outside Fuzhou City was at a stalemate.

Kuilun, Se Lengtu and other Qing generals stood at the top of the city of Fuzhou, looking at the Ming army's barracks and fortifications that were gradually taking shape outside the city. Their expressions were not very good.

Because they knew that once the Ming army's camps and fortifications were formed outside the city, they would launch an attack on Fuzhou City.

However, even if they knew this, they still couldn't come up with a suitable way to deal with it!

At this moment, Fujian Governor Fu Gang suddenly spoke.

"Sir General, I feel that our army may be able to take advantage of the fact that the Ming bandits' camp has not yet been completely built, launch a night attack on the Ming bandits' camp tonight, and drive the landed Ming bandits down the Minjiang River in one fell swoop."

It was getting late now, and there was still at most half an hour until dark.

Tomigang didn't believe that the Ming army could completely build the camp so quickly!

Now the Ming army's camp is at best a semi-finished product!

Defense capabilities are limited.

If the Qing army went out of the city tonight to launch a night attack on the Ming army outside Fuzhou City, they would actually have a chance to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

After hearing this, Kuilun couldn't help but fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, Kuilun made up his mind and spoke.

"Send the order to recruit loyal and brave men from all departments of our army to form a death squad, and prepare to launch a night attack on the Ming army camp outside the city tonight."

Kuilun knew that the death squads he sent out of the city to raid the Ming thief camp would most likely be lost outside the city, and few would be able to come back.

However, he still wanted to give it a try!

Because he could not just watch the Ming army complete the landing and prepare to launch an offensive outside Fuzhou City.

Then Shi Shiran attacks Fuzhou City!

As Kuilun's order was issued, the Qing army in Fuzhou City began to recruit death squads.

Seeing this, the Eight Banners soldiers of Fuzhou Eight Banners enthusiastically signed up.

And the reason is for no other reason than to protect his family and guard his home!

Soon, the death squads required by Quillen were recruited.

There were not many people, only a few hundred people larger, but almost all of them were elite members of the Qing army.

Even under the heavy reward, several foreign soldiers also joined the death squads, hoping to try their luck at wealth.


It was getting dark, and the Qing army's death squads finished their last meal of wine and meat and quietly left the city from the north gate.

The death squads leading the war horses prepared to make a large circle outside Fuzhou City, and then raid the Ming army's camp in the east of Fuzhou City.

The Qing army thought they were doing it covertly, but they didn't know that all their actions were clearly seen by the Ming army's observation balloon hanging in the sky.

Although most of the Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army did not have night blindness and could march and fight at night.

However, the absence of night blindness does not mean that Qing soldiers do not need to light torches!

Even if it was for the purpose of sneaking, extinguishing the torch would have to be done only after the death squads arrived not far from the Ming army camp.

When we first left Fuzhou City, all the torches must have been lit.

Looking down from the sky to the ground, the fire dragon composed of torches on the ground is really very conspicuous.

It's impossible for the Ming army's lookout hand on the observation balloon to miss it!

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an received the news not long after the Qing army's death squad left the city.

"Your Highness, there is a group of Qing troops coming out of Fuzhou North City. It seems that they are preparing to make a detour and attack our army's camp outside Fuzhou City. How our army should respond is up to the Crown Prince to decide."

Zhang Jin came to Zhu Jing'an and reported to him the battlefield trends observed by the observation balloon.

Zhu Jing'an narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he spoke.

"Haha, now that you're here, don't go back."

"Send orders to our landing troops to prepare for the Qing army's night attack..."

Without night blindness, it was not just the Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army who could launch night attacks.

The Ming army’s headquarters soldiers are also available!

Isn't it just night fighting? Who is afraid of whom?

Since the Qing army dared to attack at night, Zhu Jing'an had no reason not to dare to fight.

Suddenly, Zhu Jing'an had an idea and spoke.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

"After setting up an ambush and defeating the Qing army's night attack force, we asked our soldiers to change into Qing army armor and uniforms, pretend that the Qing army was defeated, and took advantage of the situation to seize several positions of the Qing army outside the west city of Fuzhou..."

When Zhang Jin heard this, he clasped his fists and went to deliver the order.

Zhu Jing'an's move is still feasible to a certain extent.

In the middle of the night, the lights were dark, and no one could see anyone clearly. The Ming army wore Qing army armor and went to make a surprise attack. It was difficult for the Qing army to react.


Soon, He Gui, the commander of the landing force, received Zhu Jing'an's order.

When He Gui heard this, he immediately cupped his fists and took orders.

"I will finally understand!"

After saying this, he also gave instructions to the messengers beside him.

"Order our soldiers to prepare for battle!"

"If the Qing army invades, they will open a hole in the camp, lure the enemy deep into the camp, and fight a battle of annihilation..."

After receiving the order, the ordering soldier clasped his fists in resignation and went down to convey the order.

As the military orders were conveyed level by level, the Ming army prepared for battle.

This half-built camp on the edge of the Minjiang River looks like a monster with its bloody mouth open.

Be prepared to devour the prey that comes to you!


Hengxiang is a staff leader of the Zhenglan Banner in Manchuria. In the old Manchu dialect, he is Jia La E Zhen.

Ever since his great-grandfather's generation was sent to Fuzhou to guard it by Emperor Kangxi, the Hengxiang family had settled down in Fuzhou.

More than a hundred years have passed, and people like Hengxiang have long been accustomed to life in Fuzhou and regard Fuzhou City as their home.

However, what Hengxiang never expected was that the glorious and prosperous era of the Qing Dynasty would end with an uprising launched by the former Ming Dynasty clan.

In this uprising, the Qing Dynasty almost lost the entire south.

Nowadays, Fuzhou is also on the verge of life and death!

But for Hengxiang, this is an unacceptable thing.

He has made Fuzhou his home, and now someone wants to take away the home where his ancestors have lived for more than a hundred years, and turn all his family members into hard labor and slaves. Hengxiang will never agree.

Therefore, when General Fuzhou ordered the selection of death squads from the Eight Banners soldiers, Hengxiang took the initiative to sign up and asked for orders to lead the death squads out of the city to attack the Ming army's camps at night.

He knew that after he left the city this time, he might not be able to come back!

However, Hengxiang is willing to fight for his home and his family.

The worst outcome is death!

But if he succeeds, it is possible that he can solve Fuzhou's dilemma. Hengxiang is willing to bet his life on the gambling table for a chance to win!

Looking at the Ming army camp in front of him, which was shadowy in the dark and unable to see the full picture, Hengxiang raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

After everyone stopped, Hengxiang lowered his voice and said.

"We are probably about to enter the activity range of the Ming thief's Sentinel Riders, so we should put out the torches!"

"Pay attention to sneaking and don't be discovered by the thieves' sentries."

After everyone heard this, they extinguished the torches in their hands.

Then the man held his title, the horse bound its hooves, and headed towards the Ming army's camp.

Hengxiang and others were on tenterhooks all the way, thinking that they would be in danger of being discovered by the Ming thief sentries.

But surprisingly, there were no obstacles along the way.

The Qing army's death squad rode their horses and walked slowly to a few hundred meters outside the Ming army's camp.

Hengxiang was riding on horseback, looking at the Ming army camp in the distance.

Looking at the huge dark camp, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Without him, it’s too quiet!

It's so quiet that people can't help but feel their scalp numb...

Logically speaking, hundreds of them were riding horses outside the Ming army's camp, and the movement was not small at all.

No matter how slow the Ming army is, they should have discovered it.

But the current situation is that the Ming army's camp is still dark and quiet.

Like a beast dormant in the darkness, ready to launch a fatal blow to its prey at any time.

It makes people feel chilling!

This can only show that the Ming army may have discovered them long ago.

And now the Ming army is huddled in the camp, waiting for them to rush forward and die...

But now that the matter has come to this, Hengxiang knows that he and others have no way out. Rather than continue to stand still outside the Ming army's camp, he might as well grit his teeth and rush forward!

What if you win?

So what if the Ming army had an ambush? They were originally death squads, weren't they?

If the death squads were afraid of death, then what kind of suicide squads would they be?

Thinking of this, Heng Xiang pulled out the saber from his waist with a loud sound and shouted.

"My sons, for the Qing Dynasty, for the Eight Banners, for our homeland, kill!"

After saying this, he took the lead and rode towards the Ming army camp to kill.

Behind him, a Qing Army Eight Banners soldier also raised his spear and shouted loudly.


"Kill the thieves of the Ming Dynasty and protect the Qing Dynasty!"


The next moment, the rumble of horse hooves sounded.

In the dark night, the dark cavalry galloped on horseback.

A few hundred meters passed in the blink of an eye, and the Qing army's death squads jumped across the ditch outside the Ming army camp.

Jean used his spear to open the proposed wooden gate of the stronghold.

A black crowd of cavalry poured in from the gate of the village.

Horse hooves rumbled.

In the dark night, the tall knight wearing armor and riding on horseback looked even more majestic.

After the Qing army's death squads broke into the Ming army's camp, they continued to charge forward.

They rushed into the tents and looked at the empty tents. The hearts of these Qing army death squads were filled with solemnity.

Hengxiang himself rode into a tent, then immediately rode out and rushed into the next tent...

Several times in succession, Hengxiang's heart became colder and colder.

Originally, he had only guessed that the Ming army had already discovered them, and whether this camp was a trap.

But now he can conclude that the huge camp in front of him is indeed a trap.

A trap for them!

Forcibly suppressing the fear and solemnity in his heart, Hengxiang ordered.


"Set fire immediately!"

"After setting the fire, we quickly launched a surprise attack on the core of the Ming thief's camp..."

Although Hengxiang realized that he might have fallen into the trap of the Ming army.

But you must know that when Hengxiang led the death squads out of the city, he issued a military order and vowed to lead the death squads to inflict heavy damage on the Ming army that landed.

Since this task has not been completed yet, how can Hengxiang order the withdrawal of troops?

With a solemn mood, Hengxiang and others continued to rush towards the depths of the Ming army's camp.

Wherever the Qing army's death squads passed, tents were set on fire, and the fire spread rapidly.

At this moment, Hengxiang, who was riding on horseback, suddenly saw that the bodies of several people in front of him suddenly lost their balance and threw themselves forward.

The man fell to the ground, his bones broken and his tendons broken, and he screamed in agony.

The horse with its broken leg also neighed in pain.

Several horse pits the size of bowls suddenly appeared on the ground. Inside the pits were the broken legs of several war horses, white bone stubble, and dripping with blood.

Seeing this scene, Hengxiang and others realized that something bad was going on, and subconsciously reined in the horses, trying to slow down the horses.

But even so, several Qing soldiers' horses stepped on the pits, and they fell directly onto their backs.

The Qing army's death squads reined in the situation, but did not wait for Hengxiang to make a decision.

The next moment, there was a deafening roar.

A solid artillery shell flew in the air and poured into the Qing army's array.

In the next moment, several Qing soldiers were torn apart by shells fired by the Ming army's field artillery.

Flesh and blood flying everywhere, broken limbs and broken arms...

The air was suddenly filled with a strong smell of blood, which was quite pungent.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of artillery sounded one after another.

Boom! Boom!

Cannonballs flew across the air, invincible wherever they passed.

The Qing army's death squads, who were still charging on horseback, were targeted and bombarded by the field artillery ambushed by the Ming army in the camp, causing many casualties.

Screams and wails continued to sound.

The war horse neighed and stood up, trying to shake off the burden on its back, and then escape lightly.

War horses are quite sensitive and timid creatures. Even though most of the Qing army's war horses have been trained to adapt to the sound of explosions, they are still unavoidable when they are bombarded by artillery in the face.

Hengxiang desperately controlled the war horse under his crotch, but before he could control the horse, he heard another whistling sound in the air.

Rockets trailing long tail flames pierced the sky and flew towards them.

Rockets rushed to land among the Qing army's death squads, and the next moment, a rumble of explosions resounded through the sky.

Balls of fire rose from the ground, smoke filled the air, and air waves carried the sand flying.

Many soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were swept away with their horses and men!

The body was torn apart by the shock wave in mid-air, and the scene of flesh and blood flying everywhere was quite terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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