Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 278 The lower the bottom line, the more methods there are

Chapter 278 The lower the bottom line, the more methods there are

Boom! Boom!

The sound of rocket detonations mixed with the roar of field artillery resounded throughout the battlefield.

The number of casualties among the Qing death squads led by Hengxiang was rising steadily.

They will all be stunned by the Ming army!

Screams, wails, and the neighing of war horses continued to sound.

The next moment, the piercing sound of the charging horn sounded.

The Ming army's ambush began to pour out from all directions.

A soldier named Ming held a musket with a bayonet and launched a bayonet charge towards the Qing army's death squads who were suddenly attacked and in chaos.

The shouts of killing are loud and the morale is like a rainbow!

In the dark night, a bright bayonet reflected the cold light.

Scattered gunfire rang out.

Although the soldiers of the Ming army launched a bayonet charge, the muskets in their hands were not for display.

Enemies that can be killed by shooting should be shot first.

It's not too late to use the bayonet once the musket in your hand is empty.

In the blink of an eye, the Ming army's ambush troops and the Qing army's death squads were strangled together.

Everywhere you can see scenes of soldiers of the Ming Dynasty shooting each other in the face, then launching a bayonet charge, stabbing the sharp bayonet into the Qing army's body mercilessly.

As blood flowed from the wounds, the vitality of the Qing soldiers quickly drained away.


Hengxiang was thrown off his horse by the air wave generated by the rocket explosion.

The powerful shock wave caused his body to bleed and his face turned pale.

After he got up from the ground, the Qing army death squad he commanded was already trapped in a tight siege.

In all directions, there were Ming troops shouting to kill.

A sharp bayonet blocked all their ways of survival.

Hengxiang stood leaning on his spear, his eyes full of confusion and confusion, and there was still blood flowing from the corners of his eyes, mouth, and ears.

The Eight Banners soldiers around him were falling one after another.

The ground was soon littered with corpses and rivers of blood.

Hengxiang gritted his teeth, picked up his spear, and prepared to face a Ming soldier.

Inch longer and stronger, the spear in Hengxiang's hand pierced the throat of the Ming army in front of him.

In an instant, blood rushed out along the gun tip, and was blocked by Hongying's blood.

The Ming soldier held the wound on his throat and fell limply to the ground.

However, before Hengxiang could be proud, he only heard a gunshot.

Another Ming soldier rushed up, raised his musket, aimed at Hengxiang and pulled the trigger.

After the gunshot, a ball of blood burst out from Hengxiang's chest, and his body suddenly fell back.

There was severe pain in his chest, and blood was constantly oozing out from his mouth. Hengxiang could feel that life was being withdrawn from his body bit by bit...

He knew that he would most likely die when he led the team into the battle this time, but he never imagined that he would die in such a painful and worthless way.

Before their mission was completed, they were surrounded by the Ming army.

Even if you die, you will die in vain!

Hengxiang's consciousness had not disappeared, and he could only hear the sound of sharp blades penetrating flesh and blood.

Two Ming soldiers rushed forward with bayonets mounted on their muskets, and thrust their bayonets into Hengxiang's heart and throat respectively.

Finished the last hit quickly!


Kuilun stood at the top of Fuzhou City, looking at the battlefield.

Seeing that the Qing army's death squads sent to the city were surrounded by the Ming army, and then quickly surrounded and annihilated by the Ming army, his heart throbbed.

Suddenly, Kuilun's eyes lit up because he saw a group of remnants of the Qing army breaking away from the Ming army and retreating towards Fuzhou City.

When Kuilun saw this, he was overjoyed.

"Someone in our army broke through, hahaha, someone broke through successfully!"

"Send an order to several camp fortresses outside the East City and ask them to prepare for the response..."


A premeditated ambush ended quickly.

In this melee in the dark night, the Ming army annihilated hundreds of invading Qing army death squads at the cost of twenty or thirty soldiers.

However, although the invading Qing army was annihilated, the battle tonight was not over.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty took off the armor from the Qing soldiers who died in the battle, and then put it on themselves.

Then, pretending to be defeated and fleeing, they fought all the way towards the Qing army's several camps in the east of Fuzhou City.

In order to perform the full set, the Ming army even brought with them several prisoners of war from the Eight Banners of Jiangning who were proficient in Manchu.

The reason why I only brought a few people with me is because no one uses Manchu these days.

It took a lot of effort for the Ming army to find a few prisoners of war who could speak Manchu.

Also, most of the current Eight Banners are "Zhangyu" who cannot speak Manchu.

It is most realistic for the Ming army to sporadically arrange a few prisoners of war who can speak Manchu to accompany the army in the night attack force. If you make too many arrangements, you will be suspected!

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty rushed all the way to the Qing army's camp in the east of the city. Instead of sending troops to intercept, the Qing army opened the camp gate wide and prepared to receive their defeated troops.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty couldn't help but look happy.

They were still worried, what if the Qing army refused to allow these "broken soldiers" to enter the camp?

Unexpectedly, the Qing army not only had no intention of denying them entry into the camp, but instead took the initiative to open the camp gate and respond.

In this case, it couldn’t be better!

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty just poured into the camp of the Qing army.

Then, before the Qing army could react, they picked up their weapons and rushed forward to fight with the Qing army.

The Qing army was caught off guard by the sudden attack. They had no time to organize a defense and were rushed into the camp by the Ming army.

After the Ming army forwards pretended to be defeated by the Qing army and rushed into the Qing army camp, the main force following closely behind them also quickly followed up.

He shouted to kill and fought with the Qing army.

The sound of gunfire and grenade explosions sounded from time to time.

The shouts of killing became louder and louder, and the Ming army launched wave after wave of charges and quickly captured the Qing army's camp.

The Qing army was obviously losing ground!

At the same time, the Qing generals watching the battle at the top of Fuzhou City also noticed the changes outside the city.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"No, the Ming thieves are chasing after us and rushing into our army's camp in the east of the city!"

"What should we do? If this continues, the camp in the east of the city won't last long."

"It's broken, it's broken, the situation in Dongcheng is going to be bad!"


Quillun on the side also looked gloomy and scary.

After a while, Quillen finally made a decision and gritted his teeth.

"Send the order, let our army's artillery aim at the thieves on the battlefield and fire!"

Quillen knew he had to do something now.

If he did nothing, the Qing army's camp in the east of Fuzhou City might fall.

Even after he issued this order, a large number of Qing soldiers would die tragically under his own artillery fire!

Then he wouldn't hesitate!

After Kuilun finished speaking, the Qing generals around him looked at each other with ugly expressions.

Because, now on the battlefield on the front line, the Ming army and the Qing army are fighting together, and the battle situation is anxious and chaotic.

At this time, the Qing army's artillery was said to be aimed at the Ming army on the battlefield and fired, but the probability of the artillery shell hitting the Ming army was not much higher than the probability of hitting the Qing army's own people.

Once the artillery fires, it will hit the enemy and your own people together!

However, although Quillon's approach was cold-blooded, it was actually correct from a rational perspective.

Because if Kuilun didn't do this, the Ming army would most likely directly capture the Qing army's camp in the east of the city.

Once the camp in the east of the city is captured and the Ming army can directly contact the Fuzhou city wall, Fuzhou will be in danger.

In order to ensure the safety of Fuzhou, it is worth sacrificing some people!

As Fuzhou General Kuilun's order was issued, the artillery deployed by the Qing army at the head of Fuzhou City began to fire.

Boom! Boom!

In the dark night, balls of fire burst out from the top of Fuzhou City.

Immediately, dark cannonballs were fired at the Ming and Qing troops who were fighting fiercely and fighting back and forth for the camp in the east of Fuzhou City.

The cannonball landed, bouncing forward under the action of kinetic energy, plowing a ravine on the ground!

Wherever the cannonball passes, all living beings are equal. Regardless of whether it is a soldier of the Ming Dynasty or a soldier of the Qing Dynasty, as long as it has a slight collision, it will be either dead or injured.

After the Qing army's artillery opened fire, the number of casualties, whether it was the Ming army or the Qing army, kept rising...

Soon, the Qing army's camp in the east of Fuzhou City turned into a river of blood.

The Ming and Qing armies suffered heavy casualties.


"Your Majesty, the Qing army is crazy!"

"Now the two armies are still fighting in a melee, and the Qing army is aiming at the front line and firing."

"Under the shelling of the Qing army, our frontline soldiers suffered many casualties!"

Zhang Jin had a cold sweat on his forehead and came to Zhu Jing'an to report.

Zhu Jing'an looked at everything that happened on the battlefield, his face looking very ugly.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Sure enough, the lower the moral bottom line these days, the more solutions there will be.

Compared with the Qing army who dared to fire on their own people, Zhu Jing'an's moral bottom line was still too high.

After a while, Zhu Jing'an gritted his teeth and said.

"Send the order and ask our soldiers to withdraw for repairs."

"Wait until daybreak to fight again!"

"The generals of the Qing army can't take the lives of the Qing soldiers seriously, but they can't take the lives of my Ming soldiers seriously!"

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, Zhang Jinxuan clasped his fists and went to deliver the order.

Soon, there was a harsh golden sound from the Ming army.

The front line was braving artillery fire, and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were fighting with the Qing army received the order to retreat and began to cooperate in an orderly manner, retreating alternately...

(End of this chapter)

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