Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 284 North Korea’s version of killing good people and claiming credit

Chapter 284 North Korea’s version of killing good people and claiming credit

Therefore, the essence of social development is actually the development of productive forces.

As productivity develops, the cost of education will fall, knowledge will decline, and more and more people will have the opportunity to receive education.

Then the old social order will be completely annihilated and destroyed by the rolling tide of historical development because it cannot adapt to the development of society.

The old order has been destroyed, and a new order that is more adaptable to the trend of development will naturally emerge.

This is what is called, the development of productive forces forces social progress.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an always understood that it was actually very simple to deal with the gentry, he just had to work hard to develop productivity.

As long as the productivity reaches a certain level, social changes, ideological innovations, and political system reforms will all happen naturally.

However, developing productivity takes time and cannot be effective in a short time.

That’s why Zhu Jing’an is so worried!

Give an example of the relationship between productivity and social development.

Historically, the reason why the Manchu Qing Dynasty perished was apparently because the reforms of the Westernization Movement were not strong enough.

So much so that the development of the Qing Dynasty could not keep up with the trend of world development, and then it was eliminated.

It would be better to say that the Westernization Movement went too far!

As a result, China's productive forces have developed and the people have become wiser. As a result, the Qing government's own reforms could not keep up with the speed of the development of productive forces.

Then he was eliminated.

To be honest, if the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not carry out the Westernization Movement and open up the people's wisdom, they would continue to suppress the development of China's productive forces and continue to deepen the policy of obscuring the people.

Even the Qing Dynasty may not be destroyed in the year of Xinhai!

However, the price is that the Chinese nation may perish forever.

Even like the Indians, they were completely destroyed by foreigners and completely wiped off the face of the earth.

Don't doubt it.

Those foreigners are definitely capable of doing this kind of thing!

Isn't it just genocide? For them, it's a familiar journey, okay?

As for whether Zhu Jing'an was worried that due to the development of productivity, the Ming Dynasty would follow in the footsteps of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?

To be honest, Zhu Jing'an was a little worried.

However, the development of productive forces is not dependent on human will.

Didn’t you see that even the Manchu Qing Dynasty, who was so fond of deceiving the people and suppressing the development of productive forces, was forced to start the Westernization Movement under the rolling tide of history?

The development of productivity is like forcing it. If you are unable to stop it, lying down and enjoying it is actually the only option.

Therefore, all Zhu Jing'an can do now is to assume his role as helmsman, steer the rudder well, and control the direction of Ming Dynasty to prevent Ming Dynasty from taking detours.

As for social change?

Zhu Jing'an could only try his best to guide this matter.

And out of control!

Just as Zhu Jing'an was looking at the government affairs in his hands and eating breakfast, a notification sounded outside.

Zhu Jing'an didn't even raise his head, he just spoke.

"Come in!"

Zhang Jin came to Zhu Jing'an with a document in his arms and spoke.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty's urgent message has been sent from Guangzhou in a 800-mile rush!"

"Please take a look at it, Your Highness!"

Zhu Jing'an didn't even raise his head, he just spoke very casually.


Zhang Jin was not polite when he heard this. He opened the urgent letter and started reading it.

There were two things mentioned in the urgent letter. One was that Xing Xing had decided to set off to migrate to Nanjing after the Chinese New Year this year.

The second is Xing Zai's judgment on the situation in North Korea, and Wang Shuna's suggestion to support a North Korean clan to succeed to the throne, and then help North Korea recover.

Zhu Jianzhuo asked Zhu Jing'an for his opinion in the letter and wanted to know what Zhu Jing'an thought.

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an put down the half-eaten buns in his hands and began to frown in thought.

There is no need to say more about moving the capital. It is actually normal to move the capital after the new year.

After all, moving the capital is not a trivial matter. There is a lot of preparation work required, so it is definitely right to be cautious.

But regarding the situation in North Korea, Zhu Jing'an had to think carefully.

He was thinking in his mind, since North Korea has already perished, does Ming still have to support another North Korea?

Rather than supporting a North Korean king again, wouldn't it be a better choice for Ming Dynasty to simply support North Korea's social elites and let them preside over the anti-Qing Dynasty?

At the worst possible outcome, the Ming Dynasty could promise North Korea's wealthy families that after the war, Ming Dynasty could ennoble them as chieftains who controlled the civil affairs of that country.

In order to win, Zhu Jing'an didn't mind reversing history in the southwest of the Ming Dynasty. Would he still care if North Korea was reversing history?

Besides, if this is the case, even if Ming Dynasty cannot annex North Korea after the war, it can still split North Korea into pieces.

In this case, it would be more convenient for the Ming Dynasty to control North Korea and turn North Korea into a dumping ground for Ming Dynasty's goods and a source of raw materials.

It's so much!

In any case, it is better than Ming Dynasty supporting a complete Korean white-eyed wolf.

Besides, the real ruling class in North Korea now comes from the world's elite.

They are more attractive than the empty signboard of the King of North Korea.

The Ming Dynasty directly supports the world's elites. Doesn't this mean that it refuses middlemen to make the difference?

After thinking about this, Zhu Jing'an spoke to Zhang Jin.

"Zhang Jin, go get some paper and pen. I want to reply to His Majesty personally."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jin clasped his fists and left.

Not long after, he brought pen and paper to Zhu Jing'an.

Zhu Jing'an was not polite, took the pen and paper, and started writing.

In the letter, he first asked about the health of his parents, younger siblings, and wished them all the best before getting down to business.

The first is the matter of moving the capital to Nanjing. Zhu Jing'an said that Nanjing will make preparations to pick him up in advance, so that Zhu Jianzhuo can leave after the new year with confidence.

Regarding the situation in North Korea, Zhu Jing'an put forward the suggestion that the Ming Dynasty could support the political elites in North Korea to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, and then canonize those secular elites as chieftains.

As for whether Guangzhou will adopt it?

Zhu Jing'an felt that his father would not refuse.

After signing and sealing the completed letter, and sealing the envelope with wax, Zhu Jing'an asked Zhang Jin to send someone to deliver the letter.

And he continued to eat breakfast. After breakfast, he had other things to do.

I can’t even take any time off!


North Korea, Seoul!

Thirty miles outside Seoul is a village with criss-crossing country paths, fields, and chickens and dogs.

Farmers wearing patched shorts and linen shirts holding sickles were busy in the fields.

The sun in the sky was still fierce, and the farmers' backs were all red from the sun. The farmers were so tired that they could not straighten up, but the movements of their hands did not stop at all.

All of them have smiles from the bottom of their hearts!

Children and women also carried baskets and followed the adults to pick up the scattered ears of rice.

This year is really a good year. The golden ears of rice in the rice fields are so heavy that they almost bend the stalks.

It’s sure to be a bumper year!

Looking at the harvest in front of them, the farmers are sincerely happy no matter how tired they are.

Although the situation in North Korea has undergone major changes this year, the capital has even fallen, and even the king has become a prisoner of war by the Qing army.

But what does this have to do with farmers like them?

To put it bluntly, no matter how the weather above changes, it has nothing to do with them.

Because, regardless of whether the Qing Dynasty or the Lee Dynasty is the leader of North Korea today, farmers like them just work hard with their backs to the sky and face the loess every day, and then barely make ends meet.

If this is the case, what harm will the arrival of the Qing Dynasty do to them?

The only difference is that the person to whom the food is delivered has been changed. Aren’t we still living the same life?

Pu Si put down the sickle in his hand, looked back at his son, who had just turned ten this year, and said.

"Are you tired, son? If you are, go and rest first!"

"Your mother will probably bring us food soon. You can continue after eating."

As the saying goes, if a boy doesn't eat for ten years, a child from a poor family these days can already be regarded as half an adult at the age of ten.

Although Pu Si's son Pu Wu is young, he is quite agile in his work.

He is a good hand in managing the family business!

However, Pu Si felt sorry for his son and would rather work more than he did, and also wanted his son to have a rest.

When Pu Wu heard this, he just shook his head and said very sensibly.

"It's okay, Dad, I can still hold on!"

"Let's work quickly. The time for rice harvest is short. If the time passes, the ears of rice will fall to the ground and be wasted."

"The sooner you finish the work, the sooner you pay the rent to Mr. Liu's house, the sooner you can feel at ease."

Pu Si heard the words, nodded and said.

"That's fine, that's fine!"

Just as the two were immersed in their work, suddenly there was a loud rumble in the distance.

Pu Si subconsciously raised his head and looked into the distance, only to see a line of smoke appearing at the end of the world that was quickly closing the distance between them.

Soon, as the distance between the smoke and dust grew closer, Pu Si rubbed his eyes and keenly discovered that it was a group of roaring cavalry.

The tall horses and majestic soldiers give people a huge sense of oppression.

From the flags and dress of this cavalry group, Pu Si could tell that they were cavalry belonging to the Qing army.

Seeing a cavalry roaring from the end of the horizon, Pu Si and other farmers could not help but turn pale with fright. They dropped their weapons and started to run away.

"Run away!"

"The Tatars are coming, run away!"



Although it is said that the Qing Dynasty has come and the days have passed, but seeing the majestic cavalry coming straight towards them, who can not be afraid?

Escape quickly must be their first choice.

The shouts continued, and the farmers ran wildly, showing Bangzi's racial talent in long-distance running.

However, even if a man can run, how can he outrun a war horse?

In just a moment, someone was overtaken, and the war horses galloped past with cold light flashing.

There was only a pop, and a human head was thrown away.

Blood spurted out, and the headless corpse ran for several more steps before falling to the ground.

Blood continuously gushes out of the headless cavity, turning the soil on the ground into blood mud.

Chang Wei was splashed with blood, but he was extremely excited and shouted at the top of his lungs.


"Brothers, follow me and kill!"

Since entering the DPRK, Chang Wei has not been sent to the front line of the battlefield because of Lord Baylor.

Instead, he was assigned to be responsible for logistical work, which at best meant managing prisoners of war.

Although they are all fat!

It can be seen that so many Paoze brothers have killed the enemy and made meritorious deeds, and Chang Wei can't hold back anymore.

This time, after finally getting the order to attack, Chang Wei naturally had to chop off a few more heads before he could do it.

As for Chang Wei wanting to perform meritorious service, why did he come to the village instead of looking for anti-Qing rebels to fight?

Needless to say?

Naturally, it is to take credit for killing good people.

Now the Great Invitation to Heaven has just taken control of North Korea and is unpopular with the people. The resistance forces among the North Korean people continue to emerge, and anti-Qing rebels can be said to come one after another.

Chang Wei was ordered to attack this time. The mission actually required him to go to the anti-Qing rebels.

However, Chang Wei was afraid of death and did not dare to provoke the anti-Qing rebels.

In this case, I have to borrow my fellow villager's brain.

Anyway, all the people who died were Koreans, and there was no evidence of their death. Who can know whether the people Chang Wei killed were Korean civilians or Korean rebels who were against the Qing Dynasty?

Chang Wei led his men and horses into the rice fields, chasing and killing the fleeing farmers.

The sharp saber cut off heads from behind with ease.

The knight on horseback bent his bow, nocked an arrow, and released arrows.

Pu Si hugged his son and ran wildly. Seeing villagers being chased by the Qing army one after another, and people being killed one after another, his heart was full of despair.

He doesn't understand, aren't the Koreans not respectful enough?

Why did the Qing Heavenly Soldiers kill them?

While running, Pu Si's body suddenly stagnated.

A sharp arrow shot into his back and out of his chest, directly taking away his life.

Pu Si's body suddenly jumped forward, and the son he was holding in his arms was also thrown away.

Pu Si's eyes suddenly widened, and his vision blurred.

The sound of horse hooves sounded from behind him, and the tall horse stepped over his body, and then continued to charge forward. In his blurred vision, he watched helplessly as his son, who had just gotten up from the ground, had half of his head cut off with a knife.

The brains were scattered all over the floor!

Pu Si was so angry that his eyes went dark and he took his last breath.

In the distance, Pu Si's wife, who heard the noise outside the village and ran out to check, watched helplessly as her husband and son died in front of her eyes.

Let out a shrill scream!

"Do not!!!"

However, just as she screamed, she saw an arrow shoot out. With a pop, the sharp arrow pierced her throat and pinned her to the ground.

The Qing cavalry roared into the small village, and there was a burst of screams and wailing in the small village, and thick smoke rose...


Soon, the fighting in the small village ended.

Under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, heads formed a hill.

The air is filled with the smell of blood!

Hanging on the branches of the big locust tree were several naked bodies, all of which were women who had been tortured to death.

Amidst the screams, several women were stripped naked and pushed to the ground. A famous Qing soldier formed a circle and was queuing up.

Of course, such a good thing would definitely not happen to the Korean prisoners of war who came with the army.

While the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were having fun, the Korean prisoners of war accompanying the army were collecting and counting the supplies in the village. They rushed bags of grain and a large number of chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep to the entrance of the village.

Subsequently, these materials were escorted to Seoul, and then transported to Liaodong to support the Qing Dynasty's Liaodong development policy.

Of course, these Korean prisoners of war cannot be said to be unhappy.

Because, when collecting supplies, they can also make a lot of money themselves.

Chang Wei was sitting next to a bonfire, with a roasted, sizzling old hen on a stick in his hand.

Beside him, his confidant Laifu was reporting to him the results of this battle.

"Uh-huh, in this battle, our army beheaded 312 rebel bandits and captured 522 prisoners, including 245 women, 277 old people and children..."

(End of this chapter)

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