Seeing that the old hen was almost cooked, Chang Wei tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it into Laifu, and then said.

"Eat first, and report back after you're done!"

Laifu was not polite, took the chicken leg and started to chew on it.

Although the taste of the chicken legs is not very good, there is no salt or seasoning, and the inside is still a little undercooked. You can even taste blood when you take a bite.

But this was baked by his boss after all, so Laifu's high emotional intelligence would naturally not be expressed.

He just ate the chicken drumsticks in big gulps, resisting the nausea of ​​eating raw meat, and in a few seconds he gnawed the drumsticks until only the bones were left.

After eating, Laifu began to report again.

"In addition, our army also seized 1,200 shi of grain, more than 500 taels of silver, several chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep..."

When Chang Wei heard this, he just waved his hands and said.

"The food needs to be transported back. You can eat as many chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep as you can. Those who can't eat will be handed over. As for the money, let the brothers divide it among themselves!"

Chang Wei led people to attack. The original mission assigned by above was to fight against the anti-Qing rebels.

But because he was too cautious, he did not dare to touch the rebels, so he turned around and led others to kill good people and take credit!

If this is the case, then he naturally has to give some benefits to the brothers below, as hush money.

After Chang Wei's words fell, a famous Qing soldier nearby couldn't help but raise his arms and cheer.

"Well, it's so grand!"

"Brothers, I will follow you from now on. If you really point to the east, the younger ones will never go to the west!"


More than five hundred taels of silver, even if divided equally per head, each of them could still make a living.

Of course, the old rules are still there, and those Korean prisoners of war have no share.

For the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, three to five taels of silver was almost equivalent to two or three months of their military pay. This was no small sum.

Chang Wei gave each of them two or three months more military pay with a wave of his hand. It was difficult for the Qing army not to support such a generous officer.

However, at this moment, a fast horse suddenly ran from the distance.

The knight on the horse was swaying, as if he would fall off his horse at any time.

The knight staggered all the way to Chang Wei and others, and they keenly discovered that the knight's body was stained with blood and there were several arrows stuck in his back.

There was even an arrow that penetrated several inches into the flesh, probably injuring the internal organs.

The knight rode up to Chang Wei. He was about to turn over and dismount, but when he was halfway over, his legs and feet softened and he fell to the ground, letting out a scream.

Seeing this, Laifu hurriedly took a few steps forward to help the knight up and asked.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

The knight raised his head, looked flustered, pointed his finger into the distance, and spoke.

"Something happened... something happened. Our military sentries were attacked by rebels!"

"There were five people in the team, and I was the only one who escaped."

"The bandits of the bandits are coming... towards the village!"


After saying this, the knight tilted his head and passed out.

On the side, Chang Wei, who was sitting down, changed his face when he heard this, as if he was relieved, dropped the half-eaten roast chicken in his hand, and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Quick! Prepare for battle!"

"Don't play around anymore, let's all prepare for battle!"

"Military orders are like mountains, and anyone who resists them will be killed!"

Chang Wei stepped forward and kicked a Qing soldier who was lying on a Korean woman with his buttocks raised, and shouted hello.

Seeing this, the Qing soldiers who were venting their animal desires began to fasten their belts one after another.

Many people are stopped midway through their work, which is very uncomfortable.

However, in the face of Chang Wei's military orders, no one dared to disobey them.

He just hacked to death the Korean woman who was still lingering with them just now with a knife.

A Qing cavalryman got on his horse, while the Korean prisoners of war formed a formation and prepared for an infantry battle.

Geluhun was appointed to command Korean prisoners of war in infantry combat.

Just as the Qing army was getting ready for battle, a dark crowd appeared at the end of the distant horizon.

One by one, the Korean rebels were walking slowly towards the village, holding spears, sickles, shovels, hoes and other messy weapons.

Although their array was chaotic and basically disorganized.

But the eyes of these Korean rebels were extremely firm, especially when they saw the heads piled at the entrance of the village and the naked female corpse hanging on the big locust tree.

The firmness in their eyes gradually turned into a deep-seated hatred for the Qing army.

Because these innocent people killed by the Qing army were all their compatriots!

Seeing this scene, Chang Wei pulled down the visor on his face and spoke.

"Brothers, the real rebel is here, kill him!"

After saying this, he galloped forward on his horse, and behind him, a Qing army cavalry also roared out on horseback.

"Kill, let these rebels see the power of our Qing Heavenly Soldiers!"

"Kill, kill until they are afraid, kill until they dare not resist anymore!"

"Long live the Qing Dynasty!"


The Qi report roared out, but the infantry commanded by Gelehun was still responsible for holding down the formation and did not move easily.

The fighting continues, with iron cavalry everywhere!

The Qing cavalry relied on their own cavalry advantages to ride and shoot around the array of Korean rebels.

Suppress the Korean rebels with rain of arrows!

But those Korean rebels acted as if they were not afraid of death. They just gathered together and continued to move forward despite the rain of arrows from the Qing army.

People in the array continued to be hit by arrows and fell to the ground, but the others continued to move forward as if they had not seen this scene.

On the other side, the cavalry of the Korean rebels also jumped out of the formation.

Of course, saying that they are cavalry is actually not strict.

Because what he was riding was not a serious war horse at all, but a mess of livestock such as donkeys, mules, draft horses, and cattle.

He doesn't know how to ride or shoot anything.

However, these cavalrymen, who didn't even have many horses, rushed straight towards the Qing army's cavalry.

Although they do not have war horses, they have a heart that is not afraid of death.

On the battlefield, not fearing death is enough to solve most problems.

The North Korean cavalry's direct charge and completely unconventional style of play stunned the Qing army.

In order to reduce his own casualties, Chang Wei decisively ordered the army to retreat and keep a distance from the North Korean cavalry.

However, the infantry of the Korean rebel army took advantage of this gap and launched a charge against the Korean prisoners of war in front of them.

The cry of killing resounded throughout the battlefield!

In just the blink of an eye, the two sides collided head-on and fought together.

At the beginning, it was the Korean prisoners of war from the Qing army who were suppressing the rebel infantry.

Although these Korean prisoners of war in the Qing army were prisoners of war, they were professional soldiers before that. In terms of military quality, they were definitely better than the rebel army composed of a group of farmers.

It is not difficult to understand that he can suppress the rebels!

However, as time passed, those Korean prisoners of war were suppressed.

Facing the rebel infantry who were completely unafraid of death, the Korean prisoners of war in the Qing army began to lose their support.

There is a tendency to retreat!

Seeing this, Chang Wei wanted to order his own cavalry to reinforce the infantry.

But they were firmly stuck by the rebel cavalry.

There is no way to get away to reinforce your own infantry! As time passed, the Korean prisoners of war began to be unable to withstand the desperate charge of the rebel infantry and began to retreat.

This retreat is like a flood that has released its gates and is out of control.

These Korean prisoners of war gave Chang Wei a good show, what the hell is a defeat like a mountain...

Seeing this scene, Chang Wei couldn't help but bleed in his heart.

The infantry was defeated, and the cavalry alone could not fight the battle.

There is no way to fight this battle!

He finally led an attack once. If he lost like this, it would be difficult for him to lead an attack again in the future.

However, now that the war situation was irreversible, he could only order the withdrawal of troops.

As Chang Wei's order was issued, the Qing army's cavalry began to roar and withdraw towards Seoul.

The only thing Chang Wei felt fortunate about now was that most of the casualties were Korean prisoners of war, and the Qing troops were all cavalry, so the losses were not significant.

Otherwise, if he withdraws this time, it will really be difficult to explain to his superiors.

Seeing the Qing army retreating, the Korean rebels couldn't help but cheer together to celebrate the rare victory.

Gelehun also withdrew from the battlefield and caught up with Chang Wei.

He came to Chang Wei and said with a solemn expression while galloping on his horse.

"Ugh, those North Koreans are fucking crazy!"

"They... they are not afraid of death."

Chang Wei glanced sideways at Gelehun and said.

"Let's go back to Seoul first!"

"When we report this matter, the general will naturally send out a large army to encircle and suppress the rebels."

After hearing this, Geluhun said nothing more.

He was just secretly thinking about how he should convey the situation in North Korea to Daming.

The fast horses galloped, and Chang Wei and his party kept whipping their whips to urge the horses to speed up.

Soon the group of them rushed back to Seoul.

However, before their group had time to enter the city, they saw a large number of Qing soldiers gathered outside Seoul City.

These Qing soldiers gathered together and talked a lot.

You can vaguely hear words like "bandit", "attack", "ambushed" and other similar words.

Chang Wei saw several acquaintances in the crowd.

They were all Qing army officers who were sent to the city to capture the bandits outside the city just like him. He went up to inquire about them and got an astonishing news.

A large number of rebels appeared in North Korea. These rebels attacked everywhere and ambush small groups of Qing troops.

It caused considerable losses to the Qing army before and after!

They all came back to the city to report to Fukang'an.

After hearing the news, Chang Wei's expression became visibly relaxed.

Because he knew that this defeat would most likely be fine.

how to say……

Don’t blame everyone for the law!


Seoul, in a large mansion next to the Joseon Palace.

Fukang'an was sitting behind a big chair. In front of him, a Qing army general stood with his hands tied, his expressions a little solemn.

How should I put it? When the Qing army first entered North Korea, the war situation was indeed relatively smooth.

In several large-scale battles, the Qing army all won.

Even Seoul was captured by the Qing army, and all the princes and ministers of the Wang family in Korea became prisoners of war of the Qing army.

But that’s all!

After this, the situation between the Qing army and North Korea fell into a stalemate.

The North Korean army was indeed no match for the Qing army on the frontal battlefield.

However, the endless emergence of rebels in those places and the harassment of small units of the Qing army by the rebels caused a lot of trouble for the Qing army.

How should I put it? The main purpose of the Qing army's attack on North Korea was not to destroy the country.

But they are here for North Korea’s population and supplies!

The Qing Dynasty needed North Korea's population and materials to help the Qing Dynasty develop Liaodong in order to manage Liaodong as the Qing Dynasty's retreat.

However, if the Qing army wanted people and supplies, they had to send people out to collect them, or plunder them.

After all, North Korea's population and supplies cannot be given to the Qing Dynasty in vain, right?

And those Korean rebels who emerged in an endless stream were rushing to the small Qing army troops who went out of the city to collect supplies and plunder people.

Under frequent harassment, the Qing army suffered a lot of casualties.

Fukang'an frowned, veins popped out on his shiny forehead, and he asked.

"Everyone should be aware of the current situation in North Korea."

"Let's talk about it. Is there any way to deal with it?"

After hearing this, Sangzi Zabu was the first to stand up and say.

"Reporting to the general, the general's opinion is to kill!"

"As long as we, the Qing Dynasty, can kill and subdue all those Koreans, they will naturally not dare to resist if they are afraid of killing."

Sanzizhabu’s attitude was the toughest.

Ever since the battle outside Pyongyang created a big trap, Fukang'an didn't really want to talk to Sangzi Zabu.

However, Sanzizhabu was not willing to be reduced to a marginalized figure, so he acted in front of Fukang'an with an empty hand.

Hearing this, Fukang'an's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he was obviously a little moved, but in the end he shook his head and said.

"This move may be feasible, but it may also lead to further planning conflicts and set off a larger wave of resistance among the North Korean people."

Chatai on the other side heard this and spoke.

"Perhaps we, the Qing Dynasty, can use tolerant means to gain local peace in North Korea by conferring official positions and supporting the worldly clans who are biased towards our Qing Dynasty."

What Chatai said was exactly what the Manchus did in the Central Plains when the Qing Dynasty entered the customs.

By winning over the landowners and gentry, the situation in the pass was quickly stabilized.

Back then, the Manchu Qing could use this method to gain a foothold in the Central Plains, and it could certainly be used in North Korea as well.

Hearing this, Fukangan nodded in approval, but said nothing.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

A Fukang'an soldier strode into his study and spoke.

"General, the angels sent by the imperial court have arrived in Seoul."

"The angel carried the emperor's imperial edict and asked the general to lead his troops to greet him!"

Hearing this, Fukangan's expression changed, but he still spoke.

"Quickly, all the generals will follow me to greet the angel!"

After saying this, Fukangan led the people out of the mansion and headed towards the gate of Seoul.

Not long after, he saw an angel sent by the court outside the gate of Seoul.

To his surprise, it was an acquaintance who came.

Although he has lost one ear, He Shen, who still looks handsome, is standing at the gate of Seoul wearing a straight official uniform and a turban.

Fukang'an stepped forward a few steps to salute.

"I will finally see the angel!" (End of this chapter)

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