Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 286 Work hard and look forward to harvest

Chapter 286 Work hard and look forward to harvest

He Shen knew Fukangan's hidden identity, but he didn't dare to expose it in front of Qianlong's heart.

He took a few steps forward and said very politely.

"Hahaha, General, no courtesy, no courtesy at all!"

"When I came to North Korea this time, the emperor deliberately ordered me to say hello to the general on behalf of the emperor."

"How are you doing, General?"

When Fukangan heard this, his heart warmed, and he knew that the emperor would never forget him.

After all, that is his royal father!

Fukangan nodded and said.

"Excuse me, sir. Everything is fine with me, General!"

After the two said hello, they entered Seoul surrounded by a group of Qing army generals.

After returning to the general's mansion in Fukang'an, Fukang'an Mingren set up the incense table and prepared to receive the order.

When everything was ready, He Shen took a brocade box from his attendant and spoke.

"Fuyuan General Fukang'an accepts the order!"

After hearing this, Fukang'an and others knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the imperial edict in He Shen's hand.

Seeing this, He Shen unfolded the imperial edict and spoke.

"The emperor is destined to be carried by heaven, and the edict says:"

"Fuyuan General Fu Kang'an led his troops on an expedition to defeat the enemy. He will be defeated in battle and captured in attack. He has made great achievements and worked hard. Failure to reward is not enough to understand people's hearts. Failure to reward is not enough to establish trust."

"Today, Fuyuan General Fukang'an is enthroned as the governor-general of North Korea. He is the governor of all military and political affairs in North Korea. He is also granted the title of Marquis Jiayong as a reward. I appreciate this!"

After the Korean War ended, Qianlong was thinking about how to reward Fu Kang'an.

After thinking for a long time, Qianlong made a decision.

The first is to confer Fukang'an as the Governor-General of North Korea, so that he can legitimately be responsible for North Korean affairs.

Secondly, he was given a marquis as a reward!

If the Korean War had not been fought too easily, Qianlong would have been willing to give Fukang'an a Duke.

Well, everyone knows the reason!

After Fukangan stood up after receiving the order, He Shen continued to speak.

"Congratulations, General."

"The general is the governor-general of North Korea, and the subordinate has been appointed as the governor of North Korea. From now on, you and I will inevitably have to work together. I hope the general will take good care of me."

Although the Qing court was prepared to re-support a Korean king to indirectly control North Korea and ease tensions in North Korea.

But this did not prevent the Qing court from appointing officials in North Korea to better control the situation in North Korea.

How to put it, in the eyes of the Manchus, the King of Korea could be used as a sign, but it was just a sign.

Real power must be in the hands of the Qing Dynasty!

Even if it was for the sake of good looks, the Qing Dynasty would only give the King of Korea some idle posts such as ceremonial officers with no real power and play games with him.

It is impossible to give real power to North Korean officials!

Therefore, there were the North Korean governors of Fukang'an and the North Korean governors of Heshen.

Hearing this, Fukangan smiled and asked.

"Thank you for coming all the way with your lord. I have something to ask, General. I don't know whether I should ask."

He Shen looked slightly stunned when he heard this, but then he spoke.

"General, please speak!"

Fukangan was not polite when he saw this and asked.

"I wonder how the court is going to deal with the current situation of rebellion in North Korea?"

When He Shen heard this, he nodded clearly, and then without any hesitation, he directly stated the decision of the Military Aircraft Department.

"To be honest, General, this is the imperial court's plan regarding the current situation in Korea." "The first step is to escort King Li Zong of North Korea to the capital, to be charged with colluding with Ming thieves, and to be sentenced to death, so as to put an end to the thoughts of all North Korea."

"The second step is to select an honest and obedient person from the distant clan of North Korea, support him as the new king of North Korea, and then use this puppet to complete indirect control of North Korea."

"And the official came here this time just to deal with this matter!"

The reason why the Qing government appointed He Shen as the governor of North Korea was because it valued his financial management ability and planned to put him in charge of North Korea's affairs and squeeze out as much money as possible from North Korea.

Hearing this, Fukangan nodded and said.

"So good."

"This general will be relieved if Mr. He can take charge of this matter."

Fukang'an still trusted He Shen's ability.


Nanjing, Prince's Mansion.

It was late at night, and the clouds and rain dispersed in the bedroom.

Zhu Jing'an changed into dry pajamas and lay on the bed, looking at the curtains of the Babu bed with wide eyes, with some anxiety in his eyes.

And the reason for anxiety is not other than the difficulties faced by his heirs!

To be honest, although Zhu Jing'an's current position as prince is very secure, it is not without hidden dangers.

It is safe because he controls the military power of the Ming Dynasty, and almost all of the current territory of the Ming Dynasty was conquered by him personally, and all the generals in the army are his old troops.

In terms of prestige in the military, even his cheap dad can't compare to him.

In these troubled times, military power means everything!

With Zhu Jing'an firmly holding the army in his hands, his power position is naturally extremely stable.

The hidden danger comes from the difficulties faced by Zhu Jing'an's descendants.

More than three years have passed since the time traveled.

In the past three years, Zhu Jing'an has almost never taken any safety measures.

But for such a long time, none of the women around him was pregnant.

This is a little abnormal!

If one or two of them are not pregnant, there may be something wrong with those women's bodies.

But the result now is that none of the several women around him is pregnant.

If this is the case, the problem most likely lies with him!

This is because Zhu Jing'an is still young. He is only twenty years old this year. He can still be in power for at least a few decades.

Otherwise, the people under him might have to prepare in advance and go burn the stove next to his younger brothers.

How can I put it, people follow you to conquer the world with your head in your belt, so that you can pass on the glory and wealth to your descendants.

If you don't even have an heir and can't guarantee your future, then don't blame your subordinates for changing their minds.

People are selfish, that's the truth!

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an is really a little anxious now.

He desperately needed an heir to prove that there was nothing wrong with his body.

After realizing this, Zhu Jing'an secretly asked the imperial physician to examine him.

The answer given by the imperial doctor was that His Royal Highness was in good health and there was no problem.

The reason why no wives or concubines became pregnant may be because there was not enough watering.

Zhu Jing'an thought that it made sense. He had spent almost all of the past three years on the battlefield, and in the military camp, it was naturally impossible to bring a beauty with him.

The less you sleep, the less likely you are to get pregnant.

None of his wives and concubines are pregnant, which is actually normal!

Then, after giving such an ambiguous answer, the imperial doctor prescribed Zhu Jing'an a decoction that nourished yin, nourished the kidneys, and warmed and strengthened the body.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Jing'an has been working hard and watering almost every day these days, looking forward to the harvest...

(End of this chapter)

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