Chapter 49 I only care about money

Seeing the silver, Mrs. Wu immediately smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes. She was so surprised.

Even Mrs. Liu couldn't help being stunned.

He really got down to business.

"Hey, mother, you're such a big boy. Did you get this from that bastard Zong Yu?"

Zong Pingkang chuckled, "No."

"Zong Yu is an unfilial person who eats inside and outside. Since he married a daughter-in-law, he doesn't think he has any relatives like us."

"He doesn't even want to pay back the debt his father owes. He is a heartless and unjust thing."

"I can count on him to give me money, even if my whole family is starving to death, I can't count on him."

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but ask, "Then where did you get these five taels of silver?"

According to her understanding of her husband, he couldn't even work in the fields, let alone go out to make money.

It's so delicious and so lazy to make.

Zong Pingkang couldn't wait to tell them his extremely clever money-making tips.

Call everyone into the house.

"This starts from when I saw Yu Lian on the mountain last night."

At the same time, Zong Yu and his family, Mu Shi, had woken up.

The whole family was not in the mood to eat breakfast. They were sitting in the main room looking at Zong Yulian with different expressions.

Zong Yu's face was expressionless, while Zong Bai's brows were furrowed from beginning to end, and he was still slightly angry.

Mrs. Mu couldn't get angry, Fang Jinxiu had been taking care of her and calming her down.

But he also didn’t agree with Zong Yulian’s decision.

"You said that man wants to marry you. If you want to get married, my mother won't stop you."

"But you just met her for one night, how could you decide your life-long affairs so hastily?"

After all, Mrs. Mu is a well-educated woman, not as realistic as the women in the village, who regard her daughter's marriage as a bargaining chip.

Although Zong Yulian always said that she wanted to marry a rich family, she did not take it seriously.

"Although our family is poor, mother has never thought of relying on your marriage to solve the family's urgent needs."

"Mom, I hope you can find someone you can trust and stay with for the rest of your life and live a good life." Zong Yulian looked impatient and unhappy. She interrupted Mu before she could finish her words.

"I've heard enough of this."

"Mom, think about it for yourself, with a family like ours and a background like mine, where can we find a good man worthy of our trust?"

"Which young master from a wealthy family doesn't have three wives and four concubines, even if there are some who are clean and self-sufficient among them."

"Do you think I'll have a chance to get to know them while I'm stuck in this village?"

"I don't even have enough to eat. As long as my future husband can give me money and fulfill my wishes, how do you know that I can't live with him forever?"

"I don't care at all how many wives they marry, I only care about their money."

Mu was still angry and coughed several times.

Fang Jinxiu hurriedly patted her back to calm her down, and out of the corner of her eye she caught a flash of worry on Zong Yulian's face.

"That's enough Yulian, can't you say a few words less? Do you want to make your mother angry to death?"

Zong Bai couldn't help but talk about her.

Zong Yulian resisted the urge to walk to Mu's side and snorted.

Seeing that she still had some filial piety, and for the sake of Zong Yu and Mu, Fang Jinxiu reminded her aloud.

"Yulian, have you ever thought that since the wealthy businessman is so rich, it will definitely not be difficult for him to find a young and beautiful girl."

"I don't mean to belittle you or anything. There are so many villages and towns around, big and small, so you probably aren't the most handsome."

"If he married a wife in a hurry to bring happiness to his mother, why did he choose for so long and finally choose you?"

Zong Yulian was stunned by her question, but she just didn't want to listen to Fang Jinxiu, even if she thought what she said made sense.

He forcefully retorted, "You just can't expect me to do well, can you?"

"Maybe this is my fate. Are you jealous and jealous, and now you regret marrying my eldest brother?"

"If I had known that Su Lang was looking for a young girl to marry, you would have gone, right?"

Fang Jinxiu couldn't help but rolled her eyes, forget it, this girl is hopeless.

She decided not to waste her words. She was still too young and would not grow up without suffering severe beatings from society.

(End of this chapter)

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