Chapter 50

Zong Yulian had made up her mind. No matter how much Mu persuaded her, it was of no use. Instead, she was so angry that she couldn't breathe.

She quickly took out the ten taels of silver Su Yusheng gave her and said, "Mom, don't be angry. My daughter now has money to take you for medical treatment."

"Su Lang also promised me that when we get married, he will help you find the best doctor to treat you, and your illness will be cured soon."

"We don't need to rely on half-baked medical skills. Who knows whether it will kill people."

When she said this, she glanced in Fang Jinxiu's direction, knowing who she was referring to.

Zong Bai felt that his sister's personality had changed drastically, and it was obviously not like this before.

Although he is occasionally a little arrogant, most of the time he is still very obedient and reasonable. Unlike now, where he always says such weird things.

My sister-in-law doesn't care about her either.

Just as he was about to step forward to teach Zong Yulian a few words, Fang Jinxiu turned around and walked out.

After a whole night and a whole morning of fussing, her stomach was already growling with hunger.

I feel like if I don’t eat something and go to bed, I will die suddenly.

She got into the kitchen and took out flour and eggs. She didn't know how to make anything else, but she could still make simple egg cakes.

Just put the flour, water and egg liquid together, stir well, pour it into the pot and spread it evenly. When it solidifies, turn it over and fry it until done.

After a while, Zong Yu also came to the kitchen.

Fang Jinxiu was not very good at using this kind of farm stove. She had to light the fire and watch the pancakes to prevent them from burning. Running back and forth made her very busy.

I really miss the gas stove in modern kitchens.

After not looking at her for a while, Zong Yu saw that her face had become as embarrassed as a tabby cat, and her eyes were blinded by the smoke in the stove.

He hurriedly stepped forward and took the dry firewood from her hand, "I'll do it, you go and wipe your face."

Fang Jinxiu didn't try to show off. She also discovered that she might not be able to do the kitchen work, so the meal should be left to someone who could.

She choked and coughed, and ran outside to breathe in the fresh air.

After she recovered, she returned to the kitchen, only to see that the thick smoke she had just created was gone.The fire in the stove seemed to know what was on the plate, and it could not be lit in her hands. When it came to Zong Yu's place, it was burning like a crackle without any sparks.

The man rolled up his sleeves and stood tall in front of the pot. The pot, which was as high as her waist, only reached his thighs.

It's a bit out of place to see such a big man standing here cooking. However, although he is tall and strong and is not suitable for the kitchen, the movement of pancakes in his hands is not ambiguous at all.

Soon the two golden egg cakes came out of the pan.

He also boiled some paste in another pot.

Fang Jinxiu couldn't help but come up and praise her, "My husband is so awesome. He can handle the hall as well as the kitchen."

She froze as soon as she complimented Zong Yu casually.

"I can do the work, but I can't adjust the taste well."

"Zong Bai and Yu Lian don't like to eat the rice I cook."

Fang Jinxiu came over to comfort him, "It's not because you don't know how to season. There was nothing at home before. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Who can cook something delicious without seasoning?"

As she spoke, she picked up a small piece of egg cake and threw it into her mouth. It was a bit hot, and she couldn't bear to spit it out even after blowing on it.

"Well, it's delicious."

Then he twisted another piece and handed it to Zong Yu's mouth, with a smile in his eyes, "You want to try it too?"

The man raised his eyebrows and the tips of his ears were reddish.

He had never experienced being fed by a woman, but he had seen other couples in the village getting along like this.

Zong Yu lowered his head and opened his mouth to take the egg cake on Fang Jinxiu's fingertips, and his rough lips and tongue accidentally touched her fingertips.

The moment their skins met, Fang Jinxiu realized how provocative and ambiguous her actions were.

Her heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she noticed a faint blush on Zong Yu's wheat-colored cheeks.

Is this man being shy?

(End of this chapter)

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