The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 157 Chapter 153: Potato Youku avoids the war

Chapter 157 Chapter 153: Potato Youku avoids the war
It's 9 o'clock in the blink of an eye.

Although today is the National Day golden holiday, many people are unwilling to go out to play. Most of these people are more cautious, so they choose to spend it at home.

Those who choose to spend time at home are either watching TV with their families or surfing the Internet at home.

Many people who choose to go online will open pirated websites that they often log in to watch movies.

However, these people discovered that Hong Kong movies on pirated websites could not be watched. Mainland movies and TV series could still be watched, but the movies on Hong Kong Island had all collapsed, and there was no website available for viewing.

Xiao Dongqiang originally wanted to watch Zhou Xingxing's Yangtze River No. [-] with his children, but he didn't expect that he couldn't watch it after logging on to several websites, including LeTV and Potato.

Suddenly Xiao Dongqiang didn't know what to do.

Xiao Dongqiang sent a message to the Penguin chat group asking if anyone knew where to watch it.

Xiao Dongqiang: "Is there any website where I can watch Yangtze River No. [-]?"

A Cat: "If you want to watch movies and TV series from Hong Kong Island, you can only download Deep Blue Video. Currently, there is only one platform in China, Deep Blue Video, where you can watch TV series and movies from Hong Kong Island."

Longlong: "emmm, what happened in just one night?"

I love snail fans: "Deep Blue has bought the copyrights of all the movies and TV series in Hong Kong. Now there is only one platform for Deep Blue Film and Television to play them. I don't know how Deep Blue does it."

Brother Wuying: "It goes without saying that Deep Blue must have used black technology to delete all the advantages on pirated websites. Only Deep Blue has such awesome hacking technology."

Brother San: "Damn it, isn't it illegal to hack into other people's websites?"

Brother Wuying: “It is a crime to delete, modify, add, or interfere with the functions of a computer information system in accordance with legal provisions, causing the computer information system to fail to operate normally and causing serious consequences.

However, these film and television copyrights are in the hands of the Deep Blue Film and Television platform. People who invade your website only prevent your illegal behavior, and their actions do not cause any losses to you. Besides, it is illegal for you to play pirated movies without other people's permission. .

You can't tell the police that hackers invaded our server and deleted all our pirated movies.

Even if you go to the police and the police don’t pursue you for piracy, the police will not accept such a case. First you have to prove that Deep Blue Films did it. If you can’t find evidence to prove it, go and tell the police. They don't know how to deal with it either.

The website was very helpless when it came to this kind of thing. It would break your teeth and swallow it in your stomach. "

Longlong: “My Deep Blue Film is awesome.”

A cat: "Deep Blue Film and Television has a great independent drama that is very interesting."

I’m not Yaomei: “What TV series?”

A Cat: "Gong's scheming, it is said that 3 million Hong Kong dollars were invested in the filming. This is one of the largest investments in recent years."

I’m not Yaomei: “I’ll download one right away and take a look.”

at the same time.

Deep Blue Film and Television’s advertisements are posted on major domestic websites.

Because both pirated and genuine websites were inaccessible, and Deep Blue’s advertisements advertised Hong Kong dramas as exclusive broadcasts, many users downloaded Deep Blue Films immediately.

The number of downloads of Deep Blue Video has reached 2000 million in a short period of time. There is no way that only Deep Blue Video can watch Hong Kong movies on the entire Internet.

Of course, many netizens are talking about this matter.

"No wonder I said that starting from last night, piracy websites can no longer watch Hong Kong movies. It turns out that the exclusive broadcast rights of Hong Kong movies have been bought by Deep Blue Film and Television. This Deep Blue Film and Television is really awesome. Others do such things as anti-piracy. It didn’t take long for Deep Blue Film and Television to do it.”

"Whoever makes Deep Blue Film and Television's technology so awesome will invade your server if you dare to pirate it. Only Deep Blue has this kind of technology. If other companies don't have the ability, they will have to let others pirate it."

"Deep Blue Films also hacked into other people's servers to delete those videos. Isn't it illegal for them to do this?"

"I can tell you for sure that there is no violation of the law. Shenlan is doing this just to protect its own rights, and you have to prove that Shenlan did it. Even if you know that Shenlan did it, if you don't have evidence, there is nothing you can do with Shenlan. Method.

When it comes to court, you have to rely on evidence for everything. Besides, if your pirated website encounters something like this, do you dare to go to the police and report that your pirated version has been deleted? "

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with it."

"When a website encounters this kind of thing, it's just a mute person who can't explain the pain of eating coptis. Besides, you've infringed on other people's rights first, so you can't turn around and sue them."

"For me, it doesn't matter where I go as long as there is no charge."

"I think so too. Anyway, Deep Blue doesn't charge any fees, and Deep Blue has very few advertisements."


After Accountant Jia arrived at the company, he immediately called Nie Wusheng from the technical department, Zhou Yujun from the legal department, and Yan Gongming from the operations department to his office for a meeting.

This wave of tricks by Deep Blue Film and Television has taken away many of their users, and the emergence of Deep Blue Film and Television will also affect their future development, so Accountant Jia attaches great importance to this matter.

"Nie Wusheng, tell everyone what happened." Accountant Jia said.

Nie Wusheng also briefly told the story of the incident to several people present. After listening to Nie Wusheng's narration, several people involuntarily frowned. Anyone who was not a fool knew that Deep Blue Technology had done this.

"Minister Nie, do you have evidence to prove that Deep Blue Films did it?" Zhou Yujun asked.

"No, but I am certain that it was Deep Blue Film and Television. The other party did not leave any trace during the whole process. The other party seemed to be like a ghost on the Internet. They are the only ones with such powerful hacking skills." Nie Wusheng shook his head.

Zhou Yujun, who had no evidence to prove that it was Deep Blue Film and Television, was also in a dilemma.

He studied law.

Everything requires evidence.

"Did Deep Blue Film's actions cause us any losses?" Zhou Yujun asked again.

"The loss is just the loss of some film and television sources that we don't have the copyright to. The other party didn't touch anything on the server at all." Nie Wusheng replied.

"If this is the case, this matter will be difficult to handle. First of all, we have no evidence to prove that the other party did it, and the other party did not cause us to lose anything. Even if we call the police, the police will not accept it." Zhou Yujun was very helpless. said.

"Does that mean there's nothing we can do about this matter?" Accountant Jia looked at Zhou Yujun and asked. "Mr. Jia, it is illegal to play each other's movies even if we don't have the copyright. Do you think the police will accept our case if we go to the police? It would be great if the police don't pursue us for copyright infringement." Zhou Yujun shook his head helplessly. road.

"Lao Yan, how do you think we should handle this matter?" Accountant Jia asked.

"Mr. Jia, we can only suffer this loss." Yan Gongming said helplessly.

Zhou Yujun from the Legal Department has made it very clear just now. To say that he suffered a loss is to put it in a flattering direction. After all, they were at fault in this matter.

At this moment, Accountant Jia was very depressed. It would have been better if he had not agreed to the copyright redemption, but now he had such a powerful enemy for no reason.

"Zhou Yujun, I want you to form a team dedicated to combating piracy. If any website infringes on our copyright, you will sue them to death. In terms of technology, ask Nie Wusheng to cooperate with you.

If I can't find the person in charge of the website, then I can use hacking techniques to hack him.

Next, Deep Blue Film and Television will push copyright into a new era. If we cannot guarantee the exclusive broadcasting of the platform, I believe no company will cooperate with us. "Accountant Jia said.

I have to say that Accountant Jia, a big liar, is still very far-sighted.

Accountant Jia knew that Shenlan's approach was equivalent to protecting the interests of the film and television company in disguise. As long as he believed that the boss of the film and television company was not stupid, he would know who to cooperate with.

Although LeTV will pay to purchase their copyrights, LeTV cannot effectively prevent piracy. Piracy will cause the value of film and television copyrights to plummet, which is something the bosses of film and television companies do not want to see.

Cooperating with Deep Blue Film and Television, Deep Blue Film and Television can completely eliminate the existence of piracy.

Under such conditions, using a share-sharing model to cooperate with Deep Blue Films will definitely make more money than selling copyrights.

Under such circumstances, who do you think these film and television companies will choose?
Isn't this why the film and television companies in Hong Kong are willing to reclaim these copyrights?

Other than this reason, he couldn't think of why companies in Hong Kong would cooperate with Deep Blue Film and Television.

Accountant Jia couldn't help but admire that the boss of Deep Blue Film and Television was really a genius, otherwise Deep Blue Group would not have risen in such a short period of time.

Magic City Youku Information Technology.

Youku’s boss Gu Yong also summoned senior executives for a meeting as soon as possible.

"Deep Blue Film and Television will push copyright into a new era. The price of film and television copyright will be pushed to a new high because of Deep Blue Film and Television. This also means that the competition between film and television platforms will become more and more fierce, and the operating costs of film and television platforms will also Hence the explosive growth.

If we continue to be in the film and television business, this situation will be very unfavorable for us, so I plan to give up this business and focus all the company's focus on video sharing.

We can only survive by focusing on niche markets. "Gu Yong made such a decision after the discussion just now.

This is also a very helpless decision for him, because a potato has given them enough headaches. If they continue to be in the film and television business, it means that they will still have to compete with Deep Blue and LeTV.

Dual-line operation will definitely bring huge competitive costs to Youku.

No matter how much money they make, it won't be enough for them to burn.

"Mr. Gu, we will be listed at the end of next year. Giving up this business at this time will affect our listing." Chief Operating Officer Dong Zhizhang said with a frown.

"Old Director, the emergence of Deep Blue Film and Television means that the price of film and television copyrights has skyrocketed. If we continue to do this business now, our operating expenses will at least triple next year. With such financial statements, what do you think our performance will be after we go public? Sample.

In this case, we might as well invest all our funds in video sharing. Maybe we can steal more shares from Tudou. As long as we can occupy enough market share, we can also use the share of video sharing to supplement the film and television industry. Block vacancies.

After we go public, we will raise enough funds to invest in the Shahui Film and Television market.

I believe Tudou’s strategy is the same. If we continue to operate on two fronts, the video sharing market will be taken away by Tudou, and we will definitely be in a dilemma. "Gu Yong said while staring at Dong Zhizhang.

The executives present also nodded their heads after hearing Gu Yong's words.

The film and television copyright market has been left to LeTV, PPS and Deep Blue Films to fight over. Focusing on video sharing may not be a good path for them.

Isn’t YouTube a very good example? What’s more, they are copying YouTube’s operating methods.

Even if the oil pipeline has developed to its current level, it may not dare to compete head-on with Nephi.

What they have to do now is to accumulate food, build high walls, slowly become king, and wait until they have enough funds to fight back.

"I agree with Mr. Gu's idea. If we operate on two fronts, we will have to face too many enemies. Moreover, Deep Blue's operation will cause the price of film and television copyrights to skyrocket. By then, just grabbing the copyrights will cost a lot of money. Funds, our financial situation will definitely be affected by this.

We don’t have as strong technical capabilities as Deep Blue, and we can’t use technology to combat piracy like they do. When film and television companies are looking for partners, they will also look to Deep Blue Film and Television, because Deep Blue Film and Television can completely eliminate piracy, and Deep Blue Film and Television can bring them more benefits. . " Chief Financial Officer Yang Heng said.

"Since everyone has no objections, then follow this strategy and focus on the video sharing business from now on." Gu Yong said.

The reason why Gu Yong chose to do this is because Youku did not have much left in the US$3000 million raised last year.

This money seems to be a lot, but they have already used it to some extent. If they continue to do the film and television business, even if they raise another US$1 million, it will not be enough for them.

He also has a certain understanding of Deep Blue Film and Television.

Behind Deep Blue Film and Television is the Deep Blue Group. The background of the Deep Blue Group is an open secret. You can buy information about the Deep Blue Group with just a little money. Deep Blue owns four milk companies that can generate cash.

One is the stacked film of Deep Blue Thin Film Factory, the other is Deep Blue network security software that is currently in full swing, the other is Deep Blue Biochemicals that has been on TV, and the last one is the most inconspicuous Deep Blue medical device.

Not to mention that Deep Blue Group itself has sufficient funds, it is easier for Deep Blue Film and Television to find financing than them. He does not want to compete with such a company.

This Deep Blue Group, which has risen for less than a year, is as big as a giant to them.

However, Tudou’s Wang Wei also chose the same strategy as them. A one-on-one battle with Youku is much better than their two-line operation. They don’t have to worry about the pressure on the server. If they have a two-line operation with Youku, Tuduo’s funds will be greatly reduced. Tight.

By then, they really won't be able to reach the shore at either end.

Unless they can find a well-financed father.

But so far, no film and television platform is profitable, and which financier dad is willing to spare no effort to support them? You must know that the capital market is full of owners who don’t see rabbits and don’t spread eagles. If they don’t pay enough, which capital will Financing them.

(End of this chapter)

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