The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 158 Chapter 154: Let them get involved

Chapter 158 Chapter 154: Let them get involved
Yangcheng Procter & Gamble Company.

Song Jiping came to work with a pair of dark circles under her eyes. Song Jiping's dark circles were like those of a panda. When the company employees saw her dark circles, they started talking about her.

"Do you think this old aunt has a pair of dark circles under her eyes because she had too much sex last night?"

"If Mr. Song hears you saying that her old aunt won't come to work tomorrow."

"I'll be on duty until today. I'll have a day off tomorrow."

"Damn it, big girl, your emotional intelligence is too low. If she heard what I said, she would definitely fire you."

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Song is a bachelor and it's possible to indulge in excessive sex? It's probably because he worked overtime last night. Mr. Song is a famous overtime maniac."

"What's the point of working overtime every day if you don't take a good rest during the rare holiday?"

"So if someone can be a director, you can only be a clerk."

After Song Jiping came to the office, she picked up the landline and dialed a number.

"Good morning, Mr. Song."

"Director Lu, we have invested in Gong Xinji's advertisement, but I don't know how to calculate the advertising fee?"

"It depends on whether you want the beginning, the end, or the middle."

“We at P&G want them all.”

"We calculate Gongshenshu's advertising based on 10 billion times. If it is played one billion times, we will charge 5000 million in advertising fees. We guarantee that the number of views will reach 10 billion times within a year. If the number is not less than 1000 million, we will reduce the advertising fee by [-] million. cost.

If your company wants all-inclusive advertising for three periods, it will need to pay us 1.5 million in advertising fees. "

"Based on 10 billion times, the single price is only 5 cents per time. This price is twice as expensive as other websites. Your price is a bit unkind."

"Mr. Song, you have to know that we broadcast exclusively on the entire network. We broadcast it more than ten days earlier than TVB. Moreover, the movies and TV shows on our platform are not pirated, so the price is naturally a little more expensive than other platforms.

But we can guarantee that the number of plays will reach 10 billion times in a year. You should know how valuable it is to play one billion times in a year, and for every 1000 million times played less, we will refund 5 million in advertising fees. If the number of plays is less than [-] billion times in a year, More than [-] million times all advertising fees refunded.

If you think the advertising fee for Zhen Huan's Legend is a bit expensive, you can place ads for other movies and TV shows on our platform. Advertisements for other movies and TV shows only cost 2.5 cents each time. "

Song Jiping didn't want to buy any ads from other movies. The reason why she was willing to buy the ads for Gongshenshu was because she stayed up late last night to watch Gongshenshu. She was fascinated by the interlocking plots of each episode.

As a woman, she knows the value of TV dramas. This drama is definitely the most popular TV drama this year, and the main audience of this drama is women.

The products produced by P&G are basically aimed at female users. If P&G can monopolize the advertising of this TV series, it will definitely bring them very generous returns.

It's just that the price of this advertisement released by Deep Blue Film and Television is a bit expensive.

You know, even if you cover the advertising fees for CCTV’s prime-time hit dramas, it’s not that expensive.

But the drama "Gong Xin Ji" is really great. If they miss the advertisement for this drama "Gong Xin Ji", it will definitely be a loss for P&G.

"Okay, we want all the ads in the three time periods, but we want to play different products. Is it okay for you to take turns to play them?"

"Playing in rotation is not a big problem for us. You just need to provide us with the source of the film."

"You guys, hurry up and draw up a contract. I want to see our advertisement tonight."

"No problem, I'll give you a call after I've drafted the advertisement."

In an apartment building in Shenzhen City.

Lu Qihao took a deep breath after hanging up the phone. The Gongshenji advertisement was really sold for 1.5 million. Even CCTV's bid only cost 3.05 million. This advertising fee is definitely the highest in the history of the Internet.

During this period, he had contacted companies such as Mengniu, Yili, Gree, Midea and Red Bull.

But after the company heard about the 5000 million advertising fee, they all backed down because they felt that the cost was not worth it. These people didn't even want to see the palace's scheming, so they turned down Lu Qihao's invitation.

After learning from his experience, Lu Qihao thought that he should let the other party watch the TV series first and then discuss the cost of advertising.

Unexpectedly, P&G actually agreed after watching the TV series.

The reason why Song Jiping agreed to this price was because of Lu Qihao's promise to her. Lu Qihao promised that the number of views could reach 10 billion within a year.

Although she didn't know how many views Gong Xin Ji could achieve in a month, she knew that if it didn't reach 10 billion within a year, then they could monopolize the TV series' advertising for a year.

The annual advertising fee of 1.5 million is not expensive for the cleaning group.

If these advertising fees are allocated to the brands owned by Procter & Gamble, each brand only needs to pay an advertising fee of 2000 to [-] million.

The price of 1.5 million seems very expensive, but after conversion, it is surprisingly cheap.

Moreover, if the number of views is less than 10 billion, they will be refunded based on the number of views. No matter how you calculate the advertising investment, it will not be a loss for P&G.

Driven by the Weibo operation team, the TV series Gong Xin Ji quickly became a hot topic among female netizens.

The operations department has very precise positioning of the audience for this TV series. Han Chen told them that this TV series is for female users. They only need to promote it to female customers. As for male viewers, they can choose to ignore it directly. .

Very few male viewers watch this kind of palace fight drama, and even if they watch it, they watch it with their girlfriends, as long as they take care of the female viewers.

Then these male viewers who are incidental will watch it together.

It's that simple and rude.

In a blink of an eye, it was 02:30 in the afternoon.

Driven by the promotion of Weibo, the number of views of the Gong Xinji topic has reached 80, and the views of the first and second episodes of Gong Xinji have reached 2300 million. Fortunately, Deep Blue Film and Television only releases 2 episodes every day, otherwise Deep Blue Film and Television will really suffer a huge loss. Damn it, a single episode of Palace Scheming can reach at least 2500 million in one day.

At this time, the number of registered users of Deep Blue Video has reached 800 million, and the actual download installed capacity has reached 3000 million.

If it weren't for the fact that today is a prime holiday and Deep Blue Film and Television has Weibo and WeChat promotion, Deep Blue Film and Television may not be able to obtain such a large number of registrations and installed capacity.

When peers saw this number, their eyes turned red with envy. Although Deep Blue Film and Television did not have as many film sources as them, Deep Blue Film and Television gained a large number of users because of a TV series.

Peninsula Cafe, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Island.

Li Baoan and Liu Tianwang were sitting in the cafe's box waiting for someone. "Pa~ta~"

When the two heard the door open, they turned their attention to the door. The waiter, a man and a woman were standing at the door, but the woman was a bit too tall. Even if she was wearing flat shoes, she was more than three fingers taller than the man next to her.

Taking advantage of the holiday, Yin Ruoyue invited Han Chen to visit Hong Kong Island.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them were shopping, Li Baoan called Han Chen. Li Baoan learned that Han Chen was in Hong Kong Island and made an appointment with Liu Tianwang.

"Hua Zai, this is Mr. Han from Mainland Deep Blue Group. Hua Zai needs no introduction." Li Baoan stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Han." Liu Tianwang said with a slight smile.

"Hello, Brother Hua, this is my girlfriend Yin Ruoyue." Han Chen introduced.

"Mr. Han's girlfriend is really naturally beautiful." Li Baoan said with a smile.

"This is Mr. Li from TVB." Han Chen introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Li." Yin Ruoyue replied with a smile.

"Come on, let's sit down and chat slowly. What do you want to drink, Mr. Han?" Li Baoan said with a smile.

"We already ordered from the waiter when we came in just now," Han Chen said.

"Then I don't have to ask the waiter to come over." Li Baoan said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, let me tell you some good news. Gong Xinji's advertisement has been sold. After selling 1.5 million advertising fees, you can get 3000 million. After this period of advertising is over, there will still be income. This price is better than It’s much higher if you sell to other platforms,” Han Chen said.

"Hiss~" Li Baoan took a breath of cold air.

If they sell it to a website that sells the copyright to the mainland, the most they can get is 10 for one episode. The whole drama of Gongschem has a total of 8 episodes, and the most they can get for 36 episodes is 36 million.
Even if it is calculated based on 100 million episodes, it can only be sold for 3600 million.

However, Han Chen's first phase of advertising fees brought them 3600 million yuan in revenue, and in the later period, it could bring them at least hundreds of millions in revenue.

Maybe some people will say that 20 per episode is very cheap, right?
In 2009, the online copyright of 2.5 yuan per episode of the TV series "The Qin Empire" was considered a "sky-high price."

From a "free lunch" of several hundred yuan per episode before 2008, to early 2009, a drama only cost tens of thousands of yuan. The online copyright of the classic drama "Latent" is only 1 yuan per episode. You say 20 yuan per episode. Is the price of the episode expensive? The price of this 20 episode is not expensive at all.

Even the entire online copyright of Wulin Gaiden is only 10 yuan.

If Deep Blue Film and Television had not appeared, when would the film and television copyrights start to skyrocket?
The surge in film and television copyrights occurred at the end of this year. In December 2009, Kuliu invested 12 million to seize the copyrights.

Driven by Ku6, domestic video websites entered the competition for copyright resources, and copyright prices have skyrocketed since then.

However, the emergence of Deep Blue Film and Television will completely change the pattern of the entire copyright industry. In order to compete with Deep Blue for exclusive copyrights, other video websites will definitely pay high prices to purchase exclusive film and television rights.

Although Deep Blue Film and Television will not spend a penny to purchase film and television copyrights, Deep Blue can bring them high dividends. This situation will naturally drive the price of copyrights to soar.

The income from selling to these film and television platforms is not as high as the dividend income from direct licensing to Deep Blue Film and Television, so why should they sell exclusive copyrights to these film and television platforms.

"It seems that Han Zong and I have made a very clear choice." Li Baoan said with a happy smile.

"Mr. Li, after Deep Blue Film and Television finishes broadcasting it, you can contact domestic TV stations. I believe it will definitely sell for a high price." Han Chen said.

"President Han's auspicious words, let's make a fortune together." Li Baoan said with a happy smile.

"Brother Hua, I wonder if Mr. Li has told you about the cooperation model of our Deep Blue Film and Television?" Han Chen turned to Liu Tianwang who was silent and asked.

"Mr. Han, we have already heard from Mr. Li about your cooperation model. However, our company does not have many films and TV shows. If Mr. Han doesn't mind, I can buy back these copyrights to cooperate with Mr. Han. " Liu Tianwang said.

They had sold those copyrights at low prices before. Even if it was very slow to repay the money on Deep Blue Film and Television, they would definitely be able to earn back the money over time. Long-term benefits are much better than a one-time buyout.

"Brother Hua, welcome to join the Deep Blue Film and Television family." Han Chen stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Same joy, same joy." King Liu Tian shook hands with Han Chen.

"Brother Hua will also invest in film and television. If your company has a film that needs investment, as long as the script is suitable, our company will basically invest. We will exchange contact information later, and you can just contact me directly. "Han Chen said.

"No problem." Liu Tianwang smiled.

"Mr. Han, our TV station is going to shoot a new TV series. I will send you the script to read later." Li Baoan said.

"No problem, Mr. Li. I am very relieved that TVB will produce it. However, I still want to remind Mr. Li that your screenwriters must change their thinking. Catering to the mainland audience is the most important thing. Only with the recognition of the mainland audience can TVB have a market.

If possible, you'd better form an operations team and conduct surveys through the Internet to understand the audience's preferences.

For example, if you condense the themes you want to shoot in the future and post them on Weibo, and then let Weibo netizens vote on what kind of content to shoot, you can integrate marketing methods into your operational strategy, so that you can capture the audience. TV shows and movies that I really want to watch.

This is the general trend of the future development of the film and television market. If you still make films based on your own preferences, no amount of money at TVB will be enough for you to lose. TVB can no longer be as casual as before.

If there are no suitable planning talents on Hong Kong Island, you can go to the mainland to recruit them at a high price.Or go to the mainland to establish a planning center.

Those who engage in art sometimes have very extreme personalities, but even if they are talented and cannot meet market demand, these people should still be eliminated.

Another point is that the three views of the TV series must be correct, otherwise you will suffer a lot in the future.

Having said that, if TVB cannot cater to the mainland market, TVB will be replaced by mainland entertainment companies in the future. Not only TVB, but the entire entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island will also be replaced by mainland entertainment companies.

In fact, in the long run, I personally am more optimistic about the entertainment industry in the mainland. The reason why I am willing to support the entertainment industry in Hong Kong Island is because the actors in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong Island are better than many actors in the mainland.

This is because actors in the Hong Kong entertainment industry are very dedicated. Hong Kong actors treat acting as a job, unlike us mainland actors who regard themselves as lofty stars. This is why I hate some mainland actors. "Han Chen said.

"I have learned from Mr. Han." Li Baoan said sincerely.

Even Liu Tianwang strongly agrees with Han Chen. First of all, the three views of the film must be correct. Secondly, the audience must not be fed shit. Finally, as an actor, you must be dedicated and not arrogant.

If Hong Kong Island's entertainment industry hadn't collapsed and the mainland entertainment industry had risen, those popular stars might not have appeared.

The reason why Han Chen supports the Hong Kong Island entertainment circle is to let the Hong Kong Island entertainment circle compete with the mainland entertainment circle.

In this way, the entertainment industry will not embark on a deformed path.

(End of this chapter)

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