The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 288 Chapter 278: Wait until the Shenlan Group is fattened up.

Build a car?

Shen Chengjun looked shocked when he heard that Han Chen was going to build a car.

Let’s not talk about whether Deep Blue Group can succeed in building cars. No matter where the car manufacturing companies are, they are all star-level companies. Companies without some strength cannot play this thing at all.

"How much space do you want to build a factory?" Shen Chengjun asked.

"With an area of ​​1300 acres, I want to build a fully automated car factory that is the most advanced in the world. The total investment in the entire project is expected to be 500 billion. The entire factory is expected to be completed within 3 years, because some equipment is more complex to manufacture and there is no one or two." There is no way to create it in ." Han Chen said.

"Brother Han, aren't you afraid of losing money if you do such a big thing at once?" Shen Chengjun said after taking a breath of air.

"What I want to build is the most advanced car factory in the world. Even if the car independently developed by our Deep Blue Group fails, the factory can also build cars for other brands, so there is no such thing as failure. This factory is more advanced than anyone else." Imagine that it only takes one minute to build a car based on estimates.” Han Chen said.

"One minute?" Shen Chengjun said with an incredulous expression.

"The entire car-making process is completed by robots. Only the assembly and testing parts require manpower. The entire factory only requires 2 employees." Han Chen said.

"I don't know much about technology. Please give me a plan so that I can help you apply to Brother No. 1. Are you feeling any pressure on funding? Do you need me to help you apply?" Shen Chengjun asked.

"If the interest rate can reach 2.5, I plan to borrow 300 billion in cash." Han Chen said after thinking.

In fact, Deep Blue Group is not short of funds at all. Deep Blue Group's reserves have already reached 100 billion. With the hot sales of Deep Blue mobile phones, it is making more money every day. The loan is just to give Shen Chengjun and Brother Yi some face.

They can also achieve certain political achievements through corporate loans.

"Okay, after you send me the plan, I will help you plan this matter." Shen Chengjun said.

"Then I'd like to thank Brother Shen first." Han Chen said after pouring tea for Shen Chengjun again.

"By the way, people from Qianda came to me recently and wanted to build a 10,000-unit building in Futian District. They said that this building is a cooperation with you. Is this true?" Shen Chengjun asked.

"There is such a thing. Didn't I recently acquire Gionee? I moved the Gionee headquarters here. The company has more and more employees. Now employee accommodation has become a problem. Now I pay for the employee dormitories. It's not a problem to buy it like this again.

So I plan to build a ten-thousand-unit building so that all the company’s employees can live in it. This will solve the problem of employee accommodation.

According to my prediction, the housing prices in Shenzhen City will rise to at least 50,000 per square meter in the future, and the price of better places will even reach hundreds of thousands. Think about how many people can afford a house with a price of hundreds of thousands. By then, It will definitely become a destabilizing factor for employees.

As long as I solve the house problems for my employees, I believe they will be more at ease at work. "Han Chen said.

"Brother Han, among so many companies in Futian District, you are the only one who is willing to think about their employees. If every company was like your Shenlan Group, then Shenzhen City would not have to worry about brain drain.

I have already submitted the real estate matter to Brother No. 1 for review. As expected, construction will start early next year. "Shen Chengjun praised.

"I'm going to trouble you more about this, Brother Shen." Han Chen said with a smile.

Then the two chatted for nearly half an hour before Shen Chengjun left. After Shen Chengjun left, Han Chen called Ma Changan to the office.

Ma Changan joined Deep Blue Motors in July this year. After four months, he established a team. Now his team has begun the research and development of electric vehicles.

"Mr. Han, do you have anything to do with me?" Ma Changan asked after sitting down.

"I plan to set up another fuel vehicle department to manufacture fuel vehicles. Do you have any suitable candidates to recommend?" Han Chen asked.

"Mr. Han, I have a friend who should meet your requirements. He used to be an engineer at Mercedes-Benz. Recently, Mercedes-Benz has lowered the wages of Chinese employees. He is not very satisfied with Mercedes-Benz's approach, so he wants to leave Mercedes-Benz and return to China to find a job. .

He has 8 years of design experience at Mercedes-Benz, during which he was responsible for the exterior design of Mercedes-Benz's new SL (R231), Mercedes-Benz A-Class and other models. " Ma Changan said.

"You can send me his contact information later, and you can also tell him here. I asked Mr. Tong to negotiate with him." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Ma Changan nodded.

"In addition, I want to tell you one thing, which is related to your car building. This idea is what I have recently thought of. In the traditional car building mode, the body structure is composed of more than 200 parts, which also makes car building more difficult. The process has become very cumbersome.

A single rear floor panel has more than 70 parts, and there are more than 800 welding points alone. Welding and assembly require a lot of labor and time, which is why the cost of automobiles remains high.

If we use new technology to turn more than two hundred parts into ten parts, and reduce welding points to 3% of the original number, will this be able to significantly reduce the cost of car manufacturing? " Han Chen asked.

"Theoretically this is true, but how can it be done?" Ma Changan asked.

"Using integrated die-casting technology to mold the chassis and body at one time can not only reduce manufacturing costs, but also reduce manufacturing time. The weight of the body is reduced a lot. If it is manufactured in this way, even if we use high-strength steel to manufacture it, The cost is also much lower than traditional manufacturing methods.

Regarding the integrated casting process, I will find a way to solve it. When you design, you should design in the direction of integration. "Han Chen said.

Ma Changan took a breath after hearing Han Chen's words.

If Han Chen is allowed to realize integrated casting, it will definitely set off a new revolution in the automobile industry, and the price of automobiles will also drop significantly.

My boss is really a genius for actually thinking of using this method to build a car.

"Mr. Han, you are such a super genius. Even if we use all-aluminum to build the body, the cost is cheaper than mixing steel and aluminum, and it also saves a lot of review steps. If we use this process to build a car, we can build it at a cost of 30,000 yuan. With the quality of RMB 100, I believe the car will be a big seller,” Ma Changan praised.

"You know this matter and I know it for now. Don't leak any information to the outside world. Just have a good idea." Han Chen said.

"I understand, Mr. Han." Ma Changan nodded. "Okay, you go back to work first." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Ma Changan replied.

April 2010, 11, US time.

Inside an antique church-style building at 16 1733th Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

There were more than a dozen people sitting at the long table in the conference room, having a meeting.

Everyone sitting in the conference room had an Eye of Horus embroidered on their clothes.

"Many people have sent me emails asking for help in the past few days. They want us to stop the development of Deep Blue Group. If Deep Blue Group is allowed to continue to develop, Deep Blue Group will dominate the entire communications industry. I can't understand the current situation. Let’s take action. How should we deal with this matter?” asked the middle-aged man sitting in the chair on the left.

"As far as I know, Deep Blue Group has strong independent research and development capabilities. They have been able to independently develop CPUs and cameras. If Deep Blue continues to develop, Deep Blue's strength will surpass us in all aspects, and Deep Blue also holds some very key Technology.

For example, the most popular Starlink and Listening technologies recently, and even Qualcomm’s radio frequency technology use dark blue. We are blocking the neck of Deep Blue in some areas, and Deep Blue is also blocking our necks in some areas.

In addition, Deep Blue Group has surpassed Citibank to become the largest shareholder of TSMC. Now it will be very difficult for us to restrict Deep Blue. "said the second middle-aged man sitting on the left.

“I don’t think we need to stop the development of Deep Blue. The bigger the Deep Blue Group develops, the more beneficial it will be for us. When AMSL’s EUV lithography machine is officially launched, we will then take action against the Deep Blue Group and restrict chip factories from substituting for the Deep Blue Group. Work, I wonder what Deep Blue will do without the latest technology.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall. By then, Deep Blue has developed into a behemoth. Without new technologies, Deep Blue will surely fall to the bottom. By then, Deep Blue Group's electronic product business will definitely collapse. Then we will pick up the advantages of Deep Blue. alright.

As for those people who come to us for help, I don’t think there is any need to pay attention to them. We can make money anyway when the stock market goes up or down. If we want to blame them, we should blame them for their inferior skills.

We can't always use special means to help them. Without Deep Blue, there will be a Deep Red one tomorrow. The only way is to improve our own strength. We either don't take action or we are killed with one blow. We must maximize the benefits when we take action. , our random actions will only cause the rabbit's backlash. said the third young man sitting on the left.

"I think Daniel is right. China is our most important market now. If we do it at will, the rabbits will definitely come back to bite us. By then, we will lose more than we gain. It is more cost-effective to fatten the sheep and then slaughter them." said the first man on the right.

"Then let's vote by a show of hands." said the old man sitting in the chairman's seat.

Although Deep Blue hinders some of their interests, they also benefit from Deep Blue. Deep Blue mobile phones are not completely independent. They also use many accessories. What's more, Deep Blue also drives the development of the entire industry.

Moreover, Deep Blue Group has more than one mobile phone business. If they take action against Deep Blue at this time, it will only cause Deep Blue to lose one mobile phone business. Deep Blue's mobile phone business has just begun. Even if Deep Blue loses its mobile phone business, it will not suffer much loss.

It would be better to wait until Deep Blue's mobile phone business becomes a behemoth before taking action. By then, they will directly take Deep Blue's mobile phone business into their hands, and they will definitely earn more by then than they do now.

After weighing the pros and cons, some people found that it was not cost-effective to attack Deep Blue at this time.

September 2010, 11, China time.

Lijin Group, Longhua Qinghu Industrial Park, Baoan District, Shenzhen City.

Chang Huazhang has been communicating with Liu Xiangshang's secretary in the past four days. After consultation, the two parties decided to meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Han Chen was led by Liu Xiangshang's secretary to Liu Xiangshang's office.

After seeing Han Chen, Liu Xiangshang immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Han, welcome to Lijin Group." Liu Xiangshang stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Liu." Han Chen shook hands with the other party and smiled.

Then the two sat down on the sofa. After sitting down, Liu Xiangshang asked Han Chen what he wanted to drink. Han Chen told him that he wanted a glass of boiled water.

"Mr. Han, your company's business is not the same as ours. I wonder what the purpose of Mr. Han's coming here is?" Liu Xiangshang asked bluntly.

"Mr. Liu, actually I came here this time to purchase a die-casting machine from you, but what I want to purchase is not the die-casting machine produced by your company, but the die-casting machine independently developed by our Deep Blue Group. The integrated die-casting machine is somewhat special, and only your company in the world can produce such a die-casting machine." After Han Chen finished speaking, he took out a document from his bag and handed it to the other party.

Liu Xiangshang was a little surprised after hearing what Han Chen said. He didn't expect that Deep Blue would develop a die-casting machine.

He took a breath of air when he saw the words [Dark Blue 6000T integrated die-casting machine].

You must know that with their current technology, they can only produce a 4000T die-casting machine at most, and this technology was only obtained after they acquired Idra. Deep Blue Technology was actually able to come up with a 6000T die-casting machine solution.

If they hadn't been engaged in integrated die-casting machines for so many years, they would have thought that Deep Blue was the manufacturer of die-casting machines.

ten minutes later.

"Mr. Han, has your plan been verified by data? You must know that the cost of trial production of one unit is at least 5000 million. If it fails, all 5000 million will be wasted." Liu Xiangshang put down the document and looked at Han Chen asked.

If Liu Xiangshang knew that Han Chen still had a 1.2-ton plan, Liu Xiangshang would probably be so shocked that his jaw would drop.

The reason why Han Chen only came up with a 6000-ton plan was because 6000 tons was enough for him to build a car, and it was impossible to build a 1.2-ton integrated die-casting machine with current technology.

"The data of this plan has been verified, so Mr. Liu doesn't have to worry about not being able to build it. The trial production cost is completely borne by us. Your company does not need to bear any risks. Mr. Liu only needs to tell me what it takes to build one. No matter how much it is," Han Chen said.

"If Mr. Han is willing to license the core technology to us, Lijin can manufacture ten die-casting machines for Shenlan Group for free, or we can pay to acquire your company's technology." Liu Xiangshang said after thinking.

"Mr. Liu, it's not that I don't want to license this technology to you. This technology involves our future layout, and there are not many companies that can use it now. We are the only ones in the world who can use it. If Mr. Liu really wants to We can license the core technology of this die-casting machine to Mr. Liu after 5 years.

I believe that Mr. Liu can afford to wait for five years. "Han Chen said. (End of Chapter)

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