The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 302 Chapter 292: "Stuxnet" Incident

September 2011, 5, China time.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

LeTV’s Accountant Jia was overwhelmed by Deep Blue Film and Television. Of course, apart from LeTV, Ahri was not much better. Zhifubao was beaten by Shanglaipay in mobile payment and was unable to fight back. The market share of Xuebao He was constantly being eaten away by Goudong.

Especially after Goudong launched the group buying business, Goudong's market share increased from 17% to 34%, and Goudong has firmly ranked second among online shopping platforms.

Office of the President of Shenlan Group in Nantian Pioneer Park.

Han Chen sat in front of the computer and held a video conference with Brother Dong.

"Mr. Han, although the group buying business has greatly increased Goudong's market share, the group buying business has also had a certain impact on the ordinary online shopping business, so I want to separate Goudong's group buying business and operate it independently." Dong Ge said.

"There is no problem with splitting, but after splitting, group buying must be operated independently and can no longer be operated by Goudong. The two must form a competitive relationship, otherwise the split will make no sense." Han Chen said.

"Mr. Han, I think so too. In addition, after the spin-off, I plan to carry out the first round of financing. I will use 30% of my shares to raise funds. I wonder if Mr. Han is interested in doing the first round of financing?" Brother Dong asked road.

"How much money do you plan to raise in the first round of financing?" Han Chen asked.

"I plan to raise 15 billion soft sister coins." Dong Ge said.

"Okay, Deep Blue Capital has fully invested the 15 billion soft girl coins." Han Chen said.

"Okay, then arrange for someone to come over and negotiate the contract." Brother Dong said.

"Brother Dong, where do you plan to place the headquarters of Goudong Group Buying after the split? What do you plan to name Goudong Group Buying after the split?" Han Chen asked.

"I'm still thinking about the name. I plan to place the headquarters in the capital, so it will be more convenient to manage." Brother Dong replied.

"The name of Goudong Group Buying is Pinduoduo. In order to allow the two platforms to compete better, I suggest putting the headquarters in Shanghai. Putting the two headquarters together can easily cause management chaos, and both companies have In the capital, there will be competition for talents, so it is most appropriate to put the group buying business in the capital city," Han Chen said.

Brother Dong thought for a while after hearing Han Chen's suggestion.

"Mr. Han, I will listen to you." Brother Dong said.

"Okay, then this matter is arranged like this. I will have someone come over tomorrow to discuss the contract details." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Brother Dong replied.

After Han Chen hung up Dong Ge's call, the door light on the table turned on at this time. The person who came was Yang Yicheng, the person in charge of fuel vehicles and factory construction.

This is Yang Yicheng's first visit to Han Chen's office after a month since his last visit.

"Mr. Han, this is the factory manufacturing flow chart and the digital management plan for the entire factory." Yang Yicheng handed a thick document to Han Chen and said.

It has to be said that Yang Yicheng is really the kind of person who listens to advice and has enough to eat. He used all the suggestions Han Chen gave him last time. They added 90% of the links to the digital management solution.

Of course, this also means that the construction cost of the entire car factory has increased by nearly 20%.

According to the original plan, the total investment in the entire car factory was 230 billion. After their optimization, the total investment in the car factory reached 270 billion.

Yang Yicheng and the people below deduced that it would take 1 minute and 50 seconds to build a car using the current plan.

There are many more parts for fuel vehicles than for electric vehicles. It is normal for the vehicle to take a longer time to build. Han Chen is not surprised at this time. You must know that this time is still the final time. It takes at least 3 years before the workers are skilled. minutes of time.

"Just follow this process. When is the factory expected to be completed?" Han Chen asked.

"It is expected to be launched by the end of this year." Yang Yicheng replied.

"What's going on with the fuel vehicle I asked you to design?" Han Chen asked.

"The exterior of the car has been designed. This is our exterior drawing. We are now designing the internal structure. But the biggest problem now is the engine. We are considering which engine manufacturer to use." Yang Yicheng replied.

"Try to buy an engine that is cheap and easy to repair," Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Yang Yicheng replied.

"Okay, later you can send me the car's exterior design and interior design drawings. If there's nothing else, go back and do your work." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Yang Yicheng nodded.

After Yang Yicheng left, Han Chen opened the background data and checked the sales volume of Deep Blue mobile phones.

Since the price reduction of Deep Blue mobile phones, the sales volume of Deep Blue mobile phones has not decreased but increased. The orders from the factory can be said to be overwhelmed. Although Han Chen has asked Kong Huimin to reduce the production capacity of Deep Blue mobile phones, the dealers have increased their orders due to the price reduction. .

In other words, the volume that originally belonged to Deep Blue's self-operated stores has gone to dealers. This increase and decrease has meant that Deep Blue's total mobile phone orders have not seen any decline.

However, because Deep Blue Electronics has released its own production, Deep Blue Electronics has avoided the risk of inventory squeeze. Once Deep Blue Mobile launches a new mobile phone, dealers will have to bear the problem of inventory squeeze.

Even if they have a backlog of products by then, it will have nothing to do with Deep Blue Electronics. Deep Blue Electronics has reminded them that they will launch new products in July. If they increase orders, the risk can only be borne by themselves.

Deep Blue Electronics will not help them solve the inventory backlog problem by then.

Han Chen was very pleased with the other two data from Deep Blue Electronics. The first data was Deep Blue tablets. During this period, tablet sales have increased a lot, with a month-on-month growth of about 2% in recent months.

The second data is Deep Blue computers. The new generation of Deep Blue computers has been sold out. A total of 170 million units have been sold in the past two months. The best-selling ones are all-in-one computers and notebooks. Most of the all-in-one computers are purchased by companies, and most notebooks are purchased by companies. They are all students.

It's not that fruit computers are bad, but that Deep Blue computers are more cost-effective.

The design style of Deep Blue's new generation of computers continues, and the price is only a little more expensive than the previous generation. This little bit is the increased profit of Deep Blue Electronics.

Even though the price of Deep Blue's new generation of Deep Blue computers is a little more expensive than the previous generation, customers have not given any bad feedback because of the price. In other words, customers did not notice the price increase of Deep Blue Computer, or they did not care about this wave of price increase of Deep Blue Computer.

After checking the electronic data of Deep Blue, Han Chen checked the data of other companies under the Deep Blue Group.

The revenue of Deep Blue Literature and Deep Blue Film and Television has increased a lot compared to last year, but their profits have dropped a lot due to profit issues. The biggest decline among these two companies is Deep Blue Film and Television.

Because Deep Blue Literature Overseas Station has no competitors, Deep Blue Literature Overseas Station has given Deep Blue Literature a lifeline.

From the beginning of the year to now, the net profit of Deep Blue Literature’s overseas station has reached US$3 million. Deep Blue Literature has become the most popular online novel platform overseas.

The revenue of Deep Blue Network Security Company is very stable, and it is now achieving steady growth every month. Since the beginning of the year, it has been at least 5% in one month, and up to 30% in one month.

Now Deep Blue Network Security Company has become the most powerful security company in the world.

The smooth development of Deep Blue Network Security this time is due to an incident that happened last year.

During this period, nuclear equipment failed one after another from 2009 to 2010. However, Persian engineers searched for a long time but could not find the problem. When they were desperate, they decided to seek medical treatment urgently, so they installed the deep blue safety equipment safely. on these devices computers.

Unexpectedly, Deep Blue's security virus software found a virus called "Stuxnet" on their computers.

This virus can infect key components such as Siemens industrial control software Simatic WinCC and Mitsubishi Electric's PLC equipment, and destroy centrifuges at the Natanz uranium enrichment base in Persia.

The emergence of Deep Blue Network Security unconsciously solved the world-famous "Stuxnet" incident in the previous life.

"Stuxnet" was actually Verbole's attempt to slow down the progress of Persia's nuclear weapons program.

So it is unknown whether Ferbole hated Deep Blue Network Security because of this. According to the progress of the previous life, the Persian State, with the support of the international community, finally successfully controlled the situation and gradually restored the normal operation of the nuclear facilities.

However, Persia did not develop nuclear weapons because the equipment returned to normal. Although Persia had uranium enrichment activities, it did not extract a sufficient amount of enriched uranium, nor did it design the basic structure of an atomic bomb, nor did it conduct a nuclear explosion test.

In addition, Persia is one of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which stipulates that Persia can only use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and cannot enrich uranium beyond a specified level.

Although Persia has claimed to have the ability to produce nuclear bombs, it has not actually put into production, and the Persian government has repeatedly emphasized that it will not produce nuclear weapons because nuclear weapons "violate" Persia's religious beliefs and principles that are vital to Persian security. thing.

Deep Blue Network Security's protection software also became famous internationally because of this incident. Many foreign companies have contacted Deep Blue Network Security to purchase related security software.

Deep Blue Security has become the one with the most exaggerated performance growth among the many companies in the Deep Blue Group due to orders from the Ministry of Railways.

Deep Blue Security has signed orders worth RMB 500 billion with various railway ministries this year. The profits from these 500 billion orders alone are as high as 450 billion soft coins. As the head of Deep Blue Security, Tang Huixiang is smiling from ear to ear.

The performance of Deep Blue Medical Devices is very stable, with monthly growth of around 5%-10%. Super Body No. is very popular all over the world. Karina Holley has even opened up channels other than Walmart. This is also the reason why Deep Blue Reasons for the steady growth of medical device performance.

Deep Blue Network's performance is not much different from last year. Although Weibo has achieved profitability under Wu Qimin's control, WeChat is still a loss-making product. Deep Blue Network's game business revenue is still tepid, but WeChat and Weibo's Users have experienced substantial growth.

According to the data given by Wu Qimin, WeChat is only one step away from Hallo, while Weibo is the dominant player occupying the entire short blog market.

As for Deep Blue Payment, even if Han Chen spent 10 billion to subsidize it, Deep Blue Payment still turned a profit. The capital pool of Deep Blue Payment has reached 1 trillion. The daily interest alone is more than 5000 million, and 10 billion only lasts 20 days. The time is back, which means that the interest alone is 180 billion a year.

Deep Blue Payment can be said to be a company that can make money while lying down.

With the shares of the People's Bank of China and China Development Bank, Ouyang Sancai has developed many financial businesses in Deep Blue Payment.

Ouyang Sancai predicts that Deep Blue Payment’s net profit this year will reach at least 300 billion.

Calculated based on 20% PE, the valuation of Deep Blue Payment has reached 6000 billion. The investment of the People's Bank of China and China Development Bank has doubled in less than half a year. As time goes by, the two companies will only make more and more money.

Deep Blue Medical Equipment Factory Laboratory.

Tu Jiaojiao and a team of researchers have joined Deep Blue Medical Devices for more than half a year.

Tu Jiaojiao discovered the Alpha 32 virus based on the documents given by Han Chen. During the past period, they have been conducting clinical trials on mice.

At this moment, Tu Jiaojiao is sampling the brain tissue of a mouse suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

To see whether the alpha virus has been completely eliminated from the body of this white mouse, only a biopsy can be used to determine whether the virus has been cleared. However, by recording the daily behavior of the white mouse, they found that the daily behavior of this white mouse has already returned to normal.

Tu Jiaojiao was operating a microscope in the laboratory. Her eyes stared at the cells in the lens, and her fingers gently adjusted the focus of the microscope. The scene under the microscope is like a delicate painting, which makes people intoxicated.

She had sliced ​​the rat's brain and placed the sample on a glass slide. Now, she is dripping in the Alpha 32 detection agent. Drops of the solution drip down evenly from the glass slide, looking like glowing stars, sparkling.

Under the influence of the medicinal liquid, the brain fragments originally composed of tiny cells became clear and orderly, and the details appeared before Tu Jiaojiao's eyes, like complicated maps. She observed the scene in the microscope intently, recording the status and properties of each cell in detail.

As time passed by, Tu Jiaojiao seemed to be immersed in a magical world, feeling the wonderful combination of science and art.

When the last drop of the drug was finished, Tu Jiaojiao adjusted the microscope to the highest magnification and carefully studied every small cell. At this time, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. The mouse brain slices did not show any abnormal reactions.

"We succeeded!" Tu Jiaojiao said excitedly.

Her face was filled with happiness and pride, and the joy of victory arose spontaneously. The researchers behind her were also excited, hugging each other and celebrating this great moment.

All the equipment and instruments seemed to be cheering for this success, and the screen flashed with beautiful colors and sci-fi-feeling shapes, announcing the arrival of this achievement.

"Cai Lijun, write a clinical trial application immediately and submit the application to the drug regulatory department tomorrow." Tu Jiaojiao said.

"Okay, Director Tu." Cai Lijun said with joy.

Although they did not develop this thing, they have a strong sense of success, and Alzheimer's disease will become history at this moment. (End of chapter)

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