The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 316 Chapter 306: Overturning the table

Han's Manor.

Han Chen was lying on the sofa reading the news with Yin Ruoyue's long legs as his pillow, while Gulina sat beside him and fed Han Chen grapes. Because Yin Ruoyue didn't like reading the news, he was surfing the Internet with his tablet.

"Husband, there are a lot of disparaging news on Deep Blue Film and Television on the Internet, saying that Deep Blue's new smart TV cut corners." Yin Ruoyue handed the tablet to Han Chen and said.

After taking the tablet, Han Chen looked through the news. After reading the news, Han Chen already guessed that it was LeTV. The new Deep Blue TV is so cheap. If LeTV still wants to sell TVs, then they can only change Got Deep Blue’s new product.

Han Chen returned the tablet to Yin Ruoyue and immediately sat up.

"I'll go upstairs for a moment." Han Chen said.

When the two women heard that Han Chen was going upstairs, they didn't say anything. Instead, they picked up the remote control to switch to the program they wanted to watch.

After Han Chen returned to the study, he immediately turned on his computer and posted a tweet on Weibo.

"I just saw a lot of people on the Internet saying that Deep Blue's new TVs cut corners. Regarding the use of BOE panels in Deep Blue TVs, I personally went to Beijing to talk to Mr. Chen from BOE.

I believe many netizens are curious why Deep Blue’s new smart TVs do not continue to use panels from LG and Shanxing.

I am not afraid to tell you that Deep Blue Electronics has not only cut off supply of panels, but also TSMC, which originally manufactured for Deep Blue, no longer manufactures for Deep Blue.

Why do these people do this?
Just because the products developed by Deep Blue are too powerful, Deep Blue has already seized the market that originally belonged to them. They cannot surpass Deep Blue technically, so they can only use this method to restrict Deep Blue.

In addition, Han Chen has another reason for doing this. Han Chen's reason is to give consumers a sense of oppression, telling consumers that if they don't buy Deep Blue products, they will probably not be able to buy them anymore soon.

Han Chen did this in the hope that the Chinese people would wake up as soon as possible and let the Chinese people know the importance of having independent research and development capabilities. Maybe his actions can help the domestic semiconductor industry rise early.

"Who posted this? Why did it get pinned to Weibo?"

It can be said that shopping malls are like battlefields, and that is absolutely true.

At the same time, I also hope that the majority of netizens can support other domestic brands just like they support Deep Blue.

Of course, this is just his personal wish. Whether it can achieve the effect is another matter.

In addition to Deep Blue Electronics being blocked, other industries of Deep Blue Group have also been blocked.

I hereby advise all colleagues to give up the idea that it is better to buy than to build. No matter how big your company becomes, it is very likely to become the next Deep Blue.

"Brother, didn't you check someone else's certification? They certified me as the chairman of Deep Blue Group. I didn't expect Deep Blue to use BOE for this reason."

Only when everyone buys domestic products can we get enough profits to engage in research and development, so that our various industries will not be restricted by foreigners. "

After these things happened, I also realized a problem. No matter how big the technology is in the hands of others, it is fake. Others can bring down your entire company with just a little manipulation.

"Damn it, from what the blogger said, Deep Blue chips are going to be discontinued. Does this mean that Deep Blue mobile phones are going to be discontinued soon."

Maybe some people think Han Chen's approach is a bit naive, but Han Chen has his reasons for doing this.

After Han Chen sent the tweet, he sent a message to Wu Qimin and asked him to pin the tweet to the top of Weibo. He wanted everyone to know about it.

Deep Blue Electronics will be short of chips for a long time in the future, but Deep Blue Electronics will not simply give up. Sooner or later, Deep Blue Electronics will take back everything that belongs to Deep Blue.

Deep Blue Electronics has become so powerful that it has harmed the interests of some people, and these people can only use some despicable means to restrict Deep Blue.

I can tell you the answer to this question responsibly. It is not that Deep Blue Electronics is unwilling to use their panels, but that they are unwilling to sell panels to Deep Blue. The reason why they are unwilling to sell products to Deep Blue is because Deep Blue Electronics is really Too powerful.

As for those who want to suppress Deep Blue and then acquire Deep Blue, I tell you not to have any wishful thinking. Even if Deep Blue Group collapses, it will not sell the technology on hand to you.

Soon this tweet became a hot topic among netizens.

"I want to ask why these people deal with Deep Blue like this?"

"Since the launch of Deep Blue mobile phones, other brands have been hard to sell. Even the sales of fruits are not as good as Deep Blue. As the saying goes, destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. It is not normal for them to deal with Deep Blue."

"If you can't make a product, you just use such dirty methods. I'm so convinced by these foreign brands."

"That damn Deep Blue phone is going to be discontinued soon. I'm going to place an order to buy a Deep Blue phone first, lest I save enough money and run out of it."

“One thing to say is that I don’t feel that the new dark blue smart TVs are any worse than the old ones. At least I don’t feel that they are any worse in terms of picture quality.”

"Ignore the product situation and product quality, but I am sure of one thing. The emergence of Deep Blue has brought down the price. Without Deep Blue, we would still have to buy smartphones priced at three thousand or four thousand. After the emergence of Deep Blue, I bought it for a few hundred dollars, and Deep Blue really beat the price down.”

"Bah, the people upstairs are the navy hired by Deep Blue. The cheapest Deep Blue 2S costs 3999. Deep Blue is only as cheap as Deep Blue 1. With Deep Blue 2, the price has gone up to the ceiling."

"Have the prices of other brands dropped? If Deep Blue hadn't been the first to launch cheap smartphones, would the prices of smartphones have dropped so quickly? Although Deep Blue 2 phones are very expensive.

But the performance of Deep Blue 2 mobile phone is there. You can't let Deep Blue sell Deep Blue 2 to the floor price. If Deep Blue really sells it to that price, you know how many factories will close down.

Whether looking at the overall situation or from an operational perspective, Deep Blue's approach is correct. "

"The brother upstairs is right. If Deep Blue lowers the price, then other manufacturers will not have to live. At least one million people will lose their jobs. Even Deep Blue would not dare to do this. Deep Blue directly positions its products For the high-end, leaving the low-end market for friends, this is beneficial to both the market and consumers. "

"I didn't expect that this business war would be more exciting than the scheming palace drama."

"The real business war is scarier than you think. I was hesitant to buy Deep Blue or LeTV. I didn't say anything to support Deep Blue and buy Deep Blue TV. Besides, Deep Blue TV is more than 1,000 cheaper than LeTV. I will take the remaining 1,000." Wouldn’t it be nice to buy something else?”

April 2011, 8, US time.

Office on the top floor of an antique church-style building at 16 1733th Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

As the person in charge of the project to block the Deep Blue Group, Siegel Brand’s every move is under his surveillance, not to mention that Han Chen directly posted this matter on Weibo.

Siegel Brand also received the news immediately.

"This young man is really naive. Wilmer will notify them later and ask them to increase their sniping against Deep Blue." Siegel Brand said after putting down the document in his hand.

"Okay, boss." Wilmer Wassev replied.

Han Chen's tweet was indeed very popular in China, but it was suppressed in the United States. Only a very small number of netizens knew about it, so it did not spread in the United States.

After all, their method is too shameful.

September 2011, 9, China time.

In the past half month, Han Chen has focused on the Magic Eye accelerator card. Han Chen even personally developed the Magic Eye accelerator card. With Han Chen's joining, the accelerator card was completed in less than two weeks. In the past two weeks, Deep Blue's products have been sold out. Some consumers bought them to support Deep Blue, while others bought them because they were worried that Deep Blue would discontinue production.

The production capacity of the production line has been unable to keep up with the sales volume.

After solving the magic eye, Han Chen devoted himself wholeheartedly to the research and development of X-ray lithography machines.

According to the original plan, it would take at least three to five years to build the X-ray lithography machine.

The X-ray lithography machine was developed in February 2010, which means that the R&D team has been developing it for a year and a half. But now something like this happened, and Han Chen had to step in personally to speed up the development.

Han Chen believes that with his joining, the X-ray lithography machine can be developed in up to one year.

Hangzhou Penguin Headquarters.

Peng Lei frowned involuntarily as she looked at the data on the monitor.

Although Zhifubao's offline share has increased a lot since the alliance with Hallo, Deep Blue's share has not dropped much, which means their return on investment ratio is disproportionate.

In the past period, Zhifubao spent another 5 million yuan on subsidies. However, Zhifubao's offline market share is only 18%, but Deep Blue Payment's offline market share is still as high as 82%.

As for the online market share of Deep Blue Payment, it is 57%, and the market share of Zhifubao is 43%. Online, Deep Blue Payment has gone one step further.

Peng Lei looked at the data and felt a little headache. She didn't know what to do for a while.

Not only Peng Lei, Lao Ma is also having a headache.

DeepBlue Cloud took away 50% of Ali Cloud’s market share in less than two months after its launch.

In addition, Moubao encountered two shopping platforms, Goudong and Pinduoduo. With the expansion of Dongfeng Station, Goudong and Pinduoduo completely crushed Moubao in logistics.

Sitong and Yida are both shareholders of Dongfeng Station, and Lao Ma didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Set up a company similar to Dongfeng Station to deal with it?
Not to mention that Sitong Yida is a shareholder of Dongfeng Post. With the launch of Dongfeng Post, major logistics companies have experienced rapid growth. In order to expand their business, they must raise external financing. Deep Blue Capital also took this opportunity to become a shareholder of major companies.

Even if they had the idea of ​​joining Ahri, Deep Blue Capital would not allow them to join.

The only way is to support small logistics companies, but logistics companies are so easy to support.

"This young man's layout is really terrifying." Lao Ma said after rubbing his temples.

The dark blue layout made Lao Ma feel a lot of pressure.

Lithography machine laboratory in Building 2, Phase 3, Nantian Pioneer Park.

At this moment, Han Chen was doing X-ray tests with laboratory researchers, and at this moment his cell phone rang.

"You continue testing." Han Chen said to several researchers after seeing that the caller was Brother Dong.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Cao Liyuan, the general manager of the X-ray lithography machine, replied.

Cao Liyuan is an engineer hired by Han Chen from TSMC.

"What's wrong, Brother Dong?" Han Chen asked after arriving outside the laboratory.

"Mr. Han, with the development of Goudong and Pinduoduo, Goudong Logistics' business has become more and more. As Goudong Logistics expands, it requires more and more funds. I plan to spin off Goudong Logistics. "Brother Dong said.

"There is no problem. Goudong Logistics will try its best to raise financing domestically, and Deep Blue Capital will assist in the financing." Han Chen said.

"No problem. With the help of Deep Blue Capital, I will save a lot of trouble here." Brother Dong said.

"Okay, leave this matter to the people below. I will ask Lin Guangtao of Deep Blue Capital to contact you later. I have something to do here, so I won't talk to you anymore," Han Chen said.

"OK." Brother Dong replied.

April 2011, 9, US time.

Siegel Brand couldn't help but frowned when he looked at the data sent by Wilmer Vassev.

"We haven't restricted the source of Deep Blue's LCDs and chips, so why do they sell more than before we restricted them?" Siegel Brand asked, throwing the folder on the table.

"Boss, according to our investigation, after Deep Blue lost LCDs from Shanxing and LG, they chose China's BOE as their supplier. As for chips, TSMC is still OEM for Deep Blue." Wilmer Wassev replied road.

After hearing Wilmer Wassev's reply, Siegel Brand immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed Zhang Mouzhong's number.


"Mr. Siegel, good morning." Zhang Mouzhong greeted after answering the phone.

"Zhang, what's going on with TSMC? Why is TSMC still manufacturing for Deep Blue?" Siegel Brand asked angrily.

"Mr. Siegel, the contract between TSMC and Deep Blue Electronics has not ended yet, and we can only continue to OEM for them." Zhang Mouzhong replied.

"How many orders have you signed with Deep Blue? When will you stop manufacturing for Deep Blue?" Siegel Brand asked.

"It's expected to take another week." Zhang Mouzhong replied.

"Can we break the contract?" Siegel Brand asked.

"Mr. Siegel, we have signed a very high liquidated damages agreement with Deep Blue. Breaking the contract will cause TSMC to lose a lot of money." Zhang Mouzhong replied.

"How much is the liquidated damages approximately?" Siegel Brand asked.

"About 280 billion US dollars." Zhang Mouzhong replied.

Siegel Brand was a little stunned when he heard the price. At this moment, he wondered whether Zhang Mouzhong was a fool and how could he sign such a high liquidated damages.

"Okay, I understand." Siegel Brand said and hung up the phone.

It is impossible to break the contract with a liquidated damages of US$280 billion, not to mention that they only need to wait for a week. Even if Deep Blue has more chip inventory, it will not last long.

Besides, just defeating one of Deep Blue's companies was not enough to make Han Chen admit defeat. He knew that at least half of Deep Blue's companies would have to be defeated to make Han Chen admit defeat. (End of chapter)

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