The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 317 307: Notify Nvidia and AMD and tell them not to go to Deep Blue’s press conference.

April 2011, 11, US time.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Office on the top floor of an antique church-style building at 16 1733th Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Siegel Brand angrily threw the document to the ground.

Two months later, Deep Blue's electronic products have not stopped production, but shipments have increased significantly, taking away a large amount of the market. This result was something he never expected.

"Hasn't TSMC stopped manufacturing for Deep Blue? Why do they still have chips available?" Siegel Brand asked angrily.

"Boss, according to our investigation, TSMC has signed an order for 5000 million chips with Deep Blue. So far, TSMC has only completed half of the order. This means that TSMC will manufacture another 4 million chips for Deep Blue. According to our estimates, these chips will be made by Deep Blue. It can be used until at least April next year.

This contract was signed with TSMC when we just took action on Deep Blue. "Wilmer Wassev replied.

"Farke, is that $280 billion in liquidated damages real?" Siegel Brand cursed.

"It's true," Wilmer Wassef replied.

As competitors, they are now eager for Deep Blue to clear out all the products in their hands as soon as possible.

On the front of the invitation was a blood-red magic eye. The content of the invitation was just to invite him to attend the press conference. It did not say what the specific announcement would be.

"Inform Nvidia and AMD and ask them not to go to Deep Blue's press conference." Siegel Brand said.

Major mobile phone manufacturers are also as depressed as Siegel Brand. Deep Blue is not saying that chips will stop production at any time, but Deep Blue's shipments are increasing.

The lights in the conference room slowly dimmed.

"It seems that Nvidia and AMD will not come." Jiang Xianjun said.

"Boss, Magic Eye Vision Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Deep Blue Group, has sent you an invitation letter. They hope that you can come to China to attend their press conference in person." Martha Gallia put the invitation letter on the table and said.

If other companies invited him, he would have to think twice before going, but the person who invited him was Deep Blue, who had repeatedly created miracles. He had to treat Deep Blue's invitation with caution.

"You arrange a time for me to go there in person." Lao Huang said after putting down the invitation.

"Okay, boss." Wilmer Wassev replied.

"Mr. Jiang, no one from NVIDIA and AMD has arrived. They originally promised to attend, but they haven't seen anyone yet." Xu Dafu said.

At this moment, a handsome man flying with a sword appeared on the big screen.

"Do you want me to contact them again?" Xu Dafu asked.

The ethereal atmosphere of mountains and forests appeared on the big screen, and a red dot appeared in the clouds in the distance. This red dot began to slowly enlarge. The audience finally saw clearly what the red dot was. This red dot was exactly what it was in Eastern mythology. of phoenix.

September 2011, 12, China time.

In addition to them, Blizzard Entertainment, Electronic Arts, NEXON, Nintendo, Rockstar, Ubisoft, SONY, Xishanju, NetEase, Shanda and other domestic and foreign game companies have received invitations from Magic Eye Vision.

In fact, it's not just Siegel Brand who is so depressed.

"Wilmer, what do you think Deep Blue will release this time?" Siegel Brand asked.

"Deep Blue Group?" Lao Huang picked up the invitation letter on the table and asked doubtfully.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." Xu Dafu replied.

"It's already this point and they haven't come to explain that they won't come. Let's inform them and prepare for the press conference." Jiang Xianjun said.

At this time, more than 20 guests had successfully entered the venue under the arrangements of the staff.

A young woman with blond hair and blue eyes opened the door and walked in holding documents.

Lao Huang was processing Nvidia's daily documents at this time. At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

After getting this answer, Siegel Brand lost his temper completely. Now that TSMC's contract has been fulfilled halfway, he can't let TSMC break the contract with Deep Blue at this time.

This incident soon reached the ears of Siegel Brand.

"Come in." Lao Huang said after hearing the knock on the door.

In addition to Lao Huang, AMD CEO Thomas Seifert also received an invitation from Deep Blue.

NVIDIA headquarters in Santa Clara, California.

Although Han Chen has explained the importance of independent research and development on Weibo, these domestic mobile phone manufacturers are still living in dire straits, and they don't care at all what Han Chen once said.

While Deep Blue is still in stock, they can only look to Han Chen to make a lot of money in the high-end market.

Conference Room 4, 5th Floor, Building 1, Nantian Pioneer Park.

"Boss, Deep Blue is inviting either game companies or display chip development companies this time. The products they release should be related to games." Wilmer Wassev replied.

Because only corporate representatives were invited to attend the Magic Eye press conference this time, there were not many people attending the press conference, so the location of the press conference was set at Nantian Entrepreneurship Park.

ten minutes later.

Only after Deep Blue leaves the market will they be eligible to enter the high-end market. There is no way for them to purchase all their chips from Qualcomm, and Qualcomm's chips are far inferior to Deep Blue's chips in terms of performance.

Even Intel CEO Paul Otellini received an invitation from Deep Blue.

Now it seems that the only way is to wait for Deep Blue to sell out these chips.

By then, without the suppression of Deep Blue as a competitor, they can naturally enter the high-end market.

There were still fifteen minutes left before the start of the press conference. Jiang Xianjun asked the assistant on the side: "Are all the guests here?"

Besides, the liquidated damages of US$280 billion are not a small number, and they may pay for it on TSMC.

The extremely realistic scene shocked everyone present.

"This picture is too realistic. Deep Blue's rendering technology is so awesome. Is Deep Blue going to release the engine this time?"

"Deep Blue invited so many game companies this time, and showed us this kind of thing right from the beginning. What was released this time was not an engine."

"This kind of effect cannot be produced by even the top special effects companies in Hollywood."

"If this technology can be used to develop games, I'm sure the games developed will be popular." "Deep Blue is going to subvert the rhythm of the entire game industry this time."

After 15 minutes, the scene about the world of Xianxia finally finished playing.

At this time, the screen switched to a game. This game is the well-known Legend of Sword and Fairy. Jiang Xianjun spent a month making a DMOE of the reset version of Legend of Sword and Fairy 1.

"It turns out to be Legend of Sword and Fairy 1. They have reset the version of Sword and Fairy 1. This picture is really awesome. It must have been shot on location. Look at the light and shadow effects. It's really awesome."

"Look at Li Xiaoyao's hair. Each strand of hair is independent, and each strand of hair is not molded. The physics engine here is so awesome."

"This Deep Blue Group is indeed the world's leading technology company. I almost want to kneel down to them."

"This engine is so invincible, the people it renders look like real people."

Another fifteen minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The demo of the remastered version of Legend of Sword and Fairy 1 has finally been completed.

Jiang Xianjun walked to the podium with a smile.

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Xianjun, the chief engineer of Magic Eye Vision. I believe you have guessed what product we are releasing this time. You have guessed right that the product we are releasing this time is a 3D engine. Those pictures just now are Rendered by our Magic Eye engine.

The Magic Eye engine is by far the most advanced 3D engine in the world. The Magic Eye engine uses the most advanced chaos physics engine so far. The chaos physics engine can simulate reality," Jiang Xianjun Balabala began to introduce.

Jiang Xianjun spoke for nearly an hour, and the audience listened with interest.

Because the Magic Eye Engine brought them a lot of unheard of technology and knowledge.

"In addition to the unique chaos physics engine and light-tracing system of the Magic Eye engine, our Magic Eye engine also has a function that other engines do not have. This function is the dedicated acceleration function of the Magic Eye engine.

As long as a special accelerator card for Magic Eye is installed on the server, Magic Eye's rendering speed can be increased by at least 5 times. Take UE3, the most common one on the market, as an example.

一台英特尔4U服务器搭配4块Quadro Q6000显卡渲染同一个模型,用UE3来渲染大概需要6个小时左右才能够完成。


If the CPU platform is replaced by the Deep Blue Whale Swallowing platform, the rendering speed can be increased by about 4 times, which means that it only takes 4 minutes to render the same model.

I believe you should know what this means. Using magic eyes can not only speed up development, but also significantly reduce game development costs. Jiang Xianjun said.

The audience was surprised to hear that the rendering speed of Magic Eye is so fast. With the same configuration and model, Magic Eye's rendering speed is 3 times that of UE90, which means that their development costs can be reduced by at least half.

Developing games takes as much time as developing chips and requires a lot of time to render the screen.

If you are not satisfied, you need to modify the model and re-render it.

This means that the company needs to waste a lot of time on rendering. If the time spent on rendering can be significantly reduced, the cost of development will definitely be significantly reduced.

Everyone present gasped at the same time.

Not to mention how awesome the rendering effect of the Magic Eye is, the rendering speed of the Magic Eye made them unable to refuse.

You must know that developing games is no different from gambling. If the developed game does not sell well, the company is likely to go bankrupt because of the game because their original development costs were too high.

After switching to the magic eye, the risks they need to bear can be reduced by at least 70%.

“In addition, we have also developed a dedicated API interface tool skating for Magic Eye. Skating not only supports all existing system platforms, but also supports multi-core CPU applications. Unlike directx11, skating only supports single-core CPU operations. Skating can integrate multi-core The CPU performance is brought into full play.

In addition, skating also has 100% API support for rendering." Jiang Xianjun began to introduce the special functions of skating.

Everyone present took a breath of air-conditioning again after hearing Jiang Xianjun's introduction.

This time, Deep Blue not only wants to overthrow the existing 3D engine, but also launch its own application interface program against Microsoft.

What is an application interface program?

DirectX is an application interface program. DirectX is a multimedia programming interface created by Microsoft. It is an application program interface.

DirectX can allow games or multimedia programs based on Windows to achieve higher execution efficiency, enhance 3D graphics and sound effects, and provide designers with a common hardware driver standard, so that game developers do not have to write for each brand of hardware. Different drivers also reduce the complexity of installing and setting up hardware for users.

In a blink of an eye, we came to the question and answer session.

"Mr. Jiang, although your company's engine renders very well, it must also have very high hardware requirements, right?" asked EA CEO John Riccietti.

“Existing graphics cards are indeed unable to perfectly run games produced by the Magic Eye engine, but as long as hardware manufacturers use the Magic Eye engine’s instruction set, there will be no problem rendering 1080P effects with existing technology.

Take Nvidia's most advanced GTX580 as an example. As long as the Magic Eye instruction set is added to the GTX580, the GTX580 can enable full special effects at 720P. Crossfire consisting of two graphics cards can enable medium special effects at 1080P.

If you want to enable perfect special effects, you can only use the graphics card independently developed by Deep Blue Semiconductor." Jiang Xianjun said.

"Mr. Jiang, I don't know how to charge the Magic Eye instruction set licensing fee?" Yang Xu from Intel asked.

Although Deep Blue sent an invitation letter to Paul Otellini, it seemed that the other party did not intend to come, but he still arranged for Yang Xu to come.

"We only charge two points of patent fees for the Magic Eye instruction set, which is 60% of sales." Jiang Xianjun replied.

"Mr. Jiang, I wonder how the Magic Eye charges?" Blizzard's representative Jabir Gorath asked.

"Each site of Magic Eye charges an annual fee of US$1850 per year. The revenue from developing products using Magic Eye exceeds US$100 million. We charge 5% of the patent fee. If it is used for film development, we charge 8% of the total box office. "Jiang Xianjun replied.

"Mr. Jiang, how much does a 4U whale server with four accelerator cards cost?" Ubisoft representative Arturo Merlin asked.

"A 4U WhaleTunker with four accelerator cards only costs US$4," Jiang Xianjun replied.

After hearing Jiang Xianjun's answer, everyone in the room gasped again. They didn't expect that Magic Eye's server was so cheap.

If they use a server composed of Intel and Nvidia, it will cost at least US$5.

In addition, the price of Magic Eye is also very cheap. You must know that UE3 costs 5000 US dollars a year, and a Magic Eye site only costs 1850 US dollars. It can be said that it is so cheap that it has no friends.

"Mr. Jiang, I found that NVIDIA and ATI did not send anyone to attend this conference. I would like to ask if your company has reached an agreement with NVIDIA and ATI. Will they launch graphics cards that support the Magic Eye instruction set?" asked Miso Guray, a representative from Electronic Arts.

"I think they will launch a graphics card that supports the Magic Eye instruction set. If they don't launch it, then we are the Deep Blue Group. We, the Deep Blue Group, also have self-developed graphics cards. The performance of our self-developed graphics cards is 2 times better than theirs. "Jiang Xianjun smiled.

"As far as I know, no foundry is willing to produce for your company. How can your company produce graphics cards?" Miso Gulay asked.

"TSMC and Sanxing are indeed unwilling to OEM for Deep Blue. It does not mean that SMIC cannot OEM for Deep Blue. Although SMIC's technology is not as advanced as theirs, it is still very easy for SMIC to produce 40-nanometer chips. Besides, it can produce There are many 40nm OEMs,” Jiang Xianjun said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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