The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 399: We failed to continue Jobs' innovation

The news of Lee Kun-hee’s death became an international hot topic at 4:20 p.m. on the same day.

After all, the Sanxing Empire has a pivotal position in the international arena. The death of Lee Kun-hee means that Sanxing’s equity will be turbulent, which is very unfavorable for the entire Sanxing Group. Sanxing’s stock price also plummeted after this incident was exposed.

Until it is confirmed who will ultimately hold the controlling stake in Shanxing, capital will no longer invest in Shanxing's shares.

Of course, there are also capitals that will take advantage of this opportunity to rob, and those with greater ambitions even hope to seize the controlling stake in Shanxing. Black Rock Group is one of the large capitals eyeing the controlling stake in Shanxing.

The entire Sanxing Group fell into chaos after Lee Kun-hee's death. You must know that Lee Kun-hee is the stabilizer of Sanxing. As long as Lee Kun-hee is still in Sanxing Group, there will be no chaos.

Now that Sanxing Group's three core businesses have run into problems and Lee Kun-hee, the pillar of its business, has passed away, how can Sanxing's executives and shareholders not be in chaos?

September 2014, 8, China time.

The president's office of DeepBlue Auto.

In the past ten days, the EU has already dealt with the issue of DeepBlue Auto's counter-subsidy.

The result of this handling was that no problems were found after investigation, and the matter could be said to have been passed over so hastily.

Zhu Xiaotong was dealing with daily work when the cell phone on the table rang.

【Caller: Slit Christian】

"Slit, has something happened in Europe again?" Zhu Xiaotong asked after answering the phone.

"Boss, I just received a message that in order to protect their business industry, the EU will impose a 23% tariff on Deep Blue Auto. These tariffs will be used to subsidize local auto companies. The purpose of the subsidies is to increase their international competitiveness. However, this subsidy will be carried out privately and will not be announced to the public, and there will not even be any official documents." said Slit Christian.

"If they want to increase tariffs, let them do so. There is a Chinese proverb that goes, 'The wool comes from the sheep.' The money from the additional tariffs will ultimately fall on the people. As long as the additional tariffs don't fall on us, it's fine," said Zhu Xiaotong.

"Okay, boss, I will communicate with the agent." said Sleater Christine.

Ever since the Deep Blue Group sold the Deep Blue self-operated stores to Walmart, Deep Blue has only been responsible for channel sales services in its European company, and even the company's accounts will not be transferred through the Deep Blue branch's accounts.

Therefore, all funds are settled between the various companies under the Deep Blue Group and the purchasing agents. As for the wages of the branch employees, they are all transferred to the branch accounts by the group.

After the branch was transformed into a channel sales service company, the company's staff was reduced significantly, and many people were fired on the day of the branch's transformation.

Because the compensation given by Deep Blue was large enough, no one made a fuss about it.

Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

The Tiandao AI search engine was successfully embedded into the search website and Pangu system developed by DeepBlue Network.

Of course, the successful embedding of the Tiandao AI search engine is just embedding. There is still some time before the official launch of Tiandao AI search. Tiandao AI search will be launched together with Shenlan’s new products.

At this moment, Han Chen is testing the smart glasses embedded with Tiandao AI search.

"Tiandao, help me search what brand the monitor in front of me is?" Han Chen said.

Two seconds later, the speaker of the smart glasses rang, and Tiandao reported the search results by voice. Although Tiandao had just come online and his training level was not very high, Tiandao was able to accurately report the relevant information.

Mobile phones and smart watches connected to the smart glasses also display relevant information.

The Tiandao big model combined with search can automatically refine, integrate and reorganize information to present the final answer to users.

In addition to displaying pictures and text, Tiandao also displays related shopping links. Users only need to click on the link to jump to to shop.

In addition to using smart glasses to wake up Tiandao, users can also circle and select on their mobile phones. Users only need to activate the Tiandao search function to circle the content of interest. After circling, Tiandao will display the relevant content.

In addition to Tiandao, the new version of Pangu system also adds AI intelligent photo editing function.

Intelligent photo editing is processed based on the local large model and can be used after the update of the third-generation Deep Blue mobile phone with NPU.

In addition to the mobile version, DeepBlue's AI smart photo editing software also has two independent software on the PC side, one is for video editing and the other is for image processing. However, users need to pay for both software.

The AI ​​R&D department will subsequently develop more AI intelligent software based on AI.

After some experience, Han Chen can guarantee that these two software can definitely beat all the image processing software on the market.

"Everything is ready except for the east wind." Han Chen murmured.

April 2014, 8, US time.

Google headquarters.

Andy Rubin's face turned very ugly when he looked at the data in the background.

Although manufacturers such as Qualcomm, MediaTek, AMD, and Nvidia have launched new chips.

However, these mobile phones that use the new chips and are sold in Europe do not support the Magic Eye gaming platform. As a result, the sales of these mobile phones have become very bleak.

Of course, it’s not that these mobile phones can’t be sold, they’re just not popular among young people.

Young people in Europe and the United States will not buy mobile phones that do not support the Magic Eye gaming platform.

Andy Rubin also thought about suing Deep Blue for abusing its market position, but the Magic Eye gaming platform is an operating system, so there is no abuse of market position in the Magic Eye game.

Speaking of abusing market position, the last time Google banned Deep Blue from using GMS, it was fined 10 billion US dollars by the European Union.

Whenever Andy Rubin thought of this, he felt very depressed. The EU really didn't give them any face at all. They just fined them and there was no mercy at all. Even if they spent a lot of money to find someone to smooth over the relationship, the final answer they got was that they just had to pay the fine and everything would be fine.

"How can we crack it?" Andy Rubin muttered to himself.

Just then the phone on his desk rang.

"This is Andy. Who is this?" Andy Rubin asked after answering the phone.

"It's me, Larry. Come to my office right now," said Larry Page.

"Okay, Boss." Andy Rubin said. A moment later Andy Rubin came to Larry Page's office.

"Boss, what do you want to talk to me about?" Andy Rubin asked after closing the door.

"Take a look for yourself," Larry Page said, throwing a document across from him after he sat down.

The document was compiled by Erin Norton, Google's vice president of people operations, and contains testimonies from 48 employees who complained about harassment by Andy RubinX.

"Boss, this is all slander." Andy Rubin said angrily.

"I hope you can resign voluntarily. If this matter gets out of hand, it will not be good for you or the company. The company will give you a compensation of 9000 million US dollars." Larry Page said with a dark face.

It would be fine if only one person sued you for sexual harassment, but now 48 people have complained against you and you are now telling me that it is slander. Do you think I will believe you?
You have to know that the United States is a country that attaches great importance to human rights. Of course, what they call human rights only apply to their own people. People from other countries are not human beings to them.

Sexual harassment is a very serious scandal for a company. If Larry Page does not deal with this matter properly, it will lower Google's image in the public's mind to the bottom, and competitors may even use this matter to make a big fuss.

Plus, the Android system has been in a terrible state recently.

Larry Page felt that Andy Rubin was no longer suitable to continue serving as president of the mobile division.

"Boss, please believe me that these are all slanders." Andy Rubinli said forcefully.

"Andy, the company has spent nearly 10 million US dollars to suppress this matter. I will arrange for someone to come and hand over to you tomorrow. If you have nothing else, go back and deal with the work at hand." Larry Page didn't have the patience to talk to him anymore.

In his opinion, Andy Rubin has no self-awareness at all.

In the end, Andy Rubin left Larry Page's office very disappointed.

Cupertino Fruit Headquarters, California.

Cook was looking at the design draft of the new mobile phone sent by the R&D department, but the design draft of the new mobile phone made him frown.

Because the product designed by the design department is very bad, except for the configuration and a few more functions than the previous generation software, the iPhone 9 has no special features at all. If there was no Deep Blue, it would have been sold no matter how they designed it.

But every time Deep Blue came out, it always came up with black technology. If they don’t have any innovation, how are they going to compete with Deep Blue in the future?

"Lana, please notify the people in the design department to come to the conference room for a meeting in half an hour." Cook picked up the landline and called his secretary.

Half an hour later.

Bernie Albers and a group of executives came to the conference room.

At this time, more than a dozen executives were already waiting for Cook's arrival in the conference room.

"I have seen the design draft of iPhone 9, and I have to say that this product is very bad. This product has no sense of innovation. You should know that our enemy is Deep Blue Group, and each generation of Deep Blue's products is full of innovation.

Let’s not talk about the previous generation of mobile phones. The real-time translation function alone was enough to make it popular among elite users and let users know what high technology is.

However, our products have no highlights other than performance improvements. If our next products remain like this, we will be abandoned by consumers like Nokia did back then.

Mr. Jobs redefined the mobile phone, but we failed to continue Jobs' innovation, which is very sad for Apple." Cook said with a dark face after he walked in.

The faces of the executives in the conference room turned very ugly when they heard Cook's last sentence.

Jobs redefined the mobile phone and made Apple the leader in smartphones, but they failed to continue Jobs's innovation ability and even had to imitate Deep Blue Group in some of their innovative features. As Cook said, this is a sad thing for the entire Apple company.

"The company treats you too well, which has caused you to slack off. In order to change the current situation, we need to change it starting today. I heard that Huaxia employees can work 14 hours a day to develop new products.

I don't require you to work 14 hours a day, but you need to work at least 12 hours a day to develop products that can compete with Deep Blue as soon as possible. If you don't want to accept overtime, you can choose to leave.

If the next generation of Apple products still cannot compete with DeepBlue, I will have no choice but to demote or fire you. The company needs people who can change the status quo, not a research and development team that follows DeepBlue but cannot produce any products. "Cook said with a dark face.

"Boss, our energy is limited, and we don't have enough manpower. I hope to add more people to the R&D department," Bernie Albers said after Cook finished speaking.

In fact, Bernie Ebbers has already realized their shortcomings. The people under him have run out of ideas. He needs to inject fresh blood into the R&D team. Only in this way can they change the status quo.

"Okay, please write a report and submit it with the specific number of manpower needed," Cook said.

"Okay, boss," Bernie Albers replied.

In fact, it would be useless even if Bernie Abers brought in more fresh blood. How could his knowledge compare to that of Han Chen, a time traveler?

Han Chen is fighting them by standing on the shoulders of giants. Unless they can attract a child of destiny, the fruit will never be able to turn things around.

September 2014, 8, China time.

Qianda Plaza, No. 36 Guobin Road, YP District, Shanghai.

Ruan Jianglin's cell phone was smashed to pieces by his girlfriend last night, so he had no choice but to run to Qianda early in the morning to buy a cell phone.

After entering the store, the salesperson immediately came towards me with a smile on his face.

"Sir, what would you like to buy?" Liu Liyuan asked with a smile.

Ruan Jianglin's original mobile phone was Deep Blue 3S, and he had to rush back to work, so he didn't try it out again. He just followed the salesperson and said, "Give me a Deep Blue 3S."

"Sir, I'm sorry, we have discontinued production of our entire third-generation electronic products," Liu Liyuan apologized.

"Discontinued?" Ruan Jianglin asked with a frown.

"Yes, the ones we put on the table are all demonstration machines. As for when the new products will be launched on the market, the head office has not yet issued a notice." Liu Liyuan said.

In fact, Liu Liyuan also hated the company's sudden suspension of production. It meant that they had nothing to sell, and having nothing to sell meant that they could only get the minimum salary this month.

If they don’t generate any sales, the company won’t give them any bonuses. The only products they can sell now are solid-state drives and memory. (End of this chapter)

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