The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 413 403: Outperforming 911turbos

"Then how do you determine the speed limit on this section of road?" Pei Dabao asked.

"We will make the assessment based on the data provided by Amap, which is synchronized with the Ministry of Transport nationwide," said Wang Wenguang.

"Emmm, if I exceed the speed limit, will you report it to the traffic department?" Pei Dabao asked again.

"Not for now, but after our vehicle networking system with the Ministry of Transport is put into place, no matter what kind of car it is, it will be reported by the system if it exceeds the speed limit," said Wang Wenguang.

"What you Shenlan did was fucking inhumane." Pei Dabao cursed with a smile.

"Mr. Pei, we do this for the safety of car owners. Besides, everyone is responsible for obeying traffic rules." Wang Wenguang said with a smile.

In fact, the concept of Internet of Vehicles was not proposed by Deep Blue. As early as June 2010, 6, General Motors held a forum in the Shanghai World Expo Park to discuss the Internet of Vehicles. In December 24, at the Telematics@China Forum, it made its first attempt to sort out the connotation and extension of the Internet of Vehicles.

The relevant departments have been studying the Internet of Vehicles, but have not found a good solution.

After DeepBlue Auto launched the Queqiao technology, relevant departments incorporated Queqiao into the Internet of Vehicles and reached a cooperation with DeepBlue Semiconductor to jointly develop Internet of Vehicles technology.

After completing the formalities, Pei Dabao returned to the parking lot again.

Pei Dabao gently touched the touch screen on the B-pillar to activate the car system for facial recognition.

[Face recognition has been passed and the door lock has been opened. ]

Pei Dabao opened the car door and sat directly in the driver's seat. The camera in the rearview mirror performed facial recognition on him. After the system confirmed that it was the owner of the car driving, a welcome speech popped up on the central control screen.

[Dear car owner, since your car has not yet purchased insurance, please log in to the insurance page to purchase Deep Blue Insurance. 】

After hearing the voice prompt, Pei Dabao clicked [Yes] on the screen to jump to the insurance page.

The four insurance items, including compulsory traffic insurance, vehicle damage insurance, 100 million third-party liability insurance, and deductible insurance, add up to a total of 17839 yuan.

"It's almost a thousand yuan more expensive than a fuel car?" Pei Dabao said in surprise as he looked at the total insurance amount.

He also has a BMW worth 50 yuan, and the insurance cost is about 16900 yuan, so he said it was 1000 yuan more expensive.

However, Pei Dabao felt relieved when he thought that Shenlan's insurance could be calculated on a daily basis.

The system then prompted him to pay by scanning the code or connecting to DeepBlue Payment. Pei Dabao chose to connect to DeepBlue Payment to pay the insurance premium. After paying the insurance premium, Pei Dabao stepped on the accelerator and left the parking lot.

Not long after leaving the parking lot and driving on the road, a child suddenly rushed out from the side of the road. This kind of ghost peeking out is very disgusting to all drivers.

Just when Pei Dabao thought he was going to collide, the Coupe2014's intelligent driving system stepped on the brakes for him to stop intelligently.


At this moment, Pei Dabao was also shocked by the Chinese quintessence of oral sex.

When he came to his senses, the child's mother rushed out, hugged the child and returned to the road.

In a blink of an eye, Pei Dabao arrived at the parking lot downstairs of the company.

After he saw the parking lot entrance, he turned on the Deep Blue smart parking function.

Pei Dabao also took out his mobile phone to record the whole process.

The security guard nearby was stunned when he saw Pei Dabao get out of the car and the car drove into the parking lot without anyone driving.

At this time, the security guard thought that Pei Dabao had forgotten to pull the handbrake and the car had slid down.

"Handsome guy, your car is sliding down, what are you still looking at?" the security guard shouted.

"Uncle, this is the dark blue Coupe 2014. It drives in and parks by itself. This car supports unmanned driving technology." Pei Dabao said with a smile.

After Pei Dabao returned to the office, he posted the video and the incident in which he almost hit the child on Weibo.

[I just went to the Deep Blue Experience Store to pick up my beloved car. As soon as I got out of the road, a ghost poked its head out and almost hit it. At that time, my car was less than 1 cm away from the child. Fortunately, Deep Blue's intelligent driving system braked the car. Deep Blue's automatic parking function is really powerful. My car was parked in the parking space without anyone driving.]

"Fuck! The blogger actually got the Coupe 2014, and as soon as he went out, he encountered a ghost poking his head out. If it was any other car, he would have been hit. It would be really unlucky if he was hit."

"Fuck, this automatic parking feature is awesome."

"The blogger is a show-off and bought a purple car."

"The blogger logged into the car system to check the video and posted the ghost braking video."

at the same time.

Tianma Mountain Racing Circuit in Shanghai.

A car anchor at Bilibili just picked up a 2014 top-of-the-line Coupe from the Deep Blue Direct Store.

At this moment, Lu Risheng was standing in front of the car and broadcasting live.

"Brothers, this is the top-of-the-line Coupe 2014 that I just got. I believe everyone knows that Deep Blue said during its promotion that the 2014WD Coupe 2.9 can go from zero to 2.9 kilometers in seconds. Next, let's test whether this car can reach seconds.

Before I start the test, I need to tell you that driving a private car into a racetrack may result in insurance claims. When a vehicle has an accident on the track, the insurance company usually does not bear the liability for compensation.

There are two main reasons: first, private car insurance contracts usually stipulate that the vehicle can only be used for daily commuting, not racing activities, and changing the use of the vehicle may violate the terms of the contract; second, the act of privately increasing risks violates the provisions of the Insurance Law on the exemption of insurance companies' liability.

I believe everyone has encountered this when test driving a car. The salesperson told us not to disable the speed limit function easily, because if the speed is too fast and the driver cannot control it, it can easily lead to traffic accidents.

As the saying goes, you can only eat your fill if you listen to advice, so we chose to conduct the test on the racetrack, one to verify the salesperson's statement, and the other for the sake of public transportation safety.


This is the owner of our 2013 Porsche 911 turbos, none other than our Shanghai Emperor, Young Master Qin.

Mr. Qin, do you think your 911 turbos can outrun the dark blue Coupe 2014?" Lu Risheng asked with a smile as he handed the microphone to the other party.

"How can an electric car possibly outrun a fuel car? If my 911 turbos can't outrun the coupe 2014, I will smash it on the spot." Young Master Qin said with disdain.

"It would be a bit of a waste to smash it. If it can't outrun you, just give it to me and I'll sell it to donate money to poor areas." Lu Risheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Young Master Qin nodded.

"Okay, then let's get in the car and test it." Lu Risheng said with a smile.

After Lu Risheng finished speaking, he sat in the driver's seat, his assistant sat in the passenger seat with his phone, and at the same time, Mr. Qin also got in his 911. As soon as Lu Risheng got in the car, he operated the car system to remove the speed limit function.

After everything was ready, the two used the walkie-talkie to tell the staff on site that they were ready.

Then the traffic lights on the field began to light up.

When the green light reached 1, Lu Risheng stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Even though he was prepared for the sudden push on his back, he was still a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, Lu Risheng had driven many sports cars and had a lot of experience, so he quickly adjusted his mood.

After arriving at the designated location, Lu Risheng took the mobile phone from the holder and got out of the driver's seat.

"Fuck, brothers, you don't know how stunned I was just now. The acceleration of Coupe2014 is too fast. It reaches a speed of 4 kilometers in less than 260 seconds. Most people should not disable the speed limit function easily. If you do this on the street, I guarantee that there will be a car accident %. " Lu Risheng said after taking a deep breath.

On the other side of the track, Young Master Qin got out of his Porsche 911 turbos cursing.

"It's such fucking garbage. It can't even run from zero to 100 kilometers, and it can't even run from zero to 200 kilometers. I spent over a million dollars on a piece of garbage." Young Master Qin said as he kicked the hood.

When the car started, the Coupe 2014 was obviously much faster than his 911 turbos.

When the two reached the finish line, he could also see that the Coupe 2014 reached the finish line earlier than his 911 turbos.

At this moment, netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter when they saw Young Master Qin’s angry look.

"Just seeing the confused expression on the host's face, I already know how fast the Coupe 2014 is. No wonder the salesperson kept advising car buyers not to easily disable the speed limit function."

"Fuck, a 50 yuan car can run faster than a 100 million yuan Porsche. Who the hell is going to buy a Porsche in the future?"

"Do you think it's possible for a low-end Coupe 2014 to outrun a 911 turbo?"

"Even if I can't run faster, I won't be much behind."

"It's so funny. Young Master Qin is still smashing cars. Porsche and the like are just garbage."

"Is the host at the Tianmashan Racetrack? I just received a standard Coupe 2014. Can I go over and test drive it?"

In less than half a day, a large number of Coupe2014 test videos appeared on Tik Tok and video websites.

There are especially many ABES test videos, which account for 6% of the videos and other types of videos account for %. Most bloggers give unanimous praise.

October 2014, 10, German time.

European car owners also received the dark blue Coupe 2014 on the same day.

According to the original plan, these car owners should receive their cars around November 11th.

It's just that some car owners are richer and willing to pay for air shipping, so they are able to receive the car from the dealer in advance.

Ariel Aleman is one of the owners who received the Coupe 2014 in advance. At the same time, Ariel Aleman is also a live broadcaster on the Internet. His daily live broadcast is to show off his wealth to netizens.

At this moment, Ariel Aleman was waiting at the door of his house, and a large truck arrived at his door.

"Brothers, guess what's in the truck?" Ariel Aleman asked with a smile while looking at the camera.

Then he walked to the truck driver and greeted him. The truck driver took out a document and handed it to him for signature. After he signed, the truck driver opened the door of the car.

A bright red Coupe 2014 appeared in front of the audience.

"Oh my god, didn't they say that the Coupe 2014 would be delivered on November 11? How did the anchor get the car from Deep Blue in advance?"

"As long as you have super powers, there's nothing strange about getting the car in advance."

"This Coupe 2014 is like a sexy chick. I really love this car."

"Did the anchor buy the top-end version or the standard version?"

"The anchor is famous for being rich, how could he possibly buy the low-end Coupe 2014?"

At this moment, the truck driver had already driven down Ariel Aleman's Coupe 2014.

"According to Deep Blue, this little cutie can go from 2.9 to 2.9 kilometers per hour in seconds. Next, we will go to the highway to test it and see if it can still go from to kilometers per hour in seconds.

In addition, we also need to test its endurance. The distance from here to Berlin is exactly 400 kilometers, and a round trip is exactly 800 kilometers.

As long as it can run back and forth, it will prove that its battery life is as advertised.

The next thing we need to do is to conduct facial recognition authentication. I believe that friends who know Deep Blue Cars know that Deep Blue Cars do not require car keys." Ariel Aleman said while introducing.

After some operations, Ariel Aleman finally completed the facial recognition authentication.

Then Ariel Aleman got in his car and drove towards the highway outside the city.

Along the way, Ariel Aleman has been sharing his driving experience of Coupe 2014 with netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, I have to say that the Coupe 2014 is very quiet to drive. It does not have the engine vibration of a fuel car. It gives me a feeling of parallel movement and is very stable. The shock absorbers of the Coupe 2014 are very well tuned," Ariel Aleman introduced.

Half an hour later Ariel Aleman arrived on the highway.

"In one kilometer we will reach the unlimited speed highway. Let's experience the Coupe 2014's acceleration to kilometers per hour." Ariel Aleman said with a smile.

After reaching the freeway, Mr. Ariel Aleman stopped to make sure the car was accelerating from a standstill.

When he stepped on the accelerator, he immediately let out a scream.

"Oh my god, this damn push-back feeling is so cool. Even my Porsche doesn't have this feeling. Because we don't have a professional speedometer, we have no way of knowing whether the acceleration from 2.9 to 2.9 km/h reaches seconds. But I can responsibly assure you that there is no problem in running to km/h in seconds." Ariel Aleman said excitedly.

In this way, Ariel Aleman was driving at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour on the unlimited speed highway.

"According to official statements, the car can only reach a range of 80 kilometers at a speed of 880 kilometers per hour. Brothers, I can't stop now. It seems that I can't test the endurance today. Let us experience the pleasure first today, and then test its endurance tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Ariel Aleman said excitedly.

An hour and a half later, Ariel Aleman was driving in a 1 kph zone again.

At this moment, Ariel Aleman drove his car into a dimly lit tunnel.

"Brothers, after driving 200 kilometers for an hour and a half, when the speed returned to 100 kilometers, the system prompted that it could still travel 400 kilometers. We are about 100 kilometers away from Berlin," said Ariel Aleman. (End of this chapter)

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