The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 414 404: Ilyasutsk is abolished

Just as Ariel Aleman was speaking, a Volkswagen bus in front of him had a problem and suddenly stopped on the road.

When he spotted the Volkswagen that day, it was less than 10 meters away from him. At his current speed, he had no time to avoid it. At this moment, Ariel Aleman was already heartbroken. He didn't expect that the car he had just bought would have an accident.

Just when he was in despair, the car system helped him complete the emergency avoidance maneuver.

"Fuck, I dodged it, I dodged it, I almost forgot about ABES." Ariel Aleman shouted happily.

Netizens who were watching the live broadcast also called it incredible. They all thought that Ariel Aleman was going to have a car accident, but they didn't expect ABES to make an emergency avoidance at the critical moment.

"This ABES from Deep Blue is so awesome. I thought it was going to hit it, but it actually avoided it."

"Even if it hits, it will be fine. The body of the Coupe 2014 is so hard that if something happens, the Volkswagen will be in trouble."

"I thought I would see the world's first collision with Coupe2014, but I didn't expect it to be avoided by Coupe2014."

"That scene just now was too thrilling. Such scenes can only be seen in movies. Normal people can't react at all."

“This must be the most awesome ABES in the world.”

"The car is pretty good but the price is too high. This top-of-the-line Coupe 2014 costs 12 US dollars."

"You can buy the regular version. The regular version also has ABES. The regular version is only over 5 US dollars."

Soon, this thrilling experience of Ariel Aleman was uploaded to the Internet by netizens. After watching the video, netizens exclaimed that it was incredible. It is not that today's cars do not have this function.

Yes, there are, but it is not as good as Deep Blue, and ordinary cars do not have this function. If you want to have the ABES function, you need a car that costs at least 20 US dollars.

This time, people all over Europe were impressed by Deep Blue Group’s new product.

April 2014, 10, US time.

Intel headquarters.

Today Intel welcomed a new president, his name is Brian Krzanich. Brian Krzanich has held a series of technical and leadership positions at Intel since joining Intel in 1982.

He initially worked as a manufacturing manager at Intel's Arizona plant and was awarded the Intel Achievement Award in 1999.


From 1997 to 2001, Krzanich served as plant manager of Fab 17, responsible for integrating the former DEC semiconductor manufacturing operations into Intel's manufacturing network.

Although Paul Otellini did a good job during his tenure, he did not understand technology, and Intel's products became increasingly decadent.

The board of directors hopes to have someone who understands technology to lead Intel to develop more powerful products to suppress the bear.

Eventually the board of directors decided to appoint someone else as CEO.

Brian Krzanich felt overwhelmed looking at the sales data on the spreadsheet.

Originally, Intel's X86 servers were the only ones in the world, but now their market share has dropped from 95% to 43%. The lost 42% has been snatched away by Deep Blue.

If Deep Blue Group's servers were not limited to high-end products, and if Deep Blue Group's sales channels were not poor, their market share would have been snatched away by Deep Blue long ago.

What bothers him most is that 90% of Internet companies now prefer Deep Blue's ARM servers.

Because this type of server can save these Internet companies 30%-40% of operating expenses each year, some companies pursuing high performance will choose Deep Blue's X86 server as their first choice for high-end servers.

Deep Blue's X86 servers have much higher performance than Intel's existing servers.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, Intel's servers are no match for Deep Blue's servers.

Now only some companies that do not have high requirements for servers will choose their products.

"What is going on?" Brian Krzanich sighed.

Brian Krzanich picked up the phone and called his secretary, asking her to notify everyone in the R&D department to come to the conference room for a meeting.

New York branch of Deep Blue Group.

Slit Christian is reviewing the customer survey report shared by Walmart.

Looking at the contents of the report, Sleat Christian felt a little unbelievable. This time, the most popular product among Deep Blue electronic products was not the mobile phone. Instead, the most popular product of Deep Blue was actually the Deep Blue TV.

"How is this possible?" Sleater Christine said in disbelief.

The reason why Deep Blue TV is so popular is because of its native video translation feature, which allows users to watch TV and movies from other countries without having to watch subtitles.

The video native translation function can translate any language directly into the language they want.

April 2014, 10, US time.

Led by Intel, a company called God's Hand was jointly established with Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Synopsys, Cadence, Siemens and other companies.

However, the establishment of God's Hand was very low-key. They did not make any external notifications and did not invite anyone to attend the opening ceremony. Very few people knew about the establishment of God's Hand.

April 2014, 10, US time.

Microsoft announced that it will invest 3 billion US dollars in the next three years to jointly develop artificial intelligence with Nvidia. This news also caused Microsoft's stock price to rise by 300%.

At the same time, Google announced that it will invest 3 billion US dollars in the research and development of artificial intelligence in the next three years.

As these two giants increase their investment in artificial intelligence research and development, the concept of artificial intelligence has set off a hurricane.

5: p.m.

Google headquarters.

It was already time to get off work and a bustling crowd was slowly walking out of the Google headquarters building.

Ilya Sutsk had just walked out of the company and came to the bicycle shed to pick up his bicycle.

Just when he rode his bike to the intersection of his company, an unlicensed Volkswagen blocked his way. Several masked black men got out of the car and pushed Ilya Sutsk to the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Ilya Sutsk said in horror.

However, these black guys did not respond. One of them pressed it to the ground, a thin black guy took out a machete from his waist, and another black guy took out his mobile phone to record the video.


With a scream, Ilya Sutsk's hands were chopped off by several black men and taken away.

Maybe you don’t know why these black guys cut off Ilya Sutsk’s hand, but I believe everyone knows the product developed under Ilya Sutsk’s leadership. This product is the famous ChatGPT in later generations.

Ilya Sutsk is the soul of ChatGPT and its chief scientific officer, which means that without him ChatGPT would not have the possibility of being launched.

As for why these black guys wanted to cut off Ilya Sutsk's hands?
That's because someone posted a task on the dark web, offering a reward of 1000 million US dollars to anyone who saw Ilya Sutsk's hands.

Ilya Sutsk lost both hands. America's AI technology lags behind China by at least 20 years.

However, Ilya Sutsk never understood why these black men wanted to cut off his hands.

The police could not find out why these black men wanted Ilya Sutsk's hands, and the incident became an unsolved case for the San Francisco police.

Fast forward to November 2014, 12.


A total of 3 Deep Blue mobile phones were sold in three months, once again breaking the sales record in the mobile phone industry.

Sales of Deep Blue smart glasses reached 900 million, and sales of Deep Blue watches reached 1700 million.

The global sales volume of Deep Blue TVs has reached 3000 million units.

All of Shenlan's factories in China are running out of steam. In order to ensure production capacity, Shenlan Precision has hired a group of temporary workers. The number of employees of Shenlan Precision has reached 200 million, making it the company with the largest number of employees in China.

Even though all the production lines in the factories were already smoking, Shenlan Precision still could not meet the needs of Shenlan Electronics.

Because in addition to producing its own products, Shenlan Precision also manufactures products for other manufacturers.

For example, most of the fruit products are manufactured by Shenlan Precision.

Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

Not long after Han Chen closed the door and waited for the light to come on, Kong Huimin pushed the door open and walked in.

"Husband." Kong Huimin called sweetly.

"What's going on?" Han Chen asked puzzledly.

"The production capacity of Shenlan Precision can't keep up. I have already communicated with Zhang Fanghui. There are currently three ways to solve this problem. One is to invest in building a new factory, one is to stop accepting orders from other factories, and the last one is to acquire other OEM factories. Which method do you think is better?" Kong Huimin sat on Han Chen's lap and put her arms around his neck and asked.

Kong Huimin's actions made Han Chen feel something was wrong. Normally, Kong Huimin would not be so bold when coming to his office.

"Don't choose any of the three. The scale is already large enough. We cannot expand without limits. Disorderly expansion will only bring endless troubles." Han Chen shook his head.

"Why?" Kong Huimin asked curiously.

“Although smartphones are the hottest now and their market share is expanding, the market will eventually reach saturation, and according to my prediction, that will happen in 2-3 years.

Once the market is saturated, market demand will decrease. Decreased demand means that we no longer need so many factories, and tens or even hundreds of thousands of employees will be unemployed.

Moreover, we cannot take over the entire market. We must leave some living space for others. It will do us no good to force everyone to death.

Money is just a number to us now. For us, it is nothing more than earning more or less. If we make all the money, we will offend many people.

This is also the reason why I will license some of Deep Blue mobile phone technologies to other manufacturers for use.

We don’t need to take over the entire market, we just need to maintain our technological leadership,” said Han Chen.

Han Chen knows very well that the current Deep Blue Group is already powerful enough. If the Deep Blue Group becomes more powerful, it will be hated by everyone. The world will not allow such a powerful company to exist.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but I have something to tell you." Kong Huimin bit her lip and looked into Han Chen's eyes.

"What's going on?" Han Chen asked curiously.

"I'm not young anymore, and I don't want to be an elderly mother. I want a baby." Kong Huimin said after kissing Han Chen.

"Since you want it, then do it now." Han Chen smiled evilly.

After Han Chen finished speaking, he picked up Kong Huimin and walked towards the lounge. Han Chen would not think that having too many children was too much. Moreover, Kong Huimin had been with him for so long, and she didn't care that he had other women. It was normal to give Kong Huimin a child.

Besides, with Han Chen's current wealth, he can afford to raise a hundred or eighty children.

And the fact is just as Kong Huimin said, she is already not young anymore, and if she doesn't have a baby now, it will be difficult to have one in the future.

Musk once said that people who can afford it should have more children.

September 2015, 1, China time.

Beijing Luban Kexin Technology Co., Ltd. held a large press conference.

Many reporters were confused when they received the invitation, because they had never heard of the name of this company. If the person hosting the press conference was not the old academician Ni, probably no reporter would come back to attend today's press conference.

Originally, Luban's press conference was scheduled for January 1st, but after discussion, Mr. Ni decided to postpone it to the 1th.

Qianda Hotel in Beijing.

At this moment, hundreds of reporters from various countries have taken their seats as arranged by the staff.

Mr. Ni walked up to the podium with a smile on his face.

"Everyone is welcome to take the time to attend the Jingcheng Luban Kexin Technology Conference. I think this is the first time that everyone has heard of the name Jingcheng Luban Kexin. In fact, Jingcheng Jingcheng Luban Kexin was established in 2010.

Beijing Luban Kexin is a company jointly established by DeepBlue Group and China Academy of Computer Science.

In the past four years, we have been developing independent chips and operating systems. It took us four years and cost more than 300 billion yuan in research and development expenses to finally develop a chip architecture and operating system with completely independent intellectual property rights.

We named this chip Luban architecture. Luban architecture, like the familiar ARM, is a short instruction set architecture chip, but there is a world of difference between Luban and ARM.

Luban is more concise than ARM in terms of architecture. The architecture document is only 400 pages long, while the ARM architecture document is 2736 pages long. Perhaps you are not very familiar with the length of this so-called architecture document.

To put it simply, the development difficulty and ease of use of the Luban architecture are only 1/6 of those of ARM.

In addition, the Luban architecture only has 473 basic instruction sets, while ARM has a wide variety of instruction sets with more than 1000. Friends who are familiar with chips know that the fewer instruction sets a short instruction set chip has, the higher its efficiency.

If you develop a chip of the same size and simply develop it, the performance of the chip developed using the Luban architecture can be about 5 times that of ARM.

If the chip developed by Luban architecture is developed in depth, it will be at least 10 times more powerful than ARM. " (End of this chapter)

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