The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 424 Chapter 414: 3000 billion financing funds

Aurora Baranov is like a new version of 100,000 Whys.

She had endless questions to ask, and Han Chen answered them one by one, talking about everything under the sun.

In the blink of an eye, it was five o'clock in the afternoon and the two chatted for more than two hours.

"Ms. Aurora, it's getting late. We can talk later when we have time. I'll notify everyone about your matter. My two girlfriends are waiting for me at home." Han Chen said, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Two girlfriends?" Aurora Baranov asked in surprise.

However, after the surprise, a hint of disappointment appeared in Aurora's eyes. She thought Han Chen would be different from other men, but she didn't expect that Han Chen was no different from other men. She didn't expect that Han Chen would make the same mistakes that rich men would make.

"Yes, I have seven girlfriends in total." Han Chen replied.

"With so many girlfriends, won't they make trouble?" asked Aurora Baranov.

"Why are they making trouble?" Han Chen asked with a smile.

"That's right." Aurora Baranov replied after a moment of silence.

As long as they are given enough money, these women will not make trouble. What's more, Han Chen is so handsome and outstanding. If these women still make trouble, they must have something wrong with their brains.

"Miss Aurora, will you go back tomorrow?" Han Chen asked again.

"What needs to be done has been done. I will fly back tomorrow," Aurora Baranov replied.

"Please come to China more often when you have time. Due to my special situation, I cannot go abroad, so I cannot travel to Russia. I can only wish Miss Aurora success." Han Chen said with a smile.

"Then you can accompany me around next time I come." Aurora Baranov said with a smile.

"No problem." Han Chen nodded.

Afterwards, Han Chen personally sent Aurora Baranov to the company building and left on a sightseeing bus.

2015:3 AM, March 25, 10, Africa time.

Liang Siqi and several researchers from the Deep Blue Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine came to the Third Hospital in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, under the protection of bodyguards from relevant Congolese government departments.

After arriving at the hospital, Liang Siqi and a group of staff put on level three protective clothing to prepare for the next work.

At the beginning of this year, Liang Siqi brought her team to provide HIV vaccines to 1000 Congolese women.

Today is the day they come to draw blood for these 1000 women. These 1000 Congolese women also came to the hospital on time to have their blood drawn. The reason they are willing to become clinical trial subjects of the Deep Blue Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that the Deep Blue Group will pay them 5 US dollars each afterwards.

These 1000 Congolese women came to the blood collection site in an orderly manner to have their blood drawn under the guidance of bodyguards from relevant departments of the Congolese government.

After Liang Siqi drew blood from a woman's arm, she put part of the blood into a rapid test paper. As for the remaining blood, they needed to pack it up and bring it back to China for experiments.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

It took the team nearly four hours to collect blood from the one thousand women, and all the collected blood was placed in a special freezer incubator for storing blood.

Liang Siqi and her group also came to the lounge specially set up for them in the Third Hospital.

After being busy for 4 hours, several people are now hungry and tired. After taking off their protective clothing, they picked up the fast food bought for them by the bodyguards and stuffed the food into their mouths like gluttons.

After eating, everyone leaned back in their chairs to rest.

Liang Siqi dragged her tired body to the next room to check if the results of the first batch of HIV test papers had come out.

Liang Siqi soon found the box containing the first batch of HIV test papers. She took out a bag of medical gloves from her pocket, opened the bag and took out a pair of disposable gloves.

Liang Siqi then looked through the test papers in the box, and she smiled when she saw the colors on them.

September 2015, 3, China time.

DeepBlue Hotel, No. 137 Shennan Avenue, Futian District.

It turned out that the name of this hotel was Aiyuan Hotel. Because the hotel business was not very good, the owner readily agreed to sell the hotel to Shenlan.

The hotel is less than two kilometers away from the Shenlan Community. Han Chen spent a huge amount of money to buy this hotel. Although it is called a huge amount of money, Han Chen did not spend much money. It cost less than 2 million yuan to buy this hotel, and the premium of the entire hotel is less than 30%.

After Han Chen bought the hotel, he closed the entire hotel and dismissed all the hotel employees.

Inside the hotel, white robots with human-shaped upper bodies and wheel-driven lower bodies are doing various things.

Some robots are cleaning with vacuum cleaners, some are cleaning toilets, some are clearing dishes on the table, some are folding clothes in the room, some are cooking in the kitchen, and some are moving goods in the warehouse.
DeepBlue Robotics R&D Department, 2th Floor, Building 5, Phase , DeepBlue Industrial Park.

This company was founded by Han Chen in October last year, and the robot R&D team was fully staffed in December last year. The first project after the team was established was to develop the Mobile ALOHA robot.

Although Han Chen purchased a complete set of robot technology from the system, these technologies did not include training materials, which means that he needed to send someone else to train these robots.

There are one hundred workstations in the public office area, with a staff member sitting in front of each workstation. In front of the staff is a 65-inch large screen, and they all wear special gloves on their hands.

They looked at the big screen in front of them and performed various tedious movements in the air. Whatever movements they made, the robotic arm on the big screen would do the same movements.

The robots in the Deep Blue Hotel are operated by these staff in the public areas.

These workers use these special gloves to remotely operate the robots to complete various household chores and various jobs.

The entire training cycle takes about half a year.

Office of the R&D Director of Pangu System R&D Department in Deep Blue Industrial Park.

Yan Huiwu was wearing a pair of AR glasses with ugly exposed wires to calibrate the space operating system.

With the framework provided by Han Chen and the assistance of AI, it only took them six months to develop the spatial computing system. They are now doing the final proofreading of the system.

The final proofreading was more tedious and tiring than they had imagined, because their AR glasses were engineering machines with low resolution and not very ergonomic, and their eyes would become tired after wearing them for half an hour.

Of course, the hardware engineers at Tan Tai Ling Ling are also constantly improving the AR glasses.

Improving the hardware of AR glasses is much more cumbersome than improving the software. They not only have to collect feedback from staff, but also solve various problems encountered by staff.

Yan Huiwu took off his AR glasses, rubbed his temples and muttered to himself: "It should be done in another half a month." This was because Han Chen suddenly announced that Deep Blue Wafer Factory will undertake the 9nm and 7nm chip foundry in September.

Han Chen has disrupted the work of many chip manufacturers. They originally wanted to launch a new generation of 14-nanometer chips, but now they have to abandon their original plans and put all their manpower into the research and development of 7-nanometer and 5-nanometer chips.

Han Chen's sudden announcement made the CEOs of major chip manufacturers very depressed.

In addition, in the past period of time, Deep Blue Group has once again launched 144 satellites into outer space. Counting the satellites launched previously, Deep Blue Group has launched 192 satellites into outer space.

April 2015, 4, US time.

Washington Immigration Service Approval Division.

Santiago Dixon felt a bit overwhelmed when he looked at the documents on his computer that had not yet been approved.

"Fuck, when will this job be finished?" Santiago Dixon cursed.

In just one day, more than 10 chip professionals from around the world applied for immigration to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Originally, they only needed to review the information of about ten people every day. Now, with so many people applying to immigrate to the United States, and with so few people in their review department, it would take several years to complete the review even if they reviewed it 24 hours a day.

April 2015, 4, US time.

No one knows who leaked the information, but the immigration applications were exposed by the media, and the number of people applying for immigration reached 15 in two days.

In just three days, 3 people applied to immigrate to the United States. If this policy of the United States continues, I wonder how many more people will choose to immigrate to the United States.

It can be said that Lucian’s five policies have made great contributions to the American semiconductor industry.

Although America's semiconductor industry is now slightly behind China, with so many semiconductor talents pouring into America, it is only a matter of time before America's semiconductor industry takes off.

America's semiconductor sector also soared because of this news.

Big hair time time April 2015, 4.
The emperor announced that immigration of graduate students and doctoral-level semiconductor talents requires government approval.

In addition, the Emperor also introduced policies similar to Lucian's to attract talents.

April 2015, 4, French time.

François Hollande announced that immigration of graduate and PhD-level semiconductor talents will require government approval.

France also learned from Lucian and introduced the same policy.

August 2015, 4, British time.

Prime Minister David Cameron announced that graduate and PhD-level semiconductor talent immigration would require government approval.

Great Britain has also introduced similar policies to attract talent.

October 2015, 4, German time.

Joachim Gauck announced that immigration of graduate students and doctoral-level semiconductor talents would require government approval.

Since everyone is introducing the same policy, Germany will naturally not lag behind.

For these countries, the first thing to do is to attract people.

Useful talents will naturally shine in major semiconductor companies. As for the life or death of useless talents, it has nothing to do with them. Being able to attract talents from other countries to their country can not only develop their own semiconductor industry but also inhibit the development of other countries.

This is also the reason why countries such as France, Germany, Great Britain, and Russia are willing to introduce immigration policies to attract talented people.

China does not prohibit its own talents from immigrating like other countries, nor does China introduce relevant policies to attract talents.

Even if these people who are not loyal to China are forbidden to leave, they will not work wholeheartedly for the country and the enterprise, so China will allow these people to leave China, but it will be difficult for them to come back after they leave.

As for talent, China has a population of 14 billion and is rich in talent, so there is no shortage of them.

April 4th, China time.

Han Chen posted a Weibo at 9 o'clock in the morning.

[Deep Blue Group will invest 3000 billion yuan into the Deep Blue Semiconductor Development Fund. Any company engaged in the semiconductor industry, whether a startup or an established company, can apply for financing from the Deep Blue Semiconductor Development Fund and obtain financing as long as the application is approved.

In addition, Deep Blue Group will allocate 100 billion yuan to support outstanding poor students in various basic disciplines. 】

Less than 5 minutes after Han Chen posted this Weibo, the number of reposts reached 100 million.

"Deep Blue Group is really generous. In order to support domestic semiconductors, it directly invested 3000 billion yuan."

"First there was the National Integrated Circuit Fund and then there was the Deep Blue Semiconductor Development Fund. It's hard for our Chinese semiconductor industry not to rise."

"America is such a big country, but it only contributed 500 billion U.S. dollars, which is only 3000 billion RMB. The Deep Blue Group alone is as powerful as the United States. It seems that the Deep Blue Group is going to fight to the death with the United States."

"It's useless for Deep Blue Group to invest more money. Other semiconductor companies are reluctant to spend money. They can't retain talent at all. Recently, many semiconductor talents have applied to immigrate to the United States. I know five people who are applying for immigration."

"I can't understand what era it is now. China's semiconductor industry is the best in the world, but these people still choose to immigrate to the United States."

"Who can blame the United States for its good policies? In the past, immigrants were all skilled immigrants, but now as long as you study semiconductors, you can immigrate. If you immigrate, they will give you money."

"Other countries have banned the immigration of semiconductor talents. Why doesn't our country ban it?"

"Our country has a large population. You cannot keep those who want to leave. It is useless to force them to stay. You prohibit them from immigrating now. When they apply to travel abroad, they will not come back. What can you do with them? You can't prohibit them from traveling abroad.

So the higher-ups didn't ban them from immigrating. You think banning immigration in other countries is effective? If these people want to leave, you can't stop them at all."

“I have to say that the people who came up with these policies in the United States are really talented. Although the United States is temporarily lagging behind Deep Blue in technology, the probability of solving problems will be much higher when there are more people. They can directly use probability theory to solve the problem of backward semiconductors.

If 1 people can't solve a problem, let 10 people solve it. A blind cat will eventually catch a dead mouse."

"What the above person said is right. A blind cat will eventually catch a dead mouse. Although Deep Blue Group is two eras ahead of them, who can guarantee that Deep Blue Group will not be overtaken? Competition in the semiconductor industry will become increasingly fierce in the future." (End of this chapter)

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