The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 425 415: The black brother who used black high technology to smuggle

September 2015, 4, China time.

Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

In the office, Han Chen is designing the AR glasses that DeepBlue Group will launch this year.

The AR glasses envisioned by Han Chen are completely different from Apple's Vision Pro. The design of Vision Pro can be said to be very useless because Apple's Vision Pro is too bulky, and long-term use by users will affect the health of the cervical spine.

In order to reduce weight, Han Chen only put an LED screen for display, as well as sensors such as gyroscopes and cameras on the glasses.

All the chips needed for calculations are independent, data is transmitted through Star Flash, power is supplied through transmission lines, and the battery and host are designed into a waist bag.

Hanging the host and battery around the waist like a waist bag not only reduces the weight of the AR glasses, but also makes it more convenient to carry.

Just as Han Chen was immersed in the design of AR glasses, the door light on the table lit up.

A few seconds after Han Chen pressed the door light, Aurora Baranov pushed open the door and walked in.

"Han, what are you busy with?" Aurora Baranov asked with a sweet smile.

In fact, after the two met last time, Aurora did not leave China. She has been staying in Shenzhen during this period. However, the two have not met during this period. Aurora stayed in Shenzhen for the mobile phone OEM business.

In fact, when she came to meet Han Chen, her team had already designed the mobile phone.

This time, she came here not only to seek investment from Han Chen, but also to find a factory to manufacture mobile phones.

Although the two had not met during this period, they often chatted on WeChat, and their relationship became much closer as time went by.

"Aurora, have you finished your work?" Han Chen asked.

"It's all done. Deep Blue Precision has already started production. I plan to launch it on May 5st. I'll fly back to Russia tomorrow to host the phone launch conference." Aurora Baranov said, supporting her chin with one hand while looking at Han Chen who was working.

Aurora Baranov is going to release the Goddess of Morning V1 mobile phone.

This phone uses the Sichen Goddess No. 1 chip, and the memory starts at 8+256GB. The memory is naturally Deep Blue's memory, the screen uses BOE's 1.5K LCD screen, the camera uses O-Film's camera module, the battery uses Deep Blue's semi-solid battery, the charging solution uses Deep Blue's 80W fast charging solution, and the system is of course the Pangu system.

After all, the Sichen Goddess No. 1 chip uses the Luban architecture, and currently only the Sichen Goddess No. 1 supports the Luban architecture.

"How much do you plan to price your lowest-spec mobile phone?" Han Chen asked.

"I plan to set the price of the lowest-end mobile phone at 18888 rubles, which is 1700 yuan in RMB," said Aurora Baranov.

"How much is your cost considering all the expenses?" Han Chen stopped what he was doing and asked.

"After taking into account various expenses, the cost of a mobile phone is about 1600 RMB," said Aurora Baranov.

"Only 99 yuan for a mobile phone?" Han Chen asked in surprise.

"I want to occupy as much market share as possible before others react. Although we are a local brand in Mao, Mao people may not recognize our brand, so I can only adopt a low-price strategy in the early stage." Aurora Baranov said.

"That's right. After all, you are just an emerging brand. Don't you make smart TVs and tablets?" Han Chen asked again.

"We currently have too few sales channels. Too many product lines will drag down the entire company. We will develop other products after the brand is established," said Aurora Baranov.

"Judging from the current international situation, the price of the ruble will become extremely unstable in the future. I suggest that you convert your funds into foreign currency as much as possible to avoid losses caused by foreign exchange fluctuations. I suggest that you convert your funds into RMB." Han Chen said.

"Okay, I understand. I wonder if you are free in the evening. I would like to invite you to dinner." Aurora Baranov smiled.

"No problem, send me a WeChat message after you've booked a place," said Han Chen.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you from your work. See you tonight," said Aurora Baranov.

Then Aurora Baranov got up and left Han Chen's office.

It's night in a blink of an eye.

A high-end western restaurant in a business building in Futian District, Shenzhen.

Aurora Baranov sat gracefully at the dining table by the window. Her black lace evening dress shone softly under the dim light. Her face seemed to capture the most exquisite moment of the night, looking both cool and moving.

When the breeze blew through her hair through the window, she smiled gently, like the brightest star in the night sky, attracting the attention of passers-by.

They hurried past but were involuntarily attracted by her beautiful, almost sculptural profile. They stopped to peek and take a glimpse of her charm. The atmosphere in the restaurant became softer, as if everyone was enjoying the moment of tranquility brought by this lady.

Just at this moment Han Chen came over led by the waiter.

When Aurora Baranov saw Han Chen coming towards her, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Because Han Chen was wearing a black T-shirt, loose casual pants and a pair of flip-flops, which are essential for people from Guangdong and Guangxi, this image of Han Chen formed a huge contrast with the image she had in her mind.

"I'm such a beautiful lady and I'm inviting you to dinner, and you come dressed like this?" Aurora Baranov said with a smile.

"I usually dress like this. Besides, I came here right after get off work and didn't have time to change clothes." Han Chen shrugged.

"Next time I ask you out, don't wear this again." Aurora Baranov said with a pout.

"Let's talk about it next time." Han Chen said with a smile.

After the two finished their conversation, the waiter asked them what they wanted to eat. Han Chen and Aurora ordered what they wanted to eat. After they ordered, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Why don't you tell me about your two girlfriends? How did you make them get along well? Was it because you gave them enough money?" Aurora Baranov asked after thinking for a while.

"I have more than two girlfriends. I have six girlfriends in total. They are with me not for money. They are with me because they truly love me, and I truly love them too." Han Chen replied.

"I don't believe they are not after your money." Aurora Baranov said with a pout.

"There's nothing I can do if you don't believe me." Han Chen said helplessly.

"You have so many girlfriends at once, aren't you afraid that your body can't handle it?" Aurora Baranov asked again.

"Don't you know that I'm gifted? And do you think I look like someone who can't stand it?" Han Chen said.

"Really?" Aurora Baranov said after looking at Han Chen meaningfully.

"You can only know whether it is true or not by experiencing it yourself." Han Chen shrugged and said. "It's a pity that it's not convenient for me. I'll try it next time." Aurora Baranov smiled.

Han Chen didn't expect Afrolav to be so bold as to tease him, but Han Chen just thought she was joking. After all, they had only met twice so far.

The topic ended here, and Aurora started a new topic, which mainly focused on how to operate a mobile phone brand. Han Chen was not reluctant to tell the other party what he knew.

The two of them didn't finish their meal until nine o'clock.

"Han, did you drive here?" asked Aurora Baranov.

"Yes." Han Chen replied.

"Then please take me back to the hotel." Aurora Baranov said with a smile.

"No problem." Han Chen nodded.

After Han Chen sent Aurora Baranov back to the hotel, he went home. Aurora Baranov did not invite Han Chen to her room to drink some water before leaving like she did on TV.

Nothing that the audience expected to happen happened.

The next day, Aurora Baranov left Shenzhen by plane early in the morning.

2015:4 a.m. on April 26, 2, U.S. time.

California border.

There are more than a dozen pickup trucks parked in a forest on the California border. Next to the pickup trucks stand a group of black guys dressed in hip-hop clothes. These black guys seem to be waiting for something, but it is already dark and they cannot see clearly.

At this moment, strong winds blew over the heads of these black guys. Feeling the strong winds, these black guys quickly dispersed. Just after they dispersed, a four-axis medium-sized drone fell from the sky with a cardboard box tied under the drone.

Wait until the drone comes to a complete stop and all four propellers stop.

A black man walked over and cut the rope that tied the drone and the box. After the black man moved the box to the side, the drone immediately started and flew away from the scene.

Horace Rahimi shone a flashlight on the box and used a knife to cut the sealing tape on the box.

When the light shines into the box, you can clearly see that it contains many unopened dark blue mobile phones.

When many black guys saw the dark blue phone in the box, they cheered immediately.

That’s right, these black guys are the American gangsters. They are now smuggling Deep Blue mobile phones. Since Lucian imposed tariffs again, more Deep Blue mobile phones have been smuggled from Mexico to the United States.

The number of smuggling incidents by black guys like Horace Rahimi also increased.

Originally, Horace Rahimi and his team were only smuggling flour. Suddenly one day a Mexican came to them and asked if they were interested in smuggling mobile phones. At first, Horace Rahimi was not interested.

The Deep Blue mobile phones smuggled from Mexico are 40% cheaper than those in the United States. This 40% is exactly the price difference caused by Lucian's second imposition of tariffs.

Even if they only add 10% profit, the sales will be much more than what they make from smuggled flour.

But when he heard that the profit from smuggling mobile phones was higher than that from smuggling flour, Horace Rahimi took his brothers to smuggle mobile phones without hesitation. After all, the risk of smuggling mobile phones was much lower than that of smuggling flour, and the profit from smuggling mobile phones was much greater than that of smuggling flour.

When smuggling white flour, they have to find a way to disperse the goods. But when smuggling Deep Blue mobile phones, they don’t have to consider this problem. You have to know that Deep Blue mobile phones are in great demand. No matter how many Deep Blue mobile phones they smuggle, they can sell them all on the same night.

Besides, their smuggling of dark blue mobile phones is much safer than their original smuggling of white flour.

In the past, they had to bring the goods in person, but now they use drones for transportation. The location can be changed at any time, and the border police cannot catch them even if they want to. The border between the United States and Mexico is too large, and they do not have enough manpower even if they want to investigate.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the phones, Horace Rahimi drove away from the border with his men.

September 2015, 4, China time.

After leaving Jiang Enzhu's villa, Han Chen drove directly to the company to work.

I don't know what's wrong with Jiang Enzhu recently. Whenever Han Chen goes to her house to spend the night, she will do her best and won't rest until she is exhausted. However, Han Chen probably guessed the reason. It's probably because Jiang Enzhu wants a child.

After Han Chen arrived at the company, he sent the AR glasses he designed to Tan Tai Lingling and asked them to make them as soon as possible.

This pair of AR glasses was designed by Han Chen after he took two brain capsules, so there are no defects in this pair of AR glasses and they can be used as soon as they are produced.

After sending the email, Han Chen opened the backend to check the recent sales situation.

It should be noted that it has been almost a month since Lucian imposed additional tariffs. Although the additional tariffs did have a certain impact on Deep Blue's products, this impact did not have any impact on the sales of Deep Blue mobile phones.

Because many mobile phones are smuggled from Mexico to the United States.

The number of mobile phones exported by Deep Blue Group to Mexico also increased by 300% because of these smuggling gangs.

Just as Han Chen was checking the backend sales data, the door light on the table lit up. When Han Chen pressed the door light, Tong Jingjing pushed open the door and walked in.

"Mr. Han." Tong Jingjing greeted after closing the door.

"Mr. Tong, how come you have time to come to my place?" Han Chen asked with a smile.

"Mr. Han, I came here this time to ask for leave for you." Tong Jingjing said after she sat down, smoothing her hip skirt with her right hand.

"Ask for leave?" Han Chen asked in confusion.

As the executive president of Shenlan Zhipin, Tong Jingjing doesn't need to go to him for small matters such as asking for leave, and no one will say anything even if she doesn't come to work.

"I have been working continuously for six years, and I feel my body can't take it anymore, so I would like to ask you for a long vacation, a one-year vacation. I have already made arrangements at the company, and Cheng Chaoyan will take over my job during the vacation." Tong Jingjing said.

The reason why Tong Jingjing asked for leave was because she lost her direction for a while. She worked hard to make money when she had no money before, but now she is no longer short of money, and she doesn't know why she is working so hard.

Of course, besides being lost, there was another reason, which was what she had just told Han Chen: she felt that her body could not take it anymore.

So she wanted to ask Han Chen for a long vacation to have a good rest and relieve her tired mood.

"Okay, that's settled." Han Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Han." Tong Jingjing said with a smile. (End of this chapter)

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