Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 838 My Purpose Is Simple

Chapter 838 My Purpose Is Simple

Of course, there are still some people who are very supportive of Qiu Hai's tough attitude.

Many people sincerely admire Qiu Hai's ability to fight back under Lao Mi's power.

Most of these people are leaders of domestic national enterprises.

They never imagined that Chen Jianghai would make such a bold decision under such circumstances.

It is generally believed that Chen Jianghai must have had a very difficult time making this decision.

These people have secretly thought, if they encountered this kind of problem, what would they choose?

Almost [-]% of companies may choose to pay the fine and then retreat to China.

Thinking of this, many people lamented that Chen Jianghai is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!
Anyone with a discerning eye can also see that by acting like this, Laomi Enterprises is obviously a little afraid that Qiuhai will continue to develop in their country and squeeze their living space.

Therefore, it can be regarded as reflecting Qiu Hai's strength from the side.

Since Belus was acquired, Qiuhai's products have been selling better and better in the United States, and they can be said to be best-selling products.

This can be seen from last year's foreign sales.

Regarding Qiu Hai's overseas sales, Chen Jianghai gave a death order and no one could reveal even a single cent.

This is a secret of Qiu Hai, and he doesn't want too many people to know at this stage.

The lawsuit continues to ferment, and Chen Jianghai now arrives at Xijiang University of Finance and Economics to meet with the president of the school.

The principal's name is Lu Changfu. He is almost fifty this year. He wears a pair of glasses. He looks very thin and has the temperament of a scholar.

"Mr. Chen, I have long admired your name. Welcome!"

In the office, Lu Changfu stretched out his hands and said enthusiastically.

Chen Jianghai smiled and stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Principal Lu, thank you for agreeing to let me set up a research center here."

"Mr. Chen, I am really happy that you can choose us as your partner!"

Lu Changfu said sincerely.

Ruan Guangming said with a smile: "I told you two to stop standing and sit down and chat!"

"I was negligent, Mr. Chen please!"

Lu Changfu seemed to have come to his senses and quickly invited Chen Jianghai.

After the three of them sat down respectively, they went directly to the topic.

"Mr. Chen, I heard about Qiu Hai's stay with Lao Mi. This is the only thing I have to say about your decision."

Lu Changfu gave a thumbs up as he spoke.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said: "Principal Lu is ridiculous. I am forced to have no choice. I can't just let others take advantage of me!"

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Lu Changfu quickly waved his hand and said seriously: "Mr. Chen, you are joking. Lao Mi is targeting you like this, which is an affirmation of Qiu Hai."

I have to say that Lu Changfu still has good vision and can see this level.

After chatting for a while, the two people got to the topic: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this anti-dumping research center?"

Chen Jianghai pondered for a moment and said, "It's just a plan right now. I wonder if Principal Lu thinks it's feasible?"

Lu Changfu said quickly: "Mr. Chen, to be honest, our school does not have such a course. I'm afraid it won't solve Qiu Hai's current predicament."

In Lu Changfu's view, this was the purpose of Chen Jianghai's actions.

If the University of Finance and Economics can cooperate with Qiu Hai, there will naturally be many benefits.

However, the University of Finance and Economics does not have relevant majors, so there is no basis for cooperation.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Qiu Hai's current predicament cannot be solved by setting up a temporary research center." Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Lu Changfu couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Chen, since you know this truth, then you This is……"

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Principal Lu, my purpose is very simple. I don't want the company to be too passive in future operations."

Qiu Hai has encountered this situation now, and it is inevitable that he will not encounter it again in the future.

Regarding this anti-dumping, there is really little domestic research on it.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai needs such a group of professional talents.

If this kind of problem arises in the future, Chen Jianghai will have cards to play, instead of being so passive as now and having to rely entirely on Lao Mi's legal team.

Although it is a good thing to attack the shield with the spear of the son, there are still certain risks in it.

Because fighting against the rule makers is an adventure in itself.

It's hard to say if Whirlpool fails to defeat Qiu Hai, whether the Lao Mi government will do anything to upset the situation, or put pressure on the legal team he hired.

Although for now, Qiu Hai is not big enough to bring down the US government personally, but what about in the future?
Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Lu Changfu reacted immediately.

"Mr. Chen, you still have a long-term vision. I am short-sighted." He said sincerely.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said: "Principal Lu, you are flattering me. I am just a businessman. I am here to discuss business with you today."

Lu Changfu burst out laughing after hearing this, nodded and said: "Mr. Chen, you are right, then let's have a good discussion about this business."

It can be seen that Lu Changfu still has a good impression of Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai brought national enterprises to the world stage, and Lu Changfu still respected him very much.

More importantly, Qiu Hai now wants to come to the University of Finance and Economics to set up such an anti-dumping research center, and he will be on this line in the future.

Lu Changfu knew that Chen Jianghai was never stingy when it came to investing in schools.

More importantly, Qiuhai provides many jobs for Sogang University.

In the future, such good things will inevitably happen to the University of Finance and Economics.

Both of them have ideas in mind, so it will be easier to talk about it.

Half an hour later, Chen Jianghai stood up and left.

The intention to cooperate with the Anti-dumping Research Center has been negotiated, and the next few cooperation details and specific operations will be left to Yue Hongsheng.

The two people came to the car. Ruan Guangming said to Chen Jianghai with admiration: "Jiang Hai, this is the first time I have seen Principal Liu be so polite to a businessman."

Chen Jianghai smiled and asked, "What? Does Principal Lu hate businessmen?"

"Principal Lu is a relatively noble scholar and doesn't like businessmen who are too philistine!"

Ruan Guangming said calmly: "He has clearly expressed this view on many occasions."

"Back then, a businessman came to see Principal Lu to do something, but Principal Lu scolded him so much. He really didn't show any mercy at all!"

The smile on Chen Jianghai's face became brighter and brighter: "Thanks to Brother Ruan for your face, otherwise Principal Lu might have scolded me today."

"Hey, what kind of face can I have? I think Principal Lu just likes you, so he agreed so happily." Ruan Guangming hurriedly declined.

Chen Zhenghai shook his head: "Brother Ruan, I don't believe I have such great charm."

"No, no, no, Principal Lu is a very patriotic person. The things you Qiu Hai did are in line with his wishes, that's why you have such an attitude."

Ruan Guangming said very seriously.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly. In any case, it was finalized to join forces with universities to establish an anti-dumping research center.

(End of this chapter)

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