Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 839 It’s strange that you can’t guess it

Chapter 839 It’s strange that you can’t guess it

With Qiu Hai's advocacy and the rise of the slogan of revitalizing national enterprises, the sales of many local products in the country are increasing.

Under this situation, many companies have begun to expand their scale and increase production.

Qiu Hai is also one of them, the most important of which is the production of refrigerators, which can be said to be increasing day by day.

Color TVs have just been launched. There was a round of production increase before, and now the production has completely kept up with the sales.

As for refrigerators, sales are continuing to rise due to the launch of multiple models, and the previous production lines can no longer keep up in terms of output.

Under this situation, Chen Jianghai knew that he had to expand production as soon as possible to avoid a subsequent shortage of supply.

Regarding this expansion, he decided to do it in one step.

He asked Jin Zhijiang to go to the island country to buy a super production line with an annual output of up to 60 units.

As soon as this production line arrives, the problem of refrigerator output will be completely solved.

Such a super production line will naturally not be too cheap. The total cost of a set is as high as more than [-] million.

After Jin Zhijiang learned the news, he immediately came to Chen Jianghai's office.

"Mr. Chen, wouldn't it be too risky for us to do this?"

He said to Chen Jianghai with a worried look.

There is no reason for Jin Zhijiang not to take this matter seriously.

After all, [-] million yuan just to purchase a production line is too much.

Qiu Hai has already invested a lot in refrigerators before, spending 5000 million on the cold chain plan alone.

Including R&D and follow-up costs, it cost at least about [-] million.

In less than a year, Chen Jianghai will invest more than [-] million in it, which makes Jin Zhijiang somewhat worried.

Judging from the current sales volume, it actually does not exceed production volume by much.

The best way right now is to find a few more foundries.

In this way, not only can the output problem be easily solved, but the production cost can also be effectively reduced.

All in all, Jin Zhijiang felt that it was not cost-effective to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a production line.

The reason why Jin Zhijiang took the initiative to speak out was not only for the company, but also for himself.

Liu Jianming is now in charge of the previous PS game console project.

Jin Zhijiang feels that he cannot be satisfied with the status quo and cannot rest on his laurels. He must make suggestions for the development of the enterprise and do his best.

You must know that Qiuhai refrigerator sales have been quite good since it was launched.

However, compared with its previous capital investment, it has not yet entered the profit stage.

According to the current sales volume, it will probably take a few months to break even.

After that, you can start making profits.

But once Chen Jianghai buys a [-] million production line according to his wishes, it will be far from possible to make a profit.

As a result, Jin Zhijiang's performance is undoubtedly much inferior to that of others.

Chen Jianghai glanced at Jin Zhijiang and said calmly: "Tell me what you think."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Jin Zhijiang hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, the production can be completely solved by the OEM..."

After listening to Jin Zhijiang's opinions, Chen Jianghai said slowly: "Zhijiang, you have to take a longer view, and you can't always focus on the present, you know?"

Jin Zhijiang was stunned: "Mr. Chen, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Domestic is now our main battlefield, but foreign countries cannot be ignored. Expanding production in advance will only benefit us, and there will definitely be no harm." Chen Jianghai pointed at the world map hanging next to him and said.

Hearing this, Jin Zhijiang frowned and said with a hint of worry: "Mr. Chen, Belushi's situation abroad is not good. Will this affect our foreign markets?"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said: "Zhijiang, this is not something you have to worry about. Just do as I say. I just want to see the results." After hearing this, Jin Zhijiang knew that this was a done deal.

No one can change what Mr. Chen has decided.

"Okay Mr. Chen, I understand, let's do it now."

After saying that, Jin Zhijiang left the office directly.


In the afternoon, Chen Jianghai was looking through the documents at hand when Yan Fei knocked on the door and walked in.

"Mr. Chen, there is Mr. Xu Dong outside who wants to see you and says he is your friend."

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: Why is he here?
"Well, let him in."

Chen Jianghai still feels nostalgic for Xu Dong.

Especially Xu Dong's decision to make his career bigger and stronger also made Chen Jianghai look at him with admiration.

Soon, Xu Dong appeared in the office.

At this time, his face was a little tired, but the joy on his face could not be hidden.

Seeing Xu Dong like this, Chen Jianghai greeted him with a smile: "Brother Dong, why are you here? You didn't even tell me in advance."

Xu Dong quickly said: "Jiang Hai, I know you are busy. I happened to be passing by Pingshan, so I came over to see you."

"Xiaoyan, make tea, Brother Dong, sit here."

Chen Jianghai ordered Yan Fei next to him, and then pulled Xu Dong to sit down.

"Brother Dong, you came to me this time for more than just a visit, right?"

"Haha, Jiang Hai, I really can't hide anything from you!" Xu Dong grinned.

The last time he came to Chen Jianghai for help was because the mineral water encountered a rival and was not selling well.

Now it seems that this trouble should be solved.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but joked: "Brother Dong, you can't hide the joy on your face. It would be weird if I couldn't guess it."

Xu Dong followed and said: "Jiang Hai, the method you taught me before is really wonderful. Now our mineral water has established a firm foothold in the market."

Xu Dong had encountered pressure from many colleagues before, and he was so worried that he was worried and confused.

In this case, he could only find Chen Jianghai for help.

Chen Jianghai didn't refuse and gave Xu Dong a few tricks.

With these tricks, Xu Dong not only stabilized the company's operations, but also gained a lot of market share in surrounding provinces.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Chen Jianghai, Xu Dong would definitely not be able to survive today.

During this time, he was running business all over the country, and he came here specifically to thank Chen Jianghai.

Facing Xu Dong's thanks, Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Brother Dong, we are not only partners, but also friends. Let's not talk about these differences."

After hearing this, Xu Dong became even more happy.

Chen Jianghai said personally that they are still friends, which is much more important to Xu Dong than making money.

Because he had experienced firsthand how important Chen Jianghai's approval was.

Next, Xu Dong reported on some of the company's operations in a matter-of-fact manner.

Generally speaking, mineral water now accounts for most of the drinking water market.

The previous experiments conducted by Chen Jianghai made many people subconsciously feel that mineral water is better than drinking water.

Several other companies that produce drinking water were also frustrated by Wang Zhiyang.

(End of this chapter)

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