Chapter 870

On July [-], the second major flood occurred in Longjiang since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In the face of such natural disasters, the power of individuals is very small.

The power of the country was fully demonstrated at this time.

On TV, batch after batch of People's Liberation Army soldiers rushed to the flood fighting front without hesitation.

They used their bodies as barriers to block the torrential floods from the people behind them.

After the disaster broke out, Chen Jianghai also contacted Chen Jiangshan as soon as possible.

"Brother, quickly load the supplies I asked you to prepare before and send them all to Longjiang."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's request, Chen Jiangshan was stunned for a moment.

Soon, Chen Jiangshan came to his senses and responded hurriedly: "Jiang Hai, I will make arrangements now and promise to deliver it as quickly as possible!"

Chen Jiangshan was a little surprised by Chen Jianghai's decision, but he also admired it.

Chen Jianghai said before that this batch of supplies was bought as a benefit for factory employees.

It cost almost 3000 million, and I'm afraid not many companies can provide such benefits.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jianghai directly donated this batch of materials without hesitation.

This is also the most scarce material in the disaster area, and it is of great significance to the victims. Of course, he does not dare to neglect it in the slightest.

Chen Jianghai said in a deep voice: "Brother, this is all your hard work. There is no room for failure."

Chen Jiangshan said quickly: "Jiang Hai, we two brothers should not talk about this."

Just when he was about to hang up the phone, Chen Jiangshan suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask:

"Jiang Hai, will the banner of your Qiu Hai Group be hung on the car?"

After running Meihua Supermarket for so long, Chen Jiangshan also understands the benefits of advertising.

In particular, he also paid attention to Qiu Hai's previous advertising methods, which really opened his eyes.

In Chen Jiangshan's view, this is undoubtedly the best publicity opportunity and cannot be missed.

Of course, you still have to ask Chen Jianghai for his opinion before doing it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jianghai said: "Brother, there is no need to put up Qiuhai's signboard, just put up your beautiful one."

Qiu Hai's exposure rate has been quite high recently, so it would be nice to give Mei Hua a chance to show her face.

This is very positive publicity and can further establish the image of Meihua.

"Jiang Hai, why is this?" Chen Jiangshan asked in surprise.

Chen Jianghai thought for a while and gave an explanation: "Brother, Qiu Hai is on the cusp of the storm now. There is no need to ride on such heat."

Hearing this, Chen Jiangshan understood immediately.

"Jiang Hai, then we, Meihua..."

Chen Jianghai naturally knew what his brother was going to say, and he was worried that Meihua would be talked about if he took the risk.

"Brother, Meihua has just started. If you can do this, doesn't it show that you are responsible and have a sense of responsibility?" He said with a smile.

Chen Jiangshan hurriedly said: "Jiang Hai, I will definitely return this money to you."

"It's not necessary."

Chen Jianghai said casually: "Don't forget that I am also a shareholder of Meihua Supermarket, so I should contribute some money."

Chen Jiangshan didn't know what to say at once.

This is 3000 million!
"Jiang Hai, we have to reallocate the shares."

After a brief hesitation, Chen Jiangshan suddenly said something.

Chen Jianghai didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

My brother is too serious.

"Brother, there's no need for that!" Chen Jianghai smiled.

Chen Jiangshan insisted: "No, this must be done, otherwise I will take too much advantage."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about this later. The most important thing right now is to transport the supplies over there quickly. There is a shortage over there." Chen Jianghai quickly reminded.

Chen Jiangshan said quickly: "No problem, I will do this myself!"

"Brother, you can't go!"

Chen Jianghai suddenly became a little nervous: "The disaster area is still very dangerous. You just need to send a reliable person there."

Just kidding, no one knows the situation in the disaster area now. What if something happens?

Chen Jiangshan still wanted to insist, but Chen Jianghai moved his parents out directly.Seeing this situation, Chen Jiangshan knew that his plan to go to the disaster area was probably out of the question.

This batch of supplies from Qiu Hai, on the one hand, had been prepared in advance, and on the other hand, they were supervised by Chen Jiangshan, so they were delivered to the disaster area day and night on the second day after the flood broke out.

Tens of millions of supplies were packed into dozens of large trucks.

Standing at the front of the vast motorcade, you can't even see the end.

Such a large convoy naturally attracted the attention of local victims.

Especially when they saw the truckloads of drinking water and food, they couldn't help but cheered.

"Have the government supplies arrived again? No need to worry now."

"No, it shouldn't be from the government."

"Then where is this?"

"Didn't you see the banner on the car? It was donated by Meihua Supermarket."


At this time, many people saw the banners on the car and knew the source of these supplies.

"Meihua Supermarket provides disaster relief supplies, cheers to the disaster-stricken areas!"

"Man can conquer nature and defeat disasters!"

"No one is merciful when floods are merciless. Good job to the flood fighters!"


Looking at the banner on the car, everyone knew who donated the materials.

We know the name, but what is the origin of that Meihua Supermarket?

No one present knew this.

At present, Meihua Supermarket branches are only open in Xijiang Province, and Meihua Supermarket is not available in other places.

In this case, the victims in Longjiang naturally don't know about this supermarket.

At this time, the local government departments in Longjiang were also very surprised.

They didn't receive any notification from their superiors that supplies would arrive today.

Later, when I inquired about it, I found out that this was a spontaneous act of assistance from a supermarket in Xijiang Province and had nothing to do with the above.

The key is that so much disaster relief supplies really solve the urgent need.

After learning the news, the local victims were very moved.

They would be grateful for the rest of their lives to those who could lend a helping hand to them at this critical moment.

Soon, Meihua Supermarket was directly in the newspapers because of this incident.

Everyone is very curious about such a little-known supermarket.

After careful investigation, they discovered that Qiuhai's boss, Chen Jianghai, was a shareholder of this supermarket.

At the same time, the current owner of Meihua Supermarket is Chen Jianghai’s eldest brother.

In this way, Qiu Hai once again entered the sight of the Chinese people.

According to Chen Jianghai's previous thoughts, he didn't want Qiu Hai to take the lead in this matter.

There are too many people staring at Qiu Hai now, and Chen Jianghai wants Qiu Hai to cool down a little.

That's how business is done.

When there is no popularity at the beginning, you must continue to create news and let more people know the name of the company.

Later, when the company develops, it won't need such high popularity.

As the saying goes, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

If Qiu Hai always performs well, it is not a good thing after all.

Developing in a low-key manner and making money in silence are the long-term survival strategies for enterprises.

However, Chen Jianghai never expected that someone would get to the bottom of it and bring Qiu Hai into this righteous deed.

After learning the news, Chen Jianghai also seemed very calm.

If someone digs it out, then admit it quickly and readily.

Anyway, that's not a bad thing.

On the contrary, it can be regarded as a positive publicity for Qiu Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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