Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 871: National Enterprises, Put the Nation Before Enterprises

Chapter 871: National Enterprises, Put the Nation Before Enterprises

At this moment, Yue Hongsheng hurried in from outside.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked: "Mr. Chen, I heard that the batch of supplies donated by Meihua Supermarket has something to do with our Qiuhai?"

In his opinion, this is a very important thing and a good publicity point.

Chen Jianghai did not deny it, but said with a smile: "What? You forgot the fee I asked you to pay my brother before?"

After hearing this, Yue Hongsheng's eyes widened in shock and he said in disbelief: "Mr. Chen, do you mean that the supplies donated by Meihua were all purchased by Qiuhai?"

Chen Jianghai nodded, acquiescing.

"Mr. Chen, if there had been no disaster, what would you have done with this batch of supplies?"

After being stunned for a moment, Yue Hongsheng couldn't help but ask.

Chen Jianghai said casually: "That would be better, we can provide benefits to the employees in the factory."

Yue Hongsheng was speechless.

Mr. Chen is so big-hearted!
In fact, there is another thing that Yue Hongsheng is most worried about, and that is the speed at which Chen Jianghai spends money.

He has spoken about this issue before.

However, Chen Jianghai didn't take it to heart at all, so Yue Hongsheng could only keep an eye on it.

Now it seems that Chen Jianghai's problem of spending money like water cannot be changed.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do next?" Yue Hongsheng asked.

Judging from Chen Jianghai's attitude, he didn't ask Qiu Hai to come forward before, obviously he didn't want to show his face.

Now that the news has been spread, it would not be appropriate for Qiu Hai to remain silent.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "In this way, if a reporter comes, you can just say that these supplies were donated by Qiuhai Group and Meihua Supermarket."

"Okay Mr. Chen, I know what to do." After Yue Hongsheng finished speaking, he went out to deal with it.

When I got home in the evening, Chen Liye and the others immediately surrounded him.

"Jiang Hai, what's going on over at Longjiang now?"

It can be seen that Chen Liye is still very concerned about things over there.

"Dad, everything is okay."

Chen Jianghai smiled and replied, "With our people's soldiers here, there will be no problem."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Chen Liye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jiang Hai, which one of you brothers donated this batch of supplies?"

Chen Liye then had a new problem.

Chen Jianghai smiled and asked: "Dad, is this important?"

"It's not that important." Chen Liye waved his hand and laughed.

No matter who it is, this batch of supplies was donated by his son.

When the time comes to speak out, he will have dignity on his face.

The incident was officially reported the next day.

"The Light of National Industry Qiuhai - a responsible national enterprise!" 》

"Qiuhai and Meihua, we need more national enterprises like this"

"As a national enterprise, Qiuhai has done what it should do"

"National Enterprises, First Nationality Then Enterprise"

"He is an excellent entrepreneur! 》


In short, Qiu Hai once again entered the eyes of the people across the country, and in an extremely positive image.

Meihua Supermarket has also received a lot of attention.

As for how it is reflected, you can clearly see it from the sales of Meihua Supermarket in the past two days.

On July [-]th, the sales volume of Meihua Supermarket was still normal.

Compared with before, there are no ups and downs and it can be said to be very stable.

Then on July [-]th, the sales of Meihua Supermarket suddenly jumped by half.

Of course, Chen Jiangshan and the others didn't care about this kind of thing.It is normal for the turnover to increase occasionally.

Starting from July 11th, Chen Jiangshan felt something was wrong.

On NO.11, the sales of Meihua Supermarket doubled from before.

On NO.12, the turnover tripled.

On the 13th day, the turnover tripled.

Looking at the data in his hand, Chen Jiangshan felt an unreal feeling.

"Meihua, are there any statistical errors in this data?"

Although Chen Jiangshan vaguely guessed some reasons, he still couldn't help but ask.

Meng Meihua sat on the other side of the office, shook her head and said, "Jiangshan, I calculated this myself. There is absolutely no mistake."

"This...this...the sales have increased too much." Chen Jiangshan still couldn't believe it.

Meng Meihua smiled and said: "This is not a good reward for the good deeds you did. Why did you forget it so quickly?"

"Are you talking about donating supplies to disaster areas?"

Chen Jiangshan smiled awkwardly.

Meng Meihua said firmly: "Yes, that's it. Do you know what the customers who came in said?"

"What did you say?" Chen Jiangshan asked curiously.

Seeing the supermarket's turnover growing so fast, Meng Meihua, the proprietress, was naturally curious.

In the past few days, she spent some time shopping in the supermarket.

There are a lot of people coming to the supermarket to buy things, and some people just take them home one by one.

There are many kinds of products in this cart, which is quite reasonable.

Some people buy a cart full of the same products, which is obviously abnormal.

When Meng Meihua stepped forward to ask, the answer was simple.

"You have donated so many things to the disaster area. You are definitely a conscientious supermarket. I am here to support you."

"Then if you buy so many things, won't they be wasted if you can't use them all?" Meng Meihua couldn't help but ask.

The other party said nonchalantly: "No, no, it will be divided among relatives and friends when the time comes."

After listening to Meng Meihua's words, Chen Jiangshan didn't speak for a long time.

Before doing this, Chen Jiangshan had already thought that Meihua's business would definitely be much better by then.

But he never expected that it would be as good as it is now.

"Jiangshan, Jianghai are so powerful and far-sighted." Meng Meihua couldn't help but say.

Chen Jiangshan agreed heartily: "You are right."

While the two were chatting, Gu Yanping rushed in from outside.

"Jiangshan, the sales of several of my branches have been rising steadily, all of them have doubled."

At this time, Gu Yanping's face turned red and he looked very excited.

Meng Meihua smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, we are here too."

"Jiangshan, didn't Mr. Chen buy that batch of supplies? Why did it suddenly become donated by us, Meihua?"

Gu Yanping followed and asked.

He specifically asked Chen Jiangshan about this matter before, but after knowing that it was Chen Jianghai's instruction, he stopped asking.

Gu Yanping couldn't figure out why Chen Jianghai would give up such a good publicity opportunity to Meihua.

Chen Jiangshan said calmly: "Mr. Gu, Jiang Hai just wants to help us."

"Mr. Chen is really so generous!"

Gu Yanping was stunned for a long time, and finally said this.

In fact, Gu Yanping knew very well that the reason why Chen Jianghai was willing to help Meihua was entirely for Chen Jiangshan's sake.

At this time, Gu Yanping was really lucky to be able to cooperate with Chen Jiangshan.

(End of this chapter)

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