Chapter 101
Qiao Jiao is a woman who cannot be judged by common sense. She did not answer my questions, but gave me a sudden tenderness, which made me a little overwhelmed. I wonder if there is still a trap behind this tenderness. Waiting for me to fall.

I stayed vigilant, then took off her hand, and complained: "I have never practiced any magic, I am just an ordinary flesh and blood body. You have punched me so many times, do you think it hurts me?" ?”

"Then why don't you resist?"

"If a dog bites you, will you bite the dog too?"

Qiao Jiao stared at me. I thought she was irritated by my words again, but she suddenly pulled me and said with strong enthusiasm: "Let's take you somewhere."

"If I don't go, I'm afraid I'll never come back."

"I swear, I promise not to harm you this time..."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to push me, but I couldn't resist her. Before getting in the car, she said, "I haven't got the wheels yet."

"I am with you."

I don’t know where Qiao Jiao’s good mood came from. She trotted to the beach, and then moved the huge wheel with me to her car. This gave me an illusion: it seemed like we We are already a pair of wild animals living together in the world. We are happy together, sad together, and sometimes rub and bite each other. Therefore, my vigilance has never been wiped out. I enjoy it while always being vigilant.


Qiao Jiao drove the car very fast. After a while, we came from the south of the city to the north of the city, and successfully entered a villa area. She was familiar with the road and quickly parked the car at the door of a villa and said to me : "Wait for me in the car for a while, I'll be back soon."

In this unfamiliar place, I was really afraid that she was holding something bad, so I grabbed her while she was unfastening her seat belt and asked, "Can't we go together?"

"No, I can only do this. If you come with me, the nature will change."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao got out of the car. She looked at the door first, then miraculously opened the door of the villa, drove straight in, and disappeared from my sight in an instant.

I thought this was another villa of hers, but since she entered, there were no lights on, which made me even more uneasy.

I finally couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to see what she was doing. Just when I was about to open the car door, Qiao Jiao finally ran out of the villa, but she was already carrying a convenience bag with a bulging bag inside. What is installed.

"Don't come out, quickly put your head back."

Qiao Jiao lowered her voice and said to me who wanted to help outside the car. I was so scared that I quickly shrank back into the car. At this time, she also sat back in the car, immediately started the car, and drove away from the villa. district.


At the seaside, except for the sound of sea breeze and tide, everything was silent; at this time, Qiao Jiao finally threw the convenience bag she brought out from the villa to me, and said to me with a smile: "Open it and take a look. "

I glanced at her with confusion, and when I opened it, I was shocked to see that this bulging convenience bag actually contained several cartons of high-end cigarettes and two bottles of wine.

"gave it to you."

"Give it to me?"

"The villa we went to just now belongs to my dad. The nanny is on vacation today... Understand."

I understood, and immediately said in surprise: "You stole your father's cigarettes and alcohol!"

"If I go by myself, it's called taking... If you come with me, it's called stealing... Don't get the nature wrong."

I couldn't help but nodded with conviction. No wonder she didn't let me get off the bus just now. It turned out to be because she already had such a small calculation in her heart. At this time, she said to me again: "Following Sister Jiao, what matters is platooning." Come on, don’t smoke those low-quality cigarettes and drink low-quality wine from now on... My dad’s nanny takes four days off a month.”

"Can we not be so social?"

Qiao Jiao raised her eyebrows and smiled, and replied: "People in society pay attention to revenge and kindness. I am very unhappy with my dad's behavior today, so I will make him pay a small price." After a pause. , she lowered her voice again and said: "Actually, I didn't want to hurt you. I was just a little angry at the time, but when I calm down and think about it, I don't blame you. On the contrary, I have to thank you, otherwise I will be beaten by me." Dad, an old fox, has always been kept in the dark. How could he be such a gangster if he could do such a thing and say such a thing... They say blood is thicker than water. Is it necessary to be so obsessive about kissing my daughter?" "Yes! You are too difficult to deal with. It’s not really a form of obedience, it’s just a temporary measure at best.”

After saying that, I opened one of the cigarettes, opened the car window, and lit one for myself.I haven’t smoked such a high-end cigarette for a long time. The soft and mellow taste made me close my eyes and then immerse myself in it, thinking about it over and over...

It seemed like it was raining. The rain passed through the car window and hit the back of my hands and neck. Then I opened my eyes and turned to look at Qiao Jiao. She also became quiet, lying on the steering wheel and looking at The raindrops densely covering the glass made me lose my mind...

As if inadvertently, she suddenly spoke: "Brother Chao, I think it's better to live for yourself."

She actually still remembered this unfinished topic. I was a little surprised and asked, "Why?"

She listened to the sound of rain and replied: "Because the only one who can accompany you completely throughout your life is yourself... From the time you are born to the time you die, there will not be a minute or a second missing."

I didn't hear any special meaning in this sentence, but I don't know why, but it moved me inexplicably. Apart from being moved, it also contained sadness, because people are destined to be lonely in this life. At this moment, I thought of those things again. People who once walked with me, but are now far away from me.

The world is so big and life is so long. Where have they gone and when will they reunite with me?Or, in an inadvertent moment, we have said goodbye forever.


When I returned to my residence, I placed the cart wheel I had brought back from Qiao Jiao on the rooftop. Although it couldn't be returned to its place yet, it didn't mean it was useless. I used it as a storage rack and placed a few pots of flowers on it. Damn it, the rooftop suddenly became a little more interesting.

I must be a very strange person. It is raining and I have a warm room, but I am standing on the balcony with an umbrella, staring at the lights flickering under my feet. Each light will illuminate many people. Looking at the intertwined lights, I suddenly felt that the city was so lively, and I was hiding in the liveliness, losing my direction and goal; at least, that was the case this night.

The bar street became busy again, but this time, all I saw were legs, countless legs of all kinds, some slender, some strong, some short, and their bodies were all hidden under the same umbrella.

I want to go to a nightclub again. I want to fall on a woman's body after getting drunk and feel the softness and warmth.

I have been doing this for more than a year in Qingdao, especially when I was unbearably lonely.


Shaking my head vigorously, I thought of Qiao Jiao's father talking to me about money and life tonight, and suddenly the restless desire disappeared in my heart, replaced by a sense of loss and frustration; however, Qiao Jiao again Let me live for myself. What she said makes sense. Even if I am willing to take responsibility for others, how long can I bear this responsibility?Sooner or later, one person will die first, either me or him, or give up halfway in the end.

After thinking about it for a moment, my phone rang again. I took it out and looked at it. It turned out to be an unsolicited message from Lu Xi: "Where are all my luggage with you, right?"

Her luggage was indeed with me. That time, because I didn’t want her to waste money on a hotel room, I took her luggage back.

On this rainy night, I didn’t know what triggered my emotions, and I suddenly became very paranoid. I sent a message back to Luxi, but I didn’t talk about my luggage. I just asked: “Why did you refuse to answer my call last night?”

In fact, I had already thought about what kind of excuses Lu Xi would use to give me a break, such as accidentally hanging up, or being too sleepy and not wanting to answer the phone, but Lu Xi was honest and she replied: " I refused to answer the phone because I thought you were a bit confused."

"Do you think I shouldn't be with Qiao Jiao?"

"Who you choose to be with is your own right...but I don't know why, I feel very uncomfortable."

Just when I was thinking about how to reply, Luxi sent me another message: "It's okay now... I'll give you an address, and you can send my luggage over."

Looking at this message, what I was thinking was: Why is she uncomfortable...

I don't think I'm being sentimental. I think it's because she has a crush on me that makes her feel uncomfortable.

She must think that Qiao Jiao and I are too casual. We have only known each other for a few days and have no basis for any relationship at all. Besides, Qiao Jiao also said that she likes her before. Anyone else would think that this love comes out of nowhere.

Subconsciously I raised my head and glanced into the distance. I finally replied to the message: "I'm quite free now. I'll send it to you. Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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