i'm not a bad man

Chapter 102 I can be your backup singer

Chapter 102 I can be your backup singer
The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature dropped sharply by several degrees compared to the daytime. These were all signs that winter was about to begin, but I still stood on the rooftop holding an umbrella, rain or shine, and witnessed with my own eyes that the city was becoming more and more... Silence; in the end, even the bar street was no longer lively. Heavy rain and low temperature could actually dampen many people's enthusiasm for nightlife.

Lighting a cigarette, I am still waiting for Lu Xi's reply. As long as she lets me go, I will go to her. I don't care how heavy the rain is.

After finishing one cigarette and preparing to refill it, Lu Xi finally sent me a message back: "I'm still staying in the previous hotel."

I subconsciously looked up and saw that the hotel where Luxi was staying was standing not far from me. Then I suddenly realized that I had moved, moved into a house made of reinforced concrete, and moved to the city. The most prosperous place, and this is just the second night of a new life.

I can’t say that this place is not good, at least it has provided me with great convenience in my life. Everything is convenient for me. In addition to being able to order takeout late at night, I don’t have enough cigarettes and alcohol. There is also a 24-hour Lawson convenience store downstairs.

Not only that, Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi have become neighbors to a certain extent. As long as I want to find any of them, it will not take more than 10 minutes. At this moment, looking around, I and The two tall buildings where Lu Xi is located correspond to Qiao Jiao's lower villa, forming an almost equilateral triangle. No one is closer than the other, and no one is further than the other.


I stuffed the cigarette case back into my pocket, immediately went to the room to find Lu Xi's luggage, and then went downstairs to the hotel where Lu Xi was staying. Nine minutes later, I stood at the door of her room.

I rang the doorbell and Lu Xi opened the door for me. Just like the first time we met, her hair was a little wet, as if she had just washed her hair or taken a bath.

I handed the thing to her.

"Thank you."

She glanced at me, and I was speechless. Just when she was about to close the door, I subconsciously reached out and pushed the door. She looked up at me...

"Actually... I made a voice call to you that night just to explain to you... Qiao Jiao and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend. She used me as her shield because she didn't want to study abroad."

"Really? Then why are you in her closet?"

"Didn't she buy my RV, so I went to negotiate with her to buy it back... I've always been a casual person, and Qiao Jiao was more casual than me, so no one cared about it at that time. It was too late, not suitable for negotiation at all... It was really time to catch up. Her father usually didn't go to her place. He went back after drinking some wine that day. We were afraid of causing any misunderstanding, so we got into the closet. Who Knowing that Tu Lin was a fool, he chose that moment to call me without turning off the ringtone on my phone, so it was exposed... Qiao Jiao improvised, no, it was a broken jar, she said in front of her father We are a couple, and we said we didn’t want to study abroad because we couldn’t let go of this relationship, so we had such a huge misunderstanding!”

Lu Xi just listened to what I said, until I finished, she finally smiled and replied: "You are really a happy couple."

"It's not good to be enemies, don't be enemies, just be friends."

Lu Xi didn't answer my words anymore. I looked into her room, and then asked tentatively: "Can I go in for a drink of water?"


In the room, I was sitting on the sofa, holding a water glass in my hand, and Lu Xi was sitting opposite me. When I looked at her, the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window behind her presented half of the city to my eyes. The cold rain falls on the warm neon sign, and a burst of white steam emerges. The steam intertwined with the light makes the city more dreamy and unreal.

I was about to finish the water in the cup when I asked, "How is your injury?"

"I chose conservative treatment, which does not affect my normal life too much."

I was a little surprised, not to mention the unrealistic quadruple jump, even skating, after choosing conservative treatment, meant giving up completely, but she had devoted so much time and energy to this sport, and I will never have the chance to see her dancing smartly on the ice again, so that time in Shenyang was the first time, and it turned out to be the last time.

It turns out that I had always thought that the word "glimpse" was an exaggerated description. I didn't know how regretful it was until it happened to me.

I rubbed the cup in my hand with my hands, and then after a short silence, I replied: "It's a pity that I will never see you skating again."

Lu Xi didn’t have any emotional changes. She was even very calm: “When my sister-in-law was taking care of me, she said something to me that I found very useful. She said: There are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome; People you can't live without; time may not heal your heart, but it can make you say goodbye to your former self at a specific time..."

I savored this sentence carefully, then nodded and replied, "You're right, your sister-in-law must be a very wise woman. She understands many things in life."

"Well, so there is no need for surgery. I just want to live a normal life. After all, skating is not my career. It was just a hobby of mine."

When Lu Xi said this, I should have been happy, but I had mixed feelings in my heart. I couldn’t tell where these complicated emotions came from. I just felt that I had spent my youth and life to hold on to this kind of love. Faith, in the end, was nothing. Apart from regret, it also seemed too tragic; just like when Luan Yu and I promised to be romantic for a lifetime, it ended in nothing.After taking a deep breath, I finally looked at myself in the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window behind Luxi and said, "If you really think so, then I won't help you find that skating boy."

Lu Xi hesitated, but finally nodded to me.

I was shocked again, because this was originally a joke on my part, but Lu Xi gave me a very clear answer. I don’t think I’m a person who likes to be muddled, but Lu Xi is more tolerant than me. Although I was not someone she could let go of, this determination still had a huge impact on my heart.

"What are your plans for the future?"

"When the injury heals, prepare to return to BJ."

"Are you planning to return to the entertainment industry?"

"Well... although sometimes I don't like this job very much, it does bring me a lot, a lot." After a pause, Lu Xi asked me unexpectedly: "Han Chao , do you know what a sense of responsibility is?"

"I know, but many times, it is difficult to exercise the sense of responsibility in my heart. Sometimes I am not capable enough. Sometimes the moment I want to take responsibility, the other party is no longer there."

"So when I have the ability to be responsible for Sister Minhong and our studio, I can't abandon them willfully, as well as the brands that I cooperate with."

I don’t have much contact with Lu Xi, and I don’t know if she is a mature person, but at this moment, she is at least trying to mature herself; however, when she regains the aura of a star, The gap between us will appear again, and one is in BJ and the other is in Qingdao. It is difficult to determine whether we can meet again.

I felt a sense of crisis in my heart, but I couldn't put it into words. This made me very uncomfortable, so I subconsciously changed my sitting position and looked down at my pair of white casual shoes that were stained when I crossed the puddle.

"By the way, is the missing person notice you posted on WeChat Moments yesterday your friend's child?"

I then raised my head, looked at Lu Xi and replied, "It's my friend's child... Do you have any news?"

"No, if you need it, I can help you post on Weibo or something."

"That's great. If you are willing to help post on Weibo, the chance of finding the child will be much greater."

"My Weibo has been managed by the studio. I'll call Sister Minhong right now."

After saying that, Lu Xi picked up her mobile phone and dialed Qin Minhong's number. She didn't turn on the speakerphone. I couldn't hear what Qin Minhong said on the other side of the phone at all, but Lu Xi's face didn't look good...

After Lu Xi hung up the phone, I asked with confusion: "What's wrong? Is it that Sister Minhong doesn't want to help with this?" (Follow the author's personal WeChat public account: *** to view the latest chapters and characters photo!)

Lu Xi seemed really angry. She threw her phone back on the coffee table, frowned and replied, "She said, if I post this missing person notice, it will set a precedent, and countless people will ask us to help post similar notices in the future." If I help, there will be no end to this matter. If I don’t help, it will give people the impression of favoring others, which is not good for my reputation and image..."

I was also angry, but looking at this matter from Qin Minhong's perspective, it didn't seem wrong.If this precedent is set, there will inevitably be many similar families seeking help. At that time, it will be wrong to help or not to help. After all, for a star, Weibo is also a tool for commercialization. If all this kind of seeking is If people make comments, fans will have fewer opportunities to interact with idols, which will definitely affect attention over time. Without attention, there will naturally be no commercial value. For public figures, of course, they should participate in charity activities, but it must be based on As long as her commercial value is not affected, Qin Minhong is Lu Xi's manager. It is understandable that she handles the problem from this level.

With this thought, I calmed down my emotions and said to Lu Xi: "Sister Minhong has her own concerns and stance, and there is no need to force others to do this... By the way, I plan to form a band in the near future, and then With the theme of Missing Person Notice, we will perform charity performances in several large shopping malls in Qingdao, which will also gain a lot of exposure."

Lu Xi looked very interested and asked immediately: "When will the charity performance be?"

"Not sure yet because we're missing a backing singer and bassist right now."

Lu Xi thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "If you don't mind it, I can be your backup singer."

This time, I was really shocked. I mentioned it casually, but I didn't expect that a big star was willing to be my backup singer. Just when I wanted to say something, there was a sudden burst of doorbell ringing outside.

It was Qiao Jiao. She shouted outside the door: "Miss Lu, open the door quickly and come with me to go out for supper."

(End of this chapter)

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