i'm not a bad man

Chapter 104 I will be your backup singer

Chapter 104 I’m back to be your backup singer
Unconsciously, it was already 01:30 late at night, and we moved from the room in Luxi to the newly opened Cantonese tea restaurant on Haifeng Road. Qiao Jiao treated us to a treat. They both had desserts, I ordered some braised food, and some There was beer, and the three of them ate and drank until they had the most fun...and the rain outside had stopped.

Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao were walking in front hand in hand. I lit my cigarette and walked slowly and leisurely behind them.
The mist after the rain passed through the street lamps and the branches of the sycamore trees, like a white gauze draped on their shoulders. I gradually fell into a trance. They were still and moved, cold and hot, but they were the most dazzling in the city. If it weren't for chance, my interactions with them would have been limited to a chance encounter. Together with a group of onlookers, I watched them drive luxury cars and become a beautiful sight in the city, and then they would be far away. Yuan let out an exclamation, his heart moved but he could not leave any trace, because there was no chance to meet again, let alone penetrate into their world.

Now, we have become friends. Although this relationship is not yet solid, there are more things that tie us together. I believe that when we finish the charity performance, even if nothing happens later, Everything is as ordinary as water, and we will remember each other for at least ten years, or even longer, because while I am amazed by them, they will also be fascinated by my life. Although my life is still accompanied by huge confusion, They can also discover a lot of fun other than money at any time, which is what they lack.

After being in a daze, I took out my mobile phone from my pocket. After adjusting various parameters, I fixed their figures in my lens, named them Sister Lu and Sister Jiao, and then sealed them in a file called Sister Lu. In the mobile photo album of "Chaogegeshiwen".

"Brother Chao's Insights" is a photo album with rich material. "One Sword Opens the Heavenly Gate" and "28 Yuan Will Make You Big" are all from this photo album. In addition to the experiences on the road, there are intimate photos of me and Luan Yu.

I stopped and hesitated whether to delete it from this photo album permanently. After all, she had married and started a new life. There was no need for me to cling to the memories of the past and stagnate; however, these memories were also It’s worth a thousand dollars, and it accompanies the trip to 296 cities. Although I am restless by nature, I am afraid that I will not have the energy and confidence to visit these 296 cities again in this life, so I will delete these photos. It means that part of my life has been deleted and cannot be copied again.

"Han Chao, what are you doing there?"

It wasn't until Qiao Jiao spoke to me that I looked up, and then caught up with them. The hotel where Lu Xi stayed was right across the street.

Walking to them, I smiled and replied: "I was thinking about what to treat you to tomorrow... How about you go to my place and let's have barbecue by ourselves? I have a very big balcony. I just checked the weather, and the weather tomorrow will be good, perfect for having a barbecue outdoors.”

Qiao Jiao asked: "Where are you?"

I pointed to the tall building not far away and replied, "I live on the top floor of that building."

Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised. They definitely didn't expect that after bidding farewell to the RV life, I actually chose to live in the most prosperous area of ​​​​the city, and I was so close to them. Because of this convenience, none of them refused my offer to have barbecue at my place. Therefore, I will welcome the first wave of guests after returning to my house tomorrow.

No, not tomorrow, but today, because it is already past twelve o'clock in the morning.


When I returned to my residence, I was really sleepy. I had almost no random thoughts and quickly fell into sleep. The next day, I still slept until almost noon before getting up. I really enjoyed this kind of life of sleeping until I wake up naturally, but if I don’t work and I don’t continue to make money. This kind of life can only last three months, so the comfort is mixed with a sense of crisis. Come to think of it, the money life that Qiao Jiao and her father talked about with me is not wrong. , I can’t even find any flaws. The reason why I think money is not important is because I have been living in an RV and deliberately avoided the real world.Now that I have chosen to return to a normal life, I still have to find a way to maintain my life in the future.

Standing on the rooftop under direct sunlight, I took out my phone and checked all my bank cards, WeChat and Alipay. I only had more than 6000 yuan left; in this city, 6000 yuan can do everything What?Maybe it's just a wild meal and a drink.


After a simple lunch, I called Qiao Jiao. We had already agreed to go to the supermarket together to buy barbecue ingredients and drinks. The reason why it was the two of us was because among this group of friends, we were the ones We have the most leisure time, and Lu Xi is free, but due to his status, it is not convenient to appear in a public gathering place like a supermarket. It is precisely for this reason that Qiao Jiao and I get closer and have more contact. frequently.

After arriving at the supermarket, I had almost no say. Qiao Jiao only took things according to her own preferences, such as wine. I thought Tsingtao beer would be fine, but she took two bottles of red wine worth a thousand yuan in a row. As for the ingredients, as long as they are imported Yes, then she must first choose to import; at first, I didn’t care too much. Looking at the shopping cart that was gradually filling up, I became a little panicked, because the only 6000 yuan I had left with me was not necessarily enough to pay for this cart of ingredients. , and I have said goodbye to the life of drinking tonight and getting drunk tonight. After spending the 6000 yuan, how can I maintain my life in the future?
"Sister Jiao..."


"I did the math. There are only eight of us eating together. We are eight people, not eight pigs. It's really hard to eat if you bring so much." Qiao Jiao didn't understand my intention at all. He replied nonchalantly: "If you can't eat it, just put it in the refrigerator. It's too troublesome to go to the supermarket."

"Is this how you usually buy things?"

"if not."

Qiao Jiao said and took out a few packages of imported seasonings from the shelf. I suddenly remembered the refrigerator in her villa. I had never seen such a big refrigerator, although I didn’t know how many things were needed to fill it. It was full, but at least it proved that this was how she came to the supermarket to shop. Otherwise, why would she use such a big refrigerator when living alone.

Qiao Jiao is still putting various things in the shopping cart that she feels she can use. My attitude towards spending money is very clear. If it is within my ability, then it is obligatory. If it is beyond my ability, it is my duty. Within the scope of his abilities, he will never show off his strength.

I handed the shopping cart to Qiao Jiao, then touched my belly and said to her: "Sister Jiao, my stomach is not feeling well. I need to find a bathroom to resolve it. You can carry it first."

Qiao Jiao still didn't notice my intention and just replied indifferently: "Go ahead."

"Take less."

I said this and walked towards the non-shopping aisle. Of course I didn't go to the bathroom, so I found a secluded place outside the supermarket and lit a cigarette to kill time.

When the cigarette was almost finished, the cell phone in my pocket rang. I took it out and looked at it. It was Zuo Xiaowei.

I put out the cigarette butt and answered the phone at the same time. I asked first: "Is something okay, Xiaowei?"

"I'm at the train station now. I'll arrive in Qingdao around five o'clock. Can you pick me up at the station?"

I was a little surprised. In my opinion, if Zuo Xiaowei chose to leave Qingdao, she would not come back easily. Based on this understanding, I did not give her an answer and asked: "Why did you come to Qingdao suddenly?"

"I'm not coming to Qingdao, I'm going back to Qingdao. For me, Qingdao is my second hometown, not BJ."

"Okay, why did you suddenly return to Qingdao?"

After a brief silence on the other end of the phone, Zuo Xiaowei replied: "I heard from Saozhu that a friend of yours has lost his child and wants to do some charity performances in shopping malls in Qingdao. Now he is short of backup singers and bassists... If you are a backup singer, you Don’t worry, I’ll come back and be your backup singer.”

I was stunned. I did talk about this matter with Saozhu. When I told him about this matter, there was indeed a lack of backup singers. But last night, Lu Xi and I had reached an agreement that Lu Xi would be the one to do it. As a backup singer, of course I trust Zuo Xiaowei, who majored in music, but if the purpose of gaining attention is to gain attention, Lu Xi is the best choice, not to mention that this is something that has been agreed upon, and Zuo Xiaowei Wei is very sincere, how should I weigh the two of them?Or, just use two backing singers to become a truly high-end rock band?

(End of this chapter)

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