Chapter 105
It's not a bad idea to have two backup singers in a rock band, but I didn't want Zuo Xiaowei to delay her work because of my affairs, so I asked on the phone again: "Aren't you preparing for your first album? Coming to Qingdao suddenly will not affect the production of the album, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will coordinate the time myself... I'm ready to check in. I'll contact you later."

After saying this, Zuo Xiaowei hung up the phone, and I subconsciously looked at the time. It was just after one o'clock in the afternoon. Zuo Xiaowei arrived at the train station around five o'clock, which meant that I still had a few hours. Go do other things; remembering that Brother Shanhe will also arrive in Qingdao in two hours, and there are many other people to entertain, I suddenly feel busy, and this kind of busyness is something I have never experienced in Qingdao for more than a year. No matter whether this kind of busyness is related to making money or not, it makes me feel fulfilled and happy. Maybe it is because I am a person who likes to have fun by nature. I not only like to travel, but also like to make all kinds of friends; today, finally I have the opportunity to bring these friends together to eat and drink, and I am the link. People who were not familiar with each other before will also establish new friendships because of me. The new friends will bring other friends to integrate, and this circle of friends will It will become stronger and stronger and more active...

My dad once told me, don’t be afraid to make friends. The bigger your circle of friends, the more opportunities there will be. Of course, these opportunities are opportunities to make money. Unfortunately, I only listened to half of what my dad said. The circle is very spectacular, almost all over the world, like a river and lake. Unfortunately, I still haven't found the money-making opportunity he mentioned.

I'm almost dying of poverty, and I can't even settle my account, but I can't blame it entirely, because Qiao Jiao didn't give me the control of buying things. She bought everything she wanted to buy, so I just Shameless once.


After waiting for nearly a quarter of an hour, Qiao Jiao finally walked out of the supermarket with her shopping cart. She looked around, then took out her mobile phone, as if she wanted to call me. I immediately appeared in front of her, and she After seeing me, he actually put down his phone, frowned and said, "What's so attractive about the toilet that you can stay there for so long?"

"If going to the toilet once can save me thousands of dollars, I would rather live in the toilet."

Qiao Jiao didn't seem to care about who paid the bill. It wasn't until I said this that she reacted, and then she got angry and said, "Are you hiding in the toilet just to avoid paying?"

"For the sake of my honesty, don't worry about it."

"Look at your progress!"

"Whenever you are willing to bend down and see the lives of the people at the bottom, you won't say that I have no future."

"I've seen it now. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. Just put these things in the car quickly." After saying that, Qiao Jiao handed me her car keys and motioned for me to drive her car over. .

I suddenly had the feeling of being a parking boy, but this parking boy didn’t do it awkwardly. So, I jokingly said to Qiao Jiao: "Sister Jiao, you accept the boy and take care of the food and drinks." , just give me some pocket money a month."

Qiao Jiao sneered and replied: "Before you say this to me, do you understand the difference between a young brother and a pretty boy?"

"Of course I can figure it out. Being a little brother has to work, being a pretty boy... being a pretty boy also has to work, but the nature of the work is different. One is for your convenience, the other is to satisfy you... I I seem to be better at the former, so just be my little brother. I prefer to facilitate others."

"Go to hell, how could you be so nasty?"

I smiled and said seriously: "Since you don't want me to be your little brother, then you can be my little sister, the kind of little sister who has to work... Around five o'clock, I have to go to the train station to pick you up. A friend, please help me entertain a few other friends, I’ll be back around 06:30.”

"Anyone else?"

"Well, she is a friend I met when I first came to Qingdao. Later, she went to BJ to develop. She heard that I was going to form a temporary band, so she came back to be my backup singer."

"Didn't you agree that Lu Xi would be your backup singer?"

"A band with two backup singers will have a better effect."

"Oh." Qiao Jiao responded, then asked: "Male or female?"


"Friendly reminder, any woman who competes with Lu Xi on the same stage will become a supporting role and be overshadowed in the end." Qiao Jiao's words made me fall into a trance, and then I had Lu Xi and Zuo Xiaowei standing on the same stage in my mind. A scene of a stage singing backup for me.

uncertain!Qiao Jiao has never met Zuo Xiaowei, so she came to this conclusion, but Zuo Xiaowei on the stage has unparalleled charm, especially her sexy singing voice and stage style; maybe she is not as amazing as Lu Xi , but in terms of stage performance, she is definitely not worse than Lu Xi; or, the two people should not be compared together, because they are two completely different types. Zuo Xiaowei will compare sexiness and singing skills. To the extreme, Lu Xi shines brightly as long as he stands there. One of them represents strength, and the other is a natural idol. Therefore, I feel that the relationship between them is not competition, but a perfect match. In the end, they join forces to shock the audience. A visual feast for the whole audience.

Suddenly, I thought about Zuo Xiaowei's current identity. She is about to release her first solo album. As far as the music world is concerned, she is still a complete newcomer. When this newcomer has a huge traffic of her own, What kind of attention will Luxi get when they stand together, and what level of discussion will it cause?

Qiao Jiao regarded this matter as superficial. If Zuo Xiaowei really shared the stage with Lu Xi, not only would he not become a supporting role, but he would probably use Lu Xi's influence to welcome her in a very strong manner. It’s her debut in the music industry. I’m not sure whether this benefit performance can help Liu Chuang find his child, but as long as Zuo Xiaowei stands by Lu Xi’s side, she will definitely become the biggest beneficiary in some way...

"Han Chao..."

It wasn't until Qiao Jiao called me again that I came back to my senses. Then, looking at her, Qiao Jiao asked with a half-smile: "What are you thinking about? Are you already thinking about how to persuade your friend?" Now?...If you ask me, don’t let her come, who naturally likes to be a supporting role."

"We're already on the train. Besides, none of them are the protagonists. I'm the lead singer."

"Tch, I'm skeptical about you as the lead singer. You made such a big noise, can you control it in the end?"

"You can say that I am not doing my job properly, and you can also doubt my appearance, but you can't doubt my ability to get things done, let alone my singing and creative skills."


After returning the purchased things to my residence, I rested for a while. Not long after that, Brother Shanhe arrived; he wanted to stay in Qingdao for a while, and in order to have a means of transportation, he drove Brother Shanhe was tired from traveling, so I arranged for him to rest in another room of mine, and then drove his car to the train station.

Because it was already late autumn, dusk came very early in Qingdao. When I arrived at the train station, it was only after four o'clock, and the sky was already half-dark and chaotic. I only smoked a cigarette and stretched towards the train station. The lights came on on the two elevated highways... As soon as the lights came on, the road was full of people returning home. They were in a hurry and didn't know where they were going. Looking at the passengers at the train station, except for those on the phone, All of them had expressionless faces, but their hearts were full of hope, but they were entangled in their steps, making them walk faster and faster.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, I can't help but feel a little anxious, anxious to go back to drink, anxious to go back to make skewers. With so many friends here today, I will definitely be able to drink happily, and happiness is what I have been pursuing all these years. A thing……

Based on this mood, I subconsciously looked up and checked the train information. Zuo Xiaowei should also be arriving.


Another group of people came out of the station, including students, migrant workers carrying luggage, and some social elites. While checking tickets, they were still communicating anxiously on the phone. Zuo Xiaowei was among this group. Among people, he looks extremely outstanding.

She was wearing a thin white down jacket with a beige lace dress underneath. Her seemingly careless outfit made her look sexy yet steady. I really think she looks good in this outfit. She is much more pleasing to the eye than before. I don't like her too sexy appearance. I always feel that she has an ulterior purpose. But today's relaxed and relaxed dress just covers up the previous purpose. , let me feel more intuitively that she is a very pure beauty, even a rising star. She is really outstanding among this group of tourists. (Follow the author’s personal WeChat public account: *** to view the latest chapters and character photos!)

This should be the change after she went to BJ.


I waved to her, and she dragged her suitcase over to me. She was still the same as before. The moment I took her suitcase, she naturally took my arm and leaned against her. On my shoulders, it seems that she is my girlfriend, even sweeter than my girlfriend.

I'm a little confused. If she stays in this state, how can I bring her to a group of friends?I have never said in front of anyone that I have a girlfriend. In fact, we have talked about the past between me and her many times, and I made it clear every time. , and she feels lost and sad every time. I thought she remembered it, but whenever we meet again, she seems to forget the previous pain and still insists on treating herself as my girlfriend.

She didn't notice my emotions. After leaning against me for a while, she handed me the convenience bag in her other hand. It was getting colder. This was the down jacket she bought for me from BJ.

(End of this chapter)

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