Chapter 106
I took the handbag containing the down jacket from Zuo Xiaowei's hand and looked at it. It was a big goose worth nearly ten thousand yuan. I couldn't hold it anymore. She was different from Qiao Jiao. Qiao Jiao is really rich, and her father is willing to spend money on her, so sometimes when I see her lavishly spending money, I don’t feel sorry for her at all. But Zuo Xiaowei is different. She comes from an ordinary family. Her parents I tried my best to train her to go to college. She also knew the hardships of her parents. After graduation, she easily refused to ask her family for money. During the days when we met, I saw with my own eyes the efforts she made to make money. She Her professional skills are very high and she is beautiful. Most bars like singers like her, so she often goes to several venues in one night. She makes some money, but she also suffers so much that for a long time Time and time again, she complained that she was a nocturnal creature because she had been living a life that did not distinguish between night and day in order to make money.

It is said that this kind of woman will mature very early, but Zuo Xiaowei is terribly naive emotionally, so she always puts her hope in me, an unreliable man, and she obviously knows that I know everything. It cannot be given to her, and in many cases, it requires her to pay more in material terms.

"Is it cold in Qingdao recently? It's snowed twice in BJ, and it's almost freezing!"

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei rubbed her hands, and then looked at the high-rise buildings in the distance, her eyes full of nostalgia for Qingdao, and also showing the exhaustion of being in BJ.

"It hasn't snowed in Qingdao yet."

After a brief silence, I said to her again: "Xiaowei, it's not easy for you to make money on your own. Don't buy me such expensive things."

Zuo Xiaowei smiled: "Do you think this is a real goose?... It's fake. It only costs more than 600 yuan, but it's quite warm."

"Now can the fake things be so real?"

I picked it up and looked at it, and I really didn’t see any flaws. At this time, Zuo Xiaowei held my arm again, and said to me expectantly: "We have been together for so long, and I have only seen you play once." Guitar, let alone cooperation. I always thought that if you want to play music in the future, the most you can do is play tickets in bars. I didn’t expect that you would form a band and hold a concert directly, so I must be your backup singer... By the way , do you want to sing other people’s songs, or those you wrote yourself?”

"Sing someone else's song."

"Why don't you sing the ones you wrote?"

“Have I ever written a song?”

Only then did Zuo Xiaowei realize that all the songs I had written had been given to her. For me now, everything is blank and starting from scratch. Of course, I can only sing other people's songs; I don't It's a pity. For me, music is just a tool to relieve loneliness and depression in special times. I never expected to gain fame and fortune through this. What's more, this is a charity performance to help Liu Chuang find his abducted child. , of course I have to choose some songs that are popular in order to attract everyone's attention. Whether the songs I wrote can be popular and liked by everyone can only be verified after Zuo Xiaowei's album is released.


After picking up the car in the parking lot, I drove, Zuo Xiaowei sat in the passenger seat, and we drove quickly towards the center of the city, facing the lights that kept retreating...

Maybe it’s because I’m used to driving a manual transmission car, but even if it’s Shanhe’s automatic Audi car, I still habitually put my hand on the gear handle and constantly overtake the vehicle in front, as active as a stray horse. A wild horse without a rein... I really want to drink some wine, especially on this night where friends gather together.

Suddenly, there was a cold feeling in my right hand that was on the gear handle. I turned around and saw that it was Zuo Xiaowei who was holding my hand. There were tears in her eyes, but she smiled and said to me: "Han Chao, I miss you." .”

I tried to break away, but she held me tighter, and I had to slow down the car... But I could only guarantee the safety of two people, but I didn't know how to respond. I was even a little worried, if she always Like this, how can I take her to face that group of friends?

"Don't be like this, okay? Shouldn't we have settled matters between us long ago?"

"It's clear, but so what... Has it been clear, so I can't even have fantasies?"

Zuo Xiaowei's nails were embedded in my flesh. I felt a little pain, but I still endured it because I could feel her emotions to a certain extent. She was a little helpless and aggrieved, but she also longed for me to be with her. She said a gentle word to warm her heart.

I was willing to endure the pain, but in the end I was unable to say a heartwarming word until Zuo Xiaowei gradually calmed down.

"Han Chao, do you know? There are really too many temptations in BJ. Even people as strong as steel will sometimes get lost when faced with these temptations... I know that as long as I have desires in my heart, I will get lost sooner or later... …What I can do is to let that day come later, so I learned to fantasize about having a boyfriend in Qingdao that I love very much, and he also loves me very much; in this way, I will restrain my desires and not think about it. Those shortcuts; I am very aware that as a woman, once I embark on this path, I can never look back!"

Zuo Xiaowei's words touched me and at the same time made me look at her with admiration, because this kind of sobriety is extremely rare for a woman who could win with her appearance, but this kind of sobriety accompanied by fantasy I am sober, but it is also my burden... Do we still have to get along with each other so unclearly?
I don’t have an answer, and Zuo Xiaowei doesn’t seem to want to give me an answer, but the car is getting closer and closer to where I live... Before I picked up Zuo Xiaowei, Qiao Jiao had already sent me a WeChat message saying that everyone Everyone has arrived, the woman is responsible for cleaning the ingredients, and the man is responsible for grilling. She also sent me a photo she took secretly. In the photo, Lu Xi, without any celebrity airs, is cleaning a pot of potatoes with Ren Ran.


After getting off the elevated highway, I parked the car on the side of the road without much traffic. At this time, it was already dark, and the city in front of me was flashing with dense neon lights. I habitually went to get my cigarette case. , and Zuo Xiaowei finally let go of my hand at this time and asked me to light the fire.

I lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "On the day of the charity performance, besides you being my backup singer, there is another person."


"Deer Creek."

"Deer Creek?"

Zuo Xiaowei read Lu Xi's name after me. She looked a little dazed, and suddenly showed a surprised look and asked: "Is it the female star who did the brand launch conference at Hisense Plaza last time?"

"is her."

"Why is she willing to be your backup singer? How did you two meet?"

"That's a long story. Anyway, we are friends now."

Zuo Xiaowei fell into silence. After a long time, she finally spoke to me and said, "Take me back to the train station. I'm going back to BJ."

"You've already come, is this necessary?"

"Why not?... I have never played a supporting role for anyone since I graduated from college. I am willing to be your supporting role, but except for you, I will not play a supporting role for anyone, because I have never played a supporting role for anyone. I don’t feel like I’m worse than anyone else.”

"They are all backup singers, so how come you become her supporting role?"

"I am self-aware. Next to her, I am just a supporting role that cannot be lower. But one day, I will be on an equal footing with her... You take me back to the train station."

"Stop making trouble, it will take a lot of time this time. Everyone is waiting for us."

"If you don't want to send me off, I'll take a taxi myself."

With that said, Zuo Xiaowei unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door, and then took out the suitcase from the trunk. This series of her actions made me extremely confused. It seemed wrong to leave her alone. It's not right to keep her.

From the bottom of my heart, she really shouldn’t give up the opportunity to share the stage with Lu Xi so easily, because I have some understanding of Lu Xi, and with her character of not competing or grabbing, she doesn’t mind giving Such an opportunity for Zuo Xiaowei.

(End of this chapter)

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