i'm not a bad man

Chapter 108 The Butterfly Effect

Chapter 108 The Butterfly Effect
I don’t know why, but I am not as eager to return as before. I have been driving in the traffic at a normal speed, neither passing others nor letting others pass me. Zuo Xiaowei no longer pays attention to me. , she lowered her head and played with her phone. It wasn’t until I stopped at a traffic light intersection that she looked up, and then looked down at the butterfly pattern on her nails for a while...

I was a little bored, so I put my left hand on the car window and looked around aimlessly. The street scene of this street was brought into my eyes; suddenly, I saw a man riding an electric bicycle. Wearing a helmet and covered in dust, there is nothing special about this. What is special is the electric bicycle he rides. Strictly speaking, electric bicycles are not special either. What is really special is the one hanging on the footrest of the electric bicycle. bra.

Yes, there was a bra hanging on his electric car. It was pink and of a large size, but he had no idea about it. He went smoothly all the way, just like me, not passing others, nor letting other electric cars pass him.

I took out my mobile phone, turned this scene into a photo, and then stored it in my photo album called "Korean Wave Insights"; I pushed Zuo Xiaowei and motioned for her to look at it too.

Zuo Xiaowei looked up, curled up the corner of her mouth slightly, and laughed. I laughed too, and then my face froze because I felt that there was suffering in this world, but no one belonged to it.

Maybe, he knew that there was such a thing hanging on the car, but he just didn't bother to take care of it because he had long been numbed by the heavy life and work, but he still had to take care of it. After all, this thing was hung on the car. It is also unlucky and symbolizes bad omen.

Sure enough, when my car caught up with him, the big brother was caught in the rear wheel by the bra, and then fell. He was sitting on the side of the road, and the outer shell of the electric car was smashed to pieces. Not numb, I lit a cigarette and looked at the large pink bra with a bit of depression.

This time, neither Zuo Xiaowei nor I could laugh. I increased the accelerator, and the scene flashed by. The next moment, I could already see the high-rise building where the apartment I rented was located.


After parking the car, Zuo Xiaowei and I walked to the elevator entrance one after another. Because it was the rush hour, there were many people waiting for the elevator. We waited for two groups before getting on the elevator, because I lived on the top floor. , the number of people in the elevator gradually decreased, and finally only the two of us were left.

Zuo Xiaowei then said to me: "You are quite willing to spend money. The rent in this building is not cheap, right?"

"Ten thousand a month, two bedrooms and one living room, with a large open balcony with sea view, I think it's worth it... What about you, where did you live when you were in Qingdao?"

"I also live near here, but I don't have as much luxury as you. I only rent one bedroom and one living room, and I don't pursue a large balcony with a sea view."

I smiled and replied: "Life is short, carpe diem...so, I always spend as much money as I have."

"If I were still in Qingdao, I could help you share half of the rent. Unfortunately, you didn't leave the RV until now, and I also went to BJ, wasting your two bedrooms and one living room."

When Zuo Xiaowei said this, I suddenly remembered that the house could be rented together, and I could really rent out the extra room. After someone shares half of the rent with me, I can live there for three more months.

If Zuo Xiaowei had not gone to BJ and I had said goodbye to the RV life earlier, she would have probably been my roommate; if we had not met Lu Xi and we lived together every day, we would have naturally been together because I couldn't refuse. Her body couldn't resist the loneliness and restlessness in her heart. She couldn't go to bed all the time but wasn't sure of the relationship. Wouldn't she really be the best scumbag among scumbags?

The above are all my random thoughts, because they are just assumptions based on what-ifs. In reality, she has gone to BJ to pursue her dreams, and I also have someone I like. People are really strange animals. Once you like someone, People are no longer willing to give in.


The moment I took out the key and opened the door, I heard voices coming from the balcony. I looked around and saw that Ren Ran was standing with Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi. One of them was washing vegetables, one was chopping vegetables, and the other was standing with Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi. While packing, they were still talking about something; but the group of men were much more at ease. Tu Lin, Sao Zhu and Brother Shanhe were sitting together. The three of them were bragging to each other about how much wine they could drink. Only Liu Chuang stood alone. Beside the guardrail, looking into the distance... everyone stopped when they noticed that Zuo Xiaowei and I were back.Zuo Xiaowei and I also put on disposable slippers and walked to the rooftop. Coincidentally, there were just as many people present as Zuo Xiaowei, half of whom we knew and half of whom we didn’t, so it wasn’t that difficult to introduce them.

When I introduced Zuo Xiaowei to Qiao Jiao, I clearly saw a trace of surprise on Qiao Jiao's face.I told her before that you must not underestimate Zuo Xiaowei. If Lu Xi represents the pinnacle of beauty, then she is the pinnacle of a woman’s sexiness. If Lu Xi’s star halo is removed, they stand together, no Some people will be so bored that they insist on distinguishing between them, because the two different styles are actually complementary and integrated, just like the blooming fireworks, there must be many colors, and these colors gather together, It will bring you a visual feast.

When I introduced Zuo Xiaowei and Lu Xi to each other, the two of them just clicked through and neither seemed very enthusiastic nor indifferent.


After the women prepared all the ingredients for the barbecue, the men started to get busy again, and I was the best at barbecue among the group, so I became the busiest one. I kept sitting at the barbecue pit. Next to them, I took the ingredients that Tu Lin and the others had skewered, flipping them left and right, and always controlling the amount of condiments; barbecue emphasizes grilling and eating now, and after I grilled enough skewers for everyone to eat, I stopped temporarily. Come down.

The nine of us sat down around the makeshift table. Drinks were poured into our glasses wantonly. Looking at the rolling drinks, I couldn't help but feel excited. Before I raised my glasses, I said to everyone: "I It has been almost two years since I parked my car in Qingdao. I used to live in a car and had limited conditions, so I didn’t have the opportunity to have such a dinner party. Recently, I finally found a house to live in, and the opportunity came... Before I started eating, I had to be special Thank you Qiao Jiao, my sister, because all the drinks and ingredients today are sponsored by her... They say that people have short mouths, so tonight, we must make sister Jiao happy..."

Qiao Jiao glared at me, and with everyone watching, she replied: "Come on, if you hadn't run away in the middle, I would have gone to check out... Okay, now everyone can see you clearly, you are You can't go deep, if something happens, you really run away."

"Don't expose my shortcomings in front of everyone. In fact, you are not at a disadvantage. Although it cost a lot of money, you also got the naming rights of our party. You don't even need to speak, you are the focus of the whole room."

Qiao Jiao smiled: "There are only nine people in total, and you are asking me for naming rights... Okay, I admit it, then you can pull up a banner for me, so that I can show off too!"

"Don't be infatuated with such superficial expressions. Everything is hidden... Don't stop, everyone, let's respect Sister Jiao. Tonight, she will be our food, clothing, and parents."

After saying that, I took the lead in raising my glass. Everyone laughed and raised their glass after me. Among them, Tu Lin was the most "honest". He responded to my statement as a parent who lives and feeds himself. When we all called Jiaojie, , he actually shouted "Mom" to Qiao Jiao.

Qiao Jiao spit out all the wine in her mouth and immediately cursed Tu Lin with the quintessence of Chinese culture. The atmosphere at the scene was completely relaxed because of them, and even Lu Xi and Zuo Xiaowei also laughed.

You can imagine how lonely and bored we were after Tu Lin left our drinking group because he had a girlfriend; if I am the god of wine at the wine table, then he is the real master. , as long as he is around, the atmosphere will always be there.

Speaking of this bad thing between Zuo Xiaowei and me, Tu Lin is also partly responsible; when he was around, he really didn't talk about people or do anything about people, just like an animal, taking us It made us happy and cheerful. As soon as he left, we turned into animals, even worse than pigs and dogs. After drinking too much, there was no one to relieve our boredom, so we just thought about mating.

This is how Zuo Xiaowei and I really had sex. After drinking too much, and no one was around to make things interesting, the two of us just stared at each other, then leaned against each other, and finally ended up on the bed like this. Isn’t that right? Having accumulated a lot of work, it’s not like freezing three feet in a day. It’s just that I was too bored at the time, and then I did something like this in a single thought. If he had been the one to create the atmosphere, it is possible that there would not have been that single thought.

In fact, this is exactly what happened after Tu Lin left. We had been together for so long and we had never had such an idea, so thinking about it afterwards, I called this the butterfly effect.

At this time, I glanced at the group of people in front of me again, and suddenly I had a doubt in my heart. I wonder what kind of butterfly effect will happen after this gathering?
(End of this chapter)

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