i'm not a bad man

Chapter 115 She never left

Chapter 115 She never left

Zuo Xiaowei was sleeping soundly on the same quilt as me. I looked at her cheeks, which were warm and white, with a hint of flush. I couldn't help but look down again. The quilt was just covering her chest, and it was also I'm not sure if she's wearing any clothes inside. In fact, I know that she has the habit of sleeping naked. Of course, this is only true when she has no reservations about me.

The thin silk quilt rose and fell with her chest. I wanted to peel it off and take a look, but the moment I touched it, my hands were numb and my heart was numb. Just yesterday, I secretly I told myself that if I dare to make the same mistake again with Zuo Xiaowei, then I should give her an explanation and establish a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend...

I am a person who means what I say, especially things that I only think about in my mind but never say out loud. I have a strong execution ability and never break my promise to myself.

At this moment, looking at Zuo Xiaowei's sleeping beautiful face, I seemed to see my own emotional journey, and it came to an end with a "whoosh". I seemed to be her boyfriend, and maybe I would marry her in the future. , let her give birth to a child for me, and then raise the child to be an adult and suffer along with us.

I felt a strong sense of involvement in my heart. I couldn't help but lower my head and cover my face with my hands. Then I put my hands down, looked at Zuo Xiaowei, and then covered my face with my hands.

With a sigh, I finally mustered up the courage and prepared to lift the quilt, but I didn't expect Zuo Xiaowei to open her eyes at this time, and our eyes were facing each other. Suddenly, Zuo Xiaowei raised her leg and kicked her. It came over, and I was caught off guard and fell under the bed. It also gave me a new perspective. I was still wearing clothes, especially my lower body. Besides my underwear, I also had a pair of off-white long johns. The long johns were very clean and had no A little trace of tossing.

"Why are you kicking me?"

"You scared me, why are you sitting on the bedside and staring at me?"

"I still want to ask you why you climbed into my bed again!"

Zuo Xiaowei wrapped herself in a quilt and suddenly laughed: "You can't see such an obvious thing!"

"I can't tell. I'm so drunk. I really thought I was reading a bloody novel. The men in the Fracture are incapable of acting and don't even have imagination."

"I can fuck you."

I subconsciously raised my neck and pinched my Adam's apple, trying to relax myself. I was really frightened by Zuo Xiaowei's words of tiger and wolf, and even developed a victim mentality.

Zuo Xiaowei stood up wrapped in quilt, and then looked at me condescendingly. Suddenly her hand loosened and the quilt fell down. I looked straight at...

There was no shock or surprise. Like me, she was wearing a set of tight black pajamas. Except for her neck, which was a little low, the rest of her body was well covered.

"Scared to death you bastard!"

I just felt relieved. Zuo Xiaowei also sat down cross-legged at this time. There was a strong wind outside the window, which made the windows sizzle, but made the room seem extremely quiet.

I also stood up from the ground. Zuo Xiaowei found a rubber band and tied up her long hair. This natural and skillful look seemed like we had been living together for a long time, which made me feel a little dazed.

After being in a daze, I finally said to Zuo Xiaowei: "What on earth is going on?"

"You drank like a dead pig yesterday, did you know that?"

"I know now."

"I thought you were pitiful, so I stayed to take care of you."

"Then there's no need to sleep on the same bed." "I didn't want to sleep on the same bed with you. When I was wiping your face, you suddenly grabbed me and pulled me to the bed, using your legs to Hold me between you and say this quilt is really warm... If you dare to treat me as a quilt, I can't treat you as a sheet... Haha... Let's break the jar together!"

I was a little speechless about Zuo Xiaowei comparing her and me to bedding, so I didn't answer her words. I found my pants and socks. When I put them on, Zuo Xiaowei was still sitting cross-legged on the bed. , and looked at me with a resentful look.

After a while, she spoke to me again: "Last night, I looked at your mobile phone photo album."

I stopped what I was doing, looked at her in surprise, and asked, "How did you open my phone?"

"Didn't you unlock it with your fingerprint? You used your finger." After a short pause, Zuo Xiaowei said again: "That photo was taken very well. You must have a good relationship with them. 02 AM: It’s 30 years old and you’re still out there.”

I suddenly remembered the photo that I named "Sister Lu and Sister Jiao". That night, we went to a tea restaurant to eat together. When we came out, it was already 02:30 in the morning; this made it difficult for me to refute , if the relationship is not good, will a man accompany two women until 02:30 in the morning?

Zuo Xiaowei shrugged, with a look of self-deprecation in her eyes, and she added: "Last night, when I saw you lying on the bed, looking like you were letting yourself be a mermaid, I actually wanted to... just treat it like a broken jar. Well, when I saw this photo, I had no thoughts at all... It seems that there is never a shortage of women around you. If I still stick to you, it would really look a bit cheap... But, you Why are there never any shortage of women around you?... Even though nothing happened to you, you really are not lacking, and they are all so good."

I then smiled and replied: "That's because you are staring at the women around me. In fact, I have more male friends around me... I just love making friends. How do you and Sister Ren Ran know me?" Yes, don’t you remember?”

"I remember, we were drinking at the bar, and you came to our table and said you knew how to mix drinks. Later, you actually used the wine and drinks on the table to make several cocktails of different flavors, coaxing Sister Ren Ran into But I'm so happy... At that time, I thought you were the kind of scumbag who likes to flirt when nothing happens, and I was quite disgusted with you. However, after getting in touch with you a few times, I found that you are different from other men. You really understand music. You are also very talented in this area, and you have experiences that other men will never have in their lifetime. You are so casual and free. You are one of the few men I have ever seen who truly lives for himself... This is me The reason why I want to enter your world... However, after we really had experience together, I realized that it doesn't matter if you have talent, or if you have experience, none of these can hide your scumbag nature... Dead For Zuo Xiaowei, there will be Wang Xiaowei, Sun Xiaowei, Jian Xiaowei and countless other Xiaowei in your life. You don’t want to get married at all, and you don’t want to give the woman around you a future... I’m afraid that’s how Luan Yu ended up, you There are [-] photos of her in your photo album. She is looking at the stars in your arms, kissing under the campfire, looking at the sea in the RV... You have experienced so much, and you are in love like this. In the end There is no result, let alone me."

I sat on the chair next to the window, and then lit a cigarette for myself. Although I didn't speak, I was full of thoughts. I gradually came to the realization that I was sorry for Zuo Xiaowei. I thought it was a one-night stand. , but she bet on herself. After being disappointed again and again, she finally recognized me.

Zuo Xiaowei didn't seem to expect me to give her any explanation. After getting out of bed, she just asked: "Are you going to rehearse today?"

"Rehearsal, appointment after ten o'clock."

"Let me go make you breakfast."

"Can you make breakfast?"

"How can you not know how to cook when you are wandering outside? Last time, you ran too fast, otherwise you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei put on her coat and walked to the kitchen.

After she left, I sat alone for a long time, until the sun gradually shone directly on my face. I suddenly hoped that Zuo Xiaowei could become a big star with shining stars. She would be famous and rich. Maybe there will be less guilt.

Or, I really choose to go to BJ with her to develop, and then become a couple that advances and retreats together...

Just when I was thinking about these things, there was another knock on the door. It was Qiao Jiao and Lu Xi. I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already 52:[-] in the morning. .

They must be the first to come because they are closest to where I live; no, Zuo Xiaowei is the first because she never leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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