i'm not a bad man

Chapter 121 The most dangerous person

Chapter 121 The most dangerous person
The wind blew harder and harder, and the raindrops fell on my face with the wind, bringing a chill. Then I opened my eyes. I was about to hug Luxi, but because of the imagination in my heart, I stopped. But he is agitated and uneasy, like a destitute person facing a house full of money, longing to sleep with the smell of banknotes, but afraid that this is an illusion, so he hesitates to move forward, worried about gains and losses.

My breathing also stopped. At this moment, my desire for Luxi was as indispensable as air, so when I breathed again, I hugged her tightly, just like hugging the softness of life. , embracing the amazing time, embracing the abundant spring spirit, and the warm sunshine in winter...

These are my inner feelings. In fact, in my arms is a woman who I admire, a star, and a woman who should not have anything to do with me. This feeling is very strange, like an unknown writer. , inspiration suddenly poured out to write a world, a paradise, an unstoppable fantasy...

Feeling her breath and temperature, my heart gradually melted. She was different from other women. Holding other women, I just wanted to take off their clothes, but holding her, I wanted to wear them for her. I put on the most beautiful dress and enshrined her in my heart like a work of art.

At this time, I wanted to take a look inside her heart. What kind of mood and feelings did she have when she was held by me? Would she be a little tempted by a bad man like me?

From my experience, the emotions between men and women are indeed complicated sometimes, but sometimes it is as simple as doing a primary school math problem: maybe you just told a joke she likes to hear; or , you happened to give her a piece of cake when she wanted to eat sweets; even more simply, on a sunny afternoon, you wore a white shirt and stood in the breeze. This scene was exactly what she imagined. The other half looks like the other half, so the seeds of love begin to sprout in my heart... In fact, love is so simple, so simple that it does not require any logic and reason. As for money and social status, they are all used to whitewash it. It is indeed It will make love have more texture, but it is definitely not what love was like at first.

I believe that there will be such a moment in Lu Xi's heart; otherwise, she will not accept my hug.

"Have you had enough?"

When I was speculating like this, Lu Xi finally struggled, and then pushed me away... I was very clear-headed, and she didn't refuse, because our hug took a long time, so I wasn't disappointed.When we looked at each other, I smiled and asked her: "Sister Lu, when was the last time you hugged someone like this?"

"I don't have friends as shameless as you."

As she said that, Lu Xi stood up and returned the coat covering her legs to me. I stood up with her and looked at the intersection not far away, waiting for a taxi to pass by.

After a short silence, Lu Xi took the initiative and said to me: "When you finish your charity performance, I will go to BJ."

"Aren't you recuperating in Qingdao?"

"I don't want Zhao Xin to pester me. You should be careful yourself. His character is very extreme. I'm afraid he will retaliate against you."

I sigh!Lu Xi was a little confused and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You are really a master of blame-shifting. Zhao Xin was your trouble, and then you walked away and left me in Qingdao to be the scapegoat!"

"You can also go to BJ. Zuo Xiaowei particularly wants you to go."

"I went to BJ because of your trouble, and then I took refuge with Zuo Xiaowei. Zuo Xiaowei must hate me to death!"

Lu Xi looked at me, a little speechless.

I smiled again and said to her: "I'm kidding you. For me, living in BJ is the most unrealistic thing at the moment. I promised Sister Ran that I would help her complete this project. I know The importance of this project to her, and knowing that she has no experience, I don’t see myself as a savior...it’s because she really doesn’t have anyone around her who can help her share the burden.”

"But Zuo Xiaowei has a hard time in BJ. I know this industry too well. Without the background and resources, she has to bear not only the panic about the future, but also..."

Lu Xi didn’t say it clearly, but I knew it in my heart. She wanted to tell me that Zuo Xiaowei was at risk of being caught by unspoken rules. Zuo Xiaowei herself had vaguely mentioned this to me. This kind of unspoken rules was her responsibility. The biggest worry at the moment is also her biggest concern; but she told me that she met a gold medal producer who is very prestigious in the industry, and this producer helped her block many potential risks; so, I laughed. Xiao Wei said to Lu Xi with a smile: "Xiaowei is very good at building interpersonal relationships. When she came back this time, she told me that she met a gold medal producer who was very prestigious in the industry. This producer admired her talent very much, so she was very happy. Taking care of her also prevented her from a lot of trouble."

Lu Xi looked at me with a complicated look, and after a while he said again: "Have you ever thought that the most dangerous person is actually the gold medal producer?... In this industry, the most indispensable thing is talented people. People, realizing talent is a very cruel process, especially for a woman. I don’t think the reason why this producer takes such good care of her is because he simply appreciates her talent... Just ask her, this producer’s name is What's his name? I can ask Sister Minhong to inquire about his reputation, but don't have too much hope. There are no pure people and pure motives in this circle."

I was stunned. Isn't this a common trick used by men? When a woman is isolated and helpless, he provides help and care, and then naturally obtains the woman's body.I shouldn't say it so blatantly, but in their circle, what is important is the body, the most primitive and animalistic temptation and pleasure...

The reason why I was negligent was just because I didn't pay enough attention to Zuo Xiaowei. I actually know this trick and routine.

After being stunned, I quickly took out my mobile phone and made a voice call to Zuo Xiaowei. I knew that she must not have slept yet. She was a woman who had the habit of staying up late.

In just an instant, Zuo Xiaowei answered my call, with a tone full of surprise: "You finally remembered to call me. I thought you wouldn't care about me."

"Uh...have you arrived at BJ?"

"I've been here a long time ago. Didn't I tell you? It's a four-hour drive... I'm already lying on the bed. What do you think I'm doing now?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I think you are quite happy."

"Idiot, I was listening to the songs you wrote. You are so talented. That rhythm is beyond imagination. I had to practice it several times before I could keep up with the rhythm."

"Why do you think you are scolding me? What does it mean that no one can think of it?"

"I really didn't scold you, I thought you were a god!"

I did not lose myself in Zuo Xiaowei's praise. When I wrote these works, I did have a strong inspiration, but it was not enough to become a god. And Zuo Xiaowei was not deliberately complimenting her. It’s because they really like me that they extend this love to my works, which makes me feel so gracious.

After a period of silence, I took the initiative to change the topic and said, "By the way, what's the name of the gold medal producer you mentioned?"

"what happened?"

"I also play music, so I'm a little curious and want to see his previous works."

"Chen Linqi."

When I was chatting with Zuo Xiaowei, I kept the speakerphone on, so after Lu Xi heard the name, he took out his mobile phone and contacted Qin Minhong; and I seemed to have some impression of this person, he is indeed a very good producer. , has helped many singers produce award-winning albums, but I know nothing about his character because he is not a public figure. Only people who really like music will pay attention to the producer of an album. That’s why I knew there was such a number one person like him, and he really deserves the reputation as a gold medal producer.

After I learned his name from Zuo Xiaowei, I chatted with Zuo Xiaowei a few words about the album; suddenly, there was a knock on the door from Zuo Xiaowei, and I listened on the phone. Zuo Xiaowei asked: "Who is it?"

"Xiaowei, I'm Chen Linqi, please open the door."

Then, I heard Zuo Xiaowei getting up...

At this time, Lu Xi, who was standing next to me, frowned and shook his head at me, indicating that Chen Linqi had a bad reputation in the industry.

(End of this chapter)

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