i'm not a bad man

Chapter 144 Curiosity killed the cat

Chapter 144 Curiosity killed the cat

Qiao Jiao's paragraph has made Luan Yu's current situation very clear, and I also saw a different Luan Yu in this paragraph; once, I only thought she was a pistachio, a very simple person. She is also a very sunny girl, but after she left me, she changed. She became good at handling family relationships and became independent; or maybe she has always been like this because I did not give her the opportunity to show her complete self. I have been suppressing her with the freedom I am pursuing, making her more and more painful and depressed, but she is a woman who can see through the essence of life, otherwise she would not have said those words to Lu Xi .

There is no absolute freedom in this world. When the tide of freedom recedes, what is left are the contradictions of life and the relationships between characters that continue to evolve in the contradictions. Pain and desire are the themes of human life, and we need to come up with something. Use all your energy to deal with it. Only when the pain and desire are completely resolved will the so-called freedom become meaningful...

Nine times out of ten in life, one is unable to properly resolve pain and desires, so one needs to base oneself on the present, change oneself, and change life. At least money can solve 90.00% of pains and desires, so the pursuit of money is not It's not a shameful thing, Luan Yu took a step ahead of me on this basis... So, she is not a happy girl, nor a sunny girl, nor simple, these are all imposed on her by me; In the past few years, she has been adapting to me. After she left me, she became a shrewd and intelligent woman.

The only thing is that she has never changed. She is really a woman who likes what she likes. She knows that I need sunshine and freedom, so she turns herself into a pistachio; she knows that Lu Ming likes pure women. , needs a right-hand assistant; therefore, he must become pure and shrewd even if he deceives.


After putting out the cigarette in my hand, I finally said to Qiao Jiao: "So there is only one crux of the problem left. Luan Yu is not a virgin. All other conflicts can be ignored."

"This is a deadlock. Good people can turn into bad people, and bad people can turn into good people. But for a woman, she only has one chance to be a virgin. If it's gone, it's gone."

"Then have you ever thought about what it would mean for Lu Ming and his family if the truth was really told to Lu Ming?...A man and a woman can come to the point of talking about marriage. This step requires a lot of experience, and feelings are accumulated little by little in these experiences; now, if you suddenly tell Lu Ming that Luan Yu is not as pure as he thought, the feelings accumulated before will collapse. I don’t want to I believe that Lu Ming has no other emotions except anger... He will definitely choose between his faith and love. This choice is very painful. Even if he chooses the former, you can guarantee that the rest of his life will be okay. Can he find a woman who is as compatible with him as Luan Yu?... Even if he can find it, who can guarantee that the next one will be a virgin?... Times have changed, and young people's minds have also been liberated. Even if Lu Ming is good enough, I'm afraid It will not be easy to find a woman who satisfies him... First of all, this woman must be beautiful enough. When she is beautiful enough, she will face more temptations, so the probability of losing her virginity before marriage is almost [-]%; he can find a younger one, but It is possible that he is pure, but he is too young and has no experience and no ability to deal with interpersonal relationships. This cannot be a help to him in life and career... In the end, he still has to compromise. Why can't he compromise on Luan Yu? ? At least subjectively, he feels that Luan Yu is pure. As long as no one exposes it, they will remain calm..."

Qiao Jiao was stunned for a long time and sighed: "What kind of three views do you have!"

"There is nothing wrong with my three views. I just see further than you on this matter and understand the current situation of society better than you... If nothing else, let's just talk about the same-sex friends around you who are about the same age as you. Is one of them a virgin?"

Qiao Jiao's confidence was finally gone. She looked at me a little discouraged, probably because she had thought about all the friends she could think of around her. Suddenly her eyes lit up again and she said to me: "Lu Xi, just rely on her." She might be obsessed with skating boys!”

"But she is Lu Ming's biological sister."

Qiao Jiao fell into silence for a long time before replying: "That's why I call Lu Ming's quirk!... He should go to a kindergarten to book one, which would be more reliable." "Well, if you can help Lu Ming Find a woman who completely satisfies him, then go and expose it; before that, please don't destroy their peace... In this world, it is already difficult to find someone who can be happy with each other, not to mention that Luan Yu is really suitable. He and Lu Ming's parents are both good and bad. They can accept such a woman from an ordinary family. It must be because they see something bright in her that other women cannot have. They are in love with each other and get the blessings of both parents. Love is really too little, too little!"

After saying these words, the tension in my whole body relaxed. I had already spoken to this extent. If Qiao Jiao still insisted on doing this, I had no better way but to let it go.


I walked to the window, lit a cigarette, then opened the window, squinted and inhaled... The moist and cold air, mixed with the smoke, was inhaled into my throat, half awake, half confused.

The city in the early morning is very suitable for my state at this time. It is also half bright and half turbid. The places illuminated by the sun are bright and the places without sunlight are turbid. I really want to see the turbidity clearly, but when I really see it clearly At that time, I discovered that there were rows of trash cans placed side by side. Just like human nature, the side that is unwilling to be exposed is always so dirty and sinister. (The author Wei Xing's public account, ***, reply "Lu Xi" or "Qiao Jiao" to view the protagonist's photo!)


The cigarette in my hand was almost extinguished. I finally looked back at Qiao Jiao. The reason why she remained silent was because she was also involved in a difficult decision...

"I regret it, I regret knowing this nonsense... It was wrong for me to tell Lu Ming now, and it was also wrong not to tell him... Think about it for yourself, he has been clean and tidy for so many years, but for the first time, he gave someone to you I knew the woman I had slept with countless times but didn’t tell him. One day, when he knows the truth, will he hate me to death?... If I tell him, what you said is not unreasonable. If he doesn’t If he finds the woman who makes him 100% satisfied and finally gives in...will he think I'm nosy again?"

Looking at Qiao Jiao's unlucky expression of regret, I couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "So some people have always said that curiosity will kill the cat... I really don't know, you survived me One night, what are you planning on?"

Qiao Jiao sat up straight at this time, and then said to me with a half-smile: "It's not like there was no gain...don't you realize that before I revealed this matter, you had another clue?" In my hands, this is a devastating handle. From now on, you will never have the guts to compete with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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