i'm not a bad man

Chapter 152 Moved because of being moved

Chapter 152 Moved because of being moved

Zuo Xiaowei already knew about my disappearance for half a day, so she didn’t say anything more on the phone. She just asked me to rush to the shopping mall where the performance was held. She and Liu Chuang had been waiting for me there for almost an hour.

Despite my urging, the taxi driver finally arrived at the shopping mall where the performance was held 10 minutes later. After getting off the car, I quickly ran to the performance venue. For this concert that was so rushed, it could not have been more hasty. I almost no longer had any expectations, but when I actually stood next to the venue, I was shocked by the scene in front of me; even if I stayed at the police station for a long time, even if she herself was injured, she still put the piano Delivered to the performance venue; at this time, the piano was placed in the center of the venue. The pure white body, under the spotlight, looked like an elegant prince; no, after all, the piano is not a person, who can use it perfectly? When it comes to playing, that person is a truly elegant prince.


After briefly adjusting the equipment, Zuo Xiaowei and I stood at our respective performance positions, while Liu Chuang was responsible for the live broadcast; we did not use the piano immediately, but sang the predetermined repertoire according to the previous plan.

Probably because there are often similar small performances in this shopping mall. Although Zuo Xiaowei and I have tried hard, we have never been able to gather popularity. Some people will stop to listen to a song, but they can't continue from beginning to end. Finally, after the coming and going, the scene seemed a bit deserted.

What's even more unfortunate is that the sky, which had been gloomy all day, suddenly started to rain again in the second half of the performance. Everyone ran into the mall to hide from the rain. Even if there were one or two passers-by holding umbrellas who were willing to stop, it would only be for a moment. , and then followed those without umbrellas into the mall.

I put down the guitar and shook my head secretly. Zuo Xiaowei and I were still too optimistic and a little overestimated ourselves. Even if I was talented and Zuo Xiaowei was a born singer, we couldn't withstand the bad weather.

I could only place my hope on the live broadcast, and then turned to Liu Chuang and asked: "Are there many people watching the live broadcast?"

Liu Chuang shook his head and said: "There are only 26 people online at the moment."

I was a little frustrated. I originally wanted to plan such a concert to draw everyone's attention to the social issue of missing children, but due to various changes, it ended up being my own entertainment. I don't like this. I was enjoying myself so much that I had the idea to end the performance early, and I didn’t even want to perform the performance tomorrow.

It’s not that I lack the spirit of perseverance, I just feel that this situation really fails Liu Chuang’s expectations. If he stays for a second longer, his disappointment will increase by one point, and he is already desperate enough!


The wind got stronger and stronger, and the awning used to protect the rain was almost blown apart. In order not to damage Qiao Jiao's valuable piano, I had to call in the security personnel of the mall, and then worked with them to move the piano to the mall. inside the warehouse.

I arrived late, and by the time I set up the piano and returned to the performance venue, it was already 09:30 in the evening, which was also the time when the mall was about to close; we looked at the gradually thinning crowd in the rain, and didn’t say a word for a long time. .


After returning to my residence with the performance equipment, I stood alone on the rooftop again, but this time I didn't look up at the stars because I had no expectations for tomorrow's performance, so I didn't care about the weather.

Zuo Xiaowei came to me. She handed me a bottle of beer, and then comforted me: "You have tried your best. Liu Chuang will not blame you."

"It's really not about trying my best. If I hadn't delayed the rehearsal, it wouldn't have dampened everyone's enthusiasm. If it was a band performance, the effect might be much better than tonight's performance."

"Sluts and the others are really serious. If they don't come, they won't come!"

"I don't blame them. After all, this is not work, it's just an impromptu thing."

"Then do you still want to perform tomorrow?"

I was a little hesitant. The hesitation was because I was afraid that I would make a wrong decision and let Liu Chuang experience another disappointment. Zuo Xiaowei said that for this concert, he didn’t sleep a wink all night last night and kept looking for live streaming platforms online. A strategy that can provide traffic, and I also spent a lot of money to buy traffic from the platform, but the results were so unsatisfactory.


Just when I was silent, Zuo Xiaowei suddenly took my hand, pointed her other hand at the sky, and said in an excited tone: "Look, there are stars in the sky!"

I looked in the direction of Zuo Xiaowei's finger and really saw a twinkling star in the far north, and the wind seemed to be blowing softer, which indicated that there would be good weather tomorrow.

My confidence was rekindled, and I finally nodded and said to Zuo Xiaowei beside me: "As long as Liu Chuang doesn't give up, we will continue to act." "Okay, I'll accompany you... But I have to rest early today. Keep your spirits up so that you can be in good condition for the performance tomorrow."

"Well, drink this beer and go to bed."

Zuo Xiaowei stretched out and looked expectant, but I knew that what she was most looking forward to was not tomorrow's performance, but the upcoming life in the small town. Therefore, she didn't even ask me about today's fight. It seemed that As long as it was related to Lu Xi, she didn't want to ask about it.


The next day, the sun was shining brightly and there was no cloud in the sky. I had a simple breakfast and practiced my voice on the rooftop. At about ten o'clock, the courier delivered the bag I bought on the online shopping platform yesterday.

I called out to Zuo Xiaowei who was packing her things, and then handed her the gift box.


"It's for you, open it and have a look."

Zuo Xiaowei glanced at me with confusion, then unpacked the express delivery and opened the packaging box. She screamed, hugged me, and said happily in my ear: "How do you know I like it?" This bag?”

"I've seen you stop in front of the window before."

"I really like it!"

I smiled, but Zuo Xiaowei put the bag aside and said to me seriously: "You'd better return this bag. There will be too many places to spend money in the future. When we really make money It’s never too late to buy again.”

"If you don't retreat, the things you give out in adversity are much more meaningful than the things you give out in good times. Although a bag is nothing, I still hope you can go home decently, at least to your family and Friends know that you are living a good life outside; this way, I will also have face."

After saying that, I picked up the satchel that Zuo Xiaowei had put aside, and then cut off the label on it to show my determination not to return it.

Zuo Xiaowei is a woman who is more easily moved than Luan Yu. She immediately hugged my waist and started sobbing...

But she didn’t know that when I was in high school, I once gave a woman a satchel of considerable value. This seemed to her to be a bit naive. For a woman who has already entered the society, she shouldn’t be so easily moved. , at least you shouldn’t cry over a bag.

At this moment, I was also moved by her, because I knew that she gave me the best side and time of a woman.


In the afternoon, Liu Chuang, Zuo Xiaowei and I arrived at another performance venue early. We bought some flowers and stuffed toys, trying to make the scene more interesting to get more traffic; Zuo Xiaowei was in charge When arranging flowers and hanging toys, Liu Chuang and I were responsible for moving equipment. The three of us were busy non-stop, but we still seemed a little lonely.

Due to the lack of manpower, I could only pick up a large speaker that was half a person's height. However, I accidentally stepped on a foreign object on the ground and stumbled. Just when I thought I was going to fall, there were two hands holding me up behind me. Me and the speaker...

I thought it was Liu Chuang, but when I looked back, it turned out to be Tu Lin and Sao Zhu, each holding a cigarette in their mouths. Because they were holding the speaker for me and couldn't free their hands, they squinted their eyes from the smoke...

Saozhu spoke first and said, "Stop messing with these rags. The equipment has been brought for you. Just look towards the roadside."

I looked towards the roadside and saw that there was actually a truck parked with various performance equipment inside. This was not what surprised me the most. What really shocked me was: the man sitting in the passenger seat. The woman wearing a hat and sunglasses actually looks a bit like Lu Xi!

(End of this chapter)

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