i'm not a bad man

Chapter 153 The Second Performance

Chapter 153 The Second Performance

The reason why I say she looks a bit like Lu Xi is because my subconscious has accepted that I will never be able to perform on the same stage with Lu Xi again, so I don’t believe that after experiencing the difficulties of the first performance, she She would appear at the second performance, not to mention she came with a van. I remember the day we officially dated for the first time, I imagined the scene when she showed up. She must be driving a sports car and the stars are dazzling, so I When I was standing on the roadside waiting for her, I would never have imagined that she would come with a truck. In fact, she was driving a super car...

However, it is really similar, that kind of body, that kind of dressing style, it is difficult for ordinary people to imitate, so some people always say that celebrities have a halo, they stand in the crowd, they are different from ordinary people, especially those who A star who takes the idol route.

Just when I was wondering whether to recognize or not, I discovered that Qiao Jiao was also sitting in the van that could seat three people in the front row. She was very active and would never sit still, so While she was moving around talking on the phone, I saw her across the deer stream.

When I confirmed that Qiao Jiao was also in this truck, I was also sure that it was Lu Xi.


Qiao Jiao crossed Luxi, walked out of the truck first, and came to me. Her forehead was still wrapped with gauze, but she was no longer as depressed as yesterday. She smiled and said to me: "I didn't want to come to the stage before." , I got it for you... However, this is not my credit, my biggest credit is calling Lu Xi back, they followed Lu Xi."

While we were talking, workers were already moving the trusses and various lighting fixtures used to build the stage from the trucks towards us...

Qiao Jiao then said to me: "I watched your live broadcast last night. The scene was terrible, as if you were entertaining yourself, so I called Lu Xi, and she also watched the live broadcast... What the two of us thought In the same way, everyone agreed to do this together in order to help Liu Chuang find his child. No matter what conflicts occurred in the process, Liu Chuang was innocent and the child was innocent. Maybe it would attract enough attention. We can get the child back... So, put aside the personal conflicts for the time being and do a good job of finding the child first..."

After Qiao Jiao finished speaking, Sao Zhu also echoed: "It turns out that you really want to do this well. We all watched yesterday's live broadcast and thought you had given up on this matter. After all, you only paid so much attention. Du, if you can't live with your face, Liu Chuang feels uncomfortable. I didn't expect you guys to come today...On the contrary, it seems that we gentlemen are not sincere and dishonest. We are also ashamed and panic...No, it's not. Came along."

I was happy in my heart, but I laughed at myself and replied: "When you said this, I felt even more depressed. Yesterday's live broadcast, there were only 26 people online. Excluding the few of you who were lurking inside, there were less than [-] people. It's really for nothing. Busy work!"

"No more talking, let's work hard today and get 2000 people online..."

Tu Lin took over and said: "We also have a big star sitting here. 2000 people are too few, at least [-]... Guys, just do what you say. Let's move the music equipment to the venue first."

"Do it."

Everyone agreed, and after saying that, even Brother Shanhe and the unfamiliar Lao Yang joined the moving team...

The plan had changed, and I didn't know what to do at this time, so after a short silence, I asked Qiao Jiao beside me: "Why are you here in a truck?"

"On our way to find the performer, Lu Xi's car was hit. In order not to delay things, we followed the truck here."

I was surprised at first, and then asked with concern: "Are you two okay?"

"I'm fine. The car hit me from the side. Lu Xi's arm was slightly injured. It's not a big problem, just a little bruised..." After a short pause, Qiao Jiao said to me again in a complaining tone: "Speaking of which, I have to blame you for this matter... If you hadn't thrown the Yulu Ping'an in her car, this incident might not have happened."

I thought about the deer that I had smashed into pieces again, and I felt bad about it, but I still acted calmly and replied, "It's not that evil."

“It’s so evil.”…

As there were more people, the originally complicated things became simpler. Before seven o'clock, we had a very good stage. There were various musical instruments on the stage, and the most conspicuous one was Qiao Jiao's. The piano I borrowed there was raining heavily yesterday before I could use it, but today the sky is clear and cloudless, so it will definitely come in handy.


At 07:30, it was the peak of the shopping mall’s crowds, and our performance officially started... Looking at the lights that were focused on me, and the drummer, keyboard, bassist, rhythm guitarist, backing singers surrounding me, and so on. Thinking of the tragedy of yesterday's performance, I really felt like I was in another world. I couldn't help but close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Although there was no publicity beforehand, because of Lu Xi’s participation, many people were already gathered in the audience. They all took out their mobile phones to record the scene with Lu Xi’s participation; and posted them in their social circles Invite friends and invite them to come and see the star, so the audience gathers more and more... This is the star effect. Even if Zuo Xiaowei and I work together, it is far less than what Lu Xi has achieved. Attention.

I subconsciously looked back at Lu Xi. She was still wearing a hat and sunglasses, standing side by side with Zuo Xiaowei at the microphone not far from me. This was not a commercial act, it was a completely friendly performance, so it should be Sister Minhong. I have told her not to show off too much, and because she is wearing sunglasses and a hat, I have not said a word to her yet. I feel that this outfit brings a sense of distance between us, psychologically. The sense of distance is even more difficult to overcome. We have not reconciled as before, but we have temporarily put the conflicts aside because we have done this well.

However, there seemed to be no barrier between Lu Xi and Zuo Xiaowei. Due to the lack of rehearsal, before the performance started, she had been softly communicating with Zuo Xiaowei on the key points that she and I needed to cooperate with during the backup singing process.

She looked a little nervous, but Zuo Xiaowei always seemed to be at ease.


According to the pre-agreed performance plot, I said to Tu Lin, who was temporarily sitting in the drums position: "Tu Lin, you don't understand the true meaning of this song at all. The performance is about to start. Let's rehearse it again."

Tu Lin threw down the drumsticks and headphones and angrily yelled: "What the hell are you talking about? You just want a female drummer, so why don't you fight me!"

The audience was startled at first, and then started to get restless and talk. At this moment, the lights suddenly flashed, Liu Chuang danced to the rock and roll banner, Sao Zhu flashed on the stage, dressed in women's clothing, and picked up the man who was killed by Tu Lin. The discarded drumstick hit the bass drum hard, which was the signal for the opening; at this time, the instruments began to sing in unison, Zuo Xiaowei and Lu Xi swayed, humming softly...

The only one who was silent was me, brewing my emotions.

This opening shocked the audience. After figuring out that this was the plot of the performance, they burst into good-natured laughter, and then began to scream again. Just the opening had already pushed the atmosphere to a climax...

The opening song is "Star Lights" which I adapted into a rock style. Thinking of the children who were abducted and the parents who lost their children, my heart is filled with suppressed anger...

"The stars light up the lamps, illuminating the door of my house, so that the lost children can find the way they came..."

I chanted this sentence repeatedly, one sound higher than the other, until the sound was on the edge of breaking. Pictures of children were playing on the screen behind me. We didn't say anything. The audience in the audience already knew that this was not a show. Commercial performance, this is the cry that a group of us stand together to find our children. Every audience member who watches the performance is our microphone. When they begin to resonate, our voices will be heard far away. The further away...

(End of this chapter)

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