i'm not a bad man

Chapter 157 A small town is also a world

Chapter 157 A small town is also a world
As I watched, the man named Guan Yubo came to our side. Zuo Xiaowei got out of the car to greet him, and I naturally followed him.Before getting out of the car, I thought about the men Zuo Xiaowei had talked to me about in a small town who liked her. Guan Yubo drove such a high-profile Bentley Bentayga. I couldn't help but compare him with the richest man in the town. The son got in touch, but when we actually met face to face, we found that he was not cross-eyed, but the most obvious facial feature of the son of the richest man in the town was cross-eyed... Look at Guan Yubo again, although he is a little fat, but But he knows how to use clothes to cover up his physical shortcomings. He wears slightly loose casual clothes, and his airplane haircut adds height and makes him look tall and tall. Coupled with the Bentley and the watch worth hundreds of thousands on his wrist, As well as the hard-to-find folding screen mobile phone that currently requires a higher price to be purchased, I don’t need to know him well to know that he is the most senior rich second generation in the small town. This kind of rich second generation is different from Lu Ming. As for the difference, I don’t know. I can't tell at the moment. I really need to get to know each other deeply before I can judge.

"Yu Bo, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"It doesn't take long, just half an hour."

After saying that, Guan Yubo turned his attention to me and asked, "Is he your boyfriend?"

Zuo Xiaowei naturally took my arm and replied with a smile: "Yes, his name is Han Chao. He is the boyfriend I brought back from Qingdao. I told you his name, right?"

"I told you...you won't leave when you come back this time, right?"

"I'm not leaving. I'll stay in the small town and develop peacefully in the future." After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei leaned forward and looked at Bentley parked not far away, and asked: "Where is your girlfriend? Didn't she come with you?"

Guan Yubo smiled and replied: "It's divided."

"Break up? I heard that this is the girlfriend you have been dating for the longest time."

"One year."

"When was it divided?"

"last night."

Zuo Xiaowei curled her lips, then clicked her tongue and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm really not kidding you. My rule for having a girlfriend is that it cannot be more than a year. If it is more than a year, there will be no novelty."

"What a scumbag, you really haven't changed at all!"

Guan Yubo smiled and seemed not to mind being scolded by Zuo Xiaowei at all; it was only then that he focused on me. He stretched out his hand to me and said enthusiastically: "Chao Brother, welcome to our small town. My name is Guan Yubo. I am Xiaowei’s childhood friend and classmate. We were roommates for three years in high school, so we are the closest friends among a group of friends. I am Treat her as your own sister sincerely... In all these years, I have never heard of her dating anyone, let alone bringing her boyfriend back. You are the first one... It can be seen that she really wants to be with her. When you are together, I will unconditionally approve of the people she approves of. In the future, if you need help in a small county, just ask your brother. No matter what can be solved or cannot be solved, I will help you solve it. My conditions are only One, just be nice to her."

I held his hand, didn't say much, just smiled and responded.

At this time, Zuo Xiaowei took over and said, "By the way, where is our toolbox?"

"It's in my car. Your car can't fit it in now. Look where you want to go and I'll send it to you."

When Guan Yubo said this, I also set my sights on Zuo Xiaowei, because until now, I haven't agreed on where to stay at night.

Zuo Xiaowei thought for a moment and replied: "I'm too tired from driving today. Let's find a hotel to rest first and then go home tomorrow."

"The other friends also made an appointment to get together tomorrow?"

"Well, tomorrow."

"Okay, don't look for a hotel. We just invested in a mountain view hotel. I'll let someone reserve a mountain view suite for you."

Guan Yubo was a neat person. After finishing speaking, before Zuo Xiaowei could speak, he took out his cell phone and arranged the matter.


Guan Yubo sent Zuo Xiaowei and me to the hotel, told the front desk to arrange our dinner, and then left.In the hotel suite, Zuo Xiaowei was packing her luggage, while I stood by the window and watched...

This is probably the best hotel in the small town. This is the best, not only in terms of hardware facilities, but also in the external environment. At this moment, there is a small waterfall outside the room I am in. Although the water is flowing continuously, it is not so good because of the sound insulation. Because it is very good, you can hardly hear the sound of running water, so the room is very quiet. Looking around, you can see the bamboo forest. There is another forest outside the bamboo forest. Winter has not yet completely entered, and there are still trees on the trees. More than half of the yellow leaves were hanging. When the evening breeze blew, the leaves swayed lightly. In a trance, I really felt a sense of Zen... This sense of Zen made me give up smoking and just calmly feel everything in front of me.

Suddenly, there was light on the famous mountain in the distance. I didn't know where this light came from, so I watched it intently.

I don’t know when Zuo Xiaowei was already standing beside me. She asked me softly: “What are you looking at, so fascinated?”

"The place where there is light."

Zuo Xiaowei looked up, then smiled and said, "That's the golden top of Laojun Mountain. It will stay lit until ten o'clock."

"It's so spectacular!" "Didn't you go up and take a look last time you came here?"

I shook my head and replied, "I never look at scenic spots."

"I'll take you up there tomorrow to have a look."

I sat cross-legged on the floor and lit a cigarette. After taking a heavy puff, I replied: "I'm going to be here for a long time anyway. I'll watch it later when I have time."

Zuo Xiaowei also sat down cross-legged. After pondering for a while, she said, "Why do I feel like you are a little unhappy!"

I don’t know why Zuo Xiaowei said this. In fact, I am not unhappy or very happy. I am very calm. As I said, I am a very adaptable person, so when facing strange environments and strange people , there are no emotional fluctuations. If I insist on saying that I am unhappy, it is because I left Qingdao and the life circle I established in two years. It has nothing to do with this small town. I don’t hate it. This small town does not reject the people I meet here. Even though I can hear some interesting details in Guan Yubo's words, I am still very calm...

Probably because I listened to Ren Ran's words, so I knew what I would encounter when I came here.

I blew out the smoke in my mouth, smiled and replied, "I'm not unhappy. I just feel like I've calmed down since I got here."

Zuo Xiaowei held her chin with her hands and said: "I also feel that this time I come back, my mood is different from before, but I am not as calm as you. I will think about a lot of things in the future."

"By the way, have you contacted the bar where you said we went to sing together?"

"I'll contact you tomorrow and have a good rest today."

"Okay." After saying that, I looked at the double bathtub next to another floor-to-ceiling window and said, "I want to take a bath, do you want to come with me?"

Zuo Xiaowei tightened her clothes and replied in a non-negotiable tone: "No, Sister Ran is right, you are the kind of person who doesn't cherish what you get easily, you can't touch me from now on... unless……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless you really want to marry me."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei got up and ran outside. Seeing her alert and cute look, I felt a little excited in my heart; Ren Ran was indeed right, I am really the kind of man who only has passion when he doesn't get it. , something that is too easy to obtain will soon become boring; it seems that Zuo Xiaowei is scolding Guan Yubo, but in fact she is scolding me...

Fortunately, I could still hold back this rippling feeling. I no longer looked at Zuo Xiaowei, but focused on the waterfall and bamboo forest again, until a Zen feeling surged in my heart again. Then he withdrew his gaze.

I took out the two bracelets Ren Ran had given me before leaving from the bag I carried with me, put them in my hands and touched them, and suddenly I began to miss Ren Ran. To be precise, I missed her. I didn’t know that after I left, she Can one person handle the complicated affairs on the construction site well?

I wanted to call Ren Ran and tell her that Zuo Xiaowei and I had successfully arrived in the small town, but the moment I took my phone out of my pocket, I discovered that Qiao Jiao had called me a quarter of an hour ago. The phone call; I didn’t receive it because I set it to silent mode.

I called back, and after a while, Qiao Jiao answered, with a hint of anger in her tone: "Han Chao, did you really leave just as you said you would?"

"if not."

"I thought you would take it easy for a day or two. I went to open your door today, but Brother Shanhe was sitting in the living room having breakfast. It almost embarrassed me to death!"

"You can't blame me for this, right? If you could develop a good habit of knocking on the door first, why would you be embarrassed?"

"I just blame you. I went to find you not to return the RV to you... I have already had people install all the wheels on the RV. I told you before that you informed me before you left, but you never informed me. I, I thought you didn’t leave, but I didn’t expect you left quite cleanly, you didn’t even want the RV!”

"Actually, it's okay to leave it at your place."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. I'm going to study abroad soon. After I go abroad, I won't be in charge of my family affairs. If my dad disposes of it as scrap metal, don't rely on me."

I was silent at first, and then replied: "I have already arrived in the small town, and it is unrealistic for me to go back."

"Don't think that everything will be fine once you get to a small county. A small county is also a world. Just learn from it."

"How do you say that?"

"There is no such thing as a paradise in this world. Even in a small county, there are poor and rich people. As long as there is a gap between the rich and the poor, it is a world... You'd better figure out your position there first, and don't be too idealistic then. There is a deviation from reality, and you can't accept it in your heart, so you go back to Qingdao in despair... By the time you return to Qingdao, I'm afraid times have changed and things and people have changed. By then, the small town will no longer be a small town, and Qingdao will no longer be Qingdao, so just cry. .”

(End of this chapter)

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