Chapter 158
Looking at the bamboo forest outside the window and the trees with half-hanging yellow leaves, my mind was repeatedly trying to figure out what Qiao Jiao meant by the phrase "a small town is not a small town, and Qingdao is not Qingdao."

Probably because I didn’t find the life I wanted in the small town. When I returned to Qingdao, Qingdao would no longer be the same Qingdao as before. This would certainly give me a sense of crisis, but she ignored another possibility. Sex, even if I don’t live a satisfactory life in a small town, I don’t have to go back to Qingdao. I am a person who has been to 296 cities. I have terrifying adaptability and survival ability. Unless I am completely sick, I can go anywhere. Survive……

I am still young, so there is a small probability of falling ill. Therefore, although I have a sense of crisis, I am not panicking... No one in this world can really understand me, and no one really knows what I care about. , what are you afraid of...

"Han Chao, are you listening to me?"

It wasn't until I heard Qiao Jiao's voice on the phone again that I came back to my senses and replied, "Listen."

"I've said so much, don't you have any desire to respond?"

I smiled: "There's nothing to respond to. Even if I go back to Qingdao now, Qingdao is no longer the same Qingdao it was before, so I always know what the consequences will be if I choose to leave."

Qiao Jiao fell into silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, she said, "Okay, since you have bet your future in a small city, I won't say anything else. I hope you can live what you want in a small city." Life."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao seemed to be about to hang up the phone, and I quickly shouted: "Sister Jiao..."

"What else do you want to say?"

"Don't break your promise to me and keep that secret for me."

Qiao Jiao couldn't help but smile, "Tell it yourself, apart from Luan Yu's benefit, are there any other beneficiaries from this lie? You are the worst offender, Lu Xi is the most innocent, and Lu Xi is the most innocent. The unlucky one is Lu Ming, Sister Ran was shot while lying down, and I had to hide it for you against my conscience... For the sake of Luan Yu, I ended up with a lot of wounded soldiers, I hope you really won't regret it in the future!"

This time, I fell completely into silence, and Qiao Jiao also hung up the phone in my silence.

Listening to the hang-up tone from the phone, I suddenly felt uneasy. What Qiao Jiao said couldn't be more clear. The so-called Qingdao is not Qingdao. This is the reason. My decision has affected too many people. Life, even if I go back to Qingdao now, I don’t have the ability to start everything over again; I can only bet my future on this small city. If I can live a good life, it won’t be too painful. If I don’t live well, the pain will be It will come twice as much.

At this moment, in addition to the calm, there was finally a heavy feeling. I couldn't help asking myself, what kind of mentality should I have to survive here, so that I can cope with the interpersonal relationships in the small town with ease, and get a share here to live my life. Gotta get the soup?
These two issues that are not a problem for Zuo Xiaowei are a big worry for me, and this is also the biggest unfairness between Zuo Xiaowei and me. Ren Ran has already seen through this.


In late autumn and early winter, I stood in the bathtub and took a cold shower. I didn't feel the cold at all. I just wanted to use this method to wash away the negative emotions in my heart and forget everything I had experienced in Qingdao in the past two years; I knew , if I have always had a careless mentality, it is impossible to live a good life here. I should be more optimistic. From another perspective, coming to the small town is also an opportunity to start over.

But I don’t know why, but listening to the sound of running water in my ears, I seemed to see those countless dusk standing on the beach listening to and watching the sea again.

Come to think of it, my life in Qingdao these past two years has really flowed into my blood, making it unforgettable for me.


After taking a shower, we returned to the living room again. The hotel had prepared dinner for us. They were some famous local dishes, using only the best ingredients and beautifully presented.

After sitting down, Zuo Xiaowei handed me a pair of chopsticks. We ate and chatted. I first said to her: "There is something I am very curious about. Didn't you tell me before, about the richest man in the town?" Your son is your admirer, he has cross-eyes, but Guan Yubo looks quite normal and has no obvious physical defects, so are they the same person, or are you trying to hide it? "

"What, they are just two people. The son of the richest man in the town is called Chang Yuli. He is really cross-eyed. He is also my classmate. You can meet him at dinner tomorrow night." I sighed: "This friend of yours The circle is really either rich or expensive!"

"No, the richest ones are Guan Yubo and Chang Yuli, and most of the others are ordinary people." After a pause, Zuo Xiaowei continued: "However, at our age, those who are willing to stay in a small town , the foundation has been laid by the previous generation, so most of my friends in small towns work in public institutions, either as teachers or doctors, or they inherit their father's business."

I nodded, this is probably the weird thing about small cities. It is said that good men are everywhere, but it is the elites who stay in small cities, and those who go away are some grassroots young people whose parents lack the ability; it can be seen from this that, The social resources of a small town have been monopolized in the hands of a small number of people, and relationships here must be more important than in big cities; therefore, in this place, network resources must be greater than talents...

I suddenly realized that Qiao Jiao actually knew how to survive in a small city better than I did. She seemed to have told me this issue before.

Based on this judgment, I asked Zuo Xiaowei: "Then Guan Yubo and Chang Yuli are your representatives who inherit their father's legacy."

Zuo Xiaowei also seemed to want me to get to know her circle of friends as soon as possible, so she explained patiently: "Although they are both inherited from their fathers, their situations are different. Chang Yuli has always been his father's younger brother." As a follower, he has not made much achievements, but Guan Yubo has long been able to stand alone. In the past few years, he has contracted scenic spots, worked as a travel agency, invested in hotels, taken on government projects, and developed real estate in small towns. He has done all the profitable businesses. Once again, so he must be much better than Chang Yuli... There are rumors in the small town that in another ten years, the richest man in the small town will probably change hands. The Chang family started their business by doing mining business, and minerals are non-renewable. Resources, so the government has become more and more strict in controlling minerals, and the profit margins have become smaller and smaller. However, it has vigorously developed cultural tourism projects, focusing on the tourism economy. In addition, the older generation will retreat to the second line sooner or later. When the real We need our generation to shoulder the heavy responsibility of development, and Chang Yuli is definitely not as good as Guan Yubo."

I smiled and sighed: "Is this the legendary small town situation?"

Zuo Xiaowei also smiled, and then replied: "No matter what the situation in the small town is, we just need to live our own lives. When the time comes, I will find a job as a teacher, and you can open a musical instrument training class and give more to the small town." It’s interesting to cultivate some literary and artistic talents.”

"I think mining and real estate are more interesting!"

"Come on, these two things are impossible to come across in a small town without decades of accumulation. Real estate can be done in a small way. Don't even think about mining. The mine here is a rare molybdenum ore. , Private individuals have long been prohibited from entering this field.”

I laughed loudly: "I'm just teasing you, don't act like it's serious."

Zuo Xiaowei glared at me, and then smiled with me. She really didn't seem to have any high expectations for me, she just wanted to settle down here with me, and this was the original intention of us coming to the small town.

"By the way, didn't you also tell me about a friend who is self-made and has assets of over ten million? Who is he?"

"His name is Xiong Ning, and he is Guan Yubo's follower. Anyway, he is very good at drinking. Almost all business in the small town is negotiated at the wine table, so Guan Yubo often brings him with him. It seems that the year before last, Guan Yubo A project was assigned to him, and he was very good at seizing the opportunity. He got his first pot of gold from that project. Now he has his own construction team, and he and Guan Yubo are in a semi-cooperative state. Anyway, it is getting better and better. It’s getting better.”

I nodded, and I had a better understanding of Guan Yubo. He was not only a second-generation rich man, but also a very promising second-generation rich man. This is not the most praiseworthy thing. He is actually at this age. Cultivating another multi-millionaire is definitely a manifestation of the overall view. This overall view is conducive to uniting talents and is also the basis for building a business empire. Although it is not sure whether he can really leave the small town and pursue bigger things. goal, but he already has the awareness to build a business empire...and he is only about the same age as Zuo Xiaowei. Putting aside his personal ethics, such a person is enough for his peers to look up to him again and again! (Follow the author’s personal public account with prestige: *** to view the latest chapters!)

My dad once told me that when a person stands in a high enough position, personal ethics will become unimportant. He took Li Shimin as an example and said that Li Shimin killed his brother to seize his wife. This is the ultimate manifestation of the corruption of personal ethics. But this still does not affect his becoming an emperor through the ages and being praised by all generations.

Thinking of such a past, I couldn't help but smile again. No wonder Guan Yubo would not hesitate to tell me and Zuo Xiaowei that the shelf life of his girlfriend is only one year. He has this gene in his body, so he can He put his personal ethics aside without any worries.


In just one meal, I learned a lot about Zuo Xiaowei's social circle in the small town; originally, all I saw was the landscape of the small town, but now I have to re-examine...

Life in a small town won't be as perfect as Zuo Xiaowei thought, but it won't be as boring as I thought, if I really wanted to take root and settle down here.

(End of this chapter)

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