Chapter 159
After dinner, I looked at the time. It was only 07:30 in the evening. But because it was early winter, the sky was already dark. As far as I could see, only the golden top of the famous mountain was emitting dazzling golden light. It was not that There is no night view in this small town, just because the hotel we stayed in was built on the mountainside, so the surrounding mountains blocked the view looking down...

If there are any shortcomings of this hotel, it is that the connection with the outside world is blocked by the mountains. After all, it lacks some of the smell of fireworks. And I am a person who doesn’t like to be quiet at night, so I can’t help but feel a little upset... …

Fortunately, this is a suite, and there is still some room for movement, and I have walked back and forth between the room and the living room dozens of times with my mobile phone; Zuo Xiaowei was patient, and she sat next to the TV. While eating snacks, I caught up on a suspense drama that has become popular recently.


I simply left the room and came to the square of the hotel. Then I felt a little more open. I took several deep breaths in succession. After I felt that the dull air in my body was emptied, I sat on the bench on the observation deck. , lit a cigarette for himself.

The temperature in the mountains is generally lower, and the wind blowing on me makes the feeling of winter extremely real. I even thought that there might be a heavy snowfall later, so I subconsciously stamped my feet and leaned over to hug myself. knees to prevent body temperature from losing too quickly.

It's really snowing!Just in a daze, snowflakes were flying under the street lamp not far away. Looking up again, the golden dome that was originally shining with golden light also seemed blurred because of the snowflakes in the sky. I gradually had an illusion, as if I was looking up. With one glance, I have seen the world for thousands of years, and I am no longer a mortal. I am between the heaven and the human world, half human and half immortal.

No wonder when this famous mountain is promoted to the outside world, it always emphasizes that it is like being in a fairyland. It was like this when I was halfway up the mountain. If I really climbed to the top, this feeling would be even stronger, so it is not an exaggeration. People who have been there will naturally understand. Understand.

After extinguishing the cigarette in my hand, I took out my phone and took a photo of the golden dome in the distance, and then sent it to Ren Ran using WeChat.

I wanted to chat with Ren Ran for a while before going back to the room, but after waiting for a long time, I still couldn't wait for Ren Ran's response. I didn't know if she was busy... Looking back, I suddenly realized that I was really far away from Qingdao. Got it!


Back in the room, Zuo Xiaowei was still watching the suspense drama, which made me wonder if time had stopped, but the bag of melon seeds on the table had lost more than half.

I spoke to Zuo Xiaowei first: "It's snowing outside!"

"Normally, if it snows on the mountain, it may not snow on the bottom."

"It's cold outside."

I sighed, and Zuo Xiaowei stopped. She patted the sofa and motioned for me to sit down next to her. When I sat down, she stuffed my hand into her clothes; The hand that had been numb from the cold suddenly felt warm.

I knew she was trying to warm me, but when I came into contact with her soft belly, my heart started to surge uncontrollably and moved up. Just when I was about to touch her sensitive part, she pressed hard. He held my hand and said without a smile: "Do you think you look like the snake in the story about the farmer and the snake?"

"Didn't you put my hands in my clothes?"

“So I’m a farmer, what are you doing?”

"I didn't mean to bite you, I just wanted to communicate."

"Haha... What do you mean by communicating? You just want to act like a hooligan... Han Chao, before we came here, we agreed that you are not allowed to be careless with me in the future."

"Then why do you need to open one room? If you open two rooms, it will be over... If I can't see you, I won't think about that place."

Zuo Xiaowei rolled her eyes at me and replied: "My friend drove it, not me."

"You can tell him clearly that we are in a platonic relationship and we only enjoy spiritual pleasure and don't care about physical sexual immorality."

"No one stipulates that you can open a room, except Plato."

I nodded and replied: "I understand, I am here to cultivate immortality."

"Wrong, you are not here to cultivate immortality, you are here to cultivate your moral character... It's time for you to cultivate your moral character and cultivate your character. Don't always act so cowardly that you dare to cast bad thoughts on Sister Ran!"

I am stunned.

Zuo Xiaowei seemed to suddenly become interested. She paused the suspense TV series and asked me with a half-smile: "By the way, if we hadn't gone that day, would something have happened between you and Sister Ran?"

I was so ashamed when I was asked, because I only had a pair of shorts left at the time, so the answer was self-evident.

I took my hands out of Zuo Xiaowei's clothes, then spread them out and said to Zuo Xiaowei: "New city, new mood, can you please stop mentioning the past things."

"You just feel guilty." "I'm not guilty at all. I went to sleep."

"Be good, go to sleep. After watching this episode, I'm ready to sleep too."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei ignored me and focused on the TV series she had not finished watching yet. I was so bored that I had to move a quilt and sleep on the other side of the living room. On the floor, after tossing and turning for a moment, he actually fell into a deep sleep...


I had a dream about Luxi; before, when we were playing a drinking game, I lost a promise to her, and I promised her to go to the BJ to find her; in the dream, I went, and she took me to eat BJ's most authentic roast duck, we went to Sanlitun, the Forbidden City, Houhai, and Xiangshan to see the red leaves, as if we were in love...

There was no Luan Yu or Lu Ming in the dream, everything went smoothly as if we had to be together!
It was dark, so we hid in the maple forest away from our eyes and ears, but just when I was about to kiss her, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the dark sky seemed to be torn apart by lightning, revealing itself to Lu Xi and me. The ferocious fangs.

I suddenly woke up, and when I came to my senses a little, I heard a knock on the door outside, one louder than the other. Zuo Xiaowei seemed to have heard it, and I heard the sound of turning on the lights in the room.

Zuo Xiaowei and I asked almost at the same time: "Who is it?"

"The police are checking the room. Please open the door and cooperate with the inspection."

I was completely confused, but in order not to delay the other party's official duties, I got up and opened the door. Zuo Xiaowei also walked out of the room in her pajamas.

Three policemen, two men and one woman, stood outside the door. After they showed their IDs, they separated Zuo Xiaowei and me and took away our mobile phones.

The police officer responsible for interrogating me asked after checking my ID card: "What is the relationship between you two?"

"Boyfriend relationship."

"what is her name?"

"Zuo Xiaowei." Out of curiosity, I asked the policeman again: "Are you investigating pornography, gambling, and drugs?"

"We are performing official duties. Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. Just cooperate with the inspection."

"Okay, then you can ask."

"How old is she this year?"

Faced with this question, I was a little confused, so the policeman looked at me with a hint of suspicion. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I quickly thought hard and finally remembered that when we sang on the rooftop that day, we decided based on age. In order of singing, Zuo Xiaowei is the youngest, four months younger than Lu Xi.

"23 is old."

"you sure?"


"How did you know each other?"

"We met in a bar in Qingdao and have known each other for two years. We just came back from Qingdao today... We really didn't do anything bad. She slept in the room and I slept on the floor. If you don't believe it, if you touch my quilt, it's still warm inside. Still waiting."

The policeman actually put his hand into the quilt and touched it, and asked: "Aren't you boyfriend and girlfriend? Why don't you sleep together?"

"It hasn't gotten to that point yet, so everyone sleeps on their own."

As soon as I finished speaking, the female police officer who interrogated Zuo Xiaowei also walked out of the room and said to the male police officer: "I have seen their WeChat chat records, there is no problem."

The policeman returned my ID card and mobile phone to me, then saluted me, said a few polite words, and left our room with the other two policemen.

The door has been closed, but Zuo Xiaowei and I couldn't recover for a long time. We stood in the living room together in a dazed state for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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