i'm not a bad man

Chapter 162 I Will Treat You Well

Chapter 162 I Will Treat You Well

The small town is not an industrial city, so when the sky is clear, there is almost no trace of smog. The entire sky is emerald color. The afternoon sun shines directly on me and Zuo Xiaowei without any obstruction, causing us to fall behind us. Two long shadows were drawn out. The shadows had no expression, and I was in no mood. Only the wind was moving. The wind blew my and Zuo Xiaowei's hair into a mess. Zuo Xiaowei didn't move for a long time, and I lit one. Smoking cigarettes over and over again...

After a long time, Zuo Xiaowei finally spoke. She said to me: "We came back yesterday, and the bar also found two resident singers yesterday. I don't think it is such a coincidence. Are we being targeted by someone?"

"Isn't this an obvious thing? Everything seems calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent."

"No, I have to call and ask Gong Bo (the bar owner) who ordered him to change things he originally agreed to do."

After saying that, Zuo Xiaowei took out her mobile phone from her bag. I didn't stop her, although I knew that the other party would not tell the truth.

Sure enough, Gong Bo talked about him on the phone, which made Zuo Xiaowei furious. She said swear words several times, but it still failed to change the result and did not ask for the truth.

I spit out the cigarette in my mouth and finally said to Zuo Xiaowei: "Actually, there is no need to ask. The current situation clearly shows that some people do not welcome me to come to the small town. Think about who among the people who do not welcome me to come to the small town. If he has a better relationship, he will have the answer.”

Zuo Xiaowei thought for a moment, and then suddenly replied: "It must be my mother. He is my mother's student. If my mother comes forward, he will not deny face."

"It's possible." After a pause, I asked again: "By the way, how is the relationship between Gong Bo and Guan Yubo?"

"It doesn't matter. Gong Bo is almost ten years older than Guan Yubo. We don't usually live in the same circle. We can only know each other at most... What, do you suspect that Yu Bo is causing trouble behind this matter?"

"I feel that he is not as friendly to me as he appears on the scene, and I also know that he once went to Qingdao to find you. That time, you didn't call me."

Zuo Xiaowei looked at me with a complicated expression: "I didn't call you, but do you know that day is my birthday. I hope you can remember my birthday, so I have been waiting for you to give me a birthday surprise. But after waiting all night, you didn’t even get a call... That day, I was quite embarrassed, because I told Guan Yubo that I had a boyfriend in Qingdao, and he came to Qingdao specially to find me. In addition to celebrating my birthday, I also want to meet you."

I was a little surprised. After being surprised, I said: "Let's not talk about whether we were boyfriend and girlfriend at that time. It's your birthday. Give me a call. No matter what, I will go."

"Guan Yubo made a bet with me that you wouldn't remember my birthday. I didn't believe this. I said you would definitely remember my birthday, so I didn't call you."

"The prerequisite for remembering your birthday is to know when your birthday is, right? Have you told me your birthday?"

"This is something that happened this year. Did you forget that you were there when I celebrated my birthday last year? We played together until two o'clock in the night, and you gave me a bottle of home-brewed wine, but I ended up drinking your bottle of wine. I had diarrhea the next day. I found out later that it was the inferior product you bought online. You took off all the trademarks and lied to us that you brewed it yourself. Because of this matter, you were collectively boycotted by us. I didn’t let you go to the bar on Sunday.”

As soon as Zuo Xiaowei said it, I remembered that this was a prominent incident that happened while I was getting along with the group of friends in Qingdao. During that time, I was very tight on money, so I bought a bottle of wine online. I passed it off as a good product, but I didn’t expect it to be so bad that everyone had diarrhea. When I wanted to find an explanation from this unscrupulous merchant, the store had been canceled. I was depressed for a long time; therefore, I simply didn’t Maybe you forgot about it.

At this time, Zuo Xiaowei said to me again: "When other people talk about my birthday, they always talk about it. How could you not remember it? But the fact is, you really forgot... If Yu Bo has any feelings for you, Opinion, it must be because of this matter, he can see that you are not good to me and don’t care enough..."

After pondering for a while, I finally replied: "Okay, I admit this. I did something wrong."

Seeing that I admitted my mistake, Zuo Xiaowei said softly: "If you can accompany me back to the small town, it proves that you are no longer the Korean Chao you used to be. When I tell them clearly, they will not have anything against you." Comments." After a short pause, Zuo Xiaowei leaned on my shoulder again and said softly: "No matter what, the two of us can't quarrel. When we come to the small town, you only have me. Although I have friends and family, But you are the most important person in my heart, so we are two people who depend on each other, and we must live a good life."


"It's okay if you can't sing here. I'll find other friends and I can always help you find a job." I met Zuo Xiaowei's eager eyes and replied seriously: "Since we can't count on you here, we can go our separate ways." Find a job."

"There are few opportunities in a small town, so it pays special attention to human relationships. If you don't have any friends here, it's really difficult to find a satisfying job."

"Don't panic, you will make friends gradually... You have to have confidence in me." After a pause, I added: "Before coming to the small town, I had already thought of many difficulties that I might encounter, so I have always been mentally prepared. I am not sure whether I can find a satisfactory job for the time being, but I really don’t lack the confidence to face difficulties. You should also have this understanding in your own heart. The more eager you are to seek help. If you succeed, it’s easy to fall short.”

Zuo Xiaowei said nothing, obviously because she didn't have enough confidence in me.

I hugged her tighter, smiled and changed the subject and asked, "Are you going to have dinner with your friends tonight?"

"Well, I didn't tell too many people, just a dozen or so friends who I've always been close to."

"It's still early now. Please wait for me in the car for a while. I'll be back soon."

"Where are you going?"

"You'll find out later."


I left under Zuo Xiaowei's surprised and uneasy eyes, but I really didn't go far. I went to a nearby wine shop and bought a bottle of good red wine, and then ordered it from the cake shop next to the wine shop. A box of cakes.

While waiting for the cake to be made, I checked the current available balance on my mobile phone; it was pretty good. I put all the cards I had used to save money together and got a total of more than 6000 yuan; when I was in Qingdao, I I once lived with 2 yuan for five months. Considering that the consumption level in the small town is lower than that in Qingdao, I felt that more than 6000 yuan was enough for me for half a year. Therefore, I was not so panicked. As for not being able to find a job that can make a living for half a year. (Follow the author’s personal public account with Weixin: *** to view the latest chapters!)


Half an hour later, I waited for the finished cake, and then returned to Zuo Xiaowei with the red wine and cake. I opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, raised the cake and red wine and smiled at Zuo Xiaowei. Wei said: "I want to make up for your birthday. This time I bought really good red wine and cake."

When I did this, I didn’t think about Zuo Xiaowei’s reaction. I just wanted to make up for my mistakes. I still remember that I didn’t celebrate Luan Yu’s birthday because I was on my way. I didn’t want to leave Zuo Xiaowei’s reaction. Xiaowei experienced the same regret, so when I still had a chance to make up for it, I went to buy red wine and cake.

Zuo Xiaowei already had tears in her eyes. She took the red wine and cake from me and said with choked sobs: "Han Chao, let's be together forever, okay... I will never fall in love with any other man except you. If we can't be together in the future, there will no longer be the word love in my life, because I have given you the best time, the most sincere expectations, and the hottest feelings in my life...I Loving is very hard, but it is also very joyful. This feeling of pain and joy is the last thing I can give up!"

I had mixed feelings in my heart, but since I had come to the small town desperately, I didn’t want to think about those distracting thoughts that had nothing to do with the small town. So, I nodded to her, then opened the cake and cut a small piece. Put it to her mouth...

Zuo Xiaowei smiled with tears in her eyes and opened her mouth to take the cake.

In my memory, I have not been so gentle to a woman for a long time. My tenderness is not limited to this cake. I stroked her hair again and said softly to her: "The Han Chao of the past is dead. From now on, I I will treat you well."

(End of this chapter)

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